12/18/2014 - Meeting Minutes RECEIVED _ OCT 3 C ry SJs.�.,� • ' jai r77= p-� s ..µ nk10- AGENDA PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,December 18th,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 50o South,end Floor Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. b. Approve November 20,2014 Minutes c. Chair and Vice Chair Nominations for 2015 2. Public Comment Period 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:15 p.m. 4. Staff Updates a. Staff Changes—Todd Reese 5:30 p.m. b. Concession Agreements—Todd Reese 5:40 p.m. c. Public Art in Parks Map—Nancy Monteith 5:50 p.m. d. CIP and CDBG Projects—Nancy Monteith 6:00 p.m. 5. Discussion Items a. Salt Lake County Parks Master Plan—Nancy Monteith 6:20 p.m. b. Board Duties and Responsibilities:Summary of 12/11/14 Meeting with Chairperson Barry and Board Member Faris—Todd Reese 6:50 p.m. 6. Action Items a. Reservation Fee&Schedule Draft—Kathy Rollman 7:10 p.m. 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. January Agenda Draft 7:30 p.m. b. Annual Calendar 7:35P.m. 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting c. January 15,2015 1 i ' .�'°IT.rf a` Thursday December 18, 2014 6 ruBvc end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Matthew Loveland Lewis Kogan Mark Smith Dennis Faris Gwen Springmeyer Shawn McDonough Brandon Fleming Amy Barry Lee Bollwinkel Tony Gliot Meridith Perkins Anne Cannon Ellen Pesek RECEIVED Marc Coles-Ritchie Todd Reese Nancy Monteith Emy Maloutas Morgan Self OCT 3 0 2t i7 Members not in Attendance Kathy Rollman Jacob Crockett --rT-t,s F*7rOnDER Ellen Parrish 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry. b. Approve November 20, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Dennis Faris made a motion to approve the minutes. Meridith Perkins seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. c. Chair and Vice Chair Nominations for 2015 i. Dennis Faris was nominated as Chair and Marc Coles Ritchie was nominated as Vice Chair. The nominations were then closed. 2. Public Comment Period a. Anne Cannon thanked Emy for her service to Salt Lake City. 3. Parks & Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period— i. Amy would like the Fairmont Skate Park added to the monthly report. 4. Staff updates a. Staff Changes (Todd Reese)—Todd announced that Emy Maloutas will no longer be the Open Space Program Manager as she has resigned. The Board and PPL Staff presented Emy with a plaque thanking her for her service. Lewis Kogan has been appointed acting Open Space Program Manger until a decision is made on a course of action to replace Emy permanently. Tony announced that an arborist crew supervisor position was filled so that there is a supervisor in the field. Brandon Myler has been chosen for the position. Brent Ahlander, the Graffiti Supervisor has retired after 37 years with Salt Lake City. b. Concession Agreements (Todd Reese)—This was given to the board as an FYI at their request for their review. c. Public Art in Parks Map (Nancy Monteith)—This was given to the board as an FYI at their request. The list from the Salt Lake City Arts Council was mapped. 2 PPL is collecting data for all art in parks, not exclusive to the Arts Council. The Arts Council will also be completing an online map that will have more details about the projects that are in parks citywide. d. CIP and CDBG Projects (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy presented the list of projects for CIP and CDBG projects for submittal to the CDCIP board. Staff was asked to prioritize five projects in each of the three tiers of importance. Staff will give a final list to the board next month. Discussion took place regarding the 10-year CIP Plan and how often it is updated. Staff will begin tracking history of CIP project funding over the years. Staff will send out the last two years of funded CIP projects to the board. Board and Staff discussed CDBG projects and tracking those projects moving forward. 5. Discussion Items a. Salt Lake County Parks Master Plan(Morgan Self)—Morgan made a presentation to the Board regarding the Salt Lake County Master Plan document. Stated that master plan is more of a CIP list for the County. The document will be used internally to determine CIP funding moving forward. Morgan presented the process of how this document came into existence. The County is now in the middle of the analysis of the public process that took place. Board will send comments to Amy and Todd so that they can forward them to the County. b. Board Duties and Responsibilities (Todd Reese)—Dennis, Amy and Todd met last week to fill in gaps between staff and the board. Todd presented items moving forward that the board will be more involved in to ensure that everyone stays informed of the PPL process including PPL operating budget, City Council transmittal tracking, CIP, CDBG, consolidated fee schedule and concession agreement processes. The board can act as an advocate for the Parks & Public Lands Program. 6. Action Items a. Reservation Fee & Schedule Draft (Kathy Rollman)—Kathy presented a summary of the reservation and concession fee changes that were approved by City Council in the last year and a half. Field fees are some of the lowest in the valley/region. A task force was assembled to get input on the new fees and structure of the fees schedule. There is a great diversity of organizations in the City that request fields. In the past, staff has had to turn down a lot of organizations because of lack of field availability. Staff has explored creating more time slots to increase overall availability. Organizations were also asked if it was possible to cut down field times by 15% overall to create availability. Staff looked at every property to explore additional options for scheduling additional field time for organizations. The Regional Athletic Complex will provide some relief for the overall demand for fields within the City. The plan is not to change a lot in 2015 but to begin looking at a new fee structure beginning in 2016. There will be more stringent requirements with regard to proof of insurance, signed agreements and other documentation. Dennis Faris made a motion to recommend that City Council accept the strategy plan for 2015 and then the new fee schedule 3 would come back to the Board for recommendation for 2016. Fred Fife seconded the motion. Dennis Faris commented that he heard feedback that even with the proposed increases the fees are still very cheap and to keep that in mind for the 2015 fee schedule. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. January Agenda Draft—No comments b. Annual Calendar—No comments 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. January 15, 2015 An audio version of the complete minutes from this meeting can be found here. ``` „ aECENED OCT 3 0 Nil �T n o.• r e AGENDA -1.71 RDER PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALTLLAKE CITY Thursday,November 20,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 50o South,2nd Floor Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:oo p.m. b. Installation of New Board Members c. Board Officer Nominations d. Approve September 18,2014 Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:15 p.m. 4. Staff Updates a. Riparian Restoration Project Updates—Emy Maloutas 5:25p.m. b. Conservation Easements: Why and How—Wendy Fisher, Utah Open Lands 5:5o p.m. 5. Action Items a. Acquisition Items—Emy Maloutas and Lewis Kogan 6:2o p.m. i. 601 S boo E-Final Analysis ii. Gillmor Ranch,N Jordan River Pre-Application b. Open Space Signage—Emy Maloutas Too p.m. 6. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 7. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. December 18,2014 1 =Q: - . 27. A SCICThursday November 20, 2014 PuRt‘L 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:0o PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Jacob Crockett Lewis Kogan Mark Smith RECEIVED Dennis Faris Gwen Springmeyer Shawn McDonough Brandon Fleming Amy Barry Ellen Parrish Lee Bollwinkel Tony Gliot OCT 3 0 2C17 Meridith Perkins Matthew Loveland Anne Cannon Ellen Pesek Marc Coles-Ritchie Tony Gliot Nancy Monteith C! / CCR.DEF Emy Maloutas 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry. b. Installation of New Board Members i. Gwen Springmeyer, Matthew Loveland and Ellen Parrish introduced themselves to the Board and provided brief descriptions of their history. ii. Staff introduced themselves and listed some of their responsibilities. c. Board Officer Nominations i. Amy Barry nominated Dennis Faris as Chair and Meridith Perkins as Vice Chair. Both agreed to be listed on the ballot. d. Approve September 18, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Marc Coles-Ritchie made a motion to approve the minutes. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. Ellen Pesek identified herself as a new staff member with Urban Forestry. She is the new Forest Area Service Coordinator, replacing Lyle Hagen. b. Anne Cannon thanked the Board members for their service and attendance. 3. Parks & Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period— i. Dennis Faris asked about the Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation Master Plan.Nancy mentioned that Staff met with the County and will be having a follow up meeting. Dennis asked if they could present to the Board in December. Nancy will follow up and see if that is possible. ii. Dennis asked about the Proragis website and how it works. Dennis would like to see comparables from Salt Lake City. Staff mentioned that data needs to be input for after 2012. Brandon will send the website to the Board members. Amy asked how it compares with Accela. Staff stated that the difference is that Proragis is a statistics comparison data hub while Accela is work order and asset management software. iii. Dennis asked about anti-graffiti coating on the Jordan Park pool house. Lee stated that he would follow up and see who did the application of that coating. 2 iv. Meridith asked about the Miller Park opening. Emy stated that it is a soft opening and that in the spring there would be a ribbon cutting. It will be identified as a rededication. v. Amy asked about Fairmont Skate Park and repairs. Lee stated that someone tried to do a patch job and that his staff has identified the issue and will take care of it. vi. Amy mentioned that the Sugar House Community Council received notice about CIP funding. They would like to place decomposed granite around Fairmont Pond.Nancy will assist with a price quote for the application. Lee mentioned that PPL has received funding for a new playground at Fairmont as well. vii. Amy asked about the Arts in Parks map and perhaps categorizing types of art and be able to identify what types could be put in which parks moving forward. Nancy stated that the map is still in process. Brandon and Nancy will work together to complete the map and forward to the Board. Criteria to identify what needs exist in parks should also be identified. viii. Amy mentioned that there is an Off Leash discussion memo/transmittal as well as Lewis capturing all of the comments from past discussions. It should be coming up to the City Council soon. It captured the ideas and philosophies that came from past meetings. ix. Gwen asked about trees in Reservoir Park and if they are being cut down. Tony mentioned that there are three large Cottonwood trees that have been identified for either removal or movement because of safety concern. No decision has been made yet. Tony will keep the Board informed moving forward.New trees will be planted as replacement if the trees are removed. 4. Staff updates a. Riparian Restoration Projects Updates (Emy Maloutas)—Emy presented a power point to the Board regarding the four restoration sites. Before and after pictures were included for Liberty Lake, 9th South Oxbow, Trailside and Miller Park. Emy began at the Trailside location and highlighted the different features that were restored at each site. Prevention of ongoing erosion was identified as an important part of these projects. Areas were seeded with native mixes. Any attrition will be replaced by the contractor because the plantings are under warranty for two years. For the 9th South Oxbow,the City had to acquire a water right to ensure flow through the wetland areas and back into the Jordan River. Miller Park had trees identified for removal. The first phase of removal did take place with this project. More trees were planted than removed. Water rights issues are still in discussion with public utilities and Salt Lake County. b. Conservation Easements: Why and How (Wendy Fisher)—Lewis introduced Wendy to the Board. Wendy addressed the Gillmor Ranch Property and the valuation of the conservation easement specific to that property. A conservation easement wraps a bow around the development rights of the property so that the land can never be developed. There is a property valuation in tax code. It is never full market value because you are not buying all of the rights, only development 3 rights. Wendy brought a power point presentation detailing conservation easements. Utah lags behind in Open Space funding other than places like Salt Lake City, Park City and Sandy City. Conservation easements identify what we want to see for the next generation. Under IRS law there are five values that fall under conservation easements—agricultural, scenic, historically significant, wildlife, ecological, recreation. Land Trust has a responsibility to ensure that the conservation easement is upheld. 5. Action Items—These items were moved to before item 4b. a. Open Space Signage(Emy Maloutas)—Emy identified the need to make the new signage standards official and formal and that she would like an official vote so that she can forward to the Planning Commission next steps in the process. Dennis Faris moved to accept and formalize the new open space signage standards. Meridith Perkins seconded the motion. Amy asked for any discussion. The implementation will be bundled to save money in the long term. In house installation will most likely take place in the spring. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. b. Acquisition Items (Lewis Kogan) i. 601 S 600 E—Final Analysis—The property had a final application in November of 2013 because PNUT Board wanted more information from Sustainability to see if it would be a good place for a community garden. There are a number of community gardens in the area and so Sustainability did say that it would probably be years before there would be any demand in this area. Staff recommendation is that there is too much uncertainty with demand of this project and that they are not sure if it is a purchase for the Open Space Bond Fund. Meridith asked if there is any other identifiable use for use of Open Space at this site. Lewis stated that there are parks in the immediate area so the need for additional parks is not in high demand at this point. Fred Fife made a motion to recommend that Staff not move forward with this acquisition project. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ii. Gillmor Ranch,N Jordan River Pre-Application—Lewis presented the pre-application for this project from Utah Open Lands for a conservation easement on this property. The property is north of the Salt Lake City boundary close to the Legacy Nature Preserve. The land is 1,040 acres of wetland property and cattle ranch. There is high value for environmental opportunity. Staff has recommended that it be moved to final application. Amy asked about how staff determines what the value is of the conservation easement. Lewis identified that the appraisal identifies the rights that are being held in the conservation easement. Utah Open Lands would be the primary holder of the easement and the City would be a third party enforcer. Wendy Fisher from Utah Open Lands addressed this project before her presentation regarding conservation easements. The other part of this operation is that it is certified organic beef program. It is locally sourced food, which is part of the Mayor's Sustainable Plan. In the event that this property was ever sold, the conservation easement would be in perpetuity. Public access on the property is not recommended because 4 of a bald eagle nest on the site but there could be opportunity for a classroom environment.No full appraisal has been done because this project is in the pre-application phase. There would be an appraisal for the full application and closed session with monetary details. Gwen Springmeyer made a motion to move the pre-application to full application. Fred Fife seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. Salt Lake County Parks Master Plan with Morgan Self b. 9 Line c. Parking Specifications and Standards for Open Spaces. Emy and Nancy will work together on this item. 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. December 18, 2014 ,,F,.t F, ^♦.Ii w,i. ` RECEIVED s .�_ AGENDA OCT 3 0 2e17 PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARIancy, RECORDER Thursday,September 18,2014 5:00 p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 500 South,end Floor Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. b. Approve August 21,2014 Board Meeting Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:15 p.m. 4. Staff Updates a. Off Leash Discussion Update—Lewis Kogan 5:25 p.m. b. Art Projects in Parks Memo and List 5:45 p•m• 5. Discussion Items 6. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 7. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. October 16,2014 1 9P'{r` = , 2= Thursday September 18, 2o14 � 4�ud c 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 50o South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Lewis Kogan Tony Gliot Dennis Faris Shawn McDonough Mark Smith Amy Barry Lee Bollwinkel Gwen SpringmeyeFCEIVED Meridith Perkins Anne Cannon Brandon Fleming Marc Coles-Ritchie OCT 3 0 2C17 1. Convening the Meeting `J' RECORDER a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry. b. Approve August 21,2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Fred Fife made a motion to approve the minutes. Dennis Faris seconded the motion.The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. Anne Cannon commented that she encourages the board to make decisions regarding off leash areas that consider all park users and the different uses that are required in parks. Fred asked if Anne believed there were enough amenities and features. Anne stated that she is remaining neutral as a member of the off leash working group. 3. Parks &Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period— i. Amy asked if Parks had checked into the skate park issue mentioned last month. Lee stated that there is a work order submitted for the structural cracking. ii. Amy asked about the Cemetery and gopher trapping.Mark mentioned that Cemetery is still baiting to kill.Amy had a concern about other wildlife at the Cemetery. Mark mentioned that the traps are underground. Contractor is also baiting for comparison sake. iii. Meridith asked about the new Forest Area Service Coordinator and what the timeline was for finding that new person.Tony stated that the job closed last Friday,interviews taking place next Thursday and Friday with the hopes of making an offer to the successful candidate by the following week.Hopefully this will happen before the end of this month. Staff is happy with the candidates. 