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3/24/2021 - Meeting Minutes
SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING This meeting was held electronically pursuant to the Salt Lake City Emergency Proclamation Wednesday, March 24, 2021 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:45 pm. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For complete commentary and presentation of the meeting, please visit https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson, Brenda Scheer; Vice Chairperson, Amy Barry; Commissioners Maurine Bachman, Adrienne Bell, Carolynn Hoskins, Jon Lee, Matt Lyon, Andres Paredes, Crystal Young-Otterstrom and Sara Urquhart. Planning Staff members present at the meeting were: Nick Norris, Director; Wayne Mills, Planning Manager; John Anderson, Planning Manager; Paul Nielson, Attorney; Linda Mitchell, Principal Planner; Nannette Larsen, Principal Planner; Kelsey Lindquist, Senior Planner; Eric Daems, Senior Planner; Marlene Rankins; Administrative Secretary; Aubrey Clark, Administrative Secretary. Commissioner Brenda Scheer read the emergency proclamation for holding a virtual meeting. Planning Manager Wayne Mills explained the meeting instructions. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 10, 2021 MEETING MINUTES AND CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION Commissioner Urquhart moved to approve the March 10, 2021 meeting minutes as well as the Time Extension Request (listed in the Consent Agenda). Commissioner Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioners Bell, Barry, Paredes, Hoskins, Young-Otterstrom, Lyon, Lee, Bachman and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed to approve the meeting minutes as well as the 1807 S 1900 E Time Extension Request. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Commissioner Scheer reported that she had nothing to report. Commissioner Barry reported that she had nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Manager Wayne Mills reported that there are technically difficulties and how to proceed. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 24, 2021 Page 1 CONSENT AGENDA 1807 S 1900 E Time Extension Request - Susan Klinker, property owner, is requesting for a one-year time extension of approval for the conditional use approval for a detached 2-story accessory dwelling unit (ADU) at 1807 South 1900 East. The applicant has indicated that additional time is needed due to delays related to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Conditional Use was approved by the Planning Commission on April 22, 2020. The subject property is located in the R-1/7,000 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district within Council District 6, represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff contact: Linda Mitchell at (385) 386-2763 or linda.mitchell@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2019-01065 MOTION One-year time extension approved by the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1583 E Stratford Master Plan and Zoning Map Amendments - Salt Lake City received a request from Erin Hoffman with Stratford Investment Properties, the property owner, to amend the Sugar House Master Plan and the zoning map for a property located at approximately 1583 East Stratford Ave. The proposal would rezone the entire property from RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential) to CN (Neighborhood Commercial) and amend the Sugar House Future Land Use Map from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Business. The purpose of the amendments is to convert the existing building from multi-family residential to office. The property is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff contact: Nannette Larsen at 385-386-2761 or nannette.larsen©slcgov.com) Case Numbers: PLNPCM2020-00393; PLNPCM2020-00394 Nannette Larsen, Principal Planner, reviewed the information in this staff report (located in the case file). She stated that Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the City Council for the Master Plan and Zoning Map amendments. She stated that it was found by Planning Staff in the report that the proposed amendments do not meet the intent of the Master Plan. She reviewed the site location, the rezoning request and the Master Plan. Melanie Clark, Presenter, reviewed the application history and stated legal standards for the master plan and zoning. She cited Utah case law that talked about how public clamor is not a sufficient basis for land use decisions. She presented the plan to show what kind of business they are purposing to occupy the space. She stated that the property does not currently apply to the standards of affordable housing and that there is a need for commercial nodes in the area to meet the intent of the Sugarhouse Master Plan. Commissioner Scheer opened the meeting to the commission's questions. Commission and Staff discussed and made clarifications on: • Whether the property is owner occupied. • Whether the Staff initially recommended commercial neighborhood rezoning of the property. • The definition and location of a commercial node on the Sugarhouse Master Plan. Commissioner Scheer opened the meeting to the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Brenda Koga — in opposition to the petition. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 24, 2021 Page 2 Judi Short — Sugarhouse Neighborhood Council member - in opposition to the petition. Stated the remodel started prior to rezoning and continued even after the stop order was placed. Zachary Dussault— in opposition to the petition. Stated he feels it should be zoned RMU35. Debbie Mayo— in opposition to the petition. Aric Sharp— in opposition to the petition. Cindy Cromer— in opposition to the petition. Planning Manager Wayne Mills read an email from Lance Vanderhoof- in opposition to the petition. Nannette Laser held up her phone to let Tim Krueger comment - in opposition to the petition. Seeing no one else wished to speak, Commissioner Scheer closed the public hearing. MOTION Commissioner Crystal Young-Otterstrom stated, Based on the information in the staff report I move that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council deny the proposed master plan amendment, as presented in petition PLNPCM2020-00394: Additionally, I move that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council deny the proposed zoning map amendment, as presented in petition PLNPCM2020-00393. Commissioner Carolynn Hoskins seconded the motion. Commissioners Bell, Barry, Paredes, Hoskins, Young-Otterstrom, Lyon, Lee, Bachman and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed unanimously with a recommendation going forward to City Council to deny the request. Conditional Use for an ADU at approximately 742 S. Navajo St-Andrea Palmer, property owner and Modal representative, is requesting Conditional Use approval for a detached