1/28/2021 - Meeting Materials (2)January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments What part of Salt Lake City do you live or work in?What is your race or ethnicity? In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? SLCPD officers should have better training in which area? What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds? What can you share about your experiences with SLCPD and recommendations for changes in policy, training, school safety, and/or officer recruitment? African Stronger outreach C,What has the commission been working on since last smer?,Please include social media history in background checks for police. Please do this quarterly. You can tell a lot by what people post online or their gro Black or African American Cultural competency/implicit bias Stronger outreach Black or African American Black or African American Bad Cultural competency/implicit bias Black or African American Okay Cultural competency/implicit bias Other Policy- end qualified immunity, 8 can't wait, etc.. Training- barriers to transparency and convictions, school safety- resources and holistic approach to serving children and families, have them watch pushout and learn more about the school to prison pipeline, recruitment- let them know there are safe ways to report bad police officers and that they can change the structure of their department, make it real. Rosepark/NW Quadrant Hispanic, Latino, Chicano Okay Other Other Understanding that studies show that personal bias trainings actually can further entrench biases, what is the city's position on pursuing comprehensivel,I am a westside, Latina citizen... while most of the comments have been valuable... but, I do not feel as though issues of RACIAL equity have been considered Hispanic, Latino, Chicano Bad Cultural competency/implicit bias Other I don't live in Salt Lake City Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Haven't had any interactions with police Cultural competency/implicit bias More welcoming culture Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Haven't had any interactions with police Cultural competency/implicit bias Stronger outreach Can we get the polls that were given at the beginning to the end of this meeting for latecomers Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Cultural competency/implicit bias Stronger outreach Text Comments 1 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments What part of Salt Lake City do you live or work in?What is your race or ethnicity? In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? SLCPD officers should have better training in which area? What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds? What can you share about your experiences with SLCPD and recommendations for changes in policy, training, school safety, and/or officer recruitment? Avenues/University/East Bench Other Race, Ethnicity Haven't had any interactions with police Cultural competency/implicit bias Other I think they have been great Southeast Asian Avenues/University/East Bench White Okay Crisis intervention More welcoming culture Engage with the Center for Policing Equity Downtown/Central City White Great Downtown/Central City White Okay Other Other Downtown/Central City White Haven't had any interactions with police I don't live in Salt Lake City White Haven't had any interactions with police More welcoming culture Liberty Wells White Great Crisis intervention More welcoming culture Liberty Wells White Okay Crisis intervention Stronger outreach NA Rosepark/NW Quadrant White Great Crisis intervention Stronger outreach Rosepark/NW Quadrant White Sugarhouse White Haven't had any interactions with police Community interaction Sugarhouse White Great Crisis intervention B Sugarhouse White White Great Crisis intervention Better pay, benefits White Great Crisis intervention Stronger outreach When officers have time to respond to calls, my experience has been great! But in the past 6 months, officers have seemed totally demoralized and understandably less motivated, like they're fighting a battle with crime and public safety that they can't win. White Haven't had any interactions with police Crisis intervention More welcoming culture Require officers to de-escalate situations, where possible, by communicating with subjects, maintaining distance, and otherwise eliminating the need to u Text Comments 2 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments What part of Salt Lake City do you live or work in?What is your race or ethnicity? In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? SLCPD officers should have better training in which area? What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds? What can you share about your experiences with SLCPD and recommendations for changes in policy, training, school safety, and/or officer recruitment? White Okay Cultural competency/implicit bias Better pay, benefits I called for assistance at 3:00am, because a man was trying to get into my house. Dispatch told me the SLCPD was not in the area, and they would be at my address in about 20-30 minutes, then disconnected. I was distressed and scare, and not happy with my personal safety being dismissed. When the police arrived 30 minutes later, they reluctantly walked around my house, found a slashed screen on my door, but did not make a report as the man was no longer on my property. Another interaction was at the State Fair, talking to members of the SLCPD wearing riot gear, and asked if they were expecting issues. Was informed by an officer that the "union" couldn't endorse a mayoral candidate because of a perceived alignment with the Brown Berets and Black Lives Matter movements. My question was why weren't they?,SLCPD has an opportunity to build community relations by integration into the neighborhoods. There is a difference between law enforcement and not