4. Staff updates a. Off-Leash Discussion Update(Lewis Kogan)—Amy mentioned that when she read the memo in the dropbox that she felt nothing was new. She had anticipated a discussion regarding recommended funding options from the Off Leash Working Group Recommendations. Amy requested that the board take a vote to send the memo to Public Services Admin to forward.Meridith asked about why golf courses were not included in the memo. Lewis stated that staff felt since golf courses are not run by PPL that it would fall outside of PPL purview for this item.Meridith Perkins made a motion to accept the recommendations and move forward with the memo as provided by staff. Dennis Faris seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously.The board then discussed the Off 2 Leash Working Group Recommended Funding Options and took a straw poll for the recommendations. i. Straw poll results of the Recommended Funding Options: 1. Sale of tags for new and exclusive off-leash opportunities: The board is unanimously for this item and mentioned that the City should look at how much they spend on maintenance and look to fund that from this funding option. 2. User donations: The board is neutral on this item and feels this would be cumbersome based on the City's donation process. 3. Outside donations and sponsorships: The board had a majority in favor of this item. 4. Competitive grants: The board had a majority in favor of this item. 5. Tax increase:The board is unanimously for this item. Continuity of care was raised by the board as an issue,i.e. all tax payers pay for education and not all tax payers have children in the school system. 6. Reallocation of revenue: The board had a majority in favor of this item. 7. General obligation bond:The board is neutral on this item. 8. Privatization of one or more parks: The board is unanimously not in favor of this item but stated that they would not be against a concessionaire's agreement as long it was the exception and not the rule. b. Art Projects in Parks Memo and List—The board commented that the more information they had about this,the more they would be able to address these items as they come up. This would also be an opportunity to brainstorm different types of art and/or categories that are needed in park spaces.A map is being developed by the Arts Council. Staff will inform the board once this is completed.Amy requested that Nancy determine what types of art that could be considered.This would help the board in being more collaborative with the Arts Council for future projects. 5. Discussion Items 6. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. The board would like updates for the following items i. 9Line—where development of this trail is at. ii. Is there an intern coming that could research easements and land issues as identified by Emy in August? iii. Excavation at the 9th S Oxbow—Could this be used for the 9th South Bike Park? 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. October 16,2014 <, RECEIVED x iQ S ice_. =�•_ T= " OCT 3 0 2Ci7 PUBOC AGENDA CITY RECORDER PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,August 21, 2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 50o South, 2nd Floor Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. b. Approve July 17,2014 Board Meeting Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click khere for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:15 p.m. 4. Staff Updates a. Ouarterly Trail Report—Colin Quinn-Hurst 5:25p.m. 5. Discussion Items a. Off Leash Feedback to Work Group Findings—Todd Reese 5:45p•m. b. I-80 South Side Trail at Forest Dale Golf Course—Nancy Monteith 6:05 p.m. c. 1200 E Trail/Bridge Over Ravine at Westminster College—Nancy Monteith 6:10 p.m. d. Foothills Trail Issue—Emy Maloutas 6:15 p.m. e. Oak Hills Muster Plan—Nancy Monteith 6:2o p.m. 6. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 7. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. September 18,2014 RECEIVED 1 <' OCT 3 0 nil rI' -7% =Q: 1• M RECORDER 45. Thursday August 21, 2014 PU8 c�P 2nd Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 50o South) - 5:0o PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Luke Garrott Todd Reese Dennis Faris Lewis Kogan Emy Maloutas Amy Barry Nancy Monteith Tony Gliot Meridith Perkins Shawn McDonough Mark Smith Jacob Crockett Lee Bollwinkel Colin Quinn-Hurst Marc Coles-Ritchie Everett Joyce Anne Cannon Brandon Fleming 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry. b. Approve July 17, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Meridith Perkins made a motion to approve the minutes. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. No comments were made. 3. Parks & Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period—Updates for the new Marmalade Library Plan and the greenspace in the area were provided by Nancy Monteith. Site design sketch plans were shown and described in detail to the board. This will be a public space with a green lawn, outdoor water feature, sitting area, trees and a wall. b. Continuation of Question and Answer Period following Item 5a—Fairmont skate park damage question: How can cracks be repaired? Staff will follow up on this question. Nancy presented that Roni Thomas from the Arts Council has CDBG funding and would like to discuss Art in parks. Redwood Meadows was discussed as a possible location for art because of the master plan process that is beginning. Nancy requested a straw poll be done among the board to gauge support for potential art funding at Redwood Meadows Park. The board requested a map of what maps have art and what parks are planned for art projects. Straw poll vote result: 6 yes, 0 no. 5a. Off-Leash Feedback to Work Group Findings was moved to accommodate discussion by the board, staff and City Councilman Luke Garrott. Work Group packet was reviewed last month. Board was previously directed to discuss comments with Open City Hall. Council Staff would like feedback in memo form from the PNUT Board directly. Councilman Garrott was present to get feedback from the board. Lewis Kogan provided an update about some of the common comments from Open City Hall including better enforcement, more off-leash facilities and dedicated off leash times during specific times of day and seasons. Staff also mentioned questions for board consideration included: how 2 will off-leash hours be chosen such that the impacts on the space would be minimized, how would the City address enforcement, how would the City provide maintenance for high quality dog parks. Councilman Garrott requested feedback from the board regarding the ranked Working Group prioritization statements. The board reviewed and provided a straw poll results and feedback for recommendation for the statements. Below are the results: • Priority 1 —Off leash may not be an acceptable use for natural lands. Perhaps provide new off-leash areas in pre-determined appropriate developed park spaces. This priority and the need for more off leash areas was approved, with the caveat that enforcement be provided. Straw poll vote result: 5 yes, 1 no • Priority 2—Board expressed a need to identify appropriate spaces and that this is subject to enforcement. Straw poll vote result: 4 yes, 1 no • Priority 3 —Board expressed a need to ensure that limits are known, capacity is established and education with regard to timeframe. Straw poll vote result: 4 yes, 2 no • Priority 4—Board expressed a desire to acquire new areas that are appropriate for this use. Better design and amenities for dogs and location related to housing were also suggested. Straw poll vote result: 6 yes, 0 no • Priority 5—Board suggested a possible new revenue stream for a paid membership for the off-leash area on golf courses. Straw poll vote result: 6 yes, 0 no • Other points for consideration: Ongoing costs for enforcement and expansion and impact maintenance costs. Minimum standards for off-leash parks were also briefly discussed. Staff also discussed the need to figure out the process of reviewing new locations and how those are decided upon. • The board decided to conduct a funding brainstorm for this at the next board meeting and prepare a report for City Council. 4. Staff Updates a. Quarterly Trail Report(Colin Quinn-Hurst)—Colin presented information regarding the following updates and timelines for trail projects and initiatives: the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan, the Surplus Canal Trail,the Airport Trail, the Transvalley Corridor Trail. Amy requested a map for the trail from Parley's Trail 1700 E to Sugar House Park. Colin will send this to Todd to send to the board. Guadalupe Trail in Austin Texas and Ogden City are doing street reconstructions with trees and a protected bike lane trail that could be shown as an example for the new style of trail going in several cities. The Jordan River Parkway Trail at North Temple to 200 South and complications with that process were mentioned briefly. 5. Discussion Items b. I-80 South Side Trail at Forest Dale Golf Course(Colin Quinn-Hurst)—The McClelland Trail will be north of I-80.Nancy and Colin discussed this briefly and suggested the direction of bikes and pedestrians to and through Fairmont Park. If this was done, there would northern edge access east to west at Forest Dale Golf Course. Colin will bring up this possibility to his board as a next step. c. 1200 E Trail/Bridge over Ravine at Westminster College(Colin Quinn-Hurst) — This item was briefly discussed as a possible bridge behind the Westminster 3 soccer field. Westminster has expressed interest and would be a potential partner to citizen groups in order for pedestrians to avoid going on campus unnecessarily. d. Foothills Trail Issue (Everett Joyce)—Everett presented information and research that his office has done regarding trail easement recording and plat maps in the foothills of Salt Lake City. Much more research would likely need to be done to pinpoint all of the trail easements and access points that have been developed and proposed over the years in the foothills area. Open Space may have an intern coming in that would be able to do this research. e. Oak Hills Master Plan(Nancy Monteith)—This item was postponed until the board meeting in September. 6. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. No comments or future agenda items were made. 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. September 18, 2014 Board Chairperson Amy Barry asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting because of postponed items. Dennis Faris made a motion to end the meeting. Marc Coles-Ritchie seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The board meeting was adjourned. _<r _z 7` - is T= �P�+��.-. Thursday July 19, 2014 r u '- end Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 50o South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Lewis Kogan Emy Maloutas Amy Barry Nancy Monteith Tony Gliot Meridith Perkins Shawn McDonough Mark Smith Jacob Crockett Tara Olson Marc Coles-Ritchie Members Not in Attendance Beverley Cooper 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry. b. Amy Barry notified the Board that Beverly Cooper had resigned from the PNUT Board due to time constraints. Todd Reese reminded the Board that a search for additional Board members is underway. c. Approve June 19, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. A motion was made, seconded to approve the June 19, 2014 meeting minutes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Off Leash Working Group Recommendations a. Staff provided a report on the recommendations of the Salt Lake City Off-Leash Working Group. Amy Barry asked for clarification on whether the Off-Leash Working Group's recommendation for volunteer education included members of the public reminding dog owners to pick up after their pets, and to leash their pets in on-leash areas. Staff confirmed that this was the intention of the Off-Leash Working Group's recommendation. 3. Public Comment Period a. Ann Cannon told the Board that the City should be cautious in allowing more off- leash dog use in riparian areas,because many of the riparian areas and streams within the City boundary are already impaired and sensitive to increased use. Ann told the Board that additional upstream impacts from dogs(i.e. along Emigration Creek in Rotary Glen Park) could nullify water quality protection efforts and City investment downstream, in areas such as Wasatch Hollow Preserve. 4. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese)—Todd reported that moving forward there will be a new format for program reports. These reports will no longer be oral, but will be written reports that the board will be able to review as part of the board packet. 2 This will allow us to focus on specific questions the board may have regarding program items instead of presentations from each of the program managers. b. Parks(Lee Bollwinkel)—Lee reported that the Parks Program was running smoothly. c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas)—Emy reported on the status of the Open Space Signage Project, and the Miller Park, 9Line Oxbow, and Trailside Restoration Projects. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith)—Mark reported on the status of the ESCO irrigation project and the WPA wall and retaining wall studies. e. Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot)—Tony reported on tree maintenance efforts around the City. Shawn McDonough(Mayor's Executive Staff) asked if Tony could look into some dead trees in the Sugarhouse area. Tony responded that he would look into the situation. f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy reported on the status of the Liberty Lake restoration project as well as the status of Imperial Park, Pioneer Park, and Redwood Meadows. 5. Discussion Items a. Pioneer Park—Exploring Partnerships PPT (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy presented the City's work with the Pioneer Park Coalition and City plans to reinvigorate Pioneer Park. The presentation also included an overview of public-private partnerships and their role in revitalizing urban parks. 6. Action Items a. Fairmont park Tennis Relocation(Nancy Monteith)—Nancy presented alternative locations for tennis in both Fairmont Park and Forrest Dale Golf Course. The board took a straw poll and unanimously selected the Forest Dale location, option F, and the Fairmont Park location, option E, as preferred locations for tennis. The Board will make a final decision on tennis when land-use determination has been made for existing tennis location in Fairmont Park and the Forest Dale site. b. PHNP UDOT Final Application(Lewis Kogan)—Lewis presented the final application for open space acquisition of the UDOT property in Parley's Historic Nature Park("PHNP-West"). Amy Barry moved to enter a closed session to discuss anticipated project costs. Meredith Perkins seconded the motion, and the Board entered a closed session. CLOSED SESSION Following closed session, PPL Staff clarified that they were looking for Board approval to negotiate with UDOT to enter into a purchase contract for the "PHNP-West"property. Meredith Perkins moved to recommend that PPL Staff negotiate to acquire the PHNP-West property. Marc Coles-Ritchie seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. Discussion took place regarding the following items that should be added to the August Agenda: A potential trail on the south side of I-80 and the edge of Forest i Ni ilk w 1 A iQ Thursday June 19, 2014 �-. :.77.5 nd 7 4 C,; y r Q 2 Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM ''r punt1c AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting RECEIVED a. Call to Order b. Approve May 15,2014-PNUT Board Minutes OCT 3 0 2Ci7 2. Public Comment Period ^F ! PPCORDFR 3. Liberty Park Aviary Expansion and Former Children's Garden(Tim Brown&Angela Dean) 4. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) b. Parks(Lee Bollwinkel) c. Open Space(Emy Maloutas) d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot) f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith) 5. Staff Updates a. Quarterly Trail Report(Transportation Dept. Staff) b. Open Space Signage Project(Emy Maloutas) 6. Discussion a. Open Space Grant Spreadsheet(Emy Maloutas) b. Pioneer Park—Exploring Partnerships PPT(Nancy Monteith) c. Fairmont Tennis Courts(Nancy Monteith) d. Open Space Signage Project—Name Formalization of Four Key Sites(Emy Maloutas) i. Hidden Hollow Preserve,Wasatch Hollow Preserve,Ensign Peak Preserve, Arcadia Hills Preserve 7. Action Items a. Open Space Rules and Regulations Ordinance Amendment(Emy Maloutas) b. Open Space Signage Ordinance Amendment(Emy Maloutas) 8. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 9. Confirmation of next meeting a. July 17, 2014 10. Adjourn Meeting 1 pit; �lc,. ,T=i,� � Thursday June 19, 2014 J& ruBoc-' 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 50o South) - 5:0o PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Lewis Kogan Emy Maloutas Amy Barry Nancy Monteith Tony Gliot RECEIVED Meridith Perkins Shawn McDonough Tim Brown Angela Dean OCT 3 0 2Ci7 Members Not in Attendance Beverley Cooper �• Jacob Crockett Marc Coles-Ritchie 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry at 5:06 PM b. Approve May 15, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Meridith Perkins moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. No comments 3. Action Items— This was moved from#7 due to time constraints a. Open Space Signage Ordinance Amendment(Emy Maloutas)—Emy discussed the current existing ordinances that apply for parks and open space. There are challenges because the code limits how signage can be placed into open space. She presented what the amendments to the current existing section of rules that apply to parks and open space. She cited section 15.08 as a place for amending. Rules for parks and open space were discussed at length. Emy recommended that the City keep all the applicable rules for parks and apply them to all open spaces as well. That way, when changes need to be made, they would only be minor as opposed to trying to create a whole new set of rules for open space. b. Open Space Rules and Regulations Ordinance Amendment(Emy Maloutas)— Open Space would like to further the definition of open space be only that inventory which is identified in an open space inventory instead of including, for example, golf lands. Staff recommended that the definition of open space be all real property that is owned by the City and zoned as open space and also falls under the purview of the open space lands program. This would change the City code to reflect inventories for Golf,Parks, Open Space and Public Utilities lands. Conversion of land types would be defined per management group. Discussion also took place regarding signage in open space zoned properties and changes that should be made in the ordinance to allow for signage in those areas. Staff would 2 like a recommendation as to what level of information to provide to the public. The board recommended, through a straw poll, that staff move forward on developing City ordinance amendments to reflect the above action items. 