10/7/2019 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the October 7, 2019 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Courtney Reeser, Daniel
Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick, Jon Larsen, Marjorie Rasmussen, and
Suzanne Stensaas.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board John Beener, Joshua Poppel, Paul
Schulte and Reid Ewing.
Also present were: Will Becker, Bradley Palmer, and Tatiana Christian.
The meeting, held at the Transportation Division Office, 349 South 200 East, Salt Lake
City, Utah, was called to order at 4:o9p.m.by Courtney Reeser.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Courtney welcomed everyone, Marjorie
introduced herself.
Public Comment —There was no public comment.
Motion: Ellen Reddick moved to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2019
meeting. Dave Alderman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Report Out
TAB Members
Dave talked about the high interest of traffic calming at the Avenues Community
Council Meeting. Suzanne discussed concerns the traffic back up in the area between
2100 South and I-8o on 1300 East. She and Ellen also discussed the pedestrian safety
and school crossings in the area of 2100 South and 230o East. Courtney noted that a
young woman had been hit in the crosswalk on Soo North and 900 West. She has
contacted Nathan Anderson at Union Pacific about the status of the 300 North
Pedestrian bridge, and was informed the delay was due to the restructuring of
departments at UP. They hope to restart the project soon. She also thanked Jon for
inspecting the intersection of Mandalay and Independence and installing the stop signs.
30o West Update
Will Becker, SLC Transportation
Will Becker presented an update on the Funding our Future, 300 W. reconstruction
project. The project is in the early stages and has been primarily focused on community
outreach and engagement, and analyzing current conditions.Will provided a review of
the current conditions along the corridor, and the initial outreach methods and feedback
received. He shared a link to the project website and asked the Board to help spread the
word about the project and to the survey. In summary, the street pavement is in very
poor condition along the full length of the corridor,which is the impetus for the road
reconstruction. The street also has many other issues that will be addressed in the
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project, including poor sidewalk conditions, missing sidewalks, no bike lanes, lacking
ADA ramps and accommodations, unwelcoming and unattractive, etc. The City is taking
this opportunity to implement City plans and apply its Complete Street Ordinance. This
reimagining of the street will be multi-modal, improve safety, create a welcoming and
beautiful place, future ready, accessible by all, and promote economic development. The
project team will continue to engage with the public and stakeholders as they move into
the next phase of the project and prepare design alternatives.
WFRC applications (letter of intent) &CIP Funding and Potential Projects
Jon Larsen, SLC Transportation
Jon reviewed the list of projects on the City's letter of intent.
Scooter Ordinance Update
Jon Larsen, SLC Transportation
Jon said a draft scooter ordinance has been transmitted to City Council. The City is still
planning on going to an RFP to limit to two vendors by next spring.
Annual Elections
Transportation Advisory Board Members
Motion: Ellen Reddick moved that Courtney Reeser remain as the Chair. Dave
Alderman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Courtney Reeser moved that Paul Schulte remain as the Vice-Chair. Suzanne
Stensaas seconded the motion. The motion pass unanimously.
The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for November 4, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Approved by Board a-o4-19
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