inflicting personal bias and agenda into the job.,Psychological vetting for all police, to be sure how they are able to do their jobs, without harming the community is very important. Downtown/Central City Okay Crisis intervention Stronger outreach Downtown/Central City I don't live in Salt Lake City Community interaction Sugarhouse Sugarhouse Bad Cultural competency/implicit bias More welcoming culture I would like to ask a Question.,0 Crisis intervention How can the.police on their job when they are being told they are racist yest they are dealing with criminals.that have guns and dont compy.. and how do 2 Cultural competency/implicit bias More welcoming culture Text Comments 3 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments What part of Salt Lake City do you live or work in?What is your race or ethnicity? In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? SLCPD officers should have better training in which area? What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds? What can you share about your experiences with SLCPD and recommendations for changes in policy, training, school safety, and/or officer recruitment? I would like this to be presented to the Police chief. I used to live in a dangerous area of midvale. I lived in an apartment complex that had a drug dea,How are you going to take these calls more seriously? I am interested what these comments are going to be put toward? I remember being in a similar call with Chief Brown in 2016/2017 at the city library. Mos Text Comments 4 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments What part of Salt Lake City do you live or work in?What is your race or ethnicity? In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? SLCPD officers should have better training in which area? What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds? What can you share about your experiences with SLCPD and recommendations for changes in policy, training, school safety, and/or officer recruitment? How often is professional development? Diversity training?? There,How often is professional development? Diversity training?? There's a diverse room of commissioners but how many are Salt Lake residents??? I feel lik Black lives matter,Defund the police is the same as re-invest with police in DV specialists, substance use specialists, harm reductionists, social workers, and social safet Great Crisis intervention Stronger outreach Okay Crisis intervention More welcoming culture The resignation of officers after the mayor's police reform executive order this smer indicates a culture that avoids accountability for officer actions. This should be addressed by holding the department accountable through increased power for our independent civilian review board Bad Okay Okay Cultural competency/implicit bias More welcoming culture Crisis intervention More welcoming culture More welcoming culture Crisis intervention Stronger outreach If police insist on carrying lethal weapons around many different types of people and in many situations they are not properly trained for than they should have a decent amount of actual training in de-escalation, mental health mediation, implicit bias and cultural training. More welcoming culture It has been mostly okay, however I have had interactions with SLCPD that made me question whether their intent was driven by policy or implicit bias. Their efforts didn't make it better and thus I wondered what the intent was as the stated reason for their actions didn't really add up. I'd like to see police trainings / school look more like a 4 year degree, like other professional jobs. It would help weed out the i Text Comments 5 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments What part of Salt Lake City do you live or work in?What is your race or ethnicity? In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? SLCPD officers should have better training in which area? What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds? What can you share about your experiences with SLCPD and recommendations for changes in policy, training, school safety, and/or officer recruitment? Why is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the police not easily accessible? Or how do I gain access to it?,What kind of training do the police get for dealing with people who are on doctor prescribed drugs? Text Comments 6 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date of Comment In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? Do you have a story to share about your experiences with police in SLC? It is most important that SLCPD officers get better training in which of the following (cultural competency/implicit bias, crisis intervention, community interaction, firearms, other)? What other kinds of training should SLCPD officers get that they may not get now? What's one critical change in policy or procedure that SLCPD should implement that would help the SLCPD do their What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds (stronger pay, better What other things should SLCPD do to recruit a diverse police force? How do you think school resource officers should improve school safety? What else would you like the Racial Equity in Policing Commission to know? Name 1/28/2021 Okay "This morning, police were called for a Black, homeless man looking through the trash in my neighborhood. I had given the homeless man some clothes and books a few days ago which he had in his possession at the time. The officers accused the man of stealing the clothes and books, and said "we're not going to arrest you, but we could." I was walking my dog and happened to walk by, and worry about what would have happened if I were not there." Community interaction, crisis intervention, cultural competency/implicit bias "I don't think training is going to fix the problem. Defund the police and reallocate the resources