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12/19/2013 - Meeting Agenda
€Q <I = Thursday December 19, 2013 �' 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) 5:00 PM & PUBOG AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting RECEIVE® a. Call to Order 3 (� 2017 b. Approve November 21, 2013 - PNUT Board Minutes ©GT 2. Public Comment Period C. R 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report b. Parks RECEIVED c. Open Space d. Cemetery OCT 3 20 7' e. Urban Forestry CITY RFC ?r0.7 4. Staff Updates a. Jordan Park Off Leash Dog Park- Petition(Todd Reese) b. Lindsey Garden Dog Park(Todd Reese) c. Open Space Bond Expenditure Updates (Staff Memo) d. Board Member Re-Appointment(Todd Reese) e. Board Member Vacancies,Terms, and Term Limits (Staff Memo) f. Cemetery Improvements(Mark Smith) 5. Discussion a. Capital Improvement Program (CIP)Funding Request Applications b. Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Applications 6. Action Items a. Proposal to Construct Trail within Hillcrest Park(Dan Bergenthal) b. Nominations for Board Chair/Vice Chair(Staff Memo) c. By-Law Amendment i. Digital Ballots in Addition to Written Ballot 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. January 23, 2014 8. Adjourn Meeting IB �� Thursday December 19, 2013 fc PuBoc end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Marc Coles-Ritchie Dennis Faris Gwen Springmeyer Lee Bollwinkel Fred Fife Meridith Perkins Todd Reese Julie Fratto Amy Barry Jacob Crockett Emy Maloutas Mark Smith Beverley Cooper Shawn McDonough Lauren Christensen Kevin Brown Dan Bergenthal RECEIVED 1. Convening the Meeting OCT 3 Q 2017 a. The meeting was called to order at 5:08 PM CITY RECORDER b. Approve November 21, 2013 - PNUT Board Minutes i. Marc Coles-Ritchie motioned to approve the minutes, Meredith Perkins seconds. 2. Public Comment Period 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) i. Todd Reese talked about how Parks and Public Lands (P&PL) is going to spotlight the different Program areas within P&PL periodically. Parks and Public Lands are one of the few departments in the city that has an advisory group, and from the commitment of the PNUT board we thought it would be nice to tell the PNUT Board what each Program area is focusing on. ii. Todd Reese reported that the Open Space Program Manger interviews today are completed and he will the announcement within the next few days. iii. Urban Forestry Program Manager, as most of you know we (the selection committee) were unsuccessful with finding a candidate. The candidate from Wisconsin declined. The committee felt like if they could combine the other candidates they could have a good candidate,but they couldn't agree on one person so we are going back out to the market. iv. Todd Reese is very excited to tell you that they have hired Nancy Monteith as their new Landscape Architect/Park Planner. She comes from a local firm, has great experience, and will start on January 6th 2014. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) i. Lee Bollwinkel the Parks and Public Lands Parks Maintenance Program Manager reported that he currently has a staff of 50 employees. Regarding today's storm, we cleared 47.29 miles of sidewalk, and 31.52 miles of parking lot. They have 11 snow fighters that are first responders, and 10 parks employees that help the streets division in their street operations during snow. ii. Sherwood Baseball Field: Staff renovated. iii. The Parks department worked on 5th west as a potential solution to help the homeless issue in Salt Lake City by redoing the irrigation, and planting sod 2 iv. Chinese Gardens. The Parks department went in and took the fountain that was non-functional and created a stream, a pond, and did some new landscaping. It was reported that this was a huge success. v. Looking forward, as Fred Fife and Jacob Crockett know the Parks Department have been tasked to put together a Task Force for the Athletic Field committee to explore options on our ball field reservations. The over arching goal being to create a fair and equitable system so that the public can rely on the Parks field. vi. P&PL has received 1/2 million dollars in deferred maintenance to get additional projects completed and clean up some of areas that have been pushed back in the past. c. Open Space(Lee Bollwinkel) i. Lee Bollwinkel was filling in for Open Space, he reports that there is currently two full time employees who are working on fencing trail demolition and rebuild at Parley's Historic Nature Park. More information to come at the next meeting. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) i. Mark Smith has been the Sexton of the cemetery since 2002. 