accessory dwelling unit located in the rear yard of the subject property located at 742 S. Navajo St. The applicant is proposing a 425-square foot unit. The property is located within the R-1/5000 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district and is within Council District 2, represented by Andrew Johnston. (Staff contact: Kelsey Lindquist at (385) 226-7227 or kelsey.lindquist@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2021-00013 Kelsey Lindquist, Senior Planner, reviewed the information in the staff report (located in the case file.) Planning Staff finds the project generally meets the applicable standards of approval and therefore recommends the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use for the ADU. Commissioner Scheer asked for clarification on the on-street parking. Andrea Palmer, representing property owner Jessica Andrew and Modal Living, presented the site concept. She stated that the property owner is not very interested in renting out the ADU but having it be for use by guests and family members. Commissioner Scheer opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Zachary Dussault - in favor of the petition. Seeing no one else wished to speak, Commissioner Scheer closed the public hearing. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 24, 2021 Page 3 MOTION Commissioner Amy Barry stated, based on the information in the staff report, the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission approve petition PLNPCM2021-00013. Commissioner Maurine Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioner Adrienne Bell recused herself. Commissioners Barry, Paredes, Hoskins, Young-Otterstrom, Lyon, Lee, Bachman and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed with 8 "Ayes" and 1 recusal. Nielsen Estates Rezone 833 W Hoyt Place and 834 W 200 North -Sattar Tabriz, representing property owner J&S Property Development LLC, is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment from R-1- 5,000 and R- 1-7,000(Single-family Residential)to SR-3 (Special Development Pattern Residential)at the above-listed addresses. The applicant would like to rezone the properties for a future Planned Development that would include the preservation of the existing home and add six new single-family attached homes. However, the request is not tied to a development proposal. Although the applicant has requested the property be rezoned all the way to 200 North, consideration to have the property around the existing home remain zoned R-1-7,000 may be given if access to the remainder of the property can be secured from Hoyt Place. The property is located within Council District 2, represented by Andrew Johnston. (Staff contact: Eric Daems at (385) 226-3187 or eric.daems@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2018-00877 Eric Daems, Senior Planner, reviewed the information in the staff report (located in the case file). He stated that planning staff recommends that the planning commission forward a positive recommendation to the city council with the conditions listed in the staff report. He outlined the proposed requested rezone amendment and key considerations to master plan compatibility. The Commission and Staff discussed and made clarifications on: • A future lot line adjustment or planned development • Whether the condition to preserve the existing house can still be met if access is required via 200 North Commissioner Scheer asked to hear from the applicant. Sattar Tabriz, representing applicant, stated that they want the best development for the community and the area. He commented on the long process the project has been through. He stated that home on the property is on the national registry for historic housing and they are committed to preserving the home. He commented on fire access, the driveway and property access. Commissioner Scheer opened the meeting to the Commission for questions. Commissioner Bell asked for clarification on whether the applicant was comfortable with the recommendations and conditions listed in the staff report. Commissioner Scheer opened the meeting to the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING David Charbonneau —Spoke in favor of the petition but expressed concern that the property line measurement is inaccurate. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 24, 2021 Page 4 Pachuco Lautaro — Representing the Rose Park Brown Berets, opposed to the rezoning. He addressed that rezoning, if approved, will increase the property tax and the rent of adjacent properties and impact the whole community in general. He stated that the Master Plan is a fraud and not in the people's interest and the developments coming in are not affordable to the people who currently live in the neighborhood. Zachary Dussault— in favor of the petition. Planning Manager Wayne Mills read an email received from Jesse Anderson opposing the petition. Planning Manager Wayne Mills clarified that Hoyt Place is a private street not a public street. Commissioner Scheer closed the public hearing and opened the meeting to commissioners' comments. The Commission and Staff discussed the rezone including: • Unresolved utility issues between the two developments • Whether it would be appropriate to rezone without knowing the intention of the future Planned Development or Subdivision for Hoyt Place • Whether it is necessary for the project to be in keeping with the Master Plan goals of promoting affordable housing MOTION Commissioner Adrienne Bell stated, Based on the findings listed in the staff report, the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendments from R-1- 5,000 and R-1-7,000 to SR-3 for petition (PLNPCM2018-00877), subject to complying with the conditions listed in the staff report: Commissioner Matt Lyon seconded to approve the motion. Commissioners Bell, Barry, Paredes, Hoskins, Young-Otterstrom, Lyon, Lee, Bachman and Urquhart voted "Aye". The motion passed unanimously. WORK SESSION Zoning 101 Training - Planning staff will provide a zoning 101 training for the commission and the public. Nick Norris outlined that the State Legislature passed a law requiring the Commission members to have 4 hours of training. He outlined what the state codes are and what the Master Plan is and how it is implemented. Sara Urquhart asked for clarification on what qualifies as a historic district. Staff and Commissioners identify the standards. Commissioner Amy Barry asked for clarification on the term "design review". Staff and the Commission discussed approval processes. Commissioner Scheer opened up discussion for when in person Planning Commission meetings will resume. Nick Norris said he doesn't think it will be too long before they can meet in person again. Possibly 3-6 months. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 24, 2021 Page 5 The meeting adjourned at 8:49pm. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 24, 2021 Page 6