into housing, addiction treatment, and social services." "Defund the police. I think this is a critical change that would improve the city and the role of the police. This is not a personal attack on the officers, but they are being stretched too thin by responding to too many issues." Other "There are three problems here. First, primarily white men are attracted to the PD as a position of power and a method of enforcing whiteness, misogyny, and colonization. So you're going to get a largely white and masculine police force. Second, police on the whole are not just discriminating against but actively harming BIPOC, trans and queer folks, and poor and homeless people. That means that anyone from those populations is risking a lot by joining that group. Third, police in the United States are charged with protecting property, not people. Whiteness is one of the most precious forms of property we have. As long as police exist as an institution, that will be true and will not change by trying to recruit a 'more diverse police force.'" "I have a master's degree in education. I do not think police belong in schools." "This commission feels like a half- measure towards what we spent all smer asking for. Someone probably told you that it was a good compromise. I don't think there's going to be any real change, but I'm open to a conversation." Benjamin Petrie Survey Responses 7 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date of Comment In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? Do you have a story to share about your experiences with police in SLC? It is most important that SLCPD officers get better training in which of the following (cultural competency/implicit bias, crisis intervention, community interaction, firearms, other)? What other kinds of training should SLCPD officers get that they may not get now? What's one critical change in policy or procedure that SLCPD should implement that would help the SLCPD do their What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds (stronger pay, better What other things should SLCPD do to recruit a diverse police force? How do you think school resource officers should improve school safety? What else would you like the Racial Equity in Policing Commission to know? Name 1/28/2021 Okay "In 2002 i was stopped for driving while brown. The cop couldn’t find anything wrong with my car or driving and was nervous when I called him out on it. This is real, and I under they are doing their best, however, that’s no longer good enough. Therefore, I don’t always feel safe when I see police." Firearms, community interaction, crisis intervention, cultural competency/implicit bias "Mindfulness, emotional intelligence, crisis management, confidence with respect for self and others, cultural experience, grounding, listening skills." "Become part of the community. They need better pay and mandatory counseling at least once a month." Better pay, benefits "Have the ability to see the person and not the color. The color is there regardless, you the white cop are just as flawed as a person of color, you are not better or smarter. We are equals with different life experiences. Be han and don’t dehanize. If you don’t know that’s ok, own it, and be kind." "They should teach and help develop afterschool programs where cops become the mentors. Include your family. In minority cultures family is everything, so be willing to integrate, once you can master the skill of acceptance you will have a family for life. The community will help keep the community safe. Share your values and don’t be afraid to adopt a few new ones. We are all one body, in one world, let’s take care of each "Racism is real. But we are afraid of calling for what it is. Racism is wrong, but we let people get away with it. It should be a crime. White people need to know that it’s ok to call someone out in it even if that person looks like them. Bring back classes like sociology, ethics and philosophy to schools." Moni Candia Survey Responses 8 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date of Comment In general, what have your experiences been like with police in Salt Lake City? Do you have a story to share about your experiences with police in SLC? It is most important that SLCPD officers get better training in which of the following (cultural competency/implicit bias, crisis intervention, community interaction, firearms, other)? What other kinds of training should SLCPD officers get that they may not get now? What's one critical change in policy or procedure that SLCPD should implement that would help the SLCPD do their What might SLCPD do to better recruit officers from all backgrounds (stronger pay, better What other things should SLCPD do to recruit a diverse police force? How do you think school resource officers should improve school safety? What else would you like the Racial Equity in Policing Commission to know? Name 1/28/2021 Great "I have witnessed nerous school officials request the minority officers over white officers. When I am in crisis I don’t care what your skin color is, I only want someone who will help." Other, Firearms "Job specific training for specialty positions and more tactical and defensive tactics training to help limit use of force and confidence in individual skills." "Less restrictions on what they can do. The more our city puts restrictions on our officers, the less safe we are in this city." "I don’t believe we should be racist in who we hire. I believe it should be the most qualified people not the most colorful people. We will see corruption and terrible people if we continue to lower the standards." "I pulled my kids out of SLCSD schools because the SROs can not enforce many crimes and if we do not support our SROs I do not feel confident my child is safe." "Think about the long term consequences of what you are doing. We should not