3/15/2021 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the March 15, 2021 Meeting
BAC Members Present for this meeting were Daniel Houpt, David Parrott, Joshua
Poppel, Martin Cuma, Rachel Manko, Stewart Soleman, and Zachary Anderson.
BAC Members Absent for this meeting were Gabriela Knudson, Jacquelyn Thiel, and
Josalyn Bates.
Also present were Lara Handwerker, Julianne Sabula, Courtney Reeser, Kyle Cook,
Kayla Kinkhead, Tyler Egg, Skyler, J.Whitbeck, Susan Lundmark, Chuck Krivanek,
Dave Iltis, Hugh, Lynn Jacobs, and Tyler Murdock.
The meeting was held electronically via WebEx and was called to order at 5:01 p.m.by
Zachary Anderson.
Approval of Minutes — Motion: David Parrott moved to approve the minutes of the
February 8, 2021 meeting. Rachel Manko seconded the motion. The motion passed
Public Comment— Lara introduced Kayla Kinkead who will be attending BAC on a
regular basis representing UTA. She is on their long range and strategic planning team
and is an advocate for active transportation.
Committee Announcements &Updates
Zach said the Google Fiber installation was also brought up at the last TAB meeting and
will be followed on up by Courtney and Jon Larsen. Courtney said her and Jon have put
it on the next TAB agenda, and she has been driving around neighborhoods taking
pictures of areas of concern.
Jordan River Trail Bike Pump Track Grant
Tyler Murdock, SLC Parks&Public Lands
Tyler is the project manager for SLC Public Lands and does a lot of work on the trails
and natural lands area which includes a lot of bicycle related projects. Today he is
requesting a letter of support for a new pump track in the Rose Park area adjacent to the
Day Riverside Library at about 950 North Cornell Street. This project is currently in the
planning and design phase and has been in the works for several years. They have
applied for CIP funding for this project for several years and have been unsuccessful.
They are now planning to submit a formal grant request to the Governor's Office of
Outdoor Recreation. This is a grant program that they've been quite successful with and
are anticipating submitting a $look request which is what Tyler is here to seek support
for. He went over the pump track options for this one-acre parcel and are hoping to
receive enough funding to use asphalt instead of dirt. Stewart asked if they are planning
to add jumps and Tyler said there isn't currently enough room but, in the future, they
may be able to use additional land there for a skills park. Dave Iltis asked if he has been
working with Kevin Dwyer in the Salt Lake Valley Trails Society and Tyler said he has.
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Martin asked if there are plans to add any pump tracks on the east side and Tyler said
the east side parks are already very developed but there is interest in adding one to
Fairmont Park.
Motion: Zachary Anderson moved to write a letter of support for Tyler's grant for the
Rose Park pump track to be submitted to the Governor's Office. Stewart Soleman
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Ballpark Study Area Discussion
Susan Lundmark, SLC Transportation
Susan is here to get BAC input on the Ballpark Station Area Plan. The Ballpark Station
is due for some maintenance and upgrades and the City wants to look at the
neighborhood more broadly along with connections and safety, especially for bicycles
and pedestrians in the area. She went over the project partners, funding and the
preliminary goals which are to work with the community, define the goals and vision for
the area, and improve transportation options and connections throughout the study
area. The study area goes from 900 South to 1300 South and from State Street to the
freeway. Susan showed accident data from the area, talked about existing bicycle
facilities and future recommended projects including Bus Rapid Transit, streetcar, bike
lanes, neighborhood byways, shared roadways, and multi-use paths. There is a
community event on March 20th from loam to noon and you can pre-register at
https://forms.gle/MJvtFceqiDazCER7. Susan presented some questions to the
Committee and Zach said he believes there should be routes/active transportation to
move bicycles safely away from the station, particularly on 1300 South. Susan showed a
path that can be currently accessed from the train station. Zach suggested they make
sure it is well signed and accessible. Martin said bypassing through neighborhood
streets is not practical because it adds time to the trip, and he would like to see bicycle
support on 1300 East. Dave Iltis said one issue is on 1700 South traveling eastbound
just before State Street. New bike lanes were constructed, and they should have been
protected. There is also a big blender zone at that point so for about 1/2 block between
Main Street and State Street, on the south side as you're traveling eastbound, cars and
bicycles mix and it's not safe for bikes. Dave also said that everyone at the meeting for
the Life on State project wanted to see bike lanes. It would be good if they looked at the
feedback and made it work as part of the process.
Various Project Updates
Kyle Cook, SLC Transportation
Kyle went over the 600/700 North Mobility, Safety and Transit Improvements Study.
