3/24/2021 - Meeting Minutes Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
6/12/2021 11:23 PM
Racial Equity in Policing Commission
Salt Lake City Utah
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
5:00 p.m.
The Racial Equity in Policing Commission met in an electronic meeting pursuant to the Salt Lake City
Emergency Proclamation and determination of the Core Commissioners. Minutes are provided in
conjunction with the video/audio file.
Complete Meeting Materials
Commission Members Virtual Attendance: Commissioners Kum, Ka’ili, Shifflett, McDonald, Smith,
Banuri, Powell, Davis, Suarez, Prospero, Salazar-Hall, Solovi Jr., Anjewierden, Hawkins, and Johnson
Commission Members Absent: Commissioners Mberwa, Romero, Oommen, Ahmad, Eldridge, Sagato-
Langdon Facilitators Attendance: Larry Schooler, Dante James, Siobhan Locke, Josh King
Staff in Virtual Attendance: Cindy Lou Trishman, City Recorder; David Litvack, Mayor’s Senior
Advisor; Kaletta Lynch, Mayor’s Special Projects Manager; Crystal Grady, Police Department Officer;
Brendyn Scott, Police Department Officer; Lindsey Nikola, Mayor’s Communications Director; Lehua
Weaver, Council Associate Deputy Director; Assistant Chief Tim Doubt, Police Department; Chief Mike
Brown, Police Department; Sven Karabegovic, Mayor’s office Intern; and Weston Clark, Mayor’s Senior
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm
1. Welcome and Public Meeting Guidelines
Confirm the determination of the Core Commissioners to meet electronically because meeting at
a physical location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be
present at the anchor location.
Mr. James opened the meeting acknowledging the loss of life due to recent tragic events in
Atlanta Georgia and in Boulder, Colorado remarking on the devastation of the events.
Commissioners, Facilitators and Officers shared personal experiences and perspectives including:
• Gun violence and proposed policy enhancements reflecting stricter control of gun
purchases or comprehensive background studies
• Hate Crime definition and legislation
• Loss of life for the victims in the Boulder shooting, particularly of Officer Terry
and the way the information was presented on behalf of his death and the overall
loss of life
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• Apprehension of suspect varies on the race, while also the media tone and
language is different when the suspect is a person of color
• Expressions of respect and appreciation for the work of officers to enter into
dangerous situations at the risk of their own life to protect others
• Gender violence is also a concern
• Preparation of the Police Department Public Order Unit for potential unrest from
the Chauvin trial
• Consideration of training efforts and the receptive temperaments helpful to the
willing sacrifice of protecting others at the cost of your own life; specifically, the
benefits, pay, and social climate of officer recruiting and potential improvements
• Opportunity to share perspective is a value at this time, and it is highly
encouraged to engage in dialogue between Commissioners and Officers
• All members of society are human beings and active injustice of any form will
affect everyone indirectly or directly
2. Review of Minutes: January 28, 2021
Item not held.
3. Public Comment (limited to 15 minutes)
● Attendees may be provided one or two minutes of time, determined by the number of
attendees and the time available determined by the Commission. Please observe the time
limit stated at the beginning of the public comment period so everyone may have a
chance to speak.
● Per the public meeting guidelines, keep comments free of discriminatory language
referring to a person or group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color,
descent, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or other gender identity factor. Items
or comments that disrupt the meeting, intimidate other participants or that may cause
safety concerns are not allowed.
Beverly Hawkins commented about the protests from 2020, commending the police
officer restraint and sharing her observation that when protestors required assistance they
did reach out to police officers, illustrating the trust with local police officers.
Ms. Hawkins continued her comment on behalf of the Utah League of Women Voters
asking for suggested timing for her colleagues to reach out and provide comment to the
City Council and the Mayor about the Commission’s work.
Council and Mayor staff suggested the feedback be provided at any time through the
REPcommission@slcgov.com email address or through the Council comment email
(council.comments@slcgov.com) address or during public meetings at the General
Comment portion of the meeting.
Mr. Schooler also provided the www.slcrepcommission.com site for feedback
4) Commission Business
o Resignation of Commission member; Core Commission Member change; and
discussion of replacement Commission Member
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▪ Vacancy Memorandum (please see the complete meeting material link
provided above)
Mr. Schooler presented the memorandum and facilitated the discussion of the commission
membership, noting the opportunity for the Commission to first decide the interest on
filling the vacancy in the immediate time period and then following that decision to
determine cultural or ethnic representation desired.
Commission members addressed the timing of the Commission and the first-year
recommendations, representation from the Asian American or Pacific Islander
communities, and the potential turnover after the initial year of the Commission.
Commissioner Powell noted the desire for increased representation among the youth
subcommittee. Commissioner Banuri added that she identifies as Asian.
Mr. Schooler summarized the conversation with the consensus-approved conclusion that
the Commission has chosen not to fill the vacancy at this time, but suggested additional
representation be added to the youth subcommittee from the Asian American or Pacific
Islander community who will be a rotating voting member.
o Other including Scheduling Items
▪ Partner Pair Program: Contact Kaletta Lynch if you are interested in
Mr. James shared the value of engaging in the program adding that some
members have expressed partnering with more than one member of the Police
Department; however, managing the time and interest of all Commission
members first is the priority. Commissioners were encouraged to reach out to
Kaletta before March 25 end of business day. Commissioner Powell expressed
interest, particularly with the Public Order Unit pairing and Kaletta agreed to
connect with him. Officer Grady also provided appreciation of the program and
issued a challenge to Commissioners to attend.
