11/21/2013 - Meeting Minutes : : mi Thursday November 21, 2013 1; „T='ter 2nd Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 500 South)- 5:00 PM & PUBUC REVISED AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. General Business RECEIVED a. Approve November 7, 2013 - PNUT Board Minutes OCT30 2017 2. Public Comment Period CITY RFCORDEP 3. Staff Updates a. Cohen Donation(Todd Reese) b. Volunteers for Athletic Field Task Force(Todd Reese) c. Environmental Solutions Grant Applications for Wasatch Hollow Up Space (Emy Maloutas) 4. Discussion a. Jordan River Par 3 Golf Course(Todd Reese) b. Open Space Acquisition Pre-application Review (Emy Maloutas): i. 603 S 600 E ii. 681 N Saddle Hill Rd iii. Jordan River- 381 South Emery 5. Action Items a. Jordan Park Off Leash Dog Park(Todd Reese) b. Public Trails (Dan Bergenthal) c. Open Space Management Plan(Emy Maloutas) 6. Confirmation of next meeting a. December 18, 2013 7. Adjourn Meeting 'Y MINUTES 7,1 • = Thursday November 21, 2013 --V4s j �� 2na Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 50o South) - 5:0o PM & PUBtAc Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Marc Coles-Ritchie Dennis Faris Gwen Fred Fife Meridith Perkins Todd Reese Amy Barry Jacob Crockett Emy Maloutas RECEIVED Beverley Cooper Shawn McDonough Lauren Christensen OCT 3 0 20i7 1. General Business CITY RECORDER a. PNUT Board Terms/Elections i. Jacob and Fred — One year terms 1. If they want to renew they need to send a email to Holly Hilton at holly.hiltonpslcgov.com a. Please CC Amy Barry and Todd Reese once you send this e-mail. b. Indicate"Continue for another term of (1,2, or 3)years" ii. Nominations/Terms 1. Agenda for next month add elections of chair and vice chair 2. Change by-laws a. To be able to send out ballot by e-mail for faster results b. Determine what a term means: Todd Reese stated "terms can be 1, 2, or 3 years."There was discussion to change the terms for any second term to always be three years however,because we have not finished the initial original term it was decided to keep the terms as they stand. Beverley Cooper stated that if they are up for re-election after their first term they will automatically be moved to a three year term if they want to continue being on the board.Todd Reese wants a follow up. c. Term Limits: Is it a question that needs to be addressed through the by-laws or ordinance? b. Approve November 7, 2013 - PNUT Board Minutes i. November 7th meeting minute's approval -A motion was made by Marc Coles-Ritchie to approve the November 7th meeting minutes. Motion was seconded by Beverley Cooper. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment Period 2 3. Staff Updates a. Cohen Donation (Todd Reese) i. Thank you for the emergency meeting on November 7th 2013. Emy Maloutas gave an update that we received approval from the Mayor on 11/20/2013. Emy Maloutas thanked the board for their speediness. The Cohen Donation is now past phase one and the acquisition is completed,which was the desire of this donor. b. Volunteers for Athletic Field Task Force (AFTF,Todd Reese) i. Both Fred Fife as well as Dennis Faris volunteered to come to the AFTF and will be sent additional information by Kathy Rollman. c. Environmental Solutions Grant Applications for Wasatch Hollow Open Space (Emy Maloutas) i. Emy will have the grant done by December 16, 2013 (deadline). This is a one to one open grant application. It was recommended by Emy Maloutas that the best opportunity would be to leverage our CIP fund which is around $633,20o which has been allocated for Wasatch Hollow.The typical grant is about $40,000-$1oo,000. We would leverage $60,000-$70,000 and focus on Riparian Restoration. By acquiring more funding it will allow us to establish priorities.The Board expressed unanimous concurrence that the grant should go forward. 4. Discussion a. Jordan River Par 3 Golf Course (Todd Reese) i. The proposal is to close parts of the par 3 golf course and repurpose it. Rick Graham has asked us to slow this project down until the City Council gets the information for the National Golf Foundation's (NGF) report on how it is doing and if they should close the golf course. ii. If this occurs it will then be the decision of the PNUT board if they would like to accept the additional lands. The plan is that the Jordan River Par 3 Golf Course will still maintain around three holes, and the rest will go to the city.Todd Reese will send the NGF's report to the PNUT board upon arrival. iii. Once the Jordan River Par 3 Golf Course is acquired, what are the next steps: 1. Cost of the Master Plan (12 acres) which is around $45- $50,000; which is not currently budgeted. Second is to maintain the property. 