8/22/2013 - Meeting Agenda Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Meeting Thursday August 22,2013 5:00 pm, Parks Building 1965 West 500 South,2nd Floor Conference Room AGENDA (Revised) 1. Housekeeping(5:00-5:05pm) a. July meeting minutes approval RECEIVED 2. Public Comment Period(5:05-5:20pm) OCT 3 0 20i7 3. Staff Updates (5:20-5:40pm) CITY RECORDER a. Off Leash Fencing Discussion b. Liberty Park Children's Garden and Tracy Aviary Expansion c. Imperial Neighborhood Park 4. Discussion(5:40-6:30pm) a. Redwood Meadows Master Plan b. Glendale Master Plan c. Fairmont Tennis court relocation d. Fairmont Master Plan e. Jordan Park Dog Park update f. Jordan Park Baseball Diamond relocation The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-204 for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss(a)the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimate value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(d);(b)attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§78-24-8;and(c)pending or reasonably immanent litigation pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(c).The foregoing notice relates to matters of an emergency or urgent nature within the meaning of Utah Code Ann,§52-4-202(5). 5. Action Items(6:30-6:45pm) 6. Confirmation of next meeting September 19, 2013 7. Adjourn Meeting People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance of Parks,Natural lands,Urban forestry,and Trails Advisory Board meetings.We make every effort to honor these requests,and they should be made as early as possible.Accommodations may include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.The City and County Building is an accessible facility.For questions or additional information,please contact the Office of the Chief Administrator Officer at 535-6426,or TDD 535-6021.After 5:00 p.m.,please enter the City&County Building through the east entrance.Accessible route is located on the east side of the building.In accordance with State Statute,City Ordinance and Board Policy,one or more Board Members may be connected via speakerphone. Parks, Public Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Minutes August 22,2013 Parks Building,2nd Floor East Conference Room 5:00pm Board Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Not in Attendance Meridith Perkins Julie Reynolds Jacob Crockett (excused) Marc Coles Richie Todd Reese Jeff Rose(Resigned) Fred Fife Sally Barraclough Dennis Faris Dianne Leonard RECEIVED Amy Barry Beverley Cooper OCT 3 0 20 i7 CITY RECORDER Meeting brought to order by 1. Housekeeping a. July meeting minutes approval i. Amy Barry maintained a motion to accept the July meeting minutes, Dennis Farris moves to accept the July meeting minutes with Beverley Cooper seconding the motion, all approved, motion passes. ii. The Parks and Public Lands staff will now be sending memo's to the Board members before the board meetings to give them more background and expectations for discussion and decisions. 2. Public Comment Period a. No public comment at this time 3. Staff Updates a. Off Leash Fencing-Ann Ober and Tara Hasenoehrl-Tara presented some ideas to the Board regarding dog park fencing. She discussed budget for fencing and cost of different fences, showed some examples of fenced dog parks and asked the board to help come up with some criteria for fenced dog parks. The Board asked questions regarding what has worked in the past, what criteria should define the success of a dog park, will this be on all dog parks, can landscaping be added,what are the existing problems at dog parks. The board will visit a few current dog parks in the area and Tara and Ann will bring further information and discussion to a future Board meeting. Ann Ober included the Jordan dog park update at this time, the several Board members voiced that they would like to see the current size of the off leash dog area expanded east to the parking lot and west to Montague road, and that the area needs to be fenced. b. Liberty Park Children's Garden and Tracy Aviary Expansion-Todd Reese presented designs and ideas for the Liberty Park Children's gardens, he explained that Tracy Aviary is wanting to expand in that direction and that the space for the Children's gardens will be shared between Tracy Aviary, a new proposed pump house location and the Children's gardens. c. Imperial Neighborhood Park-Todd Reese presented information on the proposed Imperial Neighborhood park design and discussed upcoming steps. 4. Discussion-Todd Reese presented the following information to the Board members as information for them to consider and make recommendations regarding current projects Parks and Public Lands are working on. a. Redwood Meadows Master Plan-The board voiced concern to make the park usable for all ages; examples include: Playground for children, basketball for teens,bocchi ball for adults and a walking path for everyone to enjoy, they prefer to see this strip of land used as a multi-use park. b. Glendale Master Plan- the Board voiced concern of parking in the area and think more parking would be ideal, they voiced concern about paying for parking to use the park and other facilities and the community members not having parking on their own streets due to people not wanting to pay for parking. c. Fairmont Tennis Court Relocation-The Board expressed several concerns; community gardens need to still be in effect,but they need to be for the community not closed like they currently are; there is no sidewalk in this area for people to walk around, currently have to cross over area to get to the boys and girls club; The board liked the idea of relocating the courts and they want a community garden to be available somewhere near the area. d. Fairmont Master Plan e. Jordan Park Baseball Diamond Relocation- the Board wanted to know what the purpose of relocating the diamond is; Todd will get them more information at the next meeting. 5. Action Items a. No action items on this agenda or at this time. 6. Confirmation of Next Meeting: September 19, 2013, 5pm 7. Amy Barry stated: "seeing as there is no unfinished business,this meeting is adjourned." Meeting adjourned. 2