6/20/2013 - Meeting Agenda Parks,Natural Lands,Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Meeting
Thursday June 20,2013
5:00 pm, Parks Building 1965 West 500 South,2nd Floor Conference Room
1. Housekeeping(5:00-5:05pm)
a. May meeting minutes approval
2. Public Comment Period(5:05-5:20pm) RECEIVED
3. Discussion Items (5:20-5:45pm) OCT 3 0 2017
a. Review of Acquisition Strategy-Leslie
b. Sherwood art in the Park-Roni Thomas CITY RECORDER
c. Project Request Criteria(Community Gardens)
d. Now on the SLC News Letter Subscription Listserve page
✓ PNUT Board
✓ http://asp.slcgov.com/General/ListServer/userdata/subfonn.asp
The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-204 for the purpose of strategy
sessions to discuss(a)the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose
the appraisal or estimate value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the transaction on
the best possible terms pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(d);(b)attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to
Utah Code Ann.§78-24-8;and(c)pending or reasonably immanent litigation pursuant to Utah Code Ann. §52-4-205(l)(c).The
foregoing notice relates to matters of an emergency or urgent nature within the meaning of Utah Code Ann,§52-4-202(5).
4. Action Items (5:45-6:45pm)
a. Cottonwood Park Art-Roni Thomas (10 minutes)-Approve/Not approve design concept
and specific site location
b. Full Applications for Acquisition-Emy
i. 1300 East(North)-1087 South 1300 East
ii. 1300 East(Central)- 1095 S. 1300 E.
iii. 1300 East(South)- 1111 S. 1300 E.
iv. Montague-vacant in holding 976 W. Montague
v. PHNP-private 3101 E. Canyon Rim Lane
vi. H-Rock expansion East- 1799 Devonshire Dr.
vii. H-Rock expansion Central- 1935 S. Scenic Dr.
viii. H-Rock expansion West- 1871 S. Wasatch Dr.
ix. H-Rock Trailhead 1785 Devonshire Dr.
x. NE City Creek Foothills- 1601 N. City creek Canyon
xi. 400 E Community Garden-337 S.400 E.
xii. 11"'E Triangle- 1234 S. 1100 E.
xiii. 800 S Lush- 1075 E. 800 S.
5. Confirmation of next meeting July 18,2013
6. Adjourn Meeting
People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance of Parks,Natural
lands,Urban forestry,and Trails Advisory Board meetings.We make every effort to honor these requests,and they should be
made as early as possible.Accommodations may include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.The City and
County Building is an accessible facility.For questions or additional information,please contact the Office of the Chief
Administrator Officer at 535-6426,or TDD 535-6021.After 5:00 p.m.,please enter the City&County Building through the east
entrance.Accessible route is located on the east side of the building.In accordance with State Statute,City Ordinance and Board
Policy,one or more Board Members may be connected via speakerphone.
Parks, Public Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board
June 20, 2013
Parks Building, 2"d Floor Conference Room
Board Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Not in Attendance
Jeff Rose Emy Maloutas Amy Barry (excused)
Jacob Crockett Leslie Chan
Beverley Cooper Julie Reynolds
Meridith Perkins Todd Reese
Marc Coles Richie Mel Engersal and Wife- Property owners
Fred Fife Bill and Brother-Property owners
Dennis Faris Roni Thomas
1. Housekeeping
a. May meeting minutes approval
i. Motion made by Beverly Cooper and seconded by Jacob Crockett
to approve the May Board minutes as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
2. Public Comment Period
a. No Comment made at this time
3. Discussion Items
a. Review of Acquisition Strategy-Leslie-5 criteria project steps that every
acquisition goes through,reminder of what was presented when the Board first
b. Project Request Criteria(Community Gardens)-will put the draft criteria process
in drop box for board members to look over and make suggestions, we want a
consistent criteria that will outline how best to evaluate request and proved
reasonable expectations to the community with in sync deadline and CIP
c. Now on the SLC News Letter Subscription Listserve page
4. Action Items
a. Cottonwood Park Art-Roni Thomas presented the design concept and location of
art pieces for Cottonwood Park, an artist has been chosen and the art pieces meet
Salt Lake City engineering standards. This is a Community Block Grant funded
project. The Arts Council will maintain the art. No public comment has been
gathered on this project at this point. A motion was made by Beverley Cooper to
recommend approval of this art project design and locations,Fred Fife Seconded
the motion,the motion was then opposed,with 3 approving, 1 opposing and 3
abstaining. The board continued to discuss the need for public process from local
neighborhood members and park users,and came to an agreement that public
process is needed before approval will be acceptable. Feedback from the board
included a request that future art projects proposed for Salt Lake City Parks
include a public process to engage surrounding neighborhood and park users. A
motion was made by Meridith Perkins to recommend approval of the art design
and placement contingent upon receiving no compelling negative comments from
the public generated by the temporary signs that will be posted for a minimum of
7 days at each art location in Cottonwood Park, Beverly Cooper seconded the
motion, all in favor,motion passes.
b. Pre-Applications for Acquisition
i. Jordan River Trail Gap
ii. 747 Richland Dr
-Fred Fife made a motion to move Pre-Application Acquisitions,Jordan
River Trail Gap and 747 Richland Drive, into Full-Application
Acquisition,Beverly Cooper seconded the motion,all in favor,motion
c. Full Applications for Acquisition-Emy
i. 1300 East(North)-1087 South 1300 East
ii. 1300 East(Central)- 1095 S. 1300 E.
iii. 1300 East(South)- 1111 S. 1300 E.
iv. Montague-vacant in holding 976 W. Montague
v. PHNP-private 3101 E. Canyon Rim Lane
vi. H-Rock expansion East- 1799 Devonshire Dr.
vii. H-Rock expansion Central- 1935 S. Scenic Dr.
viii. H-Rock expansion West- 1871 S. Wasatch Dr.
ix. H-Rock Trailhead 1785 Devonshire Dr.
x. NE City Creek Foothills- 1601 N. City creek Canyon
xi. 400 E Community Garden-337 S.400 E.
xii. 11th E Triangle- 1234 S. 1100 E.
xiii. 800 S Lush- 1075 E. 800 S.
-Acquisition properties were discussed with the acquisition criteria and
strategy for each property.
-Beverley Cooper made a motion to enter closed session, Meridith
Perkins seconded the motion, all in favor, entered closed session.
-Beverley Cooper made a motion to end closed session, Jacob
Crockett seconded the motion, all in favor, closed session ended.
-Beverley Cooper made a motion to recommend that the following
properties move forward to acquisition; Montague Vacant, 1300
East- Central and South,NE City Creek, 400 East Community
Garden, PHNP-Private, 11th Triangle, and H-Rock East, Central and
West; Jacob Crockett seconded the motion, all in favor, motion
5. Confirmation of Next Meeting: July 18, 2013, 5pm
6. Meridith Perkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Fred Fife seconded that
motion, all in favor, meeting adjourned.