2. It creates an opportunity for some open space (i.e. off leash, or frisbee golf). iv. There was discussion about the overall presence of the public knowing about the par 3 golf course. 3 v. Down the road 1. Should we sit tight, or should we worry that Parks will not have enough money. 2. We could send a mailer after the council becomes aware of the closing to the surrounding houses around the course to see what they would like the land used for. b. Open Space Acquisition Pre-application Review(Emy Maloutas): i. 602 S 60o E 1. Last spring was approached for a possible community garden. It is in an urbanized area south of Trolley Square. Within the pre-application it meets the five top criteria's of the Open Space Land's Program pre-application. 2. Currently it is used by the adjacent multi units for parking. Parcel is vacant otherwise. 3. Discussion of a possible community garden, which then raised the discussion of how a community garden gets deemed with open space. There has been outreach to the public on rare occasion but that was for a larger parcel of land. Emy will contact Jennifer and Bridgette (Wasatch Community Gardens) regarding community support. There was discussion as to whether or not the community gardens should connect with the adjacent property areas. Another idea was brought to the table to create a pocket park. 4. A motion was made by Beverly Cooper to have Emy do more to take it to the next level and to move it out of pre- application status for the property of 602 S 60o E.A second was made by Meredith Perkins. Motion passes unanimously. ii. 681 N Saddle Hill Rd 1. It meets the Open Space Land's Program criteria. It is 2.95 acres. This parcel is in the foothills areas, there are developed houses and some adjacent open space. They are io foot contours. This seems to be a really good open space for people around there,but not developmentally available. What are the slope guidelines? 2. Applicant has suggested a picnic facility, a view with a plaque, or a lookout. 3. Does it cost to go ahead? (No) Emy Maloutas would bring in full application and then discuss it with the board. Amy Barry motions to move the 68i N Saddle Hill Road to full application. Fred Fife's seconds. Motion passes unanimously. 4 iii. Jordan River-381 South Emery 1. Located on 400 south (1/6th of an acre). It is currently on the market. This area is interesting because it allows us private both recreation and restoration activities, and a quasi trail access. With also the possibility to enhance nature opportunities for the kids with an outdoors classroom. Fred makes the motion to move this acquisition into full application with Dennis Farris seconds. Motion passes unanimously. 5. Action Items a. Jordan Park Off Leash Dog Park(Todd Reese) i. Summary of last September: Dennis Farris reported that there was some permanent fencing in the off leash dog park area going up without PPL's permission. There was discussion of lengthening the off leash dog park area. ii. Recommendation today: To discuss lengthening the off-leash dog park. PPL is going to explore the widening and explain in a future meeting the various different options. Overall if we wanted to expand the area of the Open Space Off-Leash Dog Park the PNUT board would have to apply for a extension. Staff(PPL) will prepare a draft petition for the expansion with the help of Dennis and bring the petition to the PNUT board and the community. iii. Beverly Cooper made a motion under resolution'52. Fred Fifes seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously. b. Open Space Management Plan (Emy Maloutas) i. Emy Maloutas would like the boards blessing to focus the bond expenditures for improvement, management, and planning. Using $125,000 from Parks & Public Lands a Open Space management bonds to develop a master plan that will be a manual/how to of Open Space. This will include how to use open space in the future, how much each parcel takes to uptake, etc. This will not be a use manual,but specifically for supervisors. How to manage our natural lands.Amy Barry made a motion to support the use of$125,000 to pursue a Open Space Management Plan. Fred Fife seconds. 6. Confirmation of next meeting a. December 19, 2013 at 5:0o PM 7. Adjourn Meeting *Other notes: the PNUT board would like to be notified when one of their items is on the City Council agenda.