4. Liberty Park Aviary Expansion and Former Children's Garden(Tim Brown&Angela Dean)—Angela Dean is a consultant from A&G Architecture who is in the process of helping Tracy Aviary with their new exhibit. Parks &Public Lands and Tracy Aviary teamed together to facilitate a public workshop to facilitate public input regarding the expansion of the Aviary into the former Children's Garden at Liberty Park. Results from that meeting will be posted. Staff will seek funding at a later date to prepare a master plan for Liberty Park. Tim discussed comments pertaining to the building. There was a desire to save site lines in the park,preserve as many trees as possible and keep the profile of the building as low as possible. The tropical building is funded through the County and has some time constraints place on that funding. Tim provided history of the project and how it has moved forward. Angela presented a fly over view of the design concept and boundaries for the building. She also presented conceptual images as to how the building may fit into the landscape at Liberty Park. The board discussed the importance of tree preservation during the construction on site. 5. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese)—Todd reported various issues at Pioneer Park. PPL is working with Administration to finalize the budget. PPL is supporting discussion regarding golf courses and maintenance costs. PPL is getting ready to convert 16 seasonal positions to full time after July 1st. Pioneer Park Trapeze is currently hung up on an insurance issue. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel)—Board members requested follow up regarding the duck decapitations at Fairmont Park. Fairmont Park design money through CIP was discussed briefly. Pioneer Park focus for this summer is for programming in the park. Cruise Night is being discussed. Off leash dog events are being planned as well. c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas)—Get into the River was a success. Had over 800 people at the event. Willard Bay grants will fund in stream cleanups on September 20th beginning at 500 North. Miller Park update will be coming with regard to phasing. There was a ribbon cutting at the Sugar House Draw 2 weeks ago to connect to Sugar House Park. There are three youth city interns working for Open Space right now. They are developing their perception of open space and youth. d. Cemetery(Todd Reese)—Memorial Day was successful and clean up of the Cemetery has been completed. Mowing crews are trying to get caught up from Memorial Day. Center Street restroom improvements should begin within 30 days. Fire station retaining wall will start soon. Cemetery wall consultation has begun. Tree replacement program is being started also. e. Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot)—Tony reported that he had a tour of the Cemetery. The trees going in are being discussed in order to increase diversity. Focus for Urban Forestry has been on removals. Riverside Park has received attention. Moving forward Pioneer Park, Tracy Aviary, Reservoir Park and Washington Square will all have tree removals. Next week orders will be completed for Fall planting. Trimming is done year round. There is a back log currently for 3 trimming.Next month Forestry will be moving toward updating the Urban Forestry Plan, which has not been updated since 1989. f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy tabled at the Music Stroll at Imperial Park neighborhood. Construction documents will go out in a couple of weeks with a ground breaking to happen in August. Glendale Park redesign still needs to be discussed. Parking is a major point of contention. Meadows Park has signage in place where the new art will be placed. No feedback has been received. Cottonwood Park art project has been completed and displayed for the board to see. Liberty Lake construction is on hold until the beginning of August. Plan Salt Lake is being reviewed. Nancy will bring her review to the board upon completion. CDBG Monies -Ron Heaps got funded for$22,000. PPL received $412,000 for Redwood Meadows Park. Nancy will be working on the Aging and Place Initiative for the Mayor. Site Tours for Parley's and Wasatch Hollow will be taking place. Public meeting#3 for Wasatch Hollow will take place July 2nd at 6pm. Lewis is working with Parks staff to develop maintenance standards for parks. Down the road, standards will be developed for all of the programs. 6. Staff Updates a. Postponed- Quarterly Trail Report (Transportation Dept. Staff) b. Open Space Signage Project(Emy Maloutas)—The signage project was reviewed and the types of signs. Increasing the branding and sense of identity is a major point of focus for staff This is being conveyed to the consultants for improved results. Staff provided current concepts for the board. Funding came from CIP for this project. Locations for the signs and sites are under discussion. 7. Discussion a. Open Space Grant Spreadsheet (Lewis Kogan)—This was in response to a request by the board to learn more about the grant applications that PPL has applied for and which they have already received. Lewis discussed the current status of the applications on the list. b. Postponed - Pioneer Park— Exploring Partnerships PPT (Nancy Monteith) c. Fairmont Tennis Courts (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy presented a map of Fairmont Park and the exploration of relocation of the tennis courts. There are five locations identified within Fairmont Park. Preferred location is site E from the map. Nancy requested feedback from the board regarding location for the tennis courts. Forest Dale Golf Course location would also be an option. The preferred option from the board is the Forest Dale location. The secondary option would be site E. The board expressed a desire to wait and see if Forest Dale is available. d. Postponed - Open Space Signage Project--Name Formalization of Four Key Sites (Emy Maloutas) i. Hidden Hollow Preserve, Wasatch Hollow Preserve, Ensign Peak Preserve, Arcadia Hills Preserve 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. July 17, 2014 1% AGENDA �uuL�� PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,July 17,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 50o South,2nd Floor Approximate Start Time i. Convening the Meeting -5:0o p.m. 5 min a. Call to Order b. Approve June i9,2014 Board Meeting Minutes 2. Off Leash Working Group Recommendations -5:05 p.m. 15 min a. Staff Recommendations-Tara Olson 2. Public Comment Period -5:20 p.m. 5 min 3. Staff Reports -5:25 p.m. 20 min b. Director's Report-Todd Reese c. Parks-Lee Bollwinkel d. Open Space-Emy Maloutas e. Cemetery-Mark Smith f Urban Forestry- Tony Gliot g. Planning&CIP-Nancy Monteith 5. Discussion Items -5:45P.m- 20 min a. Pioneer Park:Exploring Partnerships-Nancy Monteith 6. Action Items -6:05 p.m. 20 min a. Fairmont Park Tennis Relocation—Nancy Monteith b. PHNP UDOT Final Application-Lewis Kogan 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items —6:25 p.m. 5 min 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting -6:3o p.m. 5 min a. August 21,2014 1 - < x ¢ % 'n71 N.�-;f.,T'yf. 2 Thursday July 19, 2014 & ruBOC end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Lewis Kogan Emy Maloutas Amy Barry Nancy Monteith Tony Gliot Meridith Perkins Shawn McDonough Mark Smith Jacob Crockett Tara Olson Marc Coles-Ritchie Members Not in Attendance Beverley Cooper 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry. b. Amy Barry notified the Board that Beverly Cooper had resigned from the PNUT Board due to time constraints. Todd Reese reminded the Board that a search for additional Board members is underway. c. Approve June 19, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. A motion was made, seconded to approve the June 19, 2014 meeting minutes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Off Leash Working Group Recommendations a. Staff provided a report on the recommendations of the Salt Lake City Off-Leash Working Group. Amy Barry asked for clarification on whether the Off-Leash Working Group's recommendation for volunteer education included members of the public reminding dog owners to pick up after their pets, and to leash their pets in on-leash areas. Staff confirmed that this was the intention of the Off-Leash Working Group's recommendation. 3. Public Comment Period a. Ann Cannon told the Board that the City should be cautious in allowing more off- leash dog use in riparian areas,because many of the riparian areas and streams within the City boundary are already impaired and sensitive to increased use. Ann told the Board that additional upstream impacts from dogs (i.e. along Emigration Creek in Rotary Glen Park) could nullify water quality protection efforts and City investment downstream, in areas such as Wasatch Hollow Preserve. 4. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese)—Todd reported that moving forward there will be a new format for program reports. These reports will no longer be oral, but will be written reports that the board will be able to review as part of the board packet. 2 This will allow us to focus on specific questions the board may have regarding program items instead of presentations from each of the program managers. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel)—Lee reported that the Parks Program was running smoothly. c. Open Space(Emy Maloutas)—Emy reported on the status of the Open Space Signage Project, and the Miller Park, 9Line Oxbow, and Trailside Restoration Projects. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith)—Mark reported on the status of the ESCO irrigation project and the WPA wall and retaining wall studies. e. Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot)—Tony reported on tree maintenance efforts around the City. Shawn McDonough(Mayor's Executive Staff) asked if Tony could look into some dead trees in the Sugarhouse area. Tony responded that he would look into the situation. f. Planning &CIP (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy reported on the status of the Liberty Lake restoration project as well as the status of Imperial Park, Pioneer Park, and Redwood Meadows. 5. Discussion Items a. Pioneer Park—Exploring Partnerships PPT(Nancy Monteith)—Nancy presented the City's work with the Pioneer Park Coalition and City plans to reinvigorate Pioneer Park. The presentation also included an overview of public-private partnerships and their role in revitalizing urban parks. 6. Action Items a. Fairmont park Tennis Relocation(Nancy Monteith)—Nancy presented alternative locations for tennis in both Fairmont Park and Forrest Dale Golf Course. The board took a straw poll and unanimously selected the Forest Dale location, option F, and the Fairmont Park location, option E, as preferred locations for tennis. The Board will make a final decision on tennis when land-use determination has been made for existing tennis location in Fairmont Park and the Forest Dale site. b. PHNP UDOT Final Application(Lewis Kogan)—Lewis presented the final application for open space acquisition of the UDOT property in Parley's Historic Nature Park("PHNP-West"). Amy Barry moved to enter a closed session to discuss anticipated project costs. Meredith Perkins seconded the motion, and the Board entered a closed session. CLOSED SESSION Following closed session, PPL Staff clarified that they were looking for Board approval to negotiate with UDOT to enter into a purchase contract for the "PHNP-West"property. Meredith Perkins moved to recommend that PPL Staff negotiate to acquire the PHNP-West property. Marc Coles-Ritchie seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. Discussion took place regarding the following items that should be added to the August Agenda: A potential trail on the south side of I-80 and the edge of Forest OCT 3 0 2f i7 it/:=.... .T1 'r I �+ ITY RECORDEFL puBoc AGENDA PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,June iSth,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 50o South,2nd Floor Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:oo p.m. b. Approve May Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 5:05 p.m. 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:10 p.m. 4. Staff Updates a. Gillmore Ranch Conservation Easement(Lewis Kogan) 5:15p.m. b. 9-Line(Lewis Kogan) 5:25p.m. 5. Discussion Items a. Potential Acquisitions City Wide Review(Lewis Kogan) 5:40 P•m. 6. Action Items a. Holder 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 6:45 p.m. 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. July 16,2015 7:oo p.m. 1B -711 _7 1 4 � � ��. Thursday August 20, 2015 r'usL3c Parks & Public Lands - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Dennis Faris Amy Barry Lewis Kogan Brandon Fleming Meridith Perkins Ellen Parrish Nancy Monteith Lee Bollwinkel Matthew Loveland Lisa Schmidt Tony Gliot Shawn McDonough Members not in Attendance Fred Fife Gwen Springmeyer 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dennis Faris b. Approve June 18, 2015—PNUT Board Minutes i. Dennis Faris made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. No Comments 3. Parks &Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period 4. Staff updates a. Gillmore Ranch Conservation Easement(Lewis Kogan)—Meridith asked if the PNUT Board is there to determine alternatives or options or to just give it a go. Lewis said they were to review and give feedback on other potential options or areas they may look to invest either in acquisitions or in projects before Lewis or staff make a recommendation on remaining bond funds. Subjections will be followed up later.Lewis is going to look at a alternative offer to the Gillmore family. Parks doesn't have sufficient funds to buy the entire Ranch.Lewis explained that one thing he was looking at were ways to offer to the family was to offer to purchase a portion of their property and potentially lease it back to them to acquire access to the public.PNUT Board would like that idea. b. 9 - Line(Lewis Kogan) — The information he was given was that there was a small group of city staff who took on the planning of the$600,00o that was allocated in the last CIP round to fund improvements on the 9—line with the intention that those would primarily be spent on the I-8o underpass near boo west to the river.Dennis is wondering why it's taking this long to make improvements with the$590,000.00 that has been left of the funding that's just sitting there.PNUT Board came to a vote that they would like to write a letter indicating to the City Council that they recommend$600,00o be re—allocated to redevelopment of the 9—line trail and that Parks take control of the project.It passed with a unanimous vote. 5. Discussion Items a. Potential Acquisitions City Wide Review (Lewis Kogan)—Amy asked about the McClellan trail. The board said they did a land swap.Lewis asked if we have a big 2 gap in our open space portfolio that would be represented by properties by the lake near the north west quadrant or just to the north side of the airport.He thought he heard the PNUT Board say if it was high quality wetland wild life habitat that it may be of interest.But th at it's probably not worth going way outside of the city to protect lands that would primarily be for public access and that our efforts are better spent within the boundaries of the city property.Lewis wanted to know if he should focus on small parcels or larger areas. Amy was saying there is a list somewhere that has neighborhoods that aren't efficient in smaller(pocket)parks. Mathew asked to talk about the Dreschel family piece.It's not in SLC but does boarder it. We are looking on a plan to spend our existing funds that need to be spent by September of next year.Lewis will get back to PNUT Board on the next meeting with identification of some small parcels that we can acquire quickly and some trail access points that can be approved. There will be a list available. 6. Action Items 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. July 16, 2015—Dennis declared meeting adjourned. RECEIVED OCT 3 0 20i7 . „ T CITY RECORDER Bt AGENDA Pus►�c- c PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,May 21st,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Northwest Recreation&Community Center(1255 W.30o N.)Music Room Approximate Start Time i. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:oo p.m. b. Approve April Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 5:05 p.m. 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:15 p.m. 4. Staff Updates a. Open Space Zoning continuation(Lewis Kogan) 5:25 p.m. b. Slackline(Lewis Kogan) 5:35p•m• 5. Discussion Items a. Opportunities for the remaining open space bond funds(Lewis Kogan) 5:5o p.m. b. Rules for bikes and eBikes in SLC Parks and Open Space(Lewis Kogan) 6:15 p.m. c. Strategic Planning Discussion—Pathways Associates(Nancy Monteith) 6:35 p.m. 6. Action Items 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 6:45 p.m. 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. June 18,2015 7:oo p.m. 1B ,fs,) I 4 -PA(' T � Thursday May 21, 2015 ruBOL Northwest Community Center - 5:0o PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Dennis Faris Fred Fife Todd Reese Mark Smith Meridith Perkins Jacob Crockett Nancy Monteith Lewis Kogan Marc Coles-Ritchie Matthew Loveland Lisa Schmidt Ann Cannon Shawn McDonough Members not in Attendance Amy Barry Ellen Parrish Gwen Springmeyer 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dennis Faris b. Approve April 16, 2015 —PNUT Board Minutes i. Dennis Faris made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. No Comments 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period 4. Staff updates a. Open Space Zoning Continuation(Lewis Kogan)—Lewis noted that no questions had been received from Board members related to the proposed text amendments for OS and NOS zones since the issues was presented last month by Everett Joyce, and reiterated that Planning was looking for the Board's opinion on the proposed amendments.Dennis proposed that the Board take a straw poll to gauge support for the proposed text amendments.Straw Poll Result: Unanimous in favor of proposed text amendments to the OS and NOS zones. b. Slackline (Lewis Kogan) — Todd asked Lewis to update the board on the response from risk management.Lewis stated they were concerned if the city were to create space designated for slacklining.Meridith asked if they could set anchors at a certain height in specific areas.Lewis stated that city funding would be required. Shawn asked why the issue came up.Lewis responded that PPL was looking at established signs/rules for parks and Urban Forestry raised concerns about slacklining causing tree damage.Dennis asked how big of a problem it is.Lewis stated that the issue is coming up frequently,particularly the height of the lines and concerns for tree safety. 