9/21/2020 - Meeting Minutes
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BAC Minutes 2020 – 09-21-20
Minutes of the September 21, 2020 Meeting
Present from the Bicycle Advisory Committee were Daniel Houpt, David Brooks, David
Parrott, Joshua Poppel, Martin Cuma, Nathan Anderson, and Zachary Anderson.
Absent from the Bicycle Advisory Committee were Elicia Cárdenas, Gabriela Knudson,
Jacquelyn Thiel, Josalyn Bates, and Todd Hadden.
Also present were Amy Lyons, Lara Handwerker, John Mitchell, Ginger Cannon, Hugh
Van Wagenen, Alex Palomino, Nancy Montieth, Will Becker, Julianne Sabula, Jena
Carver, Morgan Julian and Call in User 2.
The meeting was held electronically via WebEx and was called to order at 5:o4 p.m. by
Zachary Anderson.
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests – Zachary welcomed everyone, and
everyone introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes
Motion: David Brooks moved to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2020 meeting.
Zach Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: Nathan Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2020
meeting. Zach Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment – There was no public comment.
Committee Announcements & Updates – There were no announcements or updates.
SLC Parks Master Plan
Nancy Monteith, SLC Parks Division
SLC Public Lands is beginning their comprehensive master plan for parks, natural
lands, trails and urban forestry which is a rare opportunity to chart the future of parks
and open spaces in SLC. They have received many responses during their first
engagement window but would like everyone to share this information in hopes of
receiving many more. She gave a presentation on the master plan which is called
Reimagine Nature, SLC Public Lands Master Plan and can be found at
www.reimaginenatureslc.com. There has been an incredible increase in the use of trails
and public lands recently and it’s a good time to see what people want in these areas.
The three Divisions of Public Lands which are Natural Lands, City Parks and Urban
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BAC Minutes 2020 – 09-21-20
Forest are putting together a citywide plan with analysis and public comment. The first
part of this plan was a comprehensive needs assessment where they looked at existing
conditions and identified the gaps from a geographic standpoint, where people are more
than ½ mile from public lands. There is currently 70 miles of existing trails and 129
miles of proposed trails and almost 1700 acres of natural land and now an additional
6500 acres in the area called the Foothills Natural Management Zone. The Parks
Division manages 735 acres of parks and Urban Forestry manages more than 86k trees.
The comprehensive needs assessment showed there is a real opportunity to address
parks and natural lands as essential elements for better air quality, climate change
mitigation, energy efficiency, and environmental justice. They will be focusing on three
specific values for public lands which are stewardship, livability and equity and will
guide how Reimaginenature can start to describe the future of the public lands system.
By 2040 there will be 30k more residents added to the city which will require an
additional park space roughly equivalent to Liberty Park (94 acres) to maintain the level
of service enjoyed today. Currently, 63% of public lands assets are in fair to poor
condition which means they have an incredible backlog in deferred maintenance.
They’re looking at how to address that while adding more public space. The 86,500
trees including the 7,000 trees in city golf courses provide a cooling of summer temps by
6 degrees. She went over their outreach plans and said their goal is to reach about 10k
people. There is a survey open on the website until October 14th. Once they receive
those results, they will reach out to the 200 community groups they’ve been working
with on their 10 transformative projects and will share those ideas once they are
developed. They are also partnering with a U of U community engagement professor
whose students will do intercept interviews. We think that’s a great way to find people
who aren’t connected in an online way. Nancy answered some Committee questions
about surface parking lots, rooftop parks and the Warm Springs Park redevelopment.
Life on State
Jena Carver, SLC Transportation
There was a Life on State Implementation Study that identified 3 sites including the
section of State Street from 600 South to 900 South. These sites will act as a catalyst,
once improvements are made on them. After that study was complete, the City applied
for SLCo Choice Funds which were approved. The money that was received was for
improvements on the section of State Street from 600 South to 800 South but the City is
hopeful it will be enough to go all the way to 900 South. The goals that were identified
are to improve safety and security, improve identity of place, expand connectivity,
optimize mobility, drive economic prosperity, support equitable living opportunities and
encourage healthy and sustainable design. The City worked with the business
community who were very interested in whether they would lose parking and they
wanted more trees. Since UDOT owns State Street, SLC can’t remove any lanes but have
been given permission to reduce the lane width to 11 feet which will give wider
sidewalks. Jena went through the proposed improvements which include bulb outs,
increased space for outdoor dining, mid-block crossings and moving the bus stops to
mid-block. A parking analysis is being done and they are trying to find more off-street
parking. She showed a preliminary design and went through project schedule as well as
the public engagement plan which includes a survey that will be sent out soon. With the
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SLCo grant request, they also requested money for Main Street and 200 West to look at
parallel bike facilities on those streets since there is no room for bike lanes on State
Street. They are looking at a way to connect 200 West and Main Street to State Street.
Danny asked if there will be an opportunity to put in bike parking and Jena said that is
one of the things they are looking at as a priority. Martin asked how people with bikes
would be able to access the businesses and Jena said the plan is to have connections
from the 9-Line trail to the outside lane on State Street or the sidewalk since it is outside
of the CBD and the sidewalks will be wider. More information can be found here:
900 West California Avenue Intersection Improvements
Will Becker, SLC Transportation
Will gave a recap of this project including that it is an important intersection to the
Glendale community with a lot of community destinations nearby. This means there are
also a lot of families and children walking and biking in the area which is why the City
wants to make safety a priority here. He went through the community survey results
where they found 45% of people who took the survey, drive this area daily while 28%
only drive it weekly. He went over what people said they liked and disliked about the
intersection. Will also met with some Glendale community members who really asked
to prioritize bicycle/pedestrian safety specifically at the nearby elementary school and
the Sorenson Center. He showed a prior image of the intersection and then the concept
image which he’ll be looking to the public to comment on. The current plan includes this
being a protected bicycle intersection which is also the best thing to do to make the
crossing distance for peds shorter and to try and slow the traffic. Will went over
potential challenges as well as the schedule and said he would like to have this
implemented next year. He said it’s always great to have the support of the BAC if they
were interested in writing a recommendation letter at some point More information on
this project can be found at: www.slc.gov/transportation/.
Bike Laws and Enforcement
Lara Handwerker, SLC Transportation
At the last meeting, it was brought up that the Committee wanted to have an in-depth
discussion regarding what the City does in the way of enforcement in bike lanes as well
as other bike related laws. Lara contacted the Enforcement Division who said they
actively enforce vehicles in the bike lanes and garbage cans on a complaint basis, if they
are in the area when the complaint is received. She suggested they discuss making
recommendations to the City or whatever other action they feel would be appropriate.
Joshua has been interested in this for quite some time and volunteered to review all city
and state laws related to bicycling and make recommendations to the Committee. Zach
offered to help him with this. A suggestion was made to have the Sustainability Division
put stickers on garbage cans in the bike lanes as they are checking the cans for the
proper items.
Motion: Zachary Anderson motioned to adjourn the meeting; Joshua Poppel seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m.
Approved by Committee 10-19-20