10/1/2018 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the October 1, 2018 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Bradley Palmer, Courtney Reeser,
Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Matt Sibul, Paul Schulte and Reid Ewing.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Alan Gallegos, Ellen Reddick,
John Beener, Jon Larsen and Suzanne Stensaas.
Also present were: Amy Lyons, Kevin Young, Russell Weeks and Stephanie Toombs.
The meeting, held at the Transportation Division Office, 349 South 200 East, Salt Lake
City, Utah, was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Courtney Reeser.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Courtney welcomed everyone to the
Public Comment — There were no members of the public present.
Motion: Dave Alderman moved to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2018
meeting. Paul Schulte seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Report Out
TAB Members
Reid has students who are continuing to measure speeds at traffic calming devices. He'll
update the Board when the project is complete. Daniel said that an aspect of the
scooters that hasn't yet been discussed is the potential for crime. Courtney read a report
out from Suzanne in her absence. Suzanne met with her Community Council's
subcommittee on Transportation and again, the big issues are traffic calming, speeding,
and the amount of vehicles parking in the areas near the new Sugarhouse development.
In those same areas, they would like the speed limit changed and enforced, temporary
speed bumps and have talked about putting in a CIP proposal to fund signs or bumps.
There was also discussion about Highland/lloo East from 2100-2300 South area. The
residents want some regular repairs on 1100 East between 2100 South and 2300 South
but no major construction until the 1300 East construction is complete. Another
concern is the removal of access to some 300+ acres of open space with the Parley Point
development. Courtney is concerned that three children,with one a fatality,were hit by
vehicles near to and during the State Fair. She would like to see some traffic calming in
that area. Reid said he wondered if the City should begin thinking about the use of
temporary traffic calming devices since they aren't very expensive. Matt asked if it is
true that there is a moratorium on traffic calming. Kevin said the moratorium is on
permanent speed humps, not on traffic calming. Courtney said people are also renting
out their driveways during the fair which is not legal without a business license. Matt
said UTA was notified last week from the Federal Transit Association that they have
been awarded $11 million to rebuild their downtown garage. He said this is good timing
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because they have already been negotiating with the City on increasing service for the
Transit Master Plan and this will help facilitate that.
UTA Transit Projects
Matt Sibul, UTA
Matt said Salt Lake City is about 5otb overall in size yet we have a rail system that is top
io in terms of size. UTA is working on initiatives to expand their system. For instance,
they would like to expand the blue line to connect to the new prison site and have a rail
system that goes to Riverton and Herriman. There are many more BRT projects in their
future over new rail lines mainly due to the lower cost. Matt went over the different
elements of BRT's as well as the numerous BRT projects they are currently working on
or have recently completed. He also discussed the Davis-SLC Community Connector,
also known as the South Davis BRT which will connect Bountiful to SLC.
Review Upcoming Funding Applications
Kevin Young, SLC Transportation
Kevin updated the Board on current City CIP funding as well as current and future
Wasatch Front Regional Council Funding.
TAB Members
Motion: Paul Schulte moved that Courtney Reeser remain as the Chair. Reid Ewing
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Courtney Reeser moved that Paul Schulte remain as the Vice-Chair. Alan
Gallegos seconded the motion. The motion pass unanimously.
The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for November 5, 2018.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m.
Minutes approved by Board on ii-o5-18.
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