10 full time employees (two (2) in office, the rest in the field). The cemetery has nine(9) miles of fields, with one snow fighter. They also are responsible for removing walls, clearing plaques, and bury and clean up the snow. In the summer they bring in 20 more seasonal employees. Mark Smith provided several cemetery packets to the public and the board (for a copy of the packet please see the cemetery). The Cemetery currently has 123,000 burials. Mark reports that it takes a week a half to mow, and two weeks to trim around headstones. The cemetery starts mowing/trimming the first of April and go till September. e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) i. Julie Fratto is the acting Urban Forestry Program Manager-Interim. Julie reports that she has been in UF for 25 years. The Urban Forestry department currently has four(4) full time arborists and two (2) area coordinators. UF is currently looking to hire the Urban Forester Program Manager. UF has four(4) contractual crews (through Asplundh). They reported that they have 90,000+ trees in inventory. They track the maintenance of all of the trees within SLC, and record the history of each tree. They prune around 7,000 trees a year, they also ensure that the process of tree removal are cost effective. They plant 300-400 trees every spring. They are currently on a one to one plant removal ratio. Their job never stops. 4. Staff Updates a. Jordan Park Off Leash Dog Park- Petition(Todd Reese) i. Todd Reese and staff have currently drafted a petition and will be giving it to the correct people. ii. Todd Reese discussed that this park is the one with the ball field. P&PL have decided to re-expand, however they don't have anything set in stone. P&PL is willing to explore all options. The ball field will stay as it is. The Board asked if the plans could take more of the park. b. Lindsey Garden Off-Leash Dog Park(Staff Memo) i. Rick Graham wrote a memo to the Mayor of what the PNUT Board had discussed. Todd Reese and staff brought the memo back that Rick gave to the 3 Mayor to show it progress. They have not heard about any new petitions or new fencing. ii. Gwen Springmeyer a member of the public reported that there were two petitions last year given to the Mayor: one was to expand and the other was to fence the current area. People are asking Gwen Springmeyer if they need to do something, and Gwen's response was just wait and see what happens. The PNUT Board supported a recommendation to not expand the area. c. Open Space Acquisitions Update (Staff Memo) i. There was a follow up memo, letting the PNUT Board know that the open space acquisitions that they have previously supported have been passed, and the Council are currently taking action on them. The Council voted to fund the demolition, and to fund the land management plan(only for Open Space). d. Board Member Re-Appointment(Todd Reese) i. Vacancy wise we have one vacancy by resignation. Jacob and Fred's one-year terms are ending at the end of this month. Todd Reese and staff needs to clarify with the Mayor's office regarding how many spots they need to fill. To become a member of the PNUT board it is an application process. To reapply or be reappointed to the PNUT Board it was decided that they could use the original application, in addition to signing a new CID. Meredith Perkins wondered if there was something in the PNUT Board by-laws that stated it has to be in a certain district. Both Amy Barry and Todd Reese confirmed that within the by-laws each district needs to be represented. The"at-large"does not have to be within the city limits. e. Board Member Vacancies, Terms, and Term Limits (Staff Memo) i. Terms: Initially(1 year ago when the PNUT Board was formed)Board members could be selected for 1,2, or 3 year appointments. The 1 year's (Jacob and Fred) are about to expire; however if they choose to be reappointed/apply they will automatically receive a three year appointment. If a member of the PNUT board cannot serve the duration they can resign/vacated and P&PL and the Mayor's office will find someone to replace them. Originally it was done this way so that the appointments would be staggered. P&PL will work with the Mayor's Office (Holy Hilton)to ensure that those who resign are replaced. As Todd Reese looked at the by-laws he noted that the by-laws state that the PNUT board should have nine(9) to eleven(11) members. So in theory the PNUT Board are still two (2) members short. The PNUT board is all encouraged to reach out to everyone in the community to see if anyone is interested. f. Cemetery Improvements(Mark Smith) i. See PowerPoint attached ii. Introductions of Kevin Brown from Seamons iii. Projects 1. ESCO Project a. Sprinkler Improvement i. The cemetery is installing an"auto ET" irrigation system. The Auto ET is a smart irrigation system that communicates with weather stations to account for things like soil conditions, rain fall, etc; to prevent over water. 