2/3/2021 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FROM THE
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
WebEx Meeting: 146 019 7401
Salt Lake City, Utah
Board Members Board Members Not Present
Matt Pauly(Chair)
Robert Rendon
Paul Cherecwich
Edward Makowski
Amy Rowland
Marty Biljanic
Scott Cuthbertson
Staff Present
Tony Milner,HAND
Amanda Best, HAND
Heather Royall,HAND
Tyler Durfee,HAND
Kerry Thomas,HAND
Erin Cunningham,RDA
Kimberly Chytraus, Senior City Attorney
Sam Evans,Wasatch Residential Group
Members of Public Present
1. Welcome
Matthew Pauly,board Chair,welcomed the board.
Remote Meeting Statement read by Mr. Pauly:
I,Matthew Pauly,Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board Chair,hereby determine that conducting the
Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board meeting at the anchor location presents a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present at the anchor location. The World Health Organization,
the Governor of Utah,the Salt Lake County Health Department, Salt Lake County Mayor, and the Mayor
of Salt Lake City have all recognized a global pandemic exists related to the new strain of the
coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
Due to the state of emergency caused by the global pandemic, I find that conducting a meeting at an
anchor location under the current state of public health emergency constitutes a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present at the location.
2. Approval of January 6th Meeting Minutes
There was no discussion and Ms. Rowland moved to approve the minutes,Mr. Makowski seconded.
Motion passed unanimously
3. Discuss Garden Lofts Subordination Amendment
Sam Evans from Wasatch Residential Group was present at the meeting for questions. Mr. Cherecwich
clarified that the request is for a shortfall in the developer fee,Mr. Evans confirmed that is correct. Mr.
Cherecwich asked if this is a normal experience for developers,to have an overrun of costs. Mr. Evans
said that the construction market and the rising costs in the market can lead to this. The original funding
creates the expectation of the developer fee and costs but the market can increase more than expected.
Mr. Cherecwich asked if the loan is not received will the developer fee be at risk to pay the overrun costs,
Mr. Evans said that would be correct. Mr. Cherecwich stated that if Citibank has approved this loan there
is no issue with him on subordinating to the Citibank additional loan. Ms. Best also clarified that Olene
Walker funding for this development passed the updated subordination on February 28'. Mr. Biljanic
asked why Citibank can't loan the money without repositioning our loan. Mr. Evans said that it is the way
Citibank is securing the debt and requiring it to be structured. Mr. Makowski asked why the HTF loan
position would have to change. Ms. Chytraus clarified that a new deed of trust will be in place which will
bump the HTF loan to third position. There was clarification on the order of the loans, as it was incorrect
in the packet,the order of the loans will not change just an additional loan will be put in second position
pushing the City HTF loan to third position and the Olene Walker loan below the HTF loan in fourth
position. Ms. Rowland mention the original model had a lower debt coverage ratio and the updated model
has a higher debt coverage ratio and asked if the rent up is better or if vacancy is lower. Mr. Evans stated
that there is very low vacancy and the rent has increased since 2017. Mr. Biljanic asked what a PAB bond
is. Mr. Evans responded saying that it is a tax exempt bond, a private activity bond. Ms. Rowland also
stated that kind of bond debt requires soft debt,which is why the HTF loan is a cash flow loan. Mr.
Cherecwich motioned that the HTFAB accept the proposal to subordinate the debt in accordance with the
documentation. Ms. Rowland seconds the motion. The board passed the motion unanimously,with Mr.
Cuthbertson recusing himself due to a personal relationship.
4. Other Business
Mr. Milner mentioned the new Treasury dollars and CV funding moving forward. HOPWA-CV is
scheduled to be approved by the City Council on February 16'. Salt Lake City has also received
Treasury dollars for COVID relief and the city is currently in discussion with the State of Utah to
coordinate the funds.As a review body for similar funding,the Treasury funds will not be going through
the HTFAB for review.Ms. Rowland asked how a person may access these funds. Mr. Milner said there
may be a centralized portal through the state to prevent duplication. Mr. Cherecwich asked what may be
on the agenda for next month. Ms. Best said that there was nothing planned at this point and will be
updated through email, she also introduced Erin Cunningham,representing the RDA and transitioning to
oversee the Housing Development Trust Fund portfolio. Ms. Best also updated the HTFAB that Centro
Civico Apartments is now open and currently leasing up. Mr. Milner also introduced the HAND staff on
the call. Ms. Cunningham introduced herself.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:26pm.
HTF B and Chair
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the HTF Board meeting
held February 3,2021.