1/16/2020 - Meeting Minutes • Minutes (pending approval) PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,January 16,2020 5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m. 1965 West 500 South,2'Floor 1. Convening the Meeting a. Call to Order a. Elliott Mott b. Polly Hart c. Samantha Finch d. Katie Davis e. Brianna Binnebose f. Jenny Hewson g. Fred Fife h. Gwen Springmeyer i. Trina Perez b. Chair Comments Mr. Mott informed the board he continues to have difficulties reaching a representative to present on the Urban Ranger Program through the University of Utah as well as other universities and colleges. Mr. Kogan advised the program is no longer funded and does not have an active advocate at this time. Mr. Mott inquired as to what role can the advisory board take to solicit grant funding for Salt Lake City Public Lands projects. Mr.Kogan explained the advisory board can assist with writing grants,which will then go through the City's grant writing program, obtaining letters of support for grants, as well as attempting to secure donations from private entities and foundations. Mr. Mott shared he will approach the Exchange Club regarding installing a trash boom near the former Seven Peaks Water Park in Glendale. Mr. Mott shared the Utah Parks and Recreation Association will be holding a conference in March and inquired if the advisory board could participate. Ms.Riker shared the conference is open for all to attend and informed the advisory board she can share more information if requested. I. Approval of Minutes a. Approve December 19,2019 Meeting Minutes Ms. Finch motioned to approve the minutes and Ms. Springmeyer seconded the motion. All board members unanimously agreed to approve the December 19, 2019 minutes. r Public Comment P a. Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. Ann Canon, a resident and community member of Salt Lake City, shared her concerns regarding the sale of Allen Park to a housing developer. She encouraged the advisory board to become involved and assist the Sugar House community to prevent the development of this area for housing and preserve Allen Park as an open green space for the public. Ms. Riker explained the City did place a bid to purchase the property and created a proposal with letters of support from various agencies. She shared the City did not win the bid and the private developer now owns the seven acres of land. She did share that permits haven't been issued at this time to develop the proposed sixty housing units. She advised any construction of the property would require approval from the Planning and Public Utilities Divisions. Discussion followed concerning the development of this property and Ms. Riker and Mr. Kogan answered questions from the advisory board. Ms. Riker recommended this topic be formally place on a future agenda if the advisory board would like to discuss this further. Ms. Finch advised Ms. Canon she can meet with her after the meeting to provide her with a list of contacts. pr Discussion Items a. 2020 Advisory Board Officers Announcement—Kezia Lopez Ms. Lopez announced the results of the 2020 officer elections. She informed the advisory board that Elliott Mott will remain Chair of the advisory board and Samantha Finch will be the new Vice Chair for 2020. b. Mayor Mendenhall's Initiatives and Public Lands' Role—Kristin Riker Ms. Riker discussed the new Mayor's priorities and how they relate to the Public Lands Division and how the advisory board can help support the Mayor and her initiatives. She shared that the Public Lands staff have met to discuss how they currently support these initiatives and what more they can do moving forward. Ms. Riker reviewed the safe and affordable housing initiative and how this will impact the Public Lands Division and what the Public Lands Division can do to prepare for population growth. She asked the board members to share their thoughts and ideas. Discussion followed regarding property acquisition and creation of public-private partnerships and foundations. Ms. Riker reviewed the improved air quality and the thousand trees initiative. She shared the staff is strategizing how to keep these trees alive and invited the board to share their thoughts and ideas. Discussion followed regarding public outreach and education,possibility of credits on water bill or tax credits for residents who keep their trees alive,partnering with schools to engage children for outreach and education and providing trees to residents for planting on their private property. c. Proposed Changes to Public Lands Consolidated Fee Schedule—Kathy Rollman Ms. Rollman informed the board that park pavilions will be available to reserve online starting on February 1, 2020. She explained the purpose for the consolidated fee schedule and shared that each year Public Lands staff review the fees and decide if fees should be increased, decreased, added or removed. She reviewed changes to the athletic field reservations in Salt Lake City parks. She informed the board there have not been any changes to pavilion reservation fees however park staff is reviewing the need to increase these fees moving forward and cost recovery fees for special events. d. Public Lands Project Updates—Public Lands Staff Mr. Baker provided project updates concerning the Artesian Well construction, Fairmont Park lighting, and repairing the mainline at the Public Safety Building. He reported Ms. Monteith is working on a project to improve the gardens at the library and Ms. Riker emphasized the cost savings of these internal projects. Mr. Shields provided project updates for the Rosewood Dog Park, Redwood Meadows playground and Warm Springs restrooms. He reported the berm at Madsen Park was removed and a survey is being conducted to determine the community's' feedback regarding the possibility of remove the backstop at Madsen Park in order create a more active space. He reviewed a few other irrigation projects at various parks. rogram 111 a. Each Program will Share an Update(Time Permitting) a. Regional Athletic Complex—Chris Laughlin Mr. Laughlin reported field reservations for the Complex are now open for the 2020 season. b. Trails and Natural Lands Division—Lewis Kogan Mr. Kogan reported his staff are reviewing the masterplan for the division and discuss their goals and core mission. He informed the board that the Three Creek Confluence Project will be breaking ground soon and the Foothill Trails Plan is currently out to bid c. Cemetery Program—Keith Van Otten Mr. Van Otten reported there were 406 burials at the Salt Lake City Cemetery in 2019 and the project to improve the rock wall will be starting soon. 6. Board Comments & Future Agenda Items a. Board Comment Period a. Request for Future Agenda Item Ms.Perez inquired about the possibility of discussing the Regional Athletic Complex be excluded in the level of service for Parks. b. PNUT Board Field Trip c. Upcoming Involvement Opportunities Ms. Finch shared the Friends of Fairmont Park will be hosting a volunteer event on January 24, 2020 from 1:00 pm—4:00 pm. .7. Confirmation of Next Meeting MIMIMI a. February 20,2020 Ms. Finch motioned to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Davis seconded the motion. All board members unanimously agreed to adjourn.