seek officers for their skin color but for their abilities to be a great officer. I am Hispanic and the most racist people have been colored people. I have seen more discrimination against whites than anyone else but no one wants to talk about it. I also think you need to link into what the SROs role is within the school, familiarize yourself with the MOU and how it’s failed because tying their hands only makes the problems worse. Talk to the administrators at the high schools who have to deal with these issues on a Jon Chu Survey Responses 9 of 17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 1:42:35 How can you get young kids engaged in being proactive in their community without hating the police. Some kids are taught to hate police by family, peers and others in the community?.2 Shellie G McKissick 1/28 / 1:32:09 SROs in schools decrease graduation and higher GPAs. Remove SROs 3 Rae James Duckworth 1/28 / 1:34:01 I think it's pretty problematic that police departments are often in charge of evidence that incriminates them. My lawyer requested dash cam footage of an incident only to be told that it had been "lost."1 Tanya Platt 1/28 / 1:31:21 I’m appreciative of this commission who is here to address the issues of racism and equality in policing. I hope they are given proficient time and resources to make changes. Thank you for leading the way. This work is vital to our existence!4 Lita Sagato 1/28 / 1:25:57 "Thank you! There are plenty of professionals out there deescalating similar situations without excessive force. I would also like to see ONGOING training for officers if they expect to continue carrying lethal weapons around our community members."2 Kalolaine Palei Facebook Comments 10 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 1:14:34 This is a racially diverse commission (and it's great). How does it compare with the diversity and leadership in the police departments? city leadership? mayor's office?7 @user good point. If only the police departments were as diverse as the commission 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♂️Bobby N Belinda Saltiban 1/28 / 1:06:44 Why did the officer who knocked down the elderly man in SLC last year get to keep his job? What was the reasoning on that?4 Cheynne Nimes 1/28 / 59:11 I'd like to hear more about the role police unions have in addressing these obvious community concerns. I understand they represent police officers but where is the alignment of representations, policy, and accountability as well as training to mitigate the issues and concerns shared by the community. Seems a bit lopsided when it comes to the actions and the perceived mission of community service.4 Charles Henderson 1/28 / 36:20 Han resources that focuses on Diversity & Inclusion. (User), I have reached out to people in the city about that issue and they have expressed interest in working on that.Ralph Misa 1/28 / 0:00 The labor of BIPOC community members shouldn't always be free. 🤔🤔Bobby N Belinda Saltiban 1/28 / 1:48:14 Props for the for and listening ears.Daela Taeoalii-Higgs Facebook Comments 11 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 1:47:46 The Commission needs a stipend!!!Bobby N Belinda Saltiban 1/28 / 1:46:55 Mendenhall and Brown, are you still keeping your commitment with CAG tonight?2 Kalolaine Palei 1/28 / 1:45:44 I want to hear from you mike brown Natasha Cadet 1/28 / 1:45:07 Where will these questions be answered? I’d like to see the responses 🙂🙂4 Lita Sagato 1/28 / 1:43:46 Yes Lisa!1 Heilala Fu'itahi Potesio 1/28 / 1:41:44 FTP 1 Natasha Cadet 1/28 / 1:40:32 REFORM SLCPD OR BE ABOLISHED BY COMMUNITY 3 Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:40:11 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Jme Cee 1/28 / 1:39:57 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:39:26 Who's this Michael speaker? Hmu Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:39:17 They used tax payer money to take away the shelter and necessities of people 1 Natasha Cadet 1/28 / 1:38:18 What is the point of having them in this meeting if they are not going to respond to the people.. they are getting paid to sit and look uninterested 2 Natasha Cadet 1/28 / 1:39:06 That gear is NOT returned! It is thrown away.1 Kalolaine Palei 1/28 / 1:37:54 Great questions Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:37:52 It goes to the dpster Jme Cee 1/28 / 1:37:02 Police are bullies asf.2 Rae James Ducksworth Facebook Comments 12 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 1:36:29 It is obvious that when racial representation is intentional, you can find qualified folks who are excellent. Hence, this commission. So, how is the city (and its departments) actively and intentionally diversifying their departments outside of this commission? Finding excellent professionals of color should not solely be isolated to a commission, like this. Walk the talk...1 Bobby N Belinda Saltiban 1/28 / 1:35:14 Brown and Mendenhall, WHY AREN'T THE OFFICERS IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES. why are you openly dodging an important security concern question Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:34:14 Answer her questions now. There is time. Where is transparency Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:33:03 Code 3b Rae James Ducksworth 1/28 / 1:27:35 I agree! I feel like there is much more understanding between officers and their community if those officers are from the community they serve in.2 Kalolaine Palei 1/28 / 1:24:02 Thank you Maggie 1 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 1:23:45 The young 13 year old was shot near my home... we heard him say he had a gun.. 1 (sad reaction)Shellie G McKissick 1/28 / 1:23:40 Maggie, Thank you!1 Anna Zwalt 1/28 / 1:23:33 Good call out regarding unarmed citizens and mentally challenged citizens.1 