He went through the project process which has also been shared with Community
Councils and others in the area. The City is currently nearing the completion of the
study element and are trying to set the trajectory and decide what kind of investments
they want on the corridor which may be done in phases rather than a complete corridor
reconstruction. Through the process of promoting this project, there is a story map and
a survey which is open until the end of March. This survey and other information can be
found at https://www.slc.gov/transportation/2o2o/02/18/600north/. Kyle went over
the three different concepts for this area which are Baseline with Improvements, Green
Boulevard, and Streetside Park. He encouraged everyone to take and share the survey
so they can receive as much feedback from the public as possible. Martin said the multi-
use path that crosses I-15 on the south side is deficient and it would make sense to have
one on both sides. Kyle said the City would like facilities on both sides of the street but
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there are no easy space solutions for things like bridge decking,but they would like to
try and widen the path on the south side. Dave Iltis said he would echo Martin's
suggestion as when riding over the 600 North overpass, it is causing cyclists to cross
over on 600 West or 300 West and there is a need for a safe place to ride on the north
side of the freeway. Courtney said UDOT is doing their study on the 600 North bridge
now and she has requested they incorporate that into the study. She said they have also
reduced the speed from Oomph to 35 mph when they put in the ped island on 800 West
and that part of the typologies is trying to get a sense of where the speeds can be reduced
that won't impact vehicle traffic too much. Kyle said they are trying to find a good
balance but a lot of the feedback he's getting is not to reduce the vehicle lanes because
people in that area are commuting and there isn't a lot of transit there. Zach said as
someone who bikes east from that neighborhood, he thinks they should absolutely make
changes to that bridge no matter what. All the options that were presented, he's still
going to go to 300 North because as a confident cyclist, he's not biking across that
bridge unless there is a dedicated bridge. David Parrott agrees with that. He said the
signs are beautiful,but he's rode over it and it is terrifying. Save for a dedicated un-car
crossing bridge, it's never going to be good and it's not going to be safe. The bridge is a
strangle point and people just don't pay attention. Kyle said if in the short term they
could do some bike lane striping, it might be a waste of time if no one is going to use it.
Zach said bike lanes would still be worth putting in, any improvement would be great.
Kyle said in the upcoming year, there will be a new signal at 1200 West, bus stop
amenities for the coming bus routes on 600 north and moo north as the first projects
they will see along with some spot improvements. They will build stuff this year and
next year and will not be coming in and doing everything at once.
Sunnyside Improvements
Lynn Jacobs, SLC Transportation
Lynn said the City is looking at implementing one of the first projects on Foothill Drive
at Sunnyside Avenue. There have been multiple studies on this difficult corridor, and
they are going to try to implement a lot of the projects that came out of those studies.
There will not be a big project as that would require taking a lot of right of way and
properties to expand the roadway. Lynn said the first project they want to implement is
to eliminate the free right turn at this intersection that comes from the west side of
Sunnyside going to northbound Foothill. It is very uncomfortable for pedestrians and
cyclists trying to cross. This is one of the busiest routes in the county as people are
heading up Sunnyside to get to Emigration Canyon, so it is one of the obvious places to
start as these pedestrians and cyclists are crossing this busy road. He showed the
concept design they have developed which will add a westbound bike lane on Sunnyside
and a bike box that will transition people from the shared road to the bike lane. In
addition, they are trying to realign the crosswalk so it's a straight line across. The City
will be restriping Sunnyside all the way to the City boundary and will likely take some
width from the vehicle lanes and allocate that to bike lanes. Lynn said they are working
to have this completed by the end of the year but there is a chance it will not be
completed until next spring. The U of U also wants to add some gateway features to
make a nicer entrance for people coming to the Research Park. There is concrete
pavement in this area that is in bad condition so it will be replaced with asphalt to make
a smoother ride. Martin said wider bike lanes would be nice and asked if there was
enough room for a protected bike lane uphill. Lynn said he didn't believe so but that
they would evaluate it in the striping project. Martin asked if any thought has been
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given to a bridge or separated crossing and Lynn said it has been talked about, but they
don't currently have funds for that.
Additional Public Comment — Dave Iltis said Cycling Utah led the effort to get
HB142 passed so assuming the Governor signs it, the stop signs can be treated as yield
signs by cyclists. He asked the Committee to please e-mail the Governor asking him to
sign this bill. He mentioned a presentation the Committee had regarding enforcement
issues and said one is that the SLC Justice Court is not appropriately applying the law
and the State fine structure when cyclists are ticketed. Dave said the Justice Court has
been encouraging SLCPD to write tickets to cyclists as though they are motor vehicles
which is contrary to what is written and carries much higher fines than the cyclist fees.
He recommended the Committee act on this. Dave said Gladiola,which is about 3200
West,was redone in 2018. There is a section of about 9 blocks without a bike lane. He
feels this is so important because this is the one missing piece in a 6.3-mile continuous
bike lane from 500 South to 4100 South and it would be great to see the Committee ask
Transportation to do something. He said the west side is typically underserved and this
would be very little effort to have a great bikeway. Dave said this brings up one other
issue that hopefully the Committee can pay attention to. That is, when there are
projects like Gladiola and 700 south, they should not be done in a vacuum. For
example, Gladiola was reconstructed from 500 South to 900 South,but no attention was
paid to 900 South to 1800 South. He said 700 South was redone from 300 West to 300
East, but no attention was paid to 300 West to 600 West or 300 East to 700 East. The
problem is the bike lanes should not be done in this isolated way. Transportation is
missing a lot opportunities and he hopes BAC will consider acting on some of these.
Motion: David Parrott motioned to adjourn the meeting; Zachary Anderson seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:3o p.m.
Approved by Committee 04-19-21
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