▪ Meeting opportunities with Matrix Consulting, the budget consultant working
with the City Council on the Police Department Budget Audit
Ms. Lynch shared that the scheduling of small group meetings is an option and a
doodle poll will be provided.
▪ Opportunity to attend the City Council Work Session on behalf of the
Commission (5-10 minutes overview of the work in progress); optional for 3-4
commissioners per meeting generally between 2 pm and 5 pm.
• April 6, 13, 20
Mr. James noted the opportunity for Commission members to share with the
Council the work being completed.
4. Discussion relating to the Fiscal Year 2022 Police Budget
The Commission may discuss goals and purposes relating to the City’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget.
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Item not held.
5. Data Sharing
Facilitators and Commission Members may discuss the data resources reviewed in Subcommittee
Item not held.
6. Follow-up Discussion: Best Practices
Commission members working on the Literature Review may share best practices researched.
Material provided during the meeting, please see complete meeting materials link at the top of the Minutes
to access.
Commissioner Prospero shared a presentation with the Commission and provided an update on
the literature review, focusing specifically the Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets
(CAHOOTS) program from Eugene and Springfield Oregon area. The following points were
• Mobilized in two-person teams (medic and crisis worker)
• No weapons carried
• Dispatched through the Police-Fire-Ambulance communication or the non-emergency
• No law enforcement included in the teams
• Calls may result in police and CAHOOTS service
• Funding is through the City (Eugene) Police Department
o 31 hours/day for overlap coverage with multiple vans
o Funding and service evaluation is completed through the Police and also through
• Top three reasons for service: welfare check, assist the public, or transport
• Service count has doubled between 2014-2019
• 5-8% of police calls for service were diverted to CAHOOTS, with 2% of the instances
included the Police
• The system began as a community policing initiative
Commissioners discussed the service, potential crossover with the CIT/HOST teams, recent
legislation requiring Emergency Medical Service teams to be trained in mental health
conditions, and the top five calls for service which the Police may be able to divert.
Additional conversation points including the desire to include the City’s Dispatch Department
to discuss their training and consideration of the approach.
Mr. King commented that the City had also reviewed the CAHOOTS service and shared that
the Policies & Practices subcommittee has discussed this and other programs. He also noted
in an upcoming subcommittee meeting Jessica Waters, Social Work Director at SLCPD will
be available to discuss considerations and directions the police have reviewed.
Mr. James requested the Commission consider a general recommendation to implement the
service and conduct an evaluation of the budget measures necessary to address police calls
and interactions not requiring uniformed officers. He confirmed the next step is to hear from
the Policies and Practices subcommittee on subsequent discussion and consider this as a
potential general recommendation.
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7. Standing Items
● Subcommittee Reports
o Training Subcommittee
Mr. James provided an update on the Training Subcommittee and shared the current
review of recruiting efforts (minimal budget, no existing full-time employee); the hiring
process, particularly the background check; and the citizens academy curriculum. Mr.
James shared that the title of the citizens academy will be changed as it had been pointed
out the title citizen does not apply to all who may be interested in being engaged and
learning about police work.
o Policies & Practice Subcommittee
Mr. King provided an update on the Policies & Practice Subcommittee and shared the
current focus of the group is to review the response to mental health call for service and
the development and collaboration between SLCPD and response programs for social
services; to continue the development of the body-worn camera ordinance; to continue
discussion on the use of force policy review. Mr. King also shared that the subcommittee
passed a recommendation to the Training subcommittee to evaluate the opportunity to
conduct training on the history of policing.
o School Safety Subcommittee
▪ On March 7, 2021 Draft Recommendations were approved; however,
feedback received has adjusted the recommendations. The Commission
may review the adjustments.
Meeting materials: Initially Approved Recommendations, Striving for
Equity and the Agreement between Salt Lake City School District & Salt
Lake City Corporation.
Ms. Locke provided an update on the suggested adjustments to the initial
recommendations, having learned of potential difficulties with potential implementation.
The follow points were included as the adjustments:
1) Promising Youth Program
a. Adjusted the recommendation of moving the program from the Police
department to maintain its development while under the Police department
due to some funding resource requirements; however, with a suggestion to
revisit the program in one year
b. Including long-term budgetary recommendation to continue the program
beyond grant uses
c. Noted that resources and space for the program will be within the shared
space of the School Resource Officer (SRO) program
d. Funding previously noted that the SRO program is provided for nine months
of the year, but after additional conversation was confirmed to have funding
for the full 12-month calendar year
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2) Full Time Employee civilian position recommended for the Mayor’s office would be
developed in collaboration between the school district and police department
Commissioners discussed the points and agreed by consensus to move the adjusted
recommendations to the City Council and Mayor.
o Youth Subcommittee
Commissioner Prospero provided an update on behalf of the Youth Subcommittee and
clarified that there are no specific recommendations being prepared by the subcommittee
since the influence of the youth in the subcommittees is noted and appreciated.
8. TENTATIVE Closed Session
The Commission will consider a motion to enter into a Closed Session. A closed meeting
described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to:
a. discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health
of an individual;
b. strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation;
c. discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and
d. investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct.
A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah
Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the
Utah Open and Public Meetings Act.
Item not held
Mr. James concluded the meeting and shared that although specific recommendations may not be feasible
in this initial year, the inclusion of general themes in the final recommendations is valuable to the Council
and the Mayor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm
Minutes Approved on May 5, 2021
Cindy Lou Trishman
City Recorder
This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been
held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203(2)(b).
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Racial Equity in
Policing Commission Regular Commission Meeting on March 24, 2021.