5. Discussion Items a. Opportunities for the remaining open space bond funds (Lewis Kogan)—Meridith asked when a recommendation to move forward on the remaining open space bond funds was desired.Lewis responded that 3-5 months was desirable, and if funds remain, the Open Space Program may be able to use them for improvements to existing purchased open space. Wendy Fisher presented on behalf of Utah Open 2 Lands on their proposal for an easement on Gillmore Property. Todd asked: What is the fair market value? Wendy responded that FMV was 3.5 million. Todd also asked questions about tax benefits,public access, and water rights. Wendy responded that the family may be eligible to receive tax benefits on any donated portion of the conservation easement appraised value; there would be four public days where kids would come out to the farm and learn where their food comes from. Wendy said that the water rights were included in the easement. Wendy clarified that the family is not interested in selling fee title to the property. b. Rules for bikes and eBikes in SLC Parks and Open Space(Lewis Kogan)— Dennis asked what Park City is doing in regards to eBikes.Lewis explained that Park City is allowing them on larger width trails. Collin is gathering information from other partners. c. Strategic Planning Discussion—Pathways Associates (Nancy Monteith)—Phyllis Hockett presented the process for strategic planning. Currently working with staff on the concept of vision,mission and the value statements. The PNUT Board will receive a survey that they are to return to Phyllis who will compile it.She asked the PNUT Board to consider having a special meeting to discuss strategic planning. The process will finish up in July and she wants the boards input and feedback. Dennis wanted to know if they could put a question on the survey asking if people want a special meeting. The survey will come from Survey Monkey and go back to Phyllis. They will get it to them within a week. 6. Action Items 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. June 18, 2015 —Dennis motioned to adjourn, Meredith seconds the motion. ;c' ,..,�.�9 e�- i _�: _ Thursday May 15, 2014 sue: __ 2nd Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM df Pt)Bt AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order b. Approve April 17,2014-PNUT Board Minutes 2. Public Comment Period RECEIVED 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) OCT 3 0 20 d1 b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) c. Open Space(Emy Maloutas,Lewis Kogan,Nancy Monteith) crrY RECORDER d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot) f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith) 4. Staff Updates a. Jordan Park CDBG Improvements(Lee Bollwinkel) b. Imperial Park Design Development Update(Nancy Monteith) c. Staff Update on Bike Park Projects(Lewis Kogan) d. Liberty Park—Aviary Expansion and Former Children's Garden Space (Todd Reese) e. Graffiti Reporting App(Brandon Fleming) f. 9 Line Landscape Restoration(Emy Maloutas) g. Disc Golf—Jordan River Par 3 (Todd Reese) h. Miller Park Improvements(Emy Maloutas) i. City Council Committee on Off Leash Policy(Todd Reese) 5. Discussion a. Pioneer Park—Exploring Partnerships PPT(Nancy Monteith) b. Open Space Pre-Application Parley's Historic Nature Park(Emy Maloutas) c. Fairmont Tennis Courts(Nancy Monteith) d. National Ecological Observatory Network(NEON) Proposed Location Review(Emy Maloutas) e. Open Space Naming Analysis and Report(Emy Maloutas,Jesse Peterson) 6. Action a. Jordan Meadows Park Public Art(Nancy Monteith) b. Grants—Willard Bay and State Recreational Trails(Emy Maloutas) 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. June 19,2014 9. Adjourn Meeting 1 =i c Thursday May 15, 2014 ruBt‘c end Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 500 South) -5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance RECEIVED Beverley Cooper Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Marc Coles-Ritchie Lewis Kogan Emy Maloutas OCT 3 0 2e17 Amy Barry Meridith Perkins Nancy Monteith Tony Gliot Jacob Crockett Shawn McDonough Mark Smith C!TY CORDEP Brandon Fleming Gwen Springmeyer 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Amy Barry at 5:10 PM b. Approve April 17, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Beverley Cooper moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. Gwen Springmeyer reported that the Greater Avenues Community Council (GACC) met. Michael Webber approached the council regarding the bench and monument at Popperton Park. He lives directly across the street from the bench, has concerns regarding elicit behavior and wants GACC to support removal of the bench. GACC had questions regarding how the bench was approved. Bench has been onsite between 5-7 years. Suggestions were made to take this issue to GACC's police liaison. Staff will put this item on next month's board agenda for an update. 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese)—Todd reported on two staff updates. Tony Gliot is the new urban forestry program manager. Todd provided a background for Tony. Also, Brandon Fleming has accepted the position of Program Support Coordinator. Todd provided a background for Brandon. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel)—Lee passed out a list of projects on which Parks are currently working. He highlighted a project at Sorensen Unity Center for a walkway from the school to the Center. Amy asked about an update for Moose Grove. Lee stated that the crew for that area just seeded Moose Grove today. Parks is also looking at a situation regarding elicit behavior in that area. Shawn McDonough asked for a status of the Herbert Ave Ron Heaps Community Garden. Lee reported that the City is waiting for contracts. It is being managed by Engineering. Todd will get an update and report back to Shawn. Todd reported a new project, Utah Flying Trapeze, which will be happening in Pioneer Park. The City is writing an agreement to put this program in Pioneer Park on the 4th South side. Classes will be held at that location. It will also be a great spectator activity. 2 c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas, Lewis Kogan, and Nancy Monteith)—Emy reported that the Open Space Signage project is coming along. Staff will be giving input to consultants regarding branding. On May 31 St there is a Get into the River Celebration at Jordan Park and Fisher Mansion.Nancy reported on Liberty Lake. The contractor is really engaged in the process. Construction is underway. Parley's Historic Nature Park is in design phase to enhance user experience in the park. Lewis reported that the Trailside project is about 90% complete. They are finishing up the trailhead north of the middle school. The 900 South Oxbow project is going out to bid on Saturday. Construction will begin on June 15th. Wasatch Hollow 2nd phase riparian restoration is underway with the second meeting happening next Tuesday. Construction will initiate late fall. There will be opportunities for the Board to help table at the Get into the River Event. Sherilyn will send an email to the Board tomorrow to gauge interest. Emy will include packet material in the email for the event. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith)—Mark reported that Memorial Day preparations are being made at the Cemetery. The ESCO sprinkler system is coming along. The Center Street restroom is in the design phase with Engineering. There will be tree planting happening in the Cemetery this fall to diversify the species in the Cemetery. Todd mentioned a meeting and Cemetery tour with City Council members regarding the Cemetery that went well. e. Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot)—Tony reported about some opportunities and prioritization of where the Forestry Program will move forward. Amy asked about 21st South and 11th East on the north side of the street. She wanted to know why the trees were cut but left 3 foot stumps. Tony reported that the trees are being removed as part of the plaza redesign project. 62 new trees are required to replace the removal. The half removal is because of poor timing and recognition. They wanted to be able to pull them out instead of grinding them out. They have been directed to cut the trees to grade and cover them with a grate. f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy reported that there is $400,000+ in funding for Redwood Meadows for design and implementation. The improvements will create more circulation and take out the block walls to be able to move through it easier. The money is available July 1. PPL will move through the design process this fall and hopefully construction next spring. The approved plan includes a 12 ft. walkway. Regent Street space was discussed by Nancy briefly. The Downtown Master Plan is undergoing additional iterations. Plan Salt Lake is the consolidated internal planning effort which will take all of the plans to create one master plan. Salt Lake County is undergoing their Parks & Recreation Master Plan Process. Nancy will forward this to the PNUT Board. 4. Action—This was#6 but was moved to#4 due to time constraints a. Meadows Park Public Art(Nancy Monteith)—Salt Lake Arts Council received money from CDBG for art in the area. PPL coordinated with the Council to identify parks that could use art. Located at approximately 1900 West 400 North. Discussion of artists and proposals for art in Meadows Park took place. Staff is looking for a vote of support for this project. The recommendation would be that the board support and approve the art approved by the Salt Lake City Arts 3 Council design board for Meadows Park. Question arose as to why this location was chosen. Public process for this project was done informally. Beverley Cooper made a motion to approve this project. Dennis Faris seconded the motion. The board expressed concern at the lack of public outreach for this project. PPL Staff will let the Arts Council know of these concerns. The motion passed unanimously. b. Grants—Willard Bay and State Recreational Trails(Emy Maloutas)—Emy explained that PPL Staff would like to provide the board with information regarding these grants. Lewis described the two grants for which PPL Staff applied. The Willard Bay Grant application was for$300,000 to combine restoration at 1800 North with an educational component. The State Recreational Trails program grant was for$80,000 for construction of high quality pedestrian trails system for Wasatch Hollow Preserve. Emy will bring the board a spreadsheet of all grants in process for Open Space. Marc Coles Ritchie made a motion to support these grant proposals if funded. Meridith Perkins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Staff Updates a. Jordan Park CDBG Improvements (Lee Bollwinkel)—Jordan Park Playground— Lee provided an update about$110,000 for a new playground that will upgrade the current to comply with ADA standards. Design is planned for winter with construction beginning next spring. Jordan Park Babe Ruth Baseball Field— Staff has not heard if this is funded. This is a proposal from a community member that would be a reorientation of the current field. b. Imperial Park Design Development Update (Nancy Monteith)—70% review was done this week. The budget is getting tight for this project. There are 9 add alternates proposed. The community has raised$38,000 for the project and is exploring how to use that funding as well. June 14 is their Porch Fest Celebration. c. Staff Update on Bike Park Projects (Lewis Kogan)—Lewis provided the board with more information regarding bike terrain parks in the City. They include a variety of obstacles. There is a high demand for these types of parks currently. Salt Lake City has three bike parks currently. I Street, Parley's Historic Nature Park and a pump track at the beginning of the 9 Line Trail. Lewis discussed constraints with this type of park. Potential impacts need to be discussed. Identification of existing issues in this type of park was vetted with the community. d. Liberty Park—Aviary Expansion and Former Children's Garden Space (Todd Reese)—This item was deferred until next month. e. Graffiti Reporting App (Brandon Fleming)—PPL Staff is working with City Sourced to develop an app called SLC Mobile that will allow users to interact and report a myriad of issues to City employees. The current version is a beta version for testing only at this point. The Mayor's Office will roll this out to the general public at a later date. f. 9 Line Landscape Restoration(Emy Maloutas)—PPL Staff has been working to improve the vegetation along the 9 Line Trail. Staff is using riparian sediments 4 and seeding to improve the area. This should enable staff to lay the foundation for future efforts along this corridor. Reseeding will happen in the fall. g. Disc Golf—Jordan River Par 3 (Todd Reese)—There has been much discussion as to whether or not this golf course should remain open or close. The City Council decided to keep operating the course until November, at which time they will revisit this subject. There may be an opportunity for combined use in the future. PPL Staff is putting together numbers of how much this would cost PPL to maintain this golf course. h. Miller Park Improvements (Emy Maloutas)—Due to all of the delays and public process this project has been on hold. The new time frame is a compressed window from July—October 31st. Staff will work closely with consultants and contractors to ensure funding is properly addressed. The alignment that was put out to bid was the alignment that the community agreed upon. Staff is hoping to expedite this project. There have been concerns voiced by the public regarding the tree removal priorities. i. City Council Committee on Off Leash Policy(Todd Reese)—Next week the committee will have their 4th meeting. First three meetings have been positive. The committee is identifying all the good things done in the previous study done by the administration. The discussion has been pretty open thus far. PPL manages these properties in the end. Staff has sent the committee some pretty frank comments about this study, identifying all of the user groups that are looking for more area. Enforcement is being discussed by the committee. The process is moving very quickly. There have been four meetings in a matter of two weeks. 6. Discussion a. Pioneer Park—Exploring Partnerships PPT(Nancy Monteith)—Nancy deferred this until next month. b. Open Space Pre-Application Parley's Historic Nature Park (Emy Maloutas) — Board was provided with a memo and pre-application for this acquisition project, which includes a major portion of PHNP. Staff opened a conversation with UDOT to transfer ownership of this six acre parcel. Amy Barry moved on a straw poll to approve moving forward with this. c. Fairmont Tennis Courts (Nancy Monteith)—Nancy deferred this until next month. d. Open Space Naming Analysis and Report(Emy Maloutas, Jesse Peterson)— Staff brought a second iteration of the naming list to the board for discussion. Staff has proposed names for areas that do not have names and renaming of some areas that are not properly named. Emy expressed an interest to create continuity among the names of City open spaces. Staff and board members discussed some of the names at length. Emy would like to get approval from the board to put this item on Open City Hall. A straw poll was taken and the board approved that Staff put this out to the public on Open City Hall. e. National Ecological Observatory Network(NEON)—NEON has approached the City with a proposal to put a relocatable tower in a City park or open space to collect data regarding soil, climate, atmosphere and other data that will be available to the public. They want a location that is in close proximity to a neighborhood area. Soil rays or tubes would be included at the site that would 5 measure additional soil and water data. Four sites were reviewed as acceptable locations for this tower. Staff has discussed this with Planning and this was identified as a conditional use. Staff and the board agreed that both would like to move forward with further review and recommending a site. 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items—Marc would like to discuss access to public lands in the foothill areas around us in the future. Staff will try for July. 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. June 19, 2014 9. Because all the items were not discussed Chairperson Barry asked for and received a motion to adjourn from Marc Coles Ritchie. The motion was seconded by Dennis Faris. The motion passed unanimously and the board meeting was adjourned. Thursday April 17, 2014 y'' ` hi ^_ 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM PUBoc AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order b. Approve March 20, 2014 - PNUT Board Minutes RECEIVED 2. Public Comment Period OCT 3 0 2Ci7 3. Staff Reports CRC RECORDEF a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) b. Parks(Lee Bollwinkel) c. Open Space(Jesse Peterson) d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) f. Planning &CIP (Nancy Monteith) 4. Staff Updates a. None 5. Discussion a. Open Space Adopt A Spot Program(Jesse Peterson) b. PNUT Board Vacancy Discussion(Todd Reese) 6. The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-204 for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss(a)the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimate value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(d);(b) attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§78-24-8;and(c)pending or reasonably immanent litigation pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(c).The foregoing notice relates to matters of an emergency or urgent nature within the meaning of Utah Code Ann,§52-4-202(5). 7. Action a. Open Space Acquisitions—Full Applications (Lewis Kogan) b. Open Space Naming Analysis and Report(Jesse Peterson) 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. May 15, 2014 9. Adjourn Meeting 1B �v j .^�<i1s s, _L C7'f i '- '-i,�if 2 Thursday April 17, 2014 PUB�� end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) -5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Beverley Cooper Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Marc Coles-Ritchie Lewis Kogan Jesse Peterson Amy Barry Nancy Monteith Julie Fratto Shawn McDonough Mark Smith Members Not in Attendance Stacie Pitcher Meridith Perkins Jacob Crockett 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM b. Approve March 20, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Beverley Cooper moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Fred Fife seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. None 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) - Todd announced that the Urban Forestry program manager has been found—Tony Gliot. He also mentioned that there are topics regarding Pioneer Park that will be later discussed. Staff have been involved with the Pioneer Park coalition, and also been sitting on one of the Mayor's committees for the homeless. They are looking to getting things going for Phase II improvements at Pioneer Park and getting the ground work started for a partnership for Pioneer Park, which will be a private/public partnership to implement strategies for programming and development. Beverley asked a question regarding the City considering charging for dog parks and if that money would be put back into improving the dog parks. She had visited a dog park in Washington, UT, where they had divided up parks according to dog size. She also saw a wading pool for dogs to go in and was her ideal thought of what a dog park would have. She would like to see the money go towards improvements like that. Todd said that in terms of location, fees,policy and doing the research on it, it is a Public Services project under the direction of Rick Graham with Tara Olsen. He mentioned it would be a good idea for Public Services to come in and do a presentation on it for us. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) -Parks is starting off with a busy spring. Fred asked about work going on at the 9 Line Trail. Lee said the soil wasn't the greatest, the contractor tried to reseed it but it didn't take, so they took soil from the pond in hopes that it will improve the dirt there to reseed again this spring. 2 c. Open Space (Jesse Peterson) -The Miller Park project construction will begin in late July/early August. Lewis mentioned that the Trailside restoration project is almost 80%complete. All that's left to do is the irrigation system,planting and seeding. Over the next year a contractor will be responsible for watering and maintaining the plants. The 900 S. Oxbow restoration project is at substantial completion with the design phase, which will be going to bid in about a week. Staff anticipates construction to start in the next couple of months and going through the summer. The Wasatch Hollow restoration project is kicking off its design phase with its first public meeting on April 29th. The design process will go through to the end of July, get the bid out a couple of months after that, then looking at mid to late fall for construction to begin. Nancy mentioned that the Liberty Lake contractor is getting ready to mobilize to start work around the edges of the lake because the migrating birds are nesting mostly on the island. Still waiting for the Army Core permit and are hoping to get in a week or so. It will be a 60 day build process depending on how soon we can access the island. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) -The ESCO west half sprinkler project is coming along great, they have all the main line in and it's fully charged. They are putting in the laterals, working the heads, and should be done in the next month or two. The center street year round restrooms are in design and retro fitted to be in the center of the Cemetery and will be locked at night, and could have them open 24/7 for police and fire departments. The wall is coming along and is going through purchasing to be approved so they can get a company on site to give an assessment of l lth Avenue historical and retaining wall. They are getting prepared for Memorial Day. Todd mentioned a meeting he had with Stan, who said that the Cemetery would become more of importance to him in the next couple of years, and that Stan will also be building up City Council support for that project. e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) -Julie stated they are finishing up the tree planting project. Amy asked if the city plants fruit trees, and Julie said they do not, for various pruning reasons and for liability reasons of fruit falling on the ground. f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith) -At Imperial Park the consultant has been charging ahead in construction documents that were just passed 40% that goes towards developing some of the designs and making good progress. The community raised$38,000 on their own, so we are working with the community on opportunities to incorporate the art so that it becomes part of the park rather than something that is 'in' the park. The community said they are interested in a metal banded fence at the south edge of the park, where an artist will incorporate something onto the fence. Todd requested for planning images of Imperial Park to be shown at the next PNUT Board meeting for all to view. On June 14th the park will be holding a porch celebration, so they would like to have a celebration for the beginning of construction, like a shovel in the ground ceremony. (Sally will continue with the Friends of Imperial Park Organization). At Glendale Park the restroom construction is moving forward. Ron and Nancy met with the Council Chair to go over all the proposed changes, which they approved. Next step is to get with Rick Graham and the operator of Seven Peaks to get him orientated to this new approach. Then they will go back to Logan Simpson for 3 design revisions, and then meet back with the Board. Parley's Historic Nature Park is following a design process and tag teaming up with Wasatch Hollow and the same consultant. There is only money for design at this point but the first public meeting is Thursday, April 24th at the Sugarhouse Garden Center which will be about the design of user amenities. They will be looking at the access points and making them more accessible like the water, the trailheads, and communication of the use of the park. They made suggestions for the CDBG money for Art in the Park and a few other parks, and the Arts council responded back that Jordan Meadows Park is the one that they are targeting for an art piece in which they haven't selected an artist or location. For downtown parks and the downtown master plan and the ongoing development, Staff will be providing some comments back at the end of next week and then it will still have a couple of iterations and will probably get rolled out sometime between June and September with the City Council for adoption. It goes along with our particular interest and finding locations for pocket parks and developing our parks network in the downtown area. We've also been having a lot of conversations with the RDA and how to get parks incorporated into their visions and their projects and along with that how those parks are funded and maintained in their operation. 4. Staff Updates a. None 5. Discussion a. Adopt A Spot Program(Jesse Peterson) - Open Space has been interested in forming partnerships with groups to develop for people to join and volunteer, Adopt A Spot is one that's been a new focus this year. Those that join the program will commit to a minimum of 60 hours of on-site work, volunteering in the space of one year. This year it will be a pilot program, accepting about five applications and will be recruiting specific groups who have volunteered in the past. The volunteers will be asked to do eight tasks: site clean-up, weed control, tree protection,trail upkeep, monitoring,program advocacy and education to share their enthusiasm for Open Space and what they're doing. Photo documentation will also be taken to use through media channels to help the community recognize the great work they're doing for the City, and reporting safety hazards and issues. A rough draft of the guidebook will be passed around the table and additional information is on the parks home page under get involved and the Adopt a Spot tab. b. PNUT Board Vacancy(Todd Reese) - Staff has completed a review of applications. There are four potential openings. Staff have worked with Holly Hilton in the Mayor's Office and clarified what the roles and responsibilities of the Staff and the Board are with regard to making recommendations. Recommendations from this group will go to Rick, and then Rick will make the recommendations to the Mayor. Then the Mayor's Office will conduct interviews as necessary. We've provided them with two candidates for each opening and an alternate. The applications were taken from the original list of applicants and this year's applicants. The time frame is unknown,but Staff will check with Holly as 4 to how long it will be. The Board can advocate for any applicants they know. The list that has been chosen will not be released at this time. 6. CLOSED SESSION 7. Action a. Open Space Acquisitions—Full Applications (Lewis Kogan)— i. North H-Rock Preserve- Amy moved to get concurrence on the North H- Rock parcel to get the appraisal. The Board passed it unanimously. ii. 381 S Emery Street- Amy asked if the Board concurs to continue this one gathering the more information that was discussed in closed session. Do we all concur to recommend that staff collect more data on the surrounding parcels and look at alternate access issues for those homes? The Board passed it unanimously. iii. Sugarloaf Hill—Not a lot has changed with the additional research that Staff did. Staff would recommend withdrawing the acquisition request at this time. Amy asked if the Board concurred to withdraw the acquisition request for Sugarloaf Hill. The Board concurred unanimously. b. Open Space Naming Analysis and Report(Jesse Peterson)— Staff reported that in the short term they are looking for approval with the names in the first list. The second list will be more long term. The second names will be the potential new names for this proposal. Jesse discussed context for the names and the criteria for naming. There is no current defined nomenclature. Staff is hoping to go away from misnaming sites and using the nearest street name or owner as the name. The process was looking at City code to define labels and establish a naming priority. The next step would be to put this on Open City Hall to request public input. Board members identified that the use of numbers does not create a sense of place. A name is an important part of creating place. The Board concurs with the short list, or first five new names. The short list will be posted to Open City Hall and contact Community Councils to get public comment regarding the short list. The long list will be discussed further and brought before the board later to discuss any proposed changes or alterations. 8. Confirmation of next meeting—This meeting will take place on May 15, 2014. 9. Chairperson Amy Barry adjourned the meeting at 6:48pm. ECEIVE OCT 3 0 2f;¢7 n ' � s L _� r 1• ` CITY RECCRDE �y t ' • li fy'),;;I; tt C, S` I uR c AGENDA PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,April 16th, 2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Imperial Park:156o E Atkin Ave(284o So) Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:0o p.m. b. Approve March Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 4. Staff Updates a. Quarterly Trail Report(Colin Hurst) a. PRATT Trails b. McClelland Trails c. Others b. Open Space Zoning Text Amendments(Lewis Kogan) 5. Discussion Items a. Growing the Benefits of Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot) b. 9-Line site improvement-Phase I(Todd Reese) c. Bikes in Miller Park and other Administrative Rules(Lewis Kogan) 6. Action Items a. Warm Springs(Nancy Monteith) 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. May 21,2015 1B tr „ • i, . 7ft( 1 t ' ^ Thursday April 16, 2015 'rui Imperial Park: 1560 E.Atkin Ave (2840 So) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Dennis Faris Ellen Parrish Nancy Monteith Chris Peterson Amy Barry Fred Fife Todd Reese Suzzane Martinez Meridith Perkins Lisa Schmidt Mark Smith Marc Coles-Ritchie Tony Gliot Lee Bollwinkel Gwen Springmeyer Lewis Kogan Colin Hurst Cindy Cromer Everett Joyce Members not in Attendance Jacob Crockett Matthew Loveland 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dennis Faris b. Approve March 16, 2015 —PNUT Board Minutes i. Dennis Faris made a motion to approve the minutes. Amy Barry and Meridith Perkins second the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. Cindy Cromer requested that she be allowed to provide public comment following the Open Space Zoning Text Amendments item. Request approved. 3. Parks & Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period 4. Staff updates a. Quarterly Trail Report(Colin Quinn-Hurst)Amy asked how trails get prioritized. Colin explained the trails were prioritized as part of the forthcoming Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Update. In the plan,trails were selected from those listed in existing citywide and community master plans or otherwise identified as part of the public process and open houses conducted for the plan. The plan prioritized them for implementation in either the next 0— 10 years or the next 10—20 years, based on community demand, cost, and property availability. Amy requested an updated list of trails that are on the back end of this prioritization. Colin will get an updated list. The plan is available online at: walkbikeslc.com i. PRATT Trails 1. Tanner Park to Sugar House Park and 300 West to 900 West are in the process of preparing to advertise for construction. 2. The Draw to S-Line Greenway is in design phase, coordinating with Sugar House redevelopment. There will be more access. 3. State Street to 300 West is in design by South Salt Lake City, needs funding. 2 4. 900 West to Jordan River Trail is in initial design, needs funding and property agreements. ii. McClelland Trails—Colin explained that they are focusing on the Northern section first. 800 South to Elizabeth Sherman Park is funded and is initiating public involvement and design. iii. Other Trails: 1. Trans Valley Corridor is funded for study and is preparing for proposals for Implementation Plan development. 2. Folsom Trail from Gateway to Jordan River is in the process requesting funding from Salt Lake City CIP and WFRC Transportation Alternatives Program. 3. Jordan River Parkway Trail - Bridge,North Temple to 200 South— In design- Funding needed. Also a Grant application in process for Rec. Trails Program to replace narrow bridge at 550 North. 4. Salt Lake County East West Trails Master Plan is in process: Recommends focusing on City Creek/North Temple/ Airport Trail alignment. Also recommends Trans Valley Trail route as a secondary priority. b. Open Space Zoning Text Amendments (Everett Joyce)—Everett presented the full April 8, 2015 staff report on proposed zoning text amendments to the OS and NOS zones. Amy moved that the board voice support for the proposed amendments.No second. Cindy Cromer passed out a hand out and voiced opposition for weakening the conservation protections of the Open Space zone, stating that re-zoning for desired non-conservation uses was a better alternative. Fred moved to allow the board a month to review the proposed amendments, and re-visit the topic at the May meeting. Dennis seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion Items a. Growing the Benefits of Urban Forestry(Tony Gliot)— i. Tony discussed the difficulties of keeping up with tree removal and priority pruning workloads. He's put in for a CIP request. He's hoping for more fuel efficient vehicles. b. 9-Line Site Improvement—Phase I (Todd Reese)—Will be re-visited next agenda c. Bikes in Miller Park and other Administrative Rules (Lewis Kogan) i. Lewis shared with the Board that there is no administrative rule prohibiting bicycles from any city park or open space. Lewis asked the Board what their expectations are for setting no bike rules and hours. Dennis feels it's worthy of a discussion and will discuss more next meeting. 6. Action Items a. Warm Springs (Nancy Monteith) i. Amy had asked what the zoning of the building was last meeting. Nancy looked into it and it's zoned as open space. Phase I is funded. The goals for the park redevelopment will include a multi-purpose field big enough for soccer and lacrosse as examples. The community is really interested in RR IB iv�\ -A ={Q: rig Win. '7% SC,, Thursday March 20, 2014 6 PUBI‘L end Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Beverley Cooper Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Jacob Crockett Emy Maloutas Lewis Kogan Amy Barry Marc Coles-Ritchie Nancy Monteith Julie Fratto Shawn McDonough Mark Smith Members Not in Attendance Meridith Perkins RECEIVED 1. Convening the Meeting OCT 3 0 2C;7 a. The meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM CITY RECORDEF b. Approve February 20, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes i. Jacob Crockett moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Marc Coles-Ritchie seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. Marlene Smith—International President of Daughters of Utah Pioneers. She addressed the Miller Park project and stated that she and her group are not very happy with what is proposed. Her group is against the proposed removal of the Black Locust trees,which have been in the Salt Lake Valley since the pioneers arrived over 180 years ago. She stated that the black locust root systems help maintain the hillside slope and prevents erosion at Miller Park. b. Bonnie Vail—Former resident of Miller Park area. She wants to know why more time cannot be taken to discuss this project further. Also, she wants to know if there is leeway with the monies to be spent at Miller Park. She listed several other items that could be addressed at Miller Park before removal of the Black Locust trees. She also stated that the bird habitat is in danger if the City goes into Miller Park during this season. She stated she appreciates the level of City stewardship. She would like these questions addressed and answered via email or website posting. c. Susan Frampton—Daughter of Utah Pioneers member. She also addressed the Miller Park project and the Black Locust trees. d. Jim Webster—Landscape Architect. He gave his history and credentials and some history of Miller Park and the community council. He has written a history of Miller Park. He is aware of the Miller Park master plan document. He will submit a copy of his Miller Park history to the Board. e. MaryAnne Jensen—Daughter of Utah Pioneers member. She also addressed the Miller Park project. She is saddened by this project. She stated that this area isn't broken and she does not understand why they are fixing it. 3. Staff Reports 2 a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) i. Todd updated the Board with regard to the search for a new Urban Forestry Program Manager. Parks &Public Lands (PPL)has completed the process and will be making a formal announcement tomorrow. Todd also stated his appreciation to Julie Fratto and what a great job she did as the acting interim Urban Forestry program manager. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) i. Lee stated that Macy's is partnering up with different cities around the nation to donate up to $250,000 nationwide. This will take place during the month of March. Lee also provided flyers to the Board. c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas) i. Emy mentioned that Open Space is making progress on their four state funded restoration projects. Trailside is at 75% completion. 