8/5/2021 - Meeting Agenda PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY This meeting will be an electronic meeting and will not have a physical location. All attendees will connect remotely. Members of the public are encouraged to participate in meetings. Formal Meeting Thursday,August 5,2021 5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m. WebEx Virtual Meeting Link: https://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/j.php?MTID=md4097a382ace 19844b2f53b439832920 Meeting Number(access code): 146 391 2165 Meeting Password:UPyUAdmu762 Join by Phone: 408-418-9388 AGENDA a. Anchor Location Statement I, Samantha Finch,Chair of the Parks,Natural Lands,Urban Forest and Trails Advisory Board hereby determine that conducting public meetings at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the anchor location. Due to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) social distancing requirements, I find that conducting a meeting at the anchor location constitutes a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the location. b. Call to Order c. Chair Comments 2. Approval of Minutes 5:03 PM a. Approve May 6,2021 Meeting Minutes and June 3, 2021 Meeting Minutes b. Approve July 8,2021 Meeting Minutes 3. Public Comment Period 5:05 PM a. Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total. Written comments are welcome. 4. Discussion Items 5:20 PM a. Open Meetings Law Training,Review of Ethic Standards/Conflicts of Interest&Discussion of City Ordinance Regarding the Powers and Duties Of the PNUT Board Advisory Board—Boyd Ferguson 55 Min. b. Proposed Open Space Land Acquisition(Action Item)—Katherine Maus 5 Min. c. Donation Proposal(Action Item)—Lee Bollwinkel 5 Min. 5. Board Comments & Future Agenda Items 6:25 PM a. Board Comment Period a. Request for Future Agenda Item b. PNUT Board Field Trip c. Upcoming Involvement Opportunities 6. Confirmation of Next Meeting 6:29 PM a. September 2,2021 7. Adjo 6:30 PM