1/23/2020 - Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 2 Minutes Meeting Citizens’ Compensation Advisory Committee January 23, 2020 Members Present: Frances Hume Jeff Worthington Mike Terry Jeff Herring Brandon Dew Ray Schelbe Marlene Sloan Members Excused: Staff Present: David Salazar, City Compensation Administrator Guests: Scot Baskett, Firefighters Local 81 Val Thometz, Firefighters Local 81 Ben Luedtke, City Council Staff Lisa Duckworth, HR Business Partner A recording of these proceedings is on file and available by request from the SLC- HR Department. Meeting Open & Welcome: Chair Frances Hume welcomed everyone and established a (full) quorum of members was present. Review and adopt January 9, 2020 meeting minutes: After noting a few minor corrections, including misspelling of a member name, a motion to approve the minutes was introduced by Mike Terry and seconded by Jeff Worthington. The vote to approve the minutes was unanimous by all members present. Public Comment: (none received) Report and update on status of special U.S. cities AFSCME survey by Mercer: David Salazar updated members on progress of the special survey being conducted by Mercer. He stated Mercer’s survey team had recently conducted a meeting to review preliminary results of the survey with the AFSCME board, including the data, results, and report Mercer is scheduled to present to the committee on February 6, 2020. Although no significant questions or issues with the report were raised, AFSCME will be provided additional time to review the full report more closely and return for a second-review meeting with Mercer to address any outstanding questions or requested edits to the report before it is delivered to the Committee. In addition, David clarified the city’s response to the survey was first presented to the AFSCME board to preview before it was sent on to Mercer. No issues or concerns were raised, so the city’s response including matching pay range, actual median pay, and number of incumbents per job was sent on to Mercer for inclusion in their analysis and report. Report on preliminary results of local area market data analysis for annual benchmark review: Before introducing preliminary results and format of the 2019-20 local area market pay comparison, David demonstrated how Payfactors aggregates and assimilates the various local area market surveys for analysis. For not only the benefit of new members, but the committee as a whole he described the main sources of data used to compare the city’s pay rate to market, including Western Management Group’s Salt Lake Area Compensation survey, Wasatch Compensation Group, Economic Research Institute (ERI), and Payfactors. All data, including those from national surveys, are localized (or, normalized) to Salt Lake City. In addition to uploading results and data from the various third-party surveys, Payfactors includes the job and pay information for all the city’s employees. To further demonstrate how Payfactors is utilized, David presented Page 2 of 2 members with a display showing how Payfactors was used to price for an Accountant. He noted considerable time has been saved since relying on Payfactors to conduct the city’s market pay analysis. In addition to demonstrating how different surveys can be incorporated into each job pricing, David explained how Payfactors allows for data to be adjusted and weighted differently, if necessary. In addition to conveying how employee base pay compares to the local area market, David presented the committee with a proposed format to also demonstrates how the city’s “additional economic value of benefits” factors competitively with base pay, as shown in the following examples discussed with members. David explained the “additional economic value of benefits” figures are the same values obtained from NFP’s benefit and compensation analysis presented to the committee in their January 9, 2020 meeting. David suggested this proposed format would better enable the committee to address specific questions raised by the city council’s 2/7/2019 letter to the committee. Jeff Worthington asked if a top rate pay comparison for union-covered jobs could be added to this table. In addition to pointing out the new comparison is not based on “total compensation,” Frances expressed appreciation and support for providing city leaders with a different, more targeted perspective on how the city ranks competitively compared to market. Brandon Dew agreed the added information is good for city leaders to see. In addition to providing pay information, Jeff Worthington suggested, and other members agreed, providing retention and turnover information to city leaders is also valuable. Jeff Worthington noted concern for the steady loss of the prevailing wage among Utah workers over time. David committed to continuing work on the local area market pay analysis for review by the committee in a future committee meeting. Initial discussion on topics and possible recommendations to be included in 2020 annual report: Members requested information and updates to address sections and committee recommendations to be included in the next annual report, including but not limited to-- the latest estimate for Salt Lake County’s living wage; pay equity; 2019 benefits study conducted by NFP; WorldatWork salary budget forecast; updated recruitment, turnover and statistics; response to the 2/7/19 city council letter. Confirmed meeting dates: - February 6 & 20, 2020, 3:30-5:30 PM; - (as needed) May 14, 2020, 4:00-5:00 PM; - October 8, 2020, 4:00-5:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:45pm. Minutes approved at February 20, 2020 meeting.