1/6/2021 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FROM THE
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
WebEx Meeting: 146 015 0091
Salt Lake City, Utah
Board Members Board Members Not Present
Amy Rowland(chair)
Robert Rendon
Paul Cherecwich
Edward Makowski
Matt Pauly
Marty Biljanic
Scott Cuthbertson
Staff Present
Tony Milner, HAND
Amanda Best, HAND
Kimberly Chytraus, Senior City Attorney
Members of Public Present
1. Welcome
Amy Rowland, board Chair, welcomed the board.
Remote Meeting Statement read by Amy, Board Chair.
I,Amy Rowland, Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board Chair, hereby determine that
conducting the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board meeting at the anchor location
presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the
anchor location. The World Health Organization,the Governor of Utah,the Salt Lake
County Health Department, Salt Lake County Mayor, and the Mayor of Salt Lake City have
all recognized a global pandemic exists related to the new strain of the coronavirus, SARS-
Due to the state of emergency caused by the global pandemic, I find that conducting a
meeting at an anchor location under the current state of public health emergency
constitutes a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the
2. Approval of December 2, 2020 Meeting Minutes
When discussing the minutes, Mr. Cherecwich corrected the spelling of his name. Ms. Rowland
also adjusted the paragraph regarding the discussion with Wasatch Gardens to increase clarity.
Ms. Rowland also requested to add the 2.25% interest rate on the motion for the loan. With
those corrections Mr. Cherecwich moved to approve the December 2nd minutes and Mr.
Makowski seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by the Housing Trust Fund
Advisory Board.
3. Approval of December 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes
There were no comments or corrections on these minutes. Mr. Cherecwich moved to approve
the minutes for December 9th and Mr. Rendon seconded the motion. Mr. Cuthbertson abstained
from the vote since he was not present for the December 9th meeting. All other members voted
to pass the motion.
4. Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations
Ms. Rowland motioned to nominate Matt Pauly as Chair of HTFAB in the year 2021. Mr. Pauly
accepted the nomination. Mr. Rendon seconded the motion. This motion was passed
unanimously by the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board. Mr. Pauly will now be Chair for
HTFAB meetings in 2021.
Mr. Makowski motioned to nominate Robert Rendon as Vice-Chair of HTFAB in the year 2021.
Mr. Rendon accepted the nomination. Ms. Rowland seconded the motion. There was no
discussion and the motion was passed unanimously by HTFAB. Mr. Rendon will now be Vice-
Chair for the HTFAB meetings in 2021.
Ms. Best and Mr. Milner thanked Ms. Rowland for being the Chair of HTFAB in 2020.
5. Other Business
Mr. Cherecwich asked the HAND staff what can be expected this year. Ms. Best stated that
there are no updates with the RDA applications at this time but they do plan on opening those up
this year. Mr. Milner also stated that any updates with loans and the HOME &HOPWA federal
applications will be brought to the board as well.
Mr. Cherecwich asked about the new relief package that was passed. Mr. Milner stated that
HAND is still waiting on more guidance from the Treasury Department. Ms. Rowland also stated
that there was a change in the 4% Housing Credit, which brings more housing money. The rate is
now set at 4%. New Market Tax Credit was also extended for five more years.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:16pm.
HTF Board Chair
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the HTF Board
meeting held January 6, 2021.