6/3/2019 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the June 3, 2019 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Bradley Palmer, Courtney Reeser,
Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick(via phone), Jon Larsen, Matt Sibul
and Suzanne Stensaas.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were John Beener, Joshua Poppel, Paul
Schulte and Reid Ewing.
There were no others present.
The meeting, held at the Transportation Division Office, 349 South 200 East, Salt Lake
City, Utah, was called to order at 4:11p.m. by Courtney Reeser.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Courtney welcomed everyone, there were
no guests.
Public Comment —There were no members of the public
Report Out
TAB Members
Suzanne discussed the possibility of UTA going to the Hogle Zoo, Red Butte Gardens or
other areas where there isn't enough parking. Matt invited the Suzanne and the other
Board members to a weekly UTA meeting held every Wednesday where the public is
allowed to comment. Suzanne also said the City has been very good with informing the
community about updates on the 270o South repave project. Matt said that UTA
finished the Half Grand Union replacement switches between 1st and end on 400 South
and opened up one day early. He said there is another project to replace switches on
South Temple near the arena later in the summer. Suzanne said they keep building
more and more apartments in Sugar House on McClelland. She said they're supposed to
be bicyclers living there but they don't want to give up parking and it would be really
great if McClelland could turn into something like the closed section of Main Street
downtown. Courtney said she had someone else ask about the pedestrian bridge over
the railroad tracks on 300 North and she told them it was in process and there should be
an update soon. Jon said the contracts are still in process but the City is getting close.
Courtney said there was another thank you for the HAWK lights by Backman
Elementary School and that the community is very thankful. She was hoping Brad
would attend today so she could ask him about the driver feedback sign on 600 North
that needs repair. Jon said speaking of 600 North, Tom has pulled together a
Consultant Selection Committee, the request for proposal should be out in a week or two
to make it more pedestrian and transit friendly from 200 West to Wall Street. Suzanne
said it's really important to have those white lines on the long curves so people don't get
confused and Courtney said she'll make sure and mention that to Brad.
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McClelland Trail Update
Tom Millar,SLC Transportation
Tom discussed a section of the McClelland trail that is in Sugar House and a funding
application they put in for that section. He showed TAB the first phase of the trail from
8O0 South to 2100 South which has already been completed and explained the different
pathways throughout. He went over the future phases of the trail,the differences in
each section and potential funding. He said the opportunity to finish the trail also
benefits the connection to the S-Line and the Parley's Trail.
Motion: Ellen Reddick moved to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2019 meeting.
Dave Alderman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with one
abstention by Suzanne Stensaas.
Motion: Dave Alderman moved to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2019 special
meeting. Suzanne Stensaas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
SLC Micro-Transit
Blake Perez, SLC Transportation
Blake explained what the Micro-Transit Program is, how it came to be and said it will be
launched soon along with other transit investments the city has been making. This
program is part of the Transit Master Plan which was adopted in 2017 and is essentially
a front door, on demand service that connects people with high frequency transit
networks. He went over how this would serve the community to bridge the 1st/last mile
gap in transit as well as how the payment portion might work. The City is currently in
negotiations with a potential provider and are finalizing their goals to hopefully have
this program in service by this fall. More information can be found at www.slcrides.org.
30o West Reconstruction
Will Becker, SLC Transportation
Will said the reconstruction of 3Oo West from 500 South to 2100 South is moving
forward and a consultant has already been selected. This will be a complete street type
of design with the possibility to turn this into a good north/south bike corridor. The
current phase of the project is public engagement and creating a conceptual design that
will work for everyone. He went over the different treatments that will be used and said
if everything goes as planned, construction will begin in 2021.
The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for August 5, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Approved by Board on August 5,2019
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