9/14/2020 - Meeting Minutes
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Minutes of the September 14, 2020 Meeting
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Benjamin
LaRiviere, Courtney Reeser, Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick, Greg Sanchez, Jim
Espeland, Jon Larsen, Kerry Doane, Marjorie Rasmussen, Paul Schulte, Reid Ewing,
and Suzanne Stensaas.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were David Parrot, Daniel Mendoza,
and Myron Willson.
Also present were Amy Lyons, Kyle Cook, Will Becker, Call-in User 3, and Call-in User 4.
The meeting was held electronically and was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Courtney
Welcome and Introduction of Guests – Courtney Welcomed everyone.
Public Comment – There was no public comment.
Motion: Dave Alderman moved to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2020 meeting.
Kerry Doane seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Report Out
TAB Members
Suzanne was pleasantly surprised while biking to discover the connection from the S-
Line, over the railroad tracks and to the bridge that goes down to 900 West. She is
delighted that there now looks like there’s going to be a connection from Parley’s Trail to
the Jordan river. She is also pleased with the work the City has been doing cleaning up
trees and is happy they are taking wood to the Navajos. Ellen said there are several
spots in the East Bench, District 6, they are working on right now. The more traffic that
comes through the East Bench to the Northeast quadrant, the more problems they have
with people running stop signs. She did meet with Kyle Cook and received some of the
new park strip signs. She dropped them off at some of the business hubs including 13th
and 13th and 17th and 17th. The businesses have put those out and are hoping it will slow
traffic. Kyle explained that the signs were about the size of campaign signs, go in the
park strips and have several different messages asking people to slow down. They made
some in English and Spanish which are appropriate for neighborhood streets as well as a
series that is oriented for commercial corridors. It is a pilot program which has seen a
lot of interest so far. Ellen said the business owners are pleased, it gives them a feeling
that the city is doing something for them and recognizing there is a problem. Dave
Alderman said he’s hearing normal issues regarding speeding and racing and would be
interested in the signs. He also thanked Jon for attending his Community Council
meeting last month. Paul said the schools have been dealing with pandemics, the winds
and earthquakes. Last week there were 22 schools out at any given time. Relative to
construction, all their construction projects are completed at this time and seem to be
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working well. Jim is interested in Will’s 900 West project. He said they had a public
meeting and discussed some options for that intersection. Kerry gave two links to the
Board. One is for the August change day which happened about two week later than
normal. They were trying to coincide a little bit closer to school starting. That link is
here: https://www.rideuta.com/Rider-Info/Change-Day-August-2020. The other link
is the Covid-19 recovery story map which gives information about what UTA is doing
with respect to the pandemic and transit service. That link is here:
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/ae2cbd3bfae6423c908d9da11b30de1f. Marge
said UDOT has two new signals that will be reconstructed on Foothill. One is at 1700
South and the other is at 2100 South. The signals are designed, currently in
procurement and should be coming soon. They will keep the crosswalk flags at 2100
South and she has asked to make sure the timing is right once those are reconstructed so
pedestrians have ample time to cross. She said a rebuild of I-80 and I-215 (Parley’s
Interchange) is also moving forward and will be coming in spring 2021. The Board can
get updates here: https://www.udot.utah.gov/connect/projects/current-projects/. The
signal up by the Capitol at 400 North is just about done. There was a bit of delay with
the utilities and then the windstorm. UDOT crews helped SLC crews on wind clean up.
Reid has been working a lot on Covid-19 from a planning perspective. They have
basically found that living in a large metropolitan area does in fact increase your
chances of contracting Covid-19 and dying from it but living in smaller metropolitan
areas, even in a dense part of it, does not. They have published this information in a
health journal as well as in JAPA. They have also begun an e-scooter study at five
different intersections. They are looking at all modes of transportation but focusing on
e-scooters and specifically how many are following optimal practice. What they have
found so far is that about half of them use the sidewalks and virtually no one wears a
helmet even though the scooter companies recommend it. They found one additional
thing concerning bicyclists. Those who wear helmets were most likely to use the bike
lanes vs those who didn’t mostly rode on the sidewalks. Courtney said the Rose Park
area was hit very hard by the windstorm and it’s amazing to see the City crews out there
doing what they can as quickly as possible. One of the biggest things they have noticed
with the traffic signals not functioning due to power outages is everyone running them
rather than treating them as a 4-way stop. She would like to see some education about
this. There was also a problem with street racing on 600 North, 700 North and 800
West. The result of this was an accident involving a power pole as the crews were
already trying to restore power to the area. She is hoping to have Lt. Beener to a TAB
meeting soon for a discussion about traffic enforcement.
200 South Transit Corridor Study
Kyle Cook, SLC Transportation
Kyle said 200 South has basically reached the end of its useful life. It’s in rough shape
and needs to be redone so it has been included in the Funding Our Future initiative as it
includes two of the elements required to qualify. Those are improved street conditions
and better transit service. The City is currently evaluating the corridor and doing some
preliminary engineering and outreach. Two years from now, they are going to
reconstruct 200 South from 400 West to 900 East. This doesn’t cover all the things that
are important on this corridor, particularly the eastern end at the University of Utah and
the western end by the Salt Lake Central Station on 600 West. Those are important
destinations and although they are not within the reconstruction area, they are
important, and the City will be looking at those connections. The Transit Master Plan
identified 200 South as the #1 top corridor for investment for transit priority as it is the
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busiest transit street in the state. Kyle went over the phases and the timelines within
each phase as well as their draft goals and potential project challenges. More
information can be found here: https://www.slc.gov/mystreet/2020/03/27/200-south-
corridor-plan/. Reid asked about traffic calming. Kyle said that is absolutely part of this
project and showed the Board the Transit Corridor Toolbox on the website where there
are a variety of different strategies.
900 West & California Avenue Potential Upcoming Roadway Project
Will Becker, SLC Transportation
Will gave the Board an update on the public engagement efforts, the community survey
responses, and a preview of the draft design concept based on the public feedback. The
intent is to make the 900 West & California Avenue intersection safer and better in
serving the needs of the community as this is an intersection with a lot of community
destinations and is linked to other corridors to the city. There were some questions
about the ability to make right hand turns from the single lane and how that would
coincide with pedestrian movements. Further information on that project can be found
here: https://www.slc.gov/transportation/2020/07/08/900west/.
Vulnerable Road Users Letter Discussion/Approval
Jon Larsen, SLC Transportation
Jon went over the draft letter and prior feedback from the Board. He asked if they had
additional edits or would like to take action.
Suzanne moved to adopt the letter as a Board and send it to the Mayor and City Council.
Dave Alderman seconded the motion. The motion pass unanimously with Paul Schulte,
Kerry Doane and Marjorie Rasmussen abstaining.
There was additional discussion regarding Board action once the Typologies is complete
and the importance of getting this disseminated to the Mayor and all City Council
The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for October 5, 2020.
Motion: Ellen Reddick motioned to adjourn the meeting; Reid Ewing seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:34 p.m.
Approved by Board 10-05-20