4 b. Lighting 2. Info a. Mark Smith reports that the utilities savings pays for the project (aka it is self funding). For details of the break down of savings and total dollars saved for both water and lighting please see PPT. By installing the new irrigation system it will save around$64,000 (year one) for water and 18 million gallons (for cemetery alone). This project will take 14 '/2 years to pay for itself. Project is 90% done. b. Chairperson Amy Barry noticed some plats in the plats drip constantly, Mark Smith and Kevin Brown assured that within the new system there will be no plats. c. Chairperson Amy Barry asked when the cemetery was going to be repaved and have new curb and gutters? Kevin Brown summarized saying that it is not part of the project,but citizens will not see the water overflow that they see now. Up until the project was completed the cemetery crew was hand blowing hoses on the grass from Center Street and west. Kevin reported that the east side is automated, but is over 20 years old. In future years they hope to gain funding for the water systems. d. Chairperson Amy Barry is wondering about how resodding works after a burial? Based on what she has seen it seems as though the sod does not catch into the grass for a couple of years. Mark Smith explains that the sod will catch faster than it has before because of the new technology. 3. Center Street Restroom Renovations (they are winter friendly, the Cemetery received funding to make the restrooms year round) a. Originally it was not designed as a heated restroom. 4. The Cemetery has been granted funds to have a structural engineering study regarding some of the walls of the cemetery (e.g. 11`h avenue wall, down on west 5 in the middle of the cemetery, and the cobble stone walls throughout the cemetery). a. The study will be started right away. The total cost of the study is around$50,000. 5. M street restroom a. The restroom failed. The plumbing in the floor basically went into the ground. Seamons and the Cemetery are hoping we can get it fixed. It is currently welded shut. 6. Second phase of the Cemetery master plan a. We currently at 20%. They are within the second phase of the financial process. If funded the money as well as money for the third phase Mark reports that they will be able to see what it takes to keep the cemetery going. 7. Capital Needs 5 a. Curbs and gutters. They are looking at roughly three(3) CIP's for $5 million apiece to do all of the curbs and gutters, and pave the streets. b. Field office. The field office currently needs to be upgraded to make it efficient; examples are the HVAC etc c. Main office needs improvements. 8. Space a. The cemetery as a whole grave wise gives citizen 130,000 graves. We currently have 120,000 buried(a lot of those are cremation and double burials). We have presold 24,000 graves that have not been done yet. By taking the 24,000 and doubling it based on the fact that one grave can hold eight people (2 bodies, and 4 cremations); total of 50,000. b. The average burial for the SLC cemetery is 400-450 burials per year. They report that they are going to be burring people for 100 years plus just for what has been sold. c. There is currently 40 graves that are open. Sellable graves can go anywhere from 500-1000. At that point when all is sold. We will be a burial only cemetery 9. Cemeteries are for the living. Mark Smith encourages everyone to come up and just sit on the grounds, or watch the wildlife that roams freely around the grounds. 5. Discussion a. Capital Improvement Program(CIP) Funding Request Applications (Staff Memo) i. See packet regarding memo on December 16th. ii. Staff has submitted the one page version three weeks ago. iii. The Mayor's office has asked P&PL to group the needs into three tiers with five projects in each. iv. Todd Reese reported that"the Mayor's office came back and said that they were not going to trim out any of the projects at this point in time. Which is good news."The full applications that are in more detail are due December 20th 2013. v. One of the responsibilities of PNUT board is to give input regarding the CIP applications. vi. Most of the CIP this year is replacing aging infrastructure. vii. Projects 1. Chairperson Amy Barry inquired about the money that has not been used for Liberty Park yet? Lee