8/4/2021 - Meeting Agenda REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
4:00 p.m.
To access and participate in the meeting please visit
Meeting Password: wiV9PwtAq83
I, Brian Doughty, Chair of the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, hereby determine that conducting the Redevelopment
Advisory Committee meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be
present, and that the City and County building has been ordered closed to the public for health and safety reasons.
Amended Agenda
1. Roll Call
2. Briefing by the Staff
A. Sustainability Policy Update— Lauren Parisi, Project Manager
Staff will provide a briefing on the draft RDA Sustainability Policy.
B. 2022 Budget Update— Danny Walz, Director, Tammy Hunsaker, Deputy Director and Erin Cunningham,
Financial Analyst
Staff will provide an update on the FY2022 Budget.
3. Approval of the minutes
A. Review and Approval of June 2, 2021 RAC Minutes
RAC members will review the June 2, 2021 meeting minutes and consider for approval.
4. Business
5. Adjournment
People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance in order to
attend this Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other
auxiliary aids. This is an accessible facility. For questions, requests, or additional information, please contact the RDA at