8/5/2021 - Meeting Minutes \\ L.y.,
1 T
Salt Lake City Art Design Board Meeting
August 5,2021
4:00—5:oo pm
Webex Online
PRESENT: Aurelio Velazquez Tiffini Porter
Maggie Troilli
Staff Members
Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez, Public Art Program Manager
Felicia Baca,Arts Council Executive Director
Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
Mr.Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez called the meeting to order in the absence of a board president.
Ms.Felicia Baca advised the board that,per city regulation,does not have a quorum therefore
the business related to this meeting will be limited to deciding on potential board members to fill
vacancies and updates from the Arts Council.
Ms.Baca recapped the decision the Mayor made regarding the mural for the 9th Street
Roundabout public art project. She also recapped the process of selecting the sculpture for the
roundabout that began in 2o19.It involved two reiterations in the Request for Qualifications and
Proposals for the sculpture with the second round including a mural element.
II. Art Design Board Vacancies
Mr.Olmedo-Gonzalez presented the candidates that he and Ms.Maggie Troilli interviewed for
the open positions on the Board.First candidate is Mr.Alejandro Moya from District 1,a
bilingual queer artist,designer,and arts educator from the US-Mexico borderlands.Mr.Moya
was very thoughtful in the way he addressed their questions and in the way he sees public art
intersect with the public.Mr.Aurelio Velazquez commented on the strength of this candidate.
Ms.Tiffini Porter asked for clarification on the process of recommending board members and
what criteria is needed on the board right now,such as the district they live in,their profession,
and diversity.
Mr.Olmedo-Gonzalez responded that we are recruiting a professional architect,a requirement
per the City Ordinance,artist,arts educator,arts administrator,or community member.The
current Districts the Board is recruiting for are Districts One,Four,Five,and Six.The Board can
have up to two representatives from a district if the person fits the other criteria well.The Art
Design Board is a seven-person board.Ms. Baca said that the Arts Council will advertise for new
Board Members in the coming weeks,particularly the architect position.
Mr.Olmedo-Gonzalez next presented Ms.Kate Jarman-Gates,also from District 1.Ms.Jarman-
Gates is a mixed-media artist and arts educator.She is a good candidate but isn't as experienced
as other candidates.
Ms.Colour Maisch was the third candidate,a mixed-media sculptor.In her interview she
mentioned that she has great business skills and is good at diplomatic work and bringing people
together through challenging discussions and decisions.
The current members discussed the composition of the board further and made the decision to
move forward with recommendations.Ms.Troilli made a motion to recommend Mr.Moya to the
Mayor to join the board. Mr.Velazquez seconded,and all members voted in favor.
This document constitutes the official minutes from the Salt Lake Art Design Board's August 5,2021 convening.
After further discussion Ms.Porter motioned to recommend Ms.Maisch to the Mayor to join the
Art Design Board and Ms.Troilli seconded the motion.All members voted in favor.
III. Art Council Update
Ms.Baca updated the board on the Seven Canyons Fountain. Consultants hired by the city
initially recommended two options:decommission the artwork and remove it or leaving it as a
dry fountain.The City created a survey for community members regarding what they would like
to have happen to the sculpture,and many responses wanted to know if there were other
options.The city has requested the consultants and two of the original artists to research if there
are any additional recommendations possible.
W. Public Comment
No public present.
V. Other Business/Adjourn
a. Staffing Update
Kellie Call,Performing Arts Coordinator for the Arts Council,is leaving and her position will
be open soon.
b. Next meeting September 2, 2021 meeting, 4:oopm
Mr.Velazquez motioned to close the meeting;Ms. Porter seconded.All members voted in favor.