6/2/2021 - Meeting Minutes (2) Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
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Racial Equity in Policing Commission
Salt Lake City Utah
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
5:00 p.m.
The Racial Equity in Policing Commission met in an electronic meeting pursuant to the Salt Lake City
Emergency Proclamation and determination of the Core Commissioners. Minutes are provided in
conjunction with the video/audio file.
Complete Meeting Materials
Commission Members Virtual Attendance: Commissioners Kum, Shifflett, McDonald, Smith,
Oommen, Ahmad, Powell, Suarez, Prospero, Salazar-Hall, Davis, Eldridge, Anjewierden, Johnson,
Hawkins, Sagato-Mauga and Solovi Jr.
Commission Members Absent: Commissioners Ka’ili, Romero, and Banuri
Langdon Facilitators Attendance: Larry Schooler, Dante James, Siobhan Locke, Josh King
Staff in Virtual Attendance: Mark Kittrell, Deputy City Attorney; Lindsey Nikola, Mayor’s
Communications Director; Kaletta Lynch, Chief Equity Officer; Allison Rowland, Council Public Policy
Analyst; Cindy Lou Trishman, City Recorder; Jessi Eagan, Mayor’s Office Team; Chief Mike Brown,
Police Department; Officer Robert Norgaard, Police Department; Sven Karabegovic, Mayor’s office Intern;
and Weston Clark, Mayor’s Senior Advisor
The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m.
1. Welcome and Public Meeting Guidelines
Confirm the determination of the Core Commissioners to meet electronically because meeting at
a physical location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be
present at the anchor location.
During this portion of the meeting, Commissioners may raise topics and discuss current events
that may impact or influence the Commission’s overall work, discussions, and deliberations to
provide recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Salt Lake City Police
Department’s policies, budget, and culture. No action will be taken during this portion of the
meeting. Matters discussed during this portion of the meeting may be scheduled on a subsequent
agenda for follow-up.
Facilitator Dante James welcomed everyone and outlined the necessity of a quorum to complete
action on the recommendations. Some commissioners confirmed they needed to leave early, so
the schedule was adjusted to move items for Commission action to be completed before 6 p.m.
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2. Listening Session Report
Facilitators and Commissions may discuss the Listening Session event; Larry Schooler will
provide an update on the event.
Dr. Schooler briefed the Commission with attachments on the May Listening Session,
summarizing the breakdown of participation (200+ participating via phone), the listeners
engagement based on the subcommittee recommendations and responding to a question about
community members being provided additional opportunities to comment to the Commission.
See Meeting Materials link on page one to view attachments
3. Summary of proposed resolution declaring Racism as a Public Health Crisis
The Commission may review and provide a recommendation for the City’s consideration of the
proposed resolution.
Kevin Nguyens and Ciriac Alvarez Valle presented the proposed resolution to the Commission,
noting that the Human Rights Commission had forwarded their supportive recommendation
recently after incorporating feedback, Weston Clark confirmed the Mayor has been included in
the review of the resolution.
Reverend Davis and Commissioner Kum proposed the resolution be supported by consensus by
the Commission, no objections were made.
Commissioner Anjewierden commented on the consensus of silence as a celebration of the
Mr. James raised the recent disclosure of deaths in Canada of Indigenous children at the
residential boarding schools, noting that the incident is atrocious, and an example of institution
and systematic restitution is a devasting circumstance confirming the designation of Racism as a
Public Health Crisis.
Commissioner Smith shared personal experiences associated with the practice of the institution of
the police and the impact on the Indigenous, First Nation people brought upon by the residential
school practice.
Commissioner McDonald shared her support of the resolution and commented the state political
environment has not clearly identified the distinction between diversity and equity training and
critical race theory, noting in particular that the Commission support of the resolution may appear
as eclipsing critical race theory teachings instead of highlighting the diversity and equity
necessary discussions; noting some political activity is not separating the two related but different
adjustments to public awareness, conversation and education needed to address racism.
See Meeting Materials link on page one to view attachments
4. Policies & Practice Recommendation Review
The Policies & Practices subcommittee will provide the remaining recommendations to the full
Commission prior to sharing them with the City Council and Mayor at an upcoming City Council
Facilitator Josh King shared the remaining three recommendations from the Policies and Practices
Subcommittee, including an edit to the previously approved recommendation relating to the body
camera content being shared. Recommendations were reviewed on the screen and can be seen in
the link on page one; discussion points included the disclosure of protected and public records,
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
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continued process of improving the department policies, budgetary impacts to the training
development and implementation, various models of CIT training, and dispatch coordination
service evaluation.
See Meeting Materials link on page one to view attachments
5. Public Comment (limited to 15 minutes)
● Attendees may be provided one or two minutes of time, determined by the number of
attendees and the time available determined by the Commission. Please observe the time
limit stated at the beginning of the public comment period so everyone may have a
chance to speak.
● Per the public meeting guidelines, keep comments free of discriminatory language
referring to a person or group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color,
descent, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or other gender identity factor. Items
or comments that disrupt the meeting, intimidate other participants or that may cause
safety concerns are not allowed.
Beverly Hawkins was recognized by the Chair and commented she was attending to listen and
appreciates the work of the Commission.
6. Standing Items
● Subcommittee Reports
o School Safety Subcommittee
▪ Review draft recommendations
Commissioner Salazar Hall presented on the screen the recommendation for a second extension
on the memorandum of understanding between the Police and School District to August 2022.
Discussion among the Commissioners included a review of alternative timelines, impact on the
students as stakeholders, implementation of adjustments from the MOU, and the understanding
the negotiations begin as soon as possible and adjust the extension date to a six-month timeline;
noted that the student population with the impacted universities has not yet been addressed.
Commissioners agreed to adjust the language to six-months but to keep language expressing an
option for additional extension if necessary. The recommendation was approved by consensus.
See Meeting Materials link on page one to view attachments
o Youth Subcommittee
Item not held
o Training Subcommittee
▪ Review draft recommendations
Item not held
● Commission items of business
o Other including Scheduling Items
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
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▪ Opportunity to attend the City Council Work Session on behalf of the
Commission (5-10 minutes overview of the work in progress); optional for 3-4
commissioners per meeting generally between 2 pm and 5 pm.
• June 8, June 15
• July 13, July 20
7. Discussion of Phase One Report and Progress
The Commission may discuss progress and overall recommendations to support the Phase One
report; review of progress and discuss the continued work of the Commission.
Mr. James outlined the calendar for the remainder of June to complete Phase One of the
Commission work, noting the Facilitators contract closing out at the end of June but the work of
the Commission continuing, requested Commissioner feedback on the final report from the
facilitators outlining the work completed and the work ahead. Additionally, Mr. James
encouraged all Commissioners to become familiar with Critical Race Theory and Diversity &
Equity Training and the impact of racism on society.
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
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8. TENTATIVE Closed Session
The Commission will consider a motion to enter into a Closed Session. A closed meeting
described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to:
a. discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health
of an individual;
b. strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation;
c. discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and
d. investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct.
A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah
Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the
Utah Open and Public Meetings Act.
Item not held
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Minutes approved through consensus on June 16, 2021
Cindy Lou Trishman
City Recorder
This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held;
please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203(2)(b).
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Racial Equity in
Policing Commission Regular Meeting on June 2, 2021.