This meeting was held electronically pursuant to the
Salt Lake City Emergency Proclamation
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to
order at approximately 5:30 pm. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for
a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For complete commentary and
presentation of the meeting, please visit https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings.
Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson, Brenda Scheer; Vice Chairperson,
Amy Barry; Commissioners Maurine Bachman, Adrienne Bell, Carolynn Hoskins, Jon Lee, Matt Lyon,
Andres Paredes, and Sara Urquhart.
Planning Staff members present at the meeting were: Wayne Mills, Planning Manager; Nick Norris,
Planning Director; Paul Nielson, Attorney; Sara Javoronok, Senior Planner; Casey Stewart, Senior
Planner; Chris Earl, Associate Planner; Krissy Gilmore, Principal Planner; and Marlene Rankins,
Administrative Secretary.
Chairperson Scheer stated she had nothing to report.
Vice Chairperson Barry stated she had nothing to report.
ADU Time Extension Request at approximately 1083 S. Blair Street—Tom Candee, project architect,
is requesting a one-year time extension of approval for the conditional use approval for an ADU at 1083
S. Blair St. The applicant has indicated that additional time is needed due to delays related to the current
COVID-19 pandemic. The Conditional Use was approved by the Planning Commission on February 12,
2020. The subject property is located at approximately 1083 S. Blair St., in the R-1/5,000 zoning district
(Single-Family Residential) within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Sara
Javoronok at (385) 226-4448 or sara.javoronok@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-01051
Commissioner Hoskins moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Urquhart
seconded the motion. Commissioners Bachman, Barry, Bell, Hoskins, and Lyon voted "Aye".
Commissioners Lee and Paredes abstained. The motion passed 5-1.
Nick Norris, Planning Director, provided the commission with information regarding modification to fence
height regulations.
Wayne Mills, Planning Manager, provided the public with information on participating during the meeting.
IRA Planned Development & Preliminary Subdivision Plat at approximately 1024 East 500 South -
A request by IRA 1024, LLC for approval of a preliminary subdivision plat as a planned development to
divide one existing lot into two lots for a new two-family dwelling at approximately 1024 E 500 South. The
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reason for the planned development application is the new lot will front Koneta Court, which is not a
dedicated public street. The site is located within Council district #4, represented by Ana Valdemoros.
(Staff contact: Casey Stewart at (801) 535-6260 or casey.stewart@slcgov.com) Case numbers
PLNSUB2020-00413 & PLNSUB2018-00697
Casey Stewart, Senior Planner, reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report (located in the case
file). He stated Staff recommended that the Planning Commission approve the request with the conditions
listed in the staff report.
Cory Waddoups, applicant, provided a presentation along with further details.
The Commission, Staff and Applicant discussed the following:
• Clarification on whether the units are rentals
• Clarification on existing building
Chairperson Scheer opened the Public Hearing;
Cindy Cromer— Stated her concern about having 3-bedroom 2 bath townhouses that will possibly have
multiple vehicles will sweat the land.
Deeda Seed — Stated her opposition of the request. She raised concerns with parking.
Rebekah Mohr— Stated her concern regarding emergency vehicles and garbage trucks accessibility.
Zachary Dussault—Stated his support of the request. He also stated he thinks it's the perfect location for
the increase in density.
Shami Kanekar— Stated her opposition of the request.
Catherine Cookson — Stated her concern with the parking.
Seeing no one else wished to speak; Chairperson Scheer closed the Public Hearing.
The Commission and Applicant discussed the following:
• Clarification on research to the title of the private street
• Clarification on who maintains the private street
• Whether a subdivision would be allowed if the street was a public street
• Whether Isabela Court is also a private right of way
• Clarification on what type of documentation does the City require to demonstrate right of access
• Clarification on whether the commission has purview to approve a subdivision when a street is
• Whether there is a way to restrict the tenants from owning a vehicle
• Whether the commission can add a condition of approval requiring the applicant to prohibit
parking on the street
• Clarification on number of bedrooms in the existing two-family dwelling
Commissioner Bell stated, I move that the Planning Commission table IRA 2014, LLC Planned
Development PLNPCM2020-00413 and Preliminary Subdivision Plat PLNSUB2018-00697 pending
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additional title information and research as to the applicant's right to access the proposed lot via
Koneta Court.
Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. Commissioners Bachman, Barry, Bell, Hoskins, Lee,
Lyon, Paredes, and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed unanimously.
CINQ Design Review & Planned Development at approximately 530 West 200 South - Dustin Holt
with dbURBAN, representing the property owner, is requesting Design Review and Planned Development
approval for a 203-unit 7-story multi-family residential apartment complex located at approximately 530
W 200 S. Planned Development approval is required for all new construction in the G-MU zoning district.
The applicant is also requesting a modification to exterior building materials through the Design Review
process. The property is zoned G-MU (Gateway-Mixed Use) and is located in Council District 4,
represented by Ana Valdemoros (Staff contact: Chris Earl at (801) 535-7932 or
a. Planned Development— Planned Development approval is required for all new
construction in the G-MU zoning district Case number PLNPCM2020-00751
b. Design Review— The applicant is also requesting a modification to exterior building
materials through the Design Review process Case number PLNPCM2020-00750
Chris Earl, Associate Planner, reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report (located in the case
file). He stated Staff recommended that the Planning Commission approve the Design Review and
Planned Development with the conditions listed in the staff report.
Dustin Holt, applicant, provided a presentation with further design details.
Chairperson Scheer opened the Public Hearing;
Cindy Cromer— Stated she's glad to see a mid-block walkway come into fruition.
Zachary Dussault— Stated he likes the project. He also stated he didn't like the amount of parking being
Michael Schoenfeld — Provided an email comment stated his support of the request.
Seeing no one else wished to speak; Chairperson Scheer closed the Public Hearing.
The Commission, Applicant and Staff discussed the following:
• Clarification on necessity of canopy
The Commission made the following comments:
• I like the project; I think it's nice. The canopy isn't an issue for me.
• The massing is assembled pretty well
Commissioner Bachman stated, based on the findings and analysis in the staff report, testimony,
and discussion at the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission vote to APPROVE the
proposed Design Review and Planned Development applications for the CINQ Apartments located
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at approximately 530 West 200 South, files PLNPCM2020-00750 and PLNPCM2020-00751 with the
conditions of approval listed in the staff report.
Commissioner Hoskins seconded the motion. Commissioners Bachman, Barry, Bell, Hoskins,
Lee, Lyon, Paredes, and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed unanimously.
Conditional Use ADU at approximately 1792 South 2100 East — Wesley Brown, the property owner
is requesting Conditional Use approval to build a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) at 1792 South
2100 East. The applicant is proposing a 650 square foot, 17-foot tall detached ADU located in the rear of
the property. The property is zoned R-1/7,000 Single-Family Residential and is within Council District 6,
represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff contact: Krissy Gilmore at (385) 377-7780 or
kristina.gilmore@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2020-00830
Krissy Gilmore, Principal Planner, reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report (located in the
case file). She stated Staff recommended that the Planning Commission approve the request with the
conditions listed in the staff report.
Wes Brown, applicant, provided further information regarding purpose of the request.
Chairperson Scheer opened the Public Hearing;
Judi Short, Land Use Chairperson for Sugar House Community Council — Stated her support of the
Zachary Dussault— Stated his support of the request.
Seeing no one else wished to speak; Chairperson Scheer closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Bell stated, based on the findings listed in the staff report, the information
presented, and input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission
approve the Conditional Use request (PLNPCM2020-00830) as proposed, subject to complying
with the conditions listed in the staff report.
Commissioner Barry seconded the motion. Commissioners Bachman, Barry, Bell, Hoskins, Lee,
Lyon, Paredes, and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned.
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