Bollwinkel and Todd Reese reported that some of money will be towards the Children's Garden area. The CIP area addressed in the spreadsheet pertains to the maintenance yard and then going up into the green houses. Currently that area of Liberty Park is just dirt, once the snow melts it will be like a mud bath. a. The Aviary today met for the debrief of the community meeting. They will be posting soon what came out of that open house. For example one is reducing the size of the maintenance yard. 6 2. Planning CIP Projects a. Needs Assessment—P&PL talked about the possibility of a firm coming in to do public outreach community wide. They would address what they view as the current and future needs of the community(in terms of parks and open space). b. Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Applications (Staff Memo) i. Most are familiar with CDBG. That application process runs at the same time as CIP. Todd Reese and Lee Bollwinkel report that the candidates/PNUT Board will have a better chance of getting their project funded if they apply through CDBG due to the amount of applications. This is a great place to put community projects. If they submit several projects, only one will be accepted. ii. Shawn Mc described the rest of the process. Once the project is decided it goes to the Mayor which then goes to the City Council for review so that there is a check and balance. iii. The P&PL current outcome of CDBG has yet to be determined. iv. The PowerPoint will be on the dropbox v. All of the PNUT Board gave a thumbs up for all of these projects vi. Jordan Baseball Park 1. Was not a staff sponsored proposal 2. Fred Fife was not in support of moving the ball field 3. The bullet pointes did not talk about realigning 4. Todd Reese will bring one back; and report. He suggests that he is just reporting what had happened. 6. Action Items a. Proposal to Construct Trail within Hillcrest Park(Dan Bergenthal) i. This trail project is one that the County and City are working on together regarding Parley's trail. The objective being connecting the Bonneville Shoreline Trail to the Jordan River trail. Dan Bergenthal has an image of the whole section (see image in packet). This is a regional trail project that passes through all of the Salt Lake Cities. Some sections are complete. Eventually the plan is to go under 17th east. Consist of a 12 foot trail with three(3)bridges, two (2) tunnels, 1.5 miles long, and the cost is $8.9 Million. ii. The objective of this trail is to connect several the parks throughout the county. We are connecting Parley's Historic Nature Park, Tanner Park, Hillcrest Park, Sugar House Park, Streetcar Greenway Park, Hidden Hollow, and eventually head over to Fairmont Park, all the way to the Jordan River Parks. iii. In the future there will be a tunnel underneath 17th east, wrap around the country club, wraps up behind the SLC tennis club, then we hop into the UDOT rightaway. There is a corner of the property before Hillcrest Park that is a private property. Dan has spoken to the land owner and he says that they don't use the back yard, and are willing to sell it to them. The trail will go through Hillcrest Park. They are currently at 30% completion. Dan Bergenthal is asking for a motion to approve the trail to go through Hillcrest Park? iv. Jacob Crockett moves that this Board moves in support of the Parley's trail through Hillcrest Park. Dennis Faris seconds. Motion passes unanimously 7 b. Nominations for Board Chair/Vice Chair(Staff Memo) i. Per by-laws the December meeting is when the Board nominates for Chair and Vice Chair(does not have to be one person). Staffs well then contact these people once nominated. 1. Meredith Perkins nominates Amy Barry for Board Chair. 2. Jacob Crockett nominates Denis Faris as Vice Chair. ii. The PNUT Board was instructed that once they receive the ballot by e-mail/mail they can e-mail back/bring a hard copy with them to the next meeting on January 16 2014. At the January meeting two members of the board who are not on the ballot will then count the ballots to see who the new officers will be. c. By-Law Amendment(Staff Memo) i. Digital Ballots in Addition to Written Ballot ii. Chairperson Amy Barry would like to edit the by-laws reading in 6C that"the election shall be written or digital ballot"and second regarding delivery is "the department secretary shall mail or e-mail ballots out to board members." iii. Chairperson Amy Barry makes a motion to approve the by-laws amendment. Dennis Faris seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously. 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. January 16, 2014 8. Adjourn Meeting