9th South Oxbow will begin in about 6 weeks and go into the summer. Miller Park construction will start in April and be complete in late August. Liberty Lake contract has been awarded. It is a 60 day process that will happen in the summer. They are developing signage to keep the public informed. Shawn McDonough asked about the Ron Heaps Memorial. Todd mentioned that there was a ground breaking tomorrow and that construction would begin shortly thereafter. Emy passed around a handout of Miller Park summary. Dennis mentioned he would like to see a spreadsheet of updates for these projects. Emy said she would make that available by the next Board meeting as well as keeping the website updated. Wasatch Hollow open space project has just begun. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) i. Mark discussed the ESCO Sprinkler project and that they have a completion date set during the month of April. They are also currently in the process of doing a wall analysis in the Cemetery. Todd added that some of the Cemetery infrastructure has gotten the attention of City Council and that funding will be coming for some of the bigger ticket items. e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) i. Julie stated that Urban Forestry is in the process of receiving 500 trees that they have to plant before it gets warm. f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith) i. Nancy mentioned Imperial Park and Glendale Park,which are to be discussed later in the meeting. She also mentioned Parley's Historic Nature Park. They are currently doing some visioning for Parks in the downtown area. 4. Staff Updates a. None 5. Discussion a. Open Space Signage Report(Emy Maloutas)— Staff opened with a mention of a meeting for next Monday. The Board will have every opportunity for input. Open 3 Space is looking at 9 locations for open space signage. Open Space will develop a standard and detailed design for the locations. Open Space will bring a proposal next month to officially name some open space locations. Open Space is looking at current conditions. Public process for this project began in January. Board will need to make a decision in the future regarding this open space signage proposal. Staff presented an option that is preferred by Open Space at this point. These new sign standards will be used in Parks and Open Space moving into the future. b. Glendale Master Plan(Nancy Monteith)—Staff presented an update to show changes that were made after the initial comment period. Staff is trying to address all of the uses at the Park. The field area can work as a soccer field. It will be used as a multipurpose field. The parking may stay as a gravel lot instead of asphalt. Staff is also addressing the three different users of these parking lot areas. Fred asked if there is direct access to boaters for the Jordan River. Staff mentioned that the boat access would be maintained with an independent access point. Staff also stated that some of the parking responsibility will be put back onto Seven Peaks ownership to figure out. The next step will be to go back to the Glendale Community Council as well as others and get approval and update the proposal to bring back to the Board in May. c. Board Applicant Review Report(Todd Reese)— Staff reported that we have 70 applications. Staff will filter them down and present them to the Board for recommendation. Beverley pointed out that the Board doesn't see a necessity for them to see the applicants. Staff will make a recommendation to Rick Graham and he will then forward onto the Mayor for his approval. d. Open Space Acquisitions—Pre Applications (Lewis Kogan) i. 9 Line Indiana Avenue Trailhead—This is a triangular property between the 9 Line and Indiana Avenue. I-215 is '/4 mile away from this property. The property has been used as a nursery since the 1970's. Could serve as a future trailhead for the 9 Line Trail as it expands to the west. Staff recommends moving to full application to further investigate need for a trailhead at this site. Staff could pursue a partial donation of the property if the Board made that recommendation. Chris Grant,who is a representative for the land owners, discussed this property. The property is not listed currently. If the City is interested, the owners would listen to an offer. The Board concurs with Staff's recommendation to move this to full application. ii. North H-Rock Preserve—This is a 162 acre section close to the H-Rock property. This parcel lies outside of the City boundary. The development threat would be relatively low because of the grade of the property. Staff recommends moving this pre-application to full application. The landowner did not mention a purchase price. The Board concurs with Staff's recommendation to move this to full application. iii. Sugarloaf Hill Acquisition Update—Staff discussed the asking price for this property with Property Management who stated that the asking price is not more than 25% over the valuation that they would give to this land. The Board discussed whether or not this acquisition should be revisited. 4 Staff will bring this property back to the Board for further analysis at a future Board meeting. 6. Action(THESE ITEMS WERE MOVED AFTER THE GLENDALE MASTER PLAN BECAUSE OF TIME CONSTRAINTS FOR A BOARD MEMBER) a. Open Space Acquisitions—Full Applications (Lewis Kogan)— Staff discussed an acquisition opportunity just south of Seven Peaks on the east side of the Jordan River Parkway Trail. Salt Lake County is looking to sale this land. It would have to remain as open space. Staff is looking for formal concurrence with the Staff recommendation, which is to move forward with the acquisition of this property. The surrounding parcels are privately owned. The property is currently accessible only by users of the Jordan River Parkway Trail. Beverley Cooper moved that the Board support this acquisition contingent upon a Phase I Environmental Assessment being completed. Marc Coles-Ritchie seconded the motion. The acquisition was discussed by the Board and Staff. The funding source was briefly discussed. The Open Space operating funds were proposed to use for the purchase of this property. Staff would be required to go to City Council to obtain an interlocal agreement. The Board voted upon the motion and it passed unanimously. b. Imperial Park Master Plan(Nancy Monteith)—Staff discussed the development of a master plan for Imperial Park for the past two months, which includes three public meetings. People wanted a lot of trees, water play feature, formal pavilion and a traditional playground. Staff presented the preferred option for consideration by the Board. Fred Fife moved to approve the preferred option as outlined by Staff. Jacob Crockett seconded the motion. The Board voted upon the motion and it passed unanimously. 7. Confirmation of next meeting—This meeting will take place on April 17, 2014. 8. Vice Chairperson Dennis Faris adjourned the meeting at 6:55pm. •A'`c <, w RECEIVED • , OCT 302017 P4s" Pun AGENDA cATY RECORDEF PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,March 19th,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Regional Athletic Complex:1850 North Rose Park Lane Approximate Start Time i. Convening the Meeting a. Regional Athletic Complex Site Visit 5:oo p.m. 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 4. Staff Updates a. Regional Athletic Complex(Lisa Schmidt) 5. Discussion Items a. Consolidated Fee Schedule(Todd Reese) 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. April 16,2015 Agenda 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting b. April 16,2015 lB _< 71 its ( rnf _ 9P4 c NT �,.P� Thursday March 19, 2015 J 6 PuBoc Regional Athletic Complex(1850 North Rose Park Lane) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Dennis Faris Ellen Parrish Shawn McDonough Nancy Monteith Amy Barry Matthew Loveland Todd Reese Suzzane Martinez Meridith Perkins Lisa Schmidt Marc Coles-Ritchie Tony Gliot RECEIVED Gwen Springmeyer OCT 3 C Zeal Members not in Attendance Fred Fife Jacob Crockett 'C!TY RFCC:7DF 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dennis Faris b. Approve February 19, 2015 —PNUT Board Minutes i. Dennis Faris made a motion to approve the minutes. Gwen Springmeyer seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. No Comments 3. Parks &Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period i. No Questions. 4. Staff updates a. Regional Athletic Complex(Lisa Schmidt)—Lisa anticipates 10 fields to be ready to use this fall. She discussed that the total revenue went up an additional $ 5.00 because of light fees. The Regional Athletic Complex will be giving Local youth the best rate. Lisa took all PNUT Board members and PPL staff a tour of the Complex. b. Pioneer Park(Nancy Monteith)—Nancy did a brief update by letting the Board know there was a transmittal prepared but it's being held off for now pending more responses. c. Warm Springs Park(Nancy Monteith)—The community is still wanting a nonprofit funding. They can choose to fund as elements move forward. Meridith asked what the bath house is going to be. Nancy is not sure but did say it was City owned and heard there is a party that wants to purchase it. Amy asked about the zoning for the Building in the middle of the park, PPL staff will follow up on the next PNUT Board meeting with that information. 2 5. Discussion Items a. Consolidated Fee Schedule(Todd Reese)—PPL staff made some changes to the fees. There was an attachment of the proposal which is moving forward as a draft. b. Park and Open Bond Update (Todd Reese)—Todd talked about how there's a lot of talk is going on mostly about Parks and Golf courses.Nothing is final with them. PPL Staff with keep them posted month to month. 6. Action Items a. Miller Park i. Temporary signs don't list a prohibition on bikes. It was asked if we could make sure the new signs have it listed. Lewis said, "The signs don't due to the ordinance". Dennis wants to know if Rick Graham can change that rule so the permanent signs will have bikes prohibited on them. Todd and Lewis will look into it. ii. Lewis was asked, "Why the riverbed is too large for Red Butte Creek, and there's not enough water". Lewis explained how it seems that there's not a lot of water running through. It's still new so it will take a few years for sediment to fill in all the cracks from the top to the bottom. Also factors in the water rights which they are subject to change. b. Jordan Park i. Is it an off leash dog park?There used to be a fenced in off leash dog area on the North end of the park. The fence was later removed since it was being used as a"test area". Someone was supposed to go back and see where a larger fenced Off Leash Area could be but it was never done. Dennis requested to look at the old plan. 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. April Agenda Draft 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. April 16, 2015 .1% 14_ ;; •;�i Thursday February 20, 2014 -Z`" • • ;: `1/4 /� ' 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM NJ soc AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order b. Approve January 16, 2014 - PNUT Board Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Staff Reports RECEIVED a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) OCT 3 0 2C17 b. Parks(Lee Bollwinkel) c. Open Space(Emy Maloutas) cI-111 PECORDEP d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry (Julie Fratto) f. Planning &CIP (Nancy Monteith) 4. Staff Updates a. None 5. Discussion a. 9 Line, Oxbow (Emy Maloutas) b. Downtown Master Plan(Molly Robinson) c. Glendale Park Master Plan(Todd Reese) d. East Bench Master Plan(Nancy Monteith) e. Acquisition(Emy Maloutas) f. Art in Parks—CDBG Sites(Todd Reese) 6. Action a. None 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. March 20, 2014 8. Adjourn Meeting IB 9�TcTP Thursday February 20, 2014 PuBt‘c end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Marc Coles-Ritchie Fred Fife Todd Reese Lee Bollwinkel Dennis Faris Meridith Perkins Emy Maloutas Lewis Kogan Amy Barry Jacob Crockett Nancy Monteith Brandon Fleming Shawn McDonough Ann Cannon Members Not in Attendance Gwen Springmeyer Mark Grimes Beverley Cooper Molly Robinson RECEIVED 1. Convening the Meeting OCT 3 0 2C i7 a. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM b. Approve January 16, 2014—PNUT Board Minutes ^PT\/ RFOORDER i. Dennis Faris moved to approve the minutes from the previous-meeting. Fred Fife seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. 2. Public Comment Period a. Mark Grimes of the Disc Golf Club - The group received a grant from Housing and Economic Development. Completion for the course should be around the end of June. Would like to get a timeline from the City for when they could start a temporary course on Par 3 Golf Course. They will then begin the timeline for public comment to see if the temporary course would become more permanent. There is a great disparity in the number of disc golf courses to the number of disc golfers in Salt Lake City. There has been discussion between the Tunnel Runners and the Public Services Department to see about the possibility of increasing the number of disc golf courses in the City. Possible sites mentioned were Par 3 and 2200 West Open Space. There will be a planning process to look at the viability. 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) i. Staff introduction of Lewis Kogan, the new PPL Project Coordinator. It will support PPL project capital improvements, open space planning initiatives and improvements where needed. Todd discussed Lewis' career credentials. Began on February 3`d. ii. Pioneer Park—In the past a phase 2 implementation of a park plan has been discussed. PPL has been working with the Mayor. The Pioneer Park Coalition has begun to make itself known to the City. It is a very high energy group. It will be important to have PPL involved on a high level. PPL Staff will keep the PNUT Board apprised of the situation. b. Parks(Todd Reese) i. Weather has been great. Parks has been able to get to litter pickup as well as equipment maintenance. Curb repair at Memory Grove as well. c. Open Space(Emy Maloutas) 2 i. Get into the River Event is a May 31st event that Open Space is planning. This will happen at Jordan Park. It's meant to be a celebration of the Jordan River. Open Space will be sending out a save the date ii. 4 Restoration Projects—Miller Park moving to construction in the next 4-6 weeks. 9th South Oxbow will be moving towards 90% completion of construction documents. Lewis is managing Trailside, which he will speak to.Nancy is managing Liberty Lake. iii. Getting an RFP out for Natural Lands Management Plan. iv. Amy requested an update on Wasatch Hollow—The contracts are finalized. v. Discussion took place regarding the newspaper—"The West View". Fred is a reporter for this publication. Emy and Fred are coordinating to get those events in the paper. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) i. They are also transitioning over to spring like Parks. Equipment maintenance from snow to grass. Sprinkler project is coming back online. e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) i. They are winding down on their tree removal process. ii. Gearing up for planting of 500 trees in front of people's homes and parks. iii. Inventory for the section that was taken is coming online soon. Waiting on IMS currently. iv. Tree species diversity was discussed. v. PPL has over$100,000 worth of trees to plant this year. vi. PPL has closed on the Urban Forestry Manager position and is reviewing candidates for that new hire. f. Planning &CIP (Nancy Monteith) i. Liberty Lake—PPL is currently waiting on permitting. The contract has been awarded to a contractor. PPL is hoping to start construction in the next 2-3 weeks. 60 day construction process. Wetland bank restoration and floating island installation. ii. Parley's Nature Park—Waiting on contract finalization. This contract is for design only. PPL is looking for developing amenities for users. iii. Imperial Park—Just had a second meeting. 30+people were at the last public meeting. Just finished accepting comments yesterday. They are beginning development of the final alternative. iv. Capitol Hills Community Council had a meeting with PPL to discuss Warm Springs Park to develop another grass roots effort to come up with concepts for design of this public park. There are a lot of efforts developing with the Capitol Hills Community Council. Plan has a lot of merit. v. East Bench and Downtown Master Planning Process—Nancy is working with Planning regarding these two processes. 