11/7/2013 - Meeting Agenda t¢; n'mil 1 tom` ;, Thursday November 7, 2013 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM rU8``c AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. General Business (5:00-5:05 PM) a. Approval of September 19, 2013 Minutes RECEIVED 2. Public Comment Period(5:05-5:20 PM) OCT 3 0 2E01' None CITY RECOF- EAtT' 3. Staff Updates None 4. Discussion None 5. Action Items a. Donation acceptance analysis and review i. Cohen Property-Analysis of Proposed Land Donation to Salt Lake City, Parks &Public Lands and Recommendations 6. Confirmation of next meeting a. November 21, 2013 7. Adjourn Meeting : = Parks,Public Lands,Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Minutes November 7, 2013 4 • l1r �P PuRoc Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Members not in Attendance Marc Coles-Ritchie Emy Maloutas Meridith Perkins Fred Fife Brandon Fleming Jacob Crockett Amy Barry Lauren Christensen Beverley Cooper Dennis Faris i. General Business a. September meeting minutes approval-A motion was made by Dennis Faris to approve the September meeting minutes.Motion was seconded by Fred Fife. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment Period RECEIVED a. No public comment at this time OCT 3. Staff Updates 3 0 201? a. No staff updates at this time on-v RECORDS .5 4. Discussion a. No discussion items at this time 5. Action Items a. Donation acceptance analysis and review i. Cohen Property-Analysis of Proposed Land Donation to Salt Lake City, Parks &Public Lands and Recommendations 1. Memo from Todd Reese, map and analysis breakdown. 2. Emy Maloutas stated that once we received recommendation it will be the Mayor's purview to act on the recommendation. Fred Fife ensured that it will go through a formal title search through property management. Once it gets donated the property will be assigned as open space inventory. There are no caveats, but there could be possible opportunities down the road. After discussion regarding access to the newly donated land and whether or not it is"buildable." 3. Marc Coles-Ritchie suggested that we use this as a potential bike trail. Emy added that this newly acquired property could be a potential trailhead or other part of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. 4. Beverley Cooper made a motion to accept this land as a donation to Salt Lake City. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. Additional discussion took place. Fred Fife talked about the two parcels in hopes that the City could tie the remaining open space foothill properties. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Confirmation of Next Meeting: November 21, 2013 at 5:0o PM 7. Amy Barry stated: "seeing as there is no unfinished business,this meeting is adjourned."Meeting adjourned. 2