2/8/2021 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the February 8, 2021 Meeting
BAC Members Present for this meeting were Daniel Houpt, Jacquelyn Thiel, Joshua
Poppel, Martin Cuma, Rachel Manko, Stewart Soleman, and Zachary Anderson.
BAC Members Absent for this meeting were David Parrot, Gabriela Knudson, and
Josalyn Bates
Also present were Amy Lyons, Julianne Sabula, Lara Handwerker, Courtney Reeser, Jeff
Gulden, Scott H., Hugh Van Wagenen, Lynn Jacobs, and Kayla Kinkhead.
The meeting was held electronically via WebEx and was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by
Zachary Anderson.
Approval of Minutes —Motion: Joshua Poppel moved to approve the minutes of the
January 11, 2021 joint TAB/BAC meeting. Zachary Anderson seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes —Motion: Joshua Poppel moved to approve the minutes of the
November 16, 2020 meeting. Zachary Anderson seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
Public Comment—There was no public comment.
Committee Announcements &Updates
Martin said Google Fiber has been working in his neighborhood and they haven't fixed
all the holes in the road. Zach said this was recently installed in front of his house and
he was concerned about the same thing. The holes were big enough for a road bike tire
to get stuck in and it was dangerous, but they did come back and finish it a few months
later. Courtney said they are using sub-contractors and their permit time is 4-6 months
to get everything done from start to finish. She said Google has to come back and
inspect their work before they can fill in the holes. Zach shared a survey from SLC Trails
and Natural Lands Division regarding trails etiquette in the SLC Foothills area. He
would like everyone to share it if they can because it is an important survey. It can be
found here: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/73c187b5o42f4b43b312fd28d2aa5e73.
Creating a Safe, Family-friendly Bicycle Backbone Network
Hugh Van Wagenen, WFRC
Hugh thanked the Committee for making SLC a better place to ride and thereby making
the region a better place to ride. He said there is an effort to collect signatures from
agencies and individuals urging Governor Cox and the Legislature to think about a big
influx of spending for active transportation projects throughout the state. The WFRC
has facilitated a letter entitled Active Transportation Support letter which can be found
here: https://unifiedplan.org/healthier-more-connected-utah/. They are trying to
create a safe, family friendly bicycle backbone network. He went over the content of the
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letter and said they want to tie Utah to being a great active transportation state. There
are currently over 300 signatures and the WFRC would like the BAC to add their
support. After a brief discussion, the Committee agreed they were comfortable with and
supported the content of the letter.
Motion: Zachary Anderson moved to add BAC support to this letter. Stewart Soleman
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Highland Dr. Restriping
Lynn Jacobs&Jeff Gulden, SLC Transportation
Jeff said it's that time of year when the Streets Division is resurfacing the roadways and
Transportation can look at making striping and signage changes as part of that. He
briefly went over each of those streets and the potential changes. More information can
be found here: https://www.slc.gov/mystreet/2021/01/14/2021-surface-treatment-
projects/. Today the focus is on the Highland Drive changes from the southern city limit
to Warnock Avenue which is just south of I-80. Lynn went over the project goals
including the feasibility of putting bike lanes on that section, opportunities to improve
safety and efficiency for people driving and to improve circulation between Sugar House
and Millcreek's new downtown development. Millcreek will be restriping their section
to the city limit this summer and SLC is evaluating how to connect the Millcreek project
with their section of Highland Drive. Since this project is only a chip-seal, it is not an
opportunity to modify roadway width, sidewalk, curb, gutter,ADA ramps, etc. He
showed a map of the study area and went through some of the details. Highland Drive
has been identified as a high priority corridor from the Local Link Study
(www.locallinkstudy.com). Lynn went through some of the challenging areas and
possible solutions and will be doing public outreach within the next few months. He
said he would love to hear any thoughts or ideas the Committee members may have and
will be sending out a survey soon. Martin and Jacquelyn volunteered to be the primary
contact for this project.
Committee Discussion of Bike Lane Blockage "Problem Streets"
In November, the Committee voted to send a letter to Sustainability regarding garbage
and recycle bins in the bike lanes. In the meantime, Lara reached out to them to discuss
the possibility of putting fliers on those bins. Sustainability was happy to help with this
and asked for a flyer design and a list of problematic streets. Lara made a draft flyer
which the Committee reviewed and gave input regarding content as well as their go
ahead for Lara to finalize the flyer with their suggestions. They discussed several
problem streets which included 800 South, 700 East, 600 West, 1300 South, 300 East,
200 West, 200 South, and 3rd Avenue. Lara said they may also want to think about
points of blockage like delivery vehicles. She said curbside management is something
that Joe Taylor is going to be looking into and it would be a good conversation to have in
the future. Martin said construction signs in the bike lanes are also problematic. Lara
said if anyone is biking along and takes photos to send to her, she will share them with
Sustainability who is willing to do an education campaign in a virtual format with those
photos to showing what is wrong.
Motion: Joshua Poppel motioned to adjourn the meeting; Zachary Anderson seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
Approved by Committee 3-15-21.
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