4. Staff Updates a. None 3 5. Discussion a. 9 Line and Oxbow (Emy Maloutas)—PPL was able to provide input to the Planning Department for the 9 Line. This is in close proximity to the 9th S Oxbow Open Space restoration project. There are upcoming finalizations for the 9th S Oxbow forthcoming. Fred asked about the demonstration garden and the planting plan at the Public Utilities site at the 9th South Oxbow. Emy will coordinate with Stephanie Duer about getting more information regarding that plan. Construction documents will be at 95% in the next week. Construction is set to begin hopefully before summer. b. Downtown Master Plan(Molly Robinson)—Nancy introduced Molly to the PNUT Board. There is a dearth of park space in the downtown area. What should parks downtown look and function like? Planning would like input from the Board. The briefing gives a snapshot of where Planning is in the public process. So far they have reached approximately 750 individuals. This is a 25 year development and policy plan to direct vision for downtown. There are currently 10 supporting principles that support the vision. They are now going back through a lot of the input that has been gathered to begin to identify goals that would help them begin to achieve that vision. Amy asked if there would be integration for the Pioneer Park plan. Molly answered that, yes, it would be integrated. The level of detail will be different between the plans. The conversation will be based around public parks and how they integrate into this downtown master plan. Please send comments to Molly. c. Glendale Park Master Plan(Todd Reese)—Last month we looked at the master plan. The PNUT Board recommendation was for alternative 2. There was a memo that summed up the comments from the Board. Dennis and Todd spent time last week to discuss comments. Todd wanted to open this up to discussion to see if there is a way for us to move forward. Todd requested direction from the Board this evening. PPL needs to get back with the community council to get that underway. What is driving the parking right now is safety and traffic right now. It spills up the side streets into the neighborhood. Right now it is gravel parking lot. There is a loss of green space. Talked about a parking deck which had a very high cost. This would be one of several items that would be discussed during negotiations with Seven Peaks. This is a shared problem. Is there too much hard surface? There is the possibility to reprogram existing and other turf areas. This alternative shows how you operate during peak times. Nancy has suggestions for this question that was discussed. Discussion took place about projection of long term growth of the area. Dennis would like to see average number of cars on peak days. Todd committed to getting those numbers. The location of the restroom was discussed. There may be some interest in getting a soccer field put back into the plan. The proposal is to extend the green space and possibly reclaim some of the parking area and confirm sustainability of the trees. Open Space Signage was discussed by staff and the board for this location because of the boat launch to the Jordan River. PPL Staff will do a redraw and share with the Glendale Community Council. d. East Bench Master Plan(Nancy Monteith)—Nancy included a summary and the pages that were relevant to parks and open space. This is an update of an existing 4 plan. Wayne Mills is the Planner leading this effort. Discussed the role that PPL will have in this planning process with Nancy and Todd. Zoning map was shown the board. Looking at parks and schools, the walkability quarter mile metric was shown and discussed. The area is built out. PPL will look into park spaces for areas that are not walkable. What are the things that are important to the board in the development of the draft plan for this process?Foothill Blvd has been identified as an important corridor for this plan. Board wants to look to see how to develop pocket park opportunities in the foothill area, especially the south east portion. If people could bike along Foothill you would have a lot more bike commuters. It was suggested that Foothill needs a protected bike lane. A timeline for the update: Planning would like to have a draft in nine months. Nancy set a target of April or May for Wayne to come back with a draft. e. Acquisitions (Emy Maloutas)—Pre-applications from November were discussed. The next step in the process is that the board asks the applicant to move to full application. Staff has analyzed the received full application acquisition requests. Staff will make a recommendation to the board based on the criteria worksheet. i. Sugarloaf Hill Acquisition Request—3-4 acres total at the topside of the Avenues. Applicant proposed a possible trail from Saddle Hill Road to the site. Lewis went over the criteria worksheet for this project. Staff feels that this project offers great views of the valley. The board commented that there was very little interest because the grade of the property it would not be developed anyway. The current price tag is far too high. If there was an identified ecosystem benefit to this property, the Board would be more with this project. Emy will seek to get input from property management as to the actual open space value of the property. ii. 381 S Emery Acquisition Request—PPL received final application with specifics geared toward providing a buffer along the Jordan River corridor. This property connects to existing City open space. The riparian corridor overlay would apply given the proximity of the property to the Jordan River. This is also a developable lot for residential use. Lewis went over the criteria worksheet for this project. There are constraints for this site with the Open Space Bond and the riparian corridor overlay. Emy has been assigned to do more due diligence and will seek more input and report back to the board. f. Art in Parks—CDBG Sites (Todd Reese)—The board has been provided with a list of parks that qualify for CDBG funding with the City Arts Council. This process moves along fairly quickly. This is a heads up at this point that more news may be coming. Fred mentioned a Lemur enclosure that Hogle Zoo will be removing as a possible art piece in a park. 6. Action a. None 7. Confirmation of next meeting—This meeting will take place on March 20, 2014. 8. Chairperson Amy Barry adjourned the meeting at 7:07pm. 2, ,:- ` ? = Thursday March 20, 2014 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM d:PU I%L C AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order b. Approve February 20, 2014 -PNUT Board Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas) d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) f. Planning &CIP (Nancy Monteith) 4. Staff Updates a. None 5. Discussion a. Open Space Signage Report(Emy Maloutas) b. Glendale Master Plan(Nancy Monteith) c. Board Applicant Review Report(Todd Reese) d. Open Space Acquisitions—Pre Applications (Emy Maloutas) 6. Action a. Open Space Acquisitions—Full Applications (Emy Maloutas) b. Imperial Park Master Plan(Nancy Monteith) 7. Confirmation of next meeting a. April 17, 2014 8. Adjourn Meeting OCT 3 L r ,, • ts��.',T \ AGENDA csv r cc : ..: rustic PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Thursday,February i9th,2014 5:0o p.m.Formal Meeting Parks Building:1965 West 50o South,2nd Floor Approximate Start Time 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. b. Approve January Minutes 2. Public Comment Period 3. Parks&Public Lands Written Program Report Click here for report a. Question and Answer Period 5:to p.m. 4. Staff Updates a, Regional Athletic Complex(Lisa Schmidt) 5:15 p.m. b. Pioneer Park ALA Urban Design Committee Charette(Nancy Monteith) 5:25 p.m. c. Warm Springs Park Draft Concepts(Nancy Monteith) 5:35Am. d. Sugar House Fire Station Public Process(Planning Dept Staff) 5:45Am. e. FY2013-14 CIP Deferred Maintenance List(Todd Reese) 6:00 p.m. f. Sorensen Unity Center Outdoor Multi-Purpose Space (Nancy Monteith) 6:05 p.m. g. Sugar House Pond Concepts(Nancy Monteith) 6:to p.m. 5. Discussion Items a. PPL Annual Operating Budget(Todd Reese) 6:15 p.m. 6. Action Items a. Place Holder 7. Board Comments and Future Agenda Items a. March Agenda 6:25 p.m. 8. Confirmation of Next Meeting a. March 19,2015 1B } 9PTcuT �z Thursday February 19, 2015 ruut‘c end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Fred Fife Jacob Crockett Kathy Rollman Mark Smith Dennis Faris Gwen Springmeyer Shawn McDonough Brandon Fleming Amy Barry Ellen Parrish Lee Bollwinkel Tony Gliot — -, Meridith Perkins Todd Reese Nancy Monteith t �-�'�-� D Marc Coles-Ritchie Lisa Schmidt Suzzane Martinez OCT 2 i/ Members not in Attendance Matthew Loveland CITY RE-CO DE 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dennis Faris b. Approve January 15, 2015 -PNUT Board Minutes i. Dennis Faris made a motion to approve the minutes. Meridith Perkins seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. c. Staff Changes (Todd Reese)-Todd announced that Suzzane Martinez is the new Office Facilitator II and gave a brief background for her. 2. Public Comment Period a. No Comments 3. Parks & Public Lands Written Program Report a. Question and Answer Period i. No Questions. 4. Staff updates a. Regional Athletic Complex(Lisa Schmidt)-Lisa showed the board the upcoming time line for the Regional Athletic Complex. All 20 light poles are up and complete at the RAC. Lisa discussed the fee structure. The board was unanimous for the fees to be increased also subject to review. The $40,000 deficit was discussed, still working on it being self sufficient. Lisa also discussed that the fields can't be ran more than 25 hours a week per field to keep the field in good standing b. Pioneer Park AIA Urban Design Committee Charette (Nancy Monteith)-There was an open house Feb 5th,there was about 100 people that went. She discussed the four teams that were put together to come up with ideas for the park. Goal is to add new programs for all ages understanding the diverse users of the community including food trucks, fitness areas/equipment etc... There is funding to replace and relocate toilets. Discussed the possibility of New Trax on 400 S. to 2 bring more people to the area. There will be a next step on putting all 4 possibilities on City Hall for more input. c. Warm Springs Park(Nancy Monteith)—There was a Community plan and a public meeting was held which 50 people showed up. There was two options set up: i. Option A—Trying to find ways to bring more people to the park. It's focused on bringing regional attractions like an amphitheater, splash pad etc... ii. Option B—South End would have more neighborhood activities and put a pavilion on the North end. Both would have fitness equipment funded by the RDA. The City Council has been trying to figure out the operation on off-leash times. Board wants the spring designed as natural as can be so it doesn't flood. Todd requested checking on the water quality. d. Sugar House Fire Station Public Process (Planning Dept Staff)—Their planning on transferring .86 acres of Forest Dale Golf Course property from Open Space to Public lands and they would do it from a rezoning from Open Space to PL2 so it could essentially open it up to use it for other use like a Fire Station. This should be reviewed by the PNUT Board and by the Golf advisory Board. PNUT Board is in concurrence with turning the parking area into a Fire Station. e. FY2013 — 14 CIP Deferred Maintenance List (Todd Reese) - One of the board members requesting just as in info piece. It is placed in the packet that was emailed out. We received just under$600,000 in discretionary money to address Capital improvement repairs and replacements that were under the $50,000 CIP threshold that was too big for us to afford. f. Sorensen Unity Center Outdoor Multi—Purpose Space(Nancy Monteith)— There's the Young Architects Group that was looking at the parks outside space. They want to build a stage to have outdoor events. They also got seed money from Q-Wit to help develop the Garden Project. g. Sugar House Pond Concepts(Nancy Monteith)—The Park Authority Board is interested in making improvements to the pond. They want to increase natural vegetation. It's funded jointly by the County and the City of Salt Lake. 3 options from the handout were discussed.Nancy will be meeting with the board for Sugar House Park to discuss what direction to go with the pond. ,,µ♦.t M♦ 11.♦ eli n:�I = Thursday January 16, 2014 016 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM - �"'T P? d PUBOC AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order b. Approve December 19, 2013 -PNUT Board Minutes c. Tabulation of Ballots and Election of Offices for 2014 2. Public Comment Period RECEIVED 3. Staff Reports OCT 3 0 201? a. Director's Report (Todd Reese) b. Parks(Lee Bollwinkel) Cin REcoRDE c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas) d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) f. Planning &CIP (Nancy Monteith) 4. Staff Updates a. Downtown Master Plan Briefing (Planning Staff Memo) b. Pioneer Park Re-master Planning(Todd Reese) c. Fairmont Tennis Court Relocation(Nancy Monteith) d. Jordan Park Pool Mural &Art in the Park(Todd Reese) 5. Discussion a. Rotary Glenn(Emy Maloutas) 6. Action Items a. Glendale Park Master Plan(Ron Salisbury) b. Redwood Meadow Master Plan(Ron Salisbury) 7. Action Items 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. February 20, 2014 9. Adjourn Meeting • ien � Thursday January 16, 2014 � ;0 2nd Floor, Parks Building(1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Ts .. �P & ruBoc AGENDA Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board Meeting 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order b. Approve December 19, 2013 -PNUT Board Minutes RECEIVED c. Tabulation of Ballots and Election of Offices for 2014 OCT 3 0 2017 2. Public Comment Period CITY RECORDER 3. Staff Reports a. Director's Report (Todd Reese) b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas) d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith) 4. Staff Updates a. Downtown Master Plan Briefing (Planning Staff Memo) b. Pioneer Park Re-master Planning(Todd Reese) c. Fairmont Tennis Court Relocation(Nancy Monteith) d. Jordan Park Pool Mural&Art in the Park(Todd Reese) 5. Discussion a. Rotary Glenn(Emy Maloutas) 6. Action Items a. Glendale Park Master Plan(Ron Salisbury) b. Redwood Meadow Master Plan(Ron Salisbury) 7. Action Items 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. February 20, 2014 9. Adjourn Meeting IB c,,, , • 2. Thursday January 16, 2013 r'uRt C 2nd Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Marc Coles-Ritchie Dennis Faris Gwen Springmeyer Lee Bollwinkel (left at 6:45 PM) Fred Fife Amy Barry Todd Reese Julie Fratto Beverley Cooper Shawn McDonough Emy Maloutas Mark Smith Members not in Attendance Lauren Christensen Meridith Perkins Jacob Crockett 1. Convening the Meeting a. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 PM b. Approve December 19, 2013 - PNUT Board Minutes i. Beverley Cooper requests that any open space acquisitions that are addressed be identified by what parcel/land they are talking about ii. Dennis Faris moves to approve the minutes for the last meeting, Bev Cooper seconds. c. Tabulation of Ballots and Election of Offices for 2014 i. Dennis Farris (who is the Vice Chairperson) as well as Marc Coles-Ritchie counted the ballots. Unanimously all seven board members voted in affirmation for Amy Barry to be elected for 2014 as the Chairperson, with Dennis Faris as the Vice Chairperson. 2. Public Comment Period a. Gwen Springmeyer attended the board meeting and requested the status of Lindsey Garden Dog Park. Last night the Greater Avenues Community Council Board met. There seemed to be an overarching confusion within the board, where some rumors were that Lindsey Gardens was going to be fenced, and others had heard that it was going to remain the same. Gwen asked for Todd Reese to clarify what was going to happen. Todd Reese then explained that this item has been postponed on the City Council's agenda several times. Todd Reese requested to get Gwen's e-mail so that he can e-mail her with details when the City Council is going to hear anything regarding the off leash dog park. There will be some changes in the ordinance that abbreviate the modifications of existing dog parks. Beverley Cooper stated that the PNUT Board's recommendation was to make no changes. Todd Reese confirmed that it will not expand and that there was a request to fence the dog park. Chairperson Amy Barry stated that the fencing was not applicable to Resolution 52. Todd Reese confirmed to Gwen Springmeyer that there is currently nothing in front of this board to consider any changes from what there is now. 3. Staff Reports 2 a. Director's Report(Todd Reese) i. Todd introduced Emy Maloutas as the new Open Space Program Manager, as well as Nancy Monteith as the Landscape Architect III/Park Planner. ii. Nancy Monteith reported that she has worked on a number of projects for the City. One of her favorites was Pioneer Park.Nancy was project manager for the master planning process, stakeholder involvement process, as well as the developer of phase one construction documents and implementation with Design Workshop. More recently Nancy Monteith has worked with EPG and did a series of irrigation projects and updated some City projects. She is also an associate professor at Utah State and she now currently teaches as an adjunct at the University of Utah, and Utah State University. iii. Todd Reese announced also that starting in February Lewis Kogan will be the project coordinator for Parks &Public Lands. b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel) i. The Riverside Concession Stand at Riverside Park has received CIP funding(7th North and 1700 West). In prior years they were able to grill hot dogs and burgers without too many problems. They secured funding for stainless steel,hood, grills, and fire suppression. That is about 80% complete. ii. Rotary Glen(up by the zoo)received funding for the upgrade of the pavilion(new roof, concrete, and tables) as well as adding an additional restroom. iii. West Point Park Pavilion(11th North and 2200 West)has a new upgraded pavilion, and new playground. iv. Addressed deferred maintenance that is coming. v. Athletic field use prioritization: Parks has organized a committee that involves different voices in the league(whether it is soccer, football, baseball). City Council has tasked this committee to figure out the system (e.g. grandfathering). They met Tuesday night and are beginning to come up with a plan. Last Tuesday(1/14/2014) they tried to get a feel as to what each group priorities were. The goal is trying to figure out what was important to each individual group. They decided that they did not want to come up with a solution as a large group,but rather have Kathy Rottman and Staff come up with a solution/plan bring it back to the Athletic Field Task Force and see what they think, then bring it to the PNUT Board. Fred Fife reported that there is more of a need. Soccer has just blossomed and everyone is looking for a field on which they can practice. The underlying issue is how we make it fair to 40 different groups with all different kinds of sports. Currently the group pays $15 per week to use the field. vi. Snow Removal Process 1. 50 miles of sidewalk. See PowerPoint attached to see the snow broom equipment that clears snow. c. Open Space (Emy Maloutas) i. Projects that are in construction as well as a scope of work 3 1. See packet. 2. We have our first public meeting 5:30 at the Sorenson Unity Center at the Black Box Theater regarding Open Space Signage. There are nine specific sites including the Jordan River Trail, and others. ii. Four Chevron Restoration Projects 1. The complete construction packets are available on the website (http://www.slcgov.com/node/1245) 2. Trailside construction(north end of Jordan River beginning at 1800 N)began this week 3. 900 South Oxbow project is moving to 100 %by the end of this month. 4. The Miller Park Project is going out to bid this week and permitting will be done within the next 55 days. 5. Liberty Lake Project has been out to bid, program is waiting to award the contract until the permitting is complete in 55-60 days. 6. There is a lot of work out on the ground.Nancy Monteith is the project manager for Liberty Lake with Ron Salisbury helping in engineering; Emy will be working on Miller, and the 9th South Oxbow and Trailside. Trailside could be handed off to the new project coordinator. a. Marc Coles-Richie would like to give input regarding the vegetation around the streams and Trailside. Emy Maloutas (Open Space PM for Parks &Public Lands) said they would get together soon. iii. Wasatch Hollow: Finalizing contract for the design and construction of the user amenities based on the use restoration and management plan. They also have funding for construction of this project. Once the design is completed(20-25 weeks) program will seek to complete the project by the end of summer. 