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 1:22:53 I still have yet to see Mendenhalls follow up.1 Ralph Misa Facebook Comments 13 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 1:22:35 Lethal force should not be an option unless ALL other options have been used 3 Colton Uchiha Warden 1/28 / 1:22:37 The mayor is on the call. Good call out regarding the 13 year old autistic boy who was shot several times last year.3 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 1:17:53 AMEN Colton Uchiha Warden 1/28 / 1:17:54 Great question Consul.Ma Black 1/28 / 1:16:30 Internal affairs review ??1 Peter Brownstein 1/28 / 1:11:25 With the LDS church now implementing racial sensitivity courses for its members. Do we have anything like that in the pipeline for law enforcement? I feel like it should be required in police office training.1 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 1:09:41 How many hours of training does an officer get?3 Peter Brownstein 1/28 / 1:06:53 Milo!! Great great questions!!2 Anna Zwalt 1/28 / 1:06:29 I had the same question regarding homeless individuals thank you.Colton Uchiha Warden 1/28 / 1:04:49 Are the texts going to be addressed?1 Colton Uchiha Warden 1/28 / 1:00:41 I am appreciative of all the work being done here in SLC to address these challenges. I'm fairly certain that other cities share these. Are there any best practices that are being used elsewhere in the nation with positive results ?? Have any efforts been made to find these??2 Peter Brownstein 1/28 / 59:59 Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏5 Ralph Misa Facebook Comments 14 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 56:10 How about we keep people on who have had issues with the police and we can discuss how the situations will be handled and prevented from there on out.1 Colton Uchiha Warden 1/28 / 53:53 This was reported by the Attorney Generals office and stated “we’re just not there” so then what ????1 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 53:39 Please follow up with Lou as she had 3 incidents to report. It’s unfortunate that she is autistic and is somewhat being mistreated or in a way targeted.Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28/2021 / 52:49 No data no solutions in my opinion. Ralph Misa 1/28 / 52:40 Utah historically failed to politically fund ongoing police enforcement data. What is the commission doing about the collection of law enforcement data?1 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 48:29 The Utah’s Attorney General was surprised by the shootings by SLC police officers and one of the highest in Utah. Mayor????Ralph Misa 1/28 / 48:16 How can this caller provide information to identify the date and place of these interactions Peter Brownstein 1/28 / 48:12 Do you feel your being targeted?Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 46:16 Does Mayor Mendenhall have a follow up into the shootings from last year?2 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 45:11 One situation last year was a 13 year old Autistic boy in Glendale:Ralph Misa Facebook Comments 15 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 39:20 The fact we have to thank the police for no harm done when we call them is an issue. That’s their job.2 Colton Uchiha Warden 1/28 / 44:18 How does SLCPD address the shooting of many in the past year that were unarmed?1 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 35:49 I witnessed an experience with a crisis line intervention in my east side neighborhood and even though nobody was harmed, the individual was taken for mental health care Peter Brownstein 1/28 / 22:04 Actions are also important.Shellie G McKissick 1/28 / 39:04 Please put the online link to PollEv in this comment stream.pollev.com/equityslc June Hussein Taylor 1/28 / 15:26 And they need to be re evaluated every year 6 Or twice a year Shellie G McKissick 1/28 / 39:13 What is the phone nber?Ralph Misa 1/28 / 39:46 Next caller lol Ralph Misa 1/28 / 14:20 Officers before they hired need a complete psych evaluation Agreed Shellie G McKissick 1/28 / 39:19 Bless your heart ❤️ your a good mom Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 35:49 Si'oto 'ofa Komisiona Ka'ili mo Komisiona Sagato.1 To'o Folau 1/28 / 35:13 Great question. 👏👏👏👏👏👏2 Ralph Misa 1/28 / 34:01 Tau lotu kihe faingata’aia si’i kaunanga Koeni 🤗🤗Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 33:09 Me’a eeeeee 1 (laughing reaction)Lisiate T.Wolfgramm 1/28 / 27:49 Bless your heart Michael, and sorry for the loss of your friend😢😢 1 (care reaction)Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 25:50 👏👏🙌🙌👏👏🙌🙌👏👏🙌🙌Shout out to you single dad 2 Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 22:48 Big Shout out to Commissioner Ka’ili 1 Betsy Naeata Nau Facebook Comments 16 of17 January 28, 2021 Listening Session Responses to Survey, Text Messages, Social Media Comments Date/Time of Comment Relative to Facebook Live Comment Commen t Reaction s #Comment Replies First Name Last Name/Username 1/28 / 22:21 MJ! So great to see you here! ❤Anna Zwalt 1/28 / 22:04 Shout out Commissioner Sagato and Ka’ili 1 Nautalus Kaho Langi 1/28 / 19:31 Talofa Commissioner Sagato 1 Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 18:04 👏👏🙌🙌👏👏🙌🙌👏👏🙌🙌to the ASL interpreter 3 Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 17:33 Curious to hear from Chief Brown what he feels are some of the greatest challenges in the area of racial equity that he is already working on ??2 Peter Brownstein 1/28 / 16:46 We love ❤️ u Chief Brown 1 Betsy Naeata Nau 1/28 / 16:28 (tagged two users)Ralph Misa 1/28 / 9:20 (users). Ko fe homou feitu'u? Ikai ke lau mai mau fetu’u ia 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣To'o Folau 1/28 / 11:11 Am I correct that all answers will be correlated against neighborhood and race?Peter Brownstein Facebook Comments 17 of17