5/16/2013 - Meeting Minutes Parks, Public Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board
May 16, 2013
Parks Building,2' Floor Conference Room
Board Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Not in Attendance
Amy Barry Emy Maloutas Jeff Rose(excused)
Jacob Crockett Bill Rutherford
Beverley Cooper Leslie Chan
Meridith Perkins Julie Reynolds
Marc Coles Richie Todd Reese
Fred Fife Lee Bollwinkel
Dennis Faris Ann Cannon
Tara Hasenoehrl RECEIVP
Mitch Spence
Julia Robertson OCT 3 0 '0"
Tom Burket CITY RECC -. -•-
Mary Aa
Steve Grizzell
Cary Gibson
Carol Stephans
Nate Salazar
Jennifer Schreiter
Leslie Randolph
Rich Kitterman
Rosemary Quatrale
1. Housekeeping
a. April meeting minutes approval
i. Motion was made by Dennis Faris and seconded by Beverley
Cooper to approve the April Board minutes as presented. The
motion passed unanimously.
2. Public Comment Period
a. No Comment made at this time, Board decided to hear comments before
each individual item for action.
3. Discussion Items
a. Open Seats on the PNUT Board: Holly Hilton is holding off making
official request to council for moving board members seats as well as
finding new/replacement board members, we are currently accepting
applications and reviewing past applications.
4. Action Items
a. Acquisitions
i. Beverley Cooper made a motion to accept previous pre-
applications for acquisition presented at the April meeting to move
into full applications for acquisitions. Dennis Faris seconded the
motion, all approved,motion passed.
ii. No action was taken on the Full Applications for Acquisition.
Board members would like to visit each property before an official
motion is made. They will make a recommendation at the June
iii. Public Comment was made regarding the 1075 E. 800 S. property.
Mitch Spence (property owner) is open to talking to the city
regarding the property; Julia Robertson- community is in deficit of
open space and asked that we move forward with property
acquisition for this property, there are no parks in the area; Rose-
lives adjacent to the property, closest park is Liberty, beautiful
area,unique and full of wildlife,perfect for open space; Tom
Burket- Investments need to be made; Mary Aa-Neighborhood is
on board for us to purchase this property for an open space park,
walk ability of the city, if the city does not purchase the property
would be used for as apartment buildings (this is not a good fit for
this property); Steve Grizzell- lives up the hill,would be a
wonderful park; Cary Gibson- lives 2 blocks away, supports the
park, increases public health; Carol Stephans- need the park, it
helps draw people into the area;Nate Salazar-Neighborhood
Community Chair, urges to consider the property for purchase a
good asset and investment for the city; Dennis Faris made a
motion to recommend that the City of Salt Lake move forward
with the Pre-Applications for Acquisition into Full application
status on the following properties: North Foothills Triangle-695 N.
New Bonneville; JR 900 W-N House; PHNP-UDOT Lane- 2833
S. 2870 E.; Miller Park Bird- 1040 E. Bonneview Dr.; 700 E.
Community Garden- 700 E. 1800 S.; 800 S.- 1075 E. 800 S.; 9
Line- Union Pacific West Redwood Road. Jacob Crockett
seconded the motion, all approved, motion passed.
iv. Beverley Cooper made a motion to enter closed session to discuss
price and strategy of properties for acquisition, Dennis Faris
seconded the motion, all in favor, closed session entered.
v. Beverley Cooper made a motion to end closed session, Marc
Coles-Richie seconded the motion, all in favor, closed session
vi. Presentation and update was given by Tara Hasenoehrl regarding
Lindsey Gardens off-leash dog area and recent community meeting
comments, she will e-mail public dog park pictures to the board
following the meeting, and Public Comment was made regarding
Lindsey Gardens off-leash dog area. Jennifer Schreiter-had to
leave early but left a message to be shared by Leslie Randolph-
lives across the street from the park, need to increase fines, have
stronger enforcement of rules; Leslie Randal- off-leash area has
turned into a Big dog park, little dogs are not safe,placement is
bad, against expansion of the location; Rich Kitterman- this is an
urgent matter, doesn't want another summer where you cannot use
the park due to the overrun of dogs; Rosemary Quatrale- increased
signs are not helping, have not met one person in favor of
expansion of the off-leash area, All neighbors have had it with the
dogs, residents of the area don't want to deal with it anymore.
Dennis Faris made a motion to not recommend that the City of Salt
Lake expand the current size and location of the existing off-leash
dog park in Lindsey Gardens,pending more information from
other expected proposals. Marc Coles-Richie seconded the
motion. Beverley Cooper made a friendly amendment to the
motion to state"not expand the current size and location of the
existing location at this time", all in favor, motion passed.
vii. Jacob Crockett moved to recommend the Amendment to the Open
Space Ordinance Section 2.90.120 as was transmitted to the Salt
Lake City Council on March 20, 2013, Beverley Cooper Seconded,
Dennis Faris Sustained, and motion passed.
viii. All Board Members in attendance signed the Civility Pledge for
the City.
5. Discussed a list of topics to be discussed at future board meetings: Trails
(Sugarhouse, Jordan River), Grass cutting schedule, weed control,progress
tracking, pro-active scheduling of maintenance, allocation of funds- asset
tracking, comprehensive off-leash dog plan- next steps, disk golf, cemetery sexton
update, staff recommendations- top 10 list of needs, field trips.
6. Confirmation of Next Meeting: June 20, 2013, 5pm
7. Amy Barry stated"at this time there is no unfinished business, this meeting is
adjourned." Meeting adjourned.