1. Scope of the project: three major meadows (southern, northern, and central meadow) a. Southern Meadow: Outdoor classroom, open space b. Central Meadow: That is where we would reconnect the spring with the creek. Expand the potential to create an emergent bench or low flow. c. Northern Meadow: weed control, trail alignment, entry way i. Chairperson Amy Barry remembers a document that had a lot of public comments. Emy Maloutas reports that they have that document up on the website. iv. Parley's Historic Nature Park: Nancy Monteith has been put in charge of this as the Project Manager. We are finalizing the design contract there. v. Natural Lands Management Plan: Emy Maloutas relayed that they did receive funding at their last bond request for $125,000. Emy is currently 4 working with staff to develop the scope of that. Emy reports that they will be putting that out to bid shortly. vi. There is a new grant that is coming out for 3.1 million dollars to be made available within the next two weeks and that is a result of the Chevron oil spill that happened in Willard Bay. They will be working quickly and diligently to identify an appropriate scope of restoration work that we can apply for. At this point in time we are probably looking at the northern end of the Jordan River along the trailside project as well as the west bank and in-between the regions of the athletic complex and the Jordan River. Looking at both sides of the river to make sure we are doing a comprehensive restoration. vii. Open Space Acquisition: They are working with property management to close on the properties that the PNUT board has discussed. Next month Emy Maloutas will be bringing you"more developed pre-applications almost to full" for the few that you have heard about. viii. Parley's Trail: you may remember from last month that Dan Bergenthal came and mentioned going through Hillcrest Park to connect the parks within Salt Lake City as a whole. There are four parcels that the trail will be going through. It will be completed between 2300 E and 1700 E to connect the PHNP to Sugarhouse Park. We will be working to develop temporary construction easement as well as the maintenance agreement that the county has agreed to take on responsibility to maintain. The county will not maintain it in the winter, but hopefully over time we can develop a year round maintenance schedule with the county. ix. Jordan River Commission: Creating an event (with the help of the Jordan River Commission) called"get into the river" on May 29 or 31. Thursday will be a conservation day, where community members, donors, and corporations can donate a little bit of money to come and pull weeds. There are four locations here in Salt Lake City. On the 31st (Saturday) it will be a celebration day. In Salt Lake City they will be having the party in Jordan Park. The County is going to have their party at the North West Recreation Center. What Emy hopes will happen is that they will come up with a"kitchy fun name"to somehow communicate health communities, healthy environment. During the event they are going to have bikes and boats in the river go from Jordan Park to the Recreation Center. There is a lot of work. There have been some thoughts about having guided tours of the river, and oxbow to allow the public to see what is out there. Emy Maloutas is very interested in the PNUT Board members overall input. Emy encouraged everyone to spread the word. d. Cemetery(Mark Smith) i. Sprinkler project that Mark Smith talked about last month will start up in February. Mark Smith gave a recap of the burials that the cemetery had last year. Last year they had 450 burials, in the month of December we have had 45 burials. TO put that into context Mark Smith reported that it has taken us 49.5 pounds of salt just to keep the streets iced for each burial to get the traffic up there and 30 bags of ice around the actual cemetery 5 office. The Cemetery has removed just a little three football fields of snow. Chairperson Barry wanted to know how the cemetery finds the plot in which to dig? Sexton Smith reported that it is all about experience. They have metal markers,however they have to shovel and remove all of the snow in order to see each plot. Sexton Smith reports that he has a field crew of eight people in which he works with. It is very tricky to bring the trucks in and out to dig for burials (see PPT pictures). ii. The people in the cemetery office are working hard when it comes to research. They have currently identified 43 graves in which have the potential for more burials. The ordinance says that 60 years with no activity is when the can reclaim a grave. But that is a process in which the City would have to go through. They have done one reclaim within 150 years. Beverley Cooper thanked Mark Smith for the information presented in last month's meeting; she appreciated how exciting he made the cemetery out to be, as well as how much he cherishes the cemetery. e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto) i. What Julie Fratto and Urban Forestry are doing right now is removing trees. Trees get to a point whether they are dead, dying, declining, or structurally impaired to the point of public safety where we have to remove them. We are in the process of removing around 180 trees. We go around the city doing each Community Council; they just finished Liberty Wells and now they are going into East Central. The purposively go back and forth between the city so that they are not focusing too heavily at one area at a time. ii. Julie Fratto brought along production report for the calendar year of 2015. They pruned 5,114 trees, removed 680 trees, planted 735 trees, ground 785 stumps, responded to 620 emergencies, and treated 6,092 trees with an insecticide or a fungicide (directly injected into the trees). Julie explains that they would love to grind the stump right after they remove the tree, but because they have limited equipment they have to do it in two trips. Julie Fratto talks about how they have four time arborist, and then four contractual crews who prune. iii. Urban Forestry constantly looking at ways to improve customer service. Within every service they do whether it be pruning, removing, treating, or planting they give a customer service survey. Within the past four or five years. The average number of compliments they get per year is around 100, and within the past five years there have only been two complaints. Todd Reese reports a compliment to the forestry department that they have a great track record of customer service. f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith) i. Nancy Monteith does not have a program area, but she is across the board with various projects. She looks at the design and planning through the landscape architect eyes, and the other half of her time she is looking ahead through getting involved the with the planning processes all across the city and making sure as an internal stake holder that P&PL is being represented 6 ii. Liberty Lake she is currently working on the restoration. iii. PHNP (Parley's Nature Park): Nancy reports that is working with the same consultant that is working with Wasatch Hollow. Looking at establishing the Riparian Flood Plane and hydrologic in Parley's Creek, developing appropriate in grass for stream access locations, adding a pedestrian bridge, restoration fencing areas, and implementing invasive species for climate control. iv. Wasatch Hollow: Looking at the primary access area. v. Imperial Park: at a public meeting last night where the community council talked about how the community is coming together to build a park. The community council talked about what their scope for the park was, and what they had done as a community to help bring this park forward. vi. Plan SLC: trying to bring together all of the documents together vii. Nancy Monteith also brought up the thought of P&PL doing a needs assessment and asset inventory to figure out what is needed next. 4. Staff Updates a. Downtown Master Plan Briefing (Planning Staff Memo) i. The PNUT board has items in their packets regarding the downtown master plan briefing. In September 2013 Molly Robinson came in regarding the Downtown Master Plan and gave a report. Attached in the PNUT board's packet is a more finalized version of the plan in which Molly Robinson will report on in the February meeting. Todd Reese cautions that it is a long document,but recommends that the PNUT board by next meeting at least read the opening memo that was provided. ii. Todd Reese explains that when reading the memo and supporting documents in prep for next month's meeting, if the PNUT board members have any questions to feel free to e-mail them to Todd's administrative assistant lauren.christensen(c),slcgov.com so that she can send the comments to Molly to address in the February board meeting. b. Pioneer Park Re-master Planning(Todd Reese) i. Todd Reese gave a handout to the PNUT Board. He reported that recently within the past couple of weeks there was a meeting regarding Pioneer Park. Rick Graham and other division directors would like to take this plan further by"re-master planning" or at least pulling out the old master plan and taking a further look at how to bring more activity into the park. c. Fairmont Tennis Court Relocation(Nancy Monteith) 6:13:33 i. See Powerpoint ii. There is interest to put tennis courts at sugar mount and ninth east. Right now there are five tennis courts.Nancy Monteith started the discussion regarding where the community gardens in that area currently stands. Nancy reviewed that Parks and Public Lands looked at three different locations to put the tennis courts in(see PowerPoint). The first suggestion was right by the corner, near all of the homes, where there really was no other connection to Fairmont. The next location they looked at the tennis court the advantage there is that it is just north of the parking,but we 7 would lose the soccer field. A disadvantage to this one would be not only the loose of the soccer field but also there would be a visual barrier for the tennis court fences in and out of the park. The third potential location that they could put the Fairmont Tennis Court is moving them down by the forest dale parking area. Nancy Monteith and staff think that this is the best location because it is going back where it used to be, and that tennis and golf are pretty compatible. iii. Nancy Monteith and staff would like recommend the third location for the Fairmont Tennis Courts be chosen. Chairperson Barry brought up that choosing this location allows for Parks to light the tennis courts. Chairperson Barry pointed out that this location in the winter seems to be used as a"salt holder" and was wondering where would they put the salt if they used this location?Todd Reese told Chairperson Barry that he had previous talked to the workgroups about the use of that property, and that they indicated that it would not be a problem to move the salt. Chairperson Barry mentioned the fact that the club house located at the Forestdale Gold Course, she would like this historic building to be in more use. Chairperson Barry is wondering if it is possible if somehow the clubhouse could be shared for both Golf and Tennis. Both Nancy Monteith and Chairperson Barry talked about how this location is close to the S line, and how the club house could be used for future uses (e.g. a café). iv. Nancy Monteith has budgeted in around $350,000 for lights, fencing, landscape, patio area with an umbrella. v. Nancy and Todd brought this to the board to let them know about what was out there and what the potential options are regarding the existing tennis courts and its potential evolution. vi. The role of the PNUT board is to weigh in on the disposition on the land from Open Space at any point in that process vii. Todd Reese will find out where and how much the board needs to weigh in, and second what kind of action will they need to take (recommend, support, etc). Todd Reese will clarify what the rule is and what is their role. viii. There was discussion through Emy Maloutas regarding once an area is rezoned. ix. Nancy Monteith will get a neighborhood meeting schedule with the public in February and report back to the PNUT board about progress.Nancy was also tasked to get a invite to the Sugarhouse Community Council Leadership regarding the public meeting. d. Jordan Park Pool Mural &Art in the Park (Todd Reese) i. Dennis Faris had been a key player with the mural at the Jordan Park pool house. Todd Reese has met a couple of times with Chris Peterson from the Sorensen Unity Center. Chris was successful in receiving a grant for $10,000 dollars and has outlined a program engages young people to create a design for a mural and with the help of artists and others refine the murals. Todd Reese has given them a green light to go ahead with this mural. 8 ii. Todd Reese brings up the example of the Art Council coming before the PNUT board asking where they could put this statue in Cottonwood Park. Todd Reese reports that this is the second example where we have had to come up with standards and guidelines for the park. 5. Discussion a. Rotary Glen(Emy Maloutas) i. There are TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Loads) of e-coli within the area of water in the attached packet. The County approached Emy Maloutas and said that they have money to do FIDO remediation (which means using plants to help clean water). What the county is planning to do is to grade back the bank which is very steep and then plant it with willows and seditious. This would stabilize the bank, help pick up some nutrients, and essentially improving the water. They are willing to commit $19,000 dollars to do this project in return they have asked us to fence the area. We need to do the fencing to protect this investment. To echo why we need to protect it, this area is one of the areas that is being considered for an off- leash dog park, which by fencing it would protect the riparian area. ii. Emy Maloutas was thinking a field grid fence where it is very transparent to the landscape on wood posts. This proposal is on the window with the county for a very short period of time (4-6 week time period). The reason why is that past six weeks it will be high water and will no longer be available. Emy Maloutas reports that she can report on it next month, however they still do have a little figuring to do. iii. The PNUT board did a straw poll and no one is opposed to what is currently being considered. 6. Action Items a. Glendale Park Master Plan(Ron Salisbury) i. Located on 17th south and 12th west. It is very near seven peaks(see packet). Currently there is grass and tennis courts. Last March the City hired a Consultant to do a Master Plan for Glendale. The Consultants did some public meetings, went to the community council three times, visited the neighborhood, took polls and surveys in the park, the contacted many of the groups that use the river and park, and met with the Provo Seven Peaks management. ii. Seven Peaks has a big impact on the neighborhood and the park. Parking became a huge issue when the Consultants got into the study. One of the things that the first learned is that they want to keep Seven Peaks which is an amenity to the city. Through the public process, the consultant developed three concepts. iii. Alternatives 1. Alternative#2 was the one that was chosen. Alternative#1 and#3 were similar. #1 kept the baseball field, and alternative#3 kept two baseball fields, and considered expanding parking across the river. 9 2. Alternative#2 was a unanimous choice chosen by the Glendale Community Council, and satisfies the parking issue. (Seven Peaks currently asks for five dollars per parking). The tennis courts stay, but there are no baseball fields. Ron Salisbury then walked the PNUT board east to west of what plans were: a. West end adding some pickle ball courts b. Maintain the eight tennis courts c. Putting in picnic pavilion d. Additional parking e. Provide some open space, with bocce courts to help support the pavilion i. They would pave the current dirt area ii. Add a entrance and drop off area for the seven peak customers (which resolves some of the safety issues) f. Small playground g. Sidewalks, or walk around the park iv. Chairperson Barry seemed to express concerns that the Community Council choose the alternative that gave up the most green space. Chairperson Barry questions if we are giving parking to Seven Peaks, are they paying us for the additional parking? Ron Salisbury expressed that that is currently to be figured out with their contract. Todd Reese communicated that when he was at those community council the communities number one thing they needed help with was solving the parking problem of Seven Peaks, which as a City we could do. v. Todd Reese states that this is currently a"master plan"but if they get to the point where they are going to implement it we could look at putting in "bioswales" and things like that. Nancy Monteith points out that we could possible figure out a way to make it work, where the isles have trees and grass, as well as Nancy and Todd both communicated that they should of considered an underground parking structure. vi. Todd Reese talked about the parking would have to be enforced in which it is only one or two hour parking/tow-zone or just enforce it for just park users and not for Seven Peak customers. vii. Todd Reese states that another part of it would be that you would have to have a permit to park on the residential streets. Residents would be issued a sticker for their cars. Todd Reese talks about how the problem has been increased since they have started charging for parking. viii. A motion to approve the plan was made by Bev Cooper with Fred Fife seconding. b. Chairperson Barry then asked if there were any objections to this plan. Dennis Faris brought his concerns to the council regarding the elimination of the baseball fields when there is a growing need for more athletic fields, lack of green space, and that morally we are creating this plan to help Seven Peaks improve their intake of customers. Then the second concern is that they would have to institute a permit system for the current residents surrounding it so that all soccer players • „ 10 cannot park anywhere either. Bev Cooper asks how do we express this to the community who supported this Master Plan? c. Ron Salisbury address the lack of baseball fields by stating that the baseball fields are no longer regulation size, and they don't want to spend money to make the fields regulation. They asked the representatives if they would just like one baseball field to practice on. d. The community just wants the parking issued solved. e. Go back and put it on the table. f The city does not want to be in this business. It is a community pool and we would like to get as much use out of it as we can. The task force talked about not having a community pool at all. Seven Peaks is the City's facility,but we are renting it to them. g. Bev Cooper calls for the vote: the four members present at the PNUT board were opposed to this motion. 7. Redwood Meadow Master Plan(Ron Salisbury) a. Todd Reese for Ron stated that there are three different alternatives, with three sites combined into one. All concepts looked at trying to open up the neighborhood. It is difficult for the police to control this area,because"bad guys just hop the fence."The point of this consultant work was to open it and get rid of the barriers. There is still some sculptures,pieces of fence, and turf—concept is called"the sculpted meadow."The funding was through CDBG, and there is a CIP request right now for the rest and implantation of the plan. This plan has community council support, as well as support at a public meeting b. Bev Cooper moves to support this plan, and Dennis second it. Motion passes unanimously. 8. Confirmation of next meeting a. February 20, 2014 9. Adjourn Meeting