9/19/2013 - Meeting Agenda Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Meeting Thursday September 19, 2013 5:00 pm, Parks Building 1965 West 500 South, 2nd Floor Conference Room AMENDED AGENDA 1. General Business(5:00-5:05pm) RECEIVED a. August meeting minutes approval OCT 3 0 2017 2. Public Comment Period (5:05-5:20pm) CITY RECORDEP 3. Staff Updates a. Downtown Master Plan (5:20-5:45pm)—As part of the planning process for the Downtown Master Plan, planning staff will brief the Parks, Natural Lands, Trails, and Urban Forestry Advisory Board on the status of the project. We will report on the public engagement process, state of the draft vision statement and principles, and upcoming opportunities for public involvement. (Staff contact: Molly Robinson at(801) 535-7261 or molly.robinsonslcqov.com) b. Fairmont Park Tennis Courts (5:45-5:55pm) c. Rose Park Golf Course(5:55-6:10pm) 4. Discussion a. Jordan Park Ballfield Relocation/Orientation (6:10-6:25pm) b. Jordan Park Off Leash Dog Park(6:25-6:45pm) The Board may consider a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-204 for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss(a)the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimate value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205 (1)(d);(b)attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code Ann. §78-24-8;and(c)pending or reasonably immanent litigation pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(c). The foregoing notice relates to matters of an emergency or urgent nature within the meaning of Utah Code Ann, §52-4-202(5). 5. Action Items(6:45-7:00pm) a. Open Space Bond Fund Use i. Demolition of Montague Avenue Open Space properties infrastructure. 6. Confirmation of next meeting October 17, 2013 7. Adjourn Meeting People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance of Parks, Natural lands, Urban forestry,and Trails Advisory Board meetings.We make every effort to honor these requests,and they should be made as early as possible.Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.The City and County Building is an accessible facility. For questions or additional information, please contact the Office of the Chief Administrator Officer at 535-6426, or TDD 535-6021. After 5:00 p.m., please enter the City&County Building through the east entrance.Accessible route is located on the east side of the building. In accordance with State Statute, City Ordinance and Board Policy,one or more Board Members may be connected via speakerphone. AT:= Parks, Public Lands,Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Minutes • September 19, 2013 Members in Attendance Also in Attendance RECEIVED Meridith Perkins Leslie Chan OCT 3 0 20i1 Marc Coles Richie Todd Reese Fred Fife Emy Maloutas Amy Barry Shawn McDonough CI-�( REC201®ER Beverley Cooper Molly Robinson Jacob Crockett Dennis Faris 1. General Business a. August meeting minutes approval-A motion was made by Beverley Cooper to approve the August meeting minutes. Motion was seconded by Marc Coles Richie. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment Period a. No public comment at this time 3. Staff Updates a. Downtown Master Plan-Molly Robinson, Urban Designer,Salt Lake City Planning Division presented the intro and background of the master plan as a policy and vision for the future of downtown. Process kicked off last May. Memo is a summary of where the project is to date. Draft vision statement and supporting principles were presented.Goal of the project was to actively engage i,000 people. Discussion including the board and staff took place regarding goal setting and needs assessments for Parks and how PPL could draw from this plan.Website for the plan is downtownslc.com.The board requested that the Planning Division come back in a couple of months to update the board. b. Fairmont Park Tennis Courts-Leslie Chan presented an update on the Fairmont Park tennis court potential disposition and remove from the Open Space inventory.There are potential relocation areas for these courts.Tennis courts have not been playable for years. Interim use has been a community garden. Option J.is to keep the tennis courts in the same place and lose the development of the corner. Option 2 moves the courts to current soccer fields at Fairmont Park.This would require the relocation of existing soccer fields. Option 3 is to relocate the courts to Forest Dale Golf course.This option is expandable from 2-4 courts. Board asked if there is a demand to relocate these tennis courts. Board expressed the need to maintain the soccer fields and concern of any loss of existing open space. c. Jordan River Par 3 Golf Course-Leslie Chan and Todd Reese presented an update on the potential move of approximately 12 acres of the Jordan River Par 3 golf course from the Golf inventory to open space lands.This used to be State property. It must remain as open space.There have been previous discussions with City Council and Golf Advisory Board to move forward with this change in use. Funding to repurpose the land was discussed.Todd specified that Parks&Public Lands will contact Rick Graham and have another discussion with the City Council as to how this should be funded and other details. Staff will bring the update to the board in the October board meeting. 4. Discussion a. Jordan Park Ballfield Relocation and Off-Leash Dog Park-Because these items are both in Jordan Park they were combined. Staff presented the current off leash area and potential expansion because of the acquisition of properties by the Open Space Program on Montague Avenue. Staff also presented the potential reorientation of the existing ball park in the north end of Jordan Park.This request is proposed to be CDBG funded. Option A is to switch the orientation and B is to leave the field. Staff suggested that a northeast orientation would be the best orientation. It does create some concern because of the proximity of the off leash area. Questions presented to the board by staff are as follows: Should the City proceed with the existing off leash area as previously delineated or would you like to consider expansion and reconfiguration?Existing parking was discussed by board and staff. Staff and board discussed potential options for the newly acquired Montague properties in relation to these items. Board discussion took place about the possibility of creating big dog/little dog areas within the off leash area. Board would like to see an expanded version and also an additional slide that shows the entirety of Jordan Park. Staff will attempt to take this to the Poplar Grove and Glendale community councils and then bring this back to the board in November with improvements and options for the proposal. Board discussed the field orientation options and took a straw poll as to which they would prefer. Option B,or leaving the field in its current state,was unanimously chosen as the preferred option. 5. Action Items a. Open Space Bond Fund Use-Emy Maloutas presented an update on acquisition projects that were presented to the board in July. Dennis Faris made a motion to move to closed session. Marc Coles-Ritchie seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to move to closed session. Dennis Faris made a motion to end closed session.Jacob Crockett seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to end closed session. 5a. (continued) —Beverley Cooper made a motion to support and recommend that the City consider the use of$786,548 Open Space Bond Funds for the acquisitions of the twelve identified open space parcels and the demolition of the infrastructure and homes on Montague recently purchased with open space funds,as it has been determined to be an eligible use of said funds and will prepare the property for appropriate use by the public.Meridith Perkins seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. 6. Confirmation of Next Meeting: October 17, 2oi3, 5pm 7. Amy Barry stated: "seeing as there is no unfinished business,this meeting is adjourned."Meeting adjourned. 2