11/5/2018 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the November 5, 2018 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Bradley Palmer, Courtney Reeser,
Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick, Jon Larsen, Matt Sibul, Paul Schulte,
Reid Ewing and Suzanne Stensaas.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Alan Gallegos and John Beener.
Also present were: Russell Weeks, Dan Bergenthal, Tom Millar, Cris Jones and Casey
The meeting, held at the Transportation Division Office, 349 South 200 East, Salt Lake
City, Utah, was called to order at 4:12 p.m. by Courtney Reeser.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — There were no guests.
Public Comment—There was no public comment.
Motion: Suzanne Stensaas moved to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2018
meeting with corrections proposed by her. Dave Alderman seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Report Out
TAB Members
Dave attended the Greater Avenues Community Council meeting last month and a
question came up regarding the use of yield signs. It was their understanding that yield
signs are going to be phased out and replaced by stop signs in residential areas. Jon said
he has not heard of anything like that happening. Reid said two U of U students are
measuring speed at traffic calming devices. They are measuring 150 feet before, at the
device and in 5o foot increments after. They have completed measurements at quite a
few devices and will hopefully have a report summarizing those results within a few
months. The theory is that once the Committee has that report and if that report shows
traffic calming slowing down vehicles both before and after, the Committee may want to
write a letter to the City Council asking them to reinstate a traffic calming program.
Daniel said his area is concerned with what the City is going to do about scooters. There
is a concern that scooters are littering downtown. Now that scooters play a larger role in
transportation,will that help in the development of bike lanes and improved condition
of bike lanes so scooters can be on the road rather than the sidewalk? They are also
concerned about the increase in vehicles failing to stop for school busses. Suzanne
attended the Sugarhouse Community Council's Transportation Sub-Committee meeting.
She said they would like to thank the City for the HAWK lights on 2100 South at
McClelland and Lincoln Street. While grateful, they are wondering why it takes so long
to get the City to install safety items such as these when they feel safety matters should
be high priority in the budget. There are still two main problems in the residential area
just north of 2100 South. One problem they are facing is traffic being diverted from
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110o East and i3oo East through the neighborhoods causing congestion and speeding.
The second is parking as there are construction vehicles and workers in the area in
addition to overflow parking extending two to three blocks from commercially
developed areas. Suzanne said they understand this is a complicated issue because it
deals with so many different entities and that the neighborhood is willing to do a CIP for
traffic calming help but that is still many years out. One additional item she mentioned
is that the Sugarhouse Transportation Sub-Committee is still trying to come up with
solutions regarding how they link McClelland through 2100 South and Sugarhouse. The
plan has a bike lane but the new owners want parking. Speaking on Allen's behalf,
Courtney said District 2 is very thankful and extremely happy with the Jordan River
Trail crosswalks, traffic light and lighting upgrades and improvements. She listed the
specific areas he was referring to. Courtney said the residents in her area are very happy
to have new HAWK lights going in on 600 North. They also had their bi-annual clean
up on the 600 North overpass and collected 23-24 bags of litter but at the request of the
community, left the raccoon memorial. Matt said the new UTA Board was sworn in
Traffic Calming/Speed Humps
Tom Millar, SLC Transportation
Tom explained a new idea of making streets more livable and usable with tools other
than just traffic calming. While one of those strategies may be traffic calming, talking
about it more broadly may have a bigger impact with a longer lasting effect than just
focusing on a single strategy. The Board talked about their ideas of what the greatest
streets look like. Tom went over the type of requests often received by the
Transportation Division with the new idea being to try figuring out ways to empower the
community to be able to make the changes they think are necessary but that might not
fit with either the city data or what the current situation of the city is. He ran through
some of the ideas the division has come up with so far to basically empower
communities to identify problems and desired outcomes, test temporary solutions and
then be able to apply for funding and for the City to be able to offer more solutions
instead of roadblocks. Tom explained where this idea came from and Dan went over a
graph containing around 6 years'worth of data from small residential roadways and the
type of requests they have received. The Board had a good discussion on this topic
including how to make this something that will work equitably for all neighborhoods.
2019 Meeting Schedule
TAB Members
The Board approved the proposed 2019 TAB meeting schedule.
2019 Board Priorities
TAB Members
The Board approved the proposed 2019 priority list with some discussed revisions and
The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for December 3, 2018.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m.
Approved by Board 02-04-19
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