9/8/2021 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m.
To access and participate in the meeting please visit
https://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/j.php?MTID=me4fa 17661 c526a403 eb2413 73
Meeting Password: GbBySeKi235
I, Darin Piccoli, Chair of the Business Advisory Board(BAB), hereby determine that conducting
the Business Advisory Board meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present, and that the City and County building has been
ordered closed to the public for health and safety reasons.
1. Roll call
The following members of the Business Advisory Board were present:
Darin Piccoli, Chair Kestrel Liedtke, Vice-Chair
Jeff Carleton Alfonso Brito
JD Smith Angela Brown
Scott Lyttle Sue Rice
Karen Gunn
The following members of the Business Advisory Board were absent:
Abudujannah Soud
Also Present:
Veronica Cavanagh, Department of Economic Development; Lorena Riffo Jenson, Department
of Economic Development; Ben Kolendar, Department of Economic Development; Will Wright,
Department of Economic Development; Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development;
Peter Makowski, Department of Economic Development; Clark Cahoon, Department of
Economic Development; Andrew Wittenberg, Department of Economic Development; Felicia
Baca,Arts Council; Daniel Echeverria, Planning Department; Laura Briefer,Department of
Public Utilities; Allison Rowland, Salt Lake City Council Office; Kristen Lavelett, Local First
Utah; Mayara Lima, Building Services; Weston Clark, Director of Community Outreach;
Kristina Olivas.
2. Briefings by the Staff
A. Introduction of new Department staff and BAB member
Deputy Director Riffo-Jenson introduced Scott Lyttle, as the newest BAB member. Mr. Lyttle is
the owner of Tea Zaanti in Sugarhouse. Mr. Lyttle said that his store has been in Sugarhouse for
about two years and is excited to be a part of the BAB.
Deputy Director Riffo-Jenson introduced Cathie Rigby who recently joined the Business
Development Team. Ms. Rigby explained that she had worked in the Housing and Development
Division for four years before joining her the Department of Economic Development. She also
stated that she is a former small business owner and is excited to join the team.
B. Arts Council Board Recruitment
Director Baca, the Executive Director of the Arts Council provided an overview of the programs
and projects the Arts Council are involved in.
Ms. Baca stated that her department is recruiting for two of the boards that the Arts Council
oversees, the Arts Council Board and the Salt Lake Design Board. She explained that for thr Arts
Council Board they are looking for someone with business, finance, and accounting skills. The
group currently as two vacancy and meet on every third Wednesday of the month.
The Salt Lake Art Design Board is looking for an architect from District 4 or 6 and the group
meets on the first Thursday of every month. She asked BAB members if they know of anyone
who may be interested to please reach out to her. Ms. Baca posted the following in the chat:
"The Arts Council Board advises the Office of the Mayor and The Salt Lake Arts Council—an
allied but independent non-profit organization—on the arts and arts-related activities throughout
the City. We welcome applications from arts-focused candidates and the public. Candidates from
City Council Districts 1 (The Westside—Fairpark, Jordan Meadows, Rose Park, and Westpointe)
& 7 (Sugar House) are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants with experience in budgeting,
finance, & accounting would help round out our areas of expertise. All backgrounds, skill sets,
and geographic areas will be considered.
Third Wednesday of the month, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
The Salt Lake Art Design Board works with the Salt Lake City Public Art Program and
recommends artists to the Mayor for commissions. Specifically, we are seeking a professional
architect role and/or general community members. Residents in Districts 4 (Central City,
Downtown, and East Central) and 6 (Bonneville Hills, East Bench, Sunnyside East, Wasatch
Hollow, and Yalecrest) are strongly encouraged to apply. All interested City residents will be
First Thursday of the month,beginning at 4:00 p.m.
3. Approval of the minutes of June 9th, July 14th, and July 21st, 2021 meeting
Ms. Brown made the motion to approve to June 9th, July 14th, and July 21 st, 2021 with the
correction of Ms. Rice not in attendance for the July 21st meeting. Mr. Carlton seconded the
motion. Upon roll call, the motion was unanimously passed.
1. Business Item
A. Economic Development Liaison Update
Ms. Lima, the liaison for Building Services & Economic Development,provided an overview
and presentation of how her position supports local/small businesses going through the permit
process, other development processes, and issues that were commonly found with existing
businesses and new businesses.
Ms. Lima asked the BAB if they had any questions. Ms. Rice asked with all the information that
Ms. Lima has gathered, what does she hope to gain?Ms. Lima answered she has tried to look at
the data month by month to see if there is a pattern and if there is one, they try to solve it right
Ms. Rice asked when an issue is identified what has the department been doing to correct the
issue. Ms. Lima responded that with the other departments it can be difficult as she is in a
different department and she has to go through the proper channels to communicate with them. It
takes a little more liaison work with other departments.
Mr. Brito asked how business owners learn about opportunities, such as retail space, in the city.
Ms. Lima stated she wasn't sure if the Economic Development Department but confirmed that
Community and Neighborhoods did not have anything that provided the information. Director
Kolendar asked Mr. Brito if he follows Economic Development on social media and said the
Economic Development department promotes any opportunity they find as much as possible
through social media and ABC4. He said they are always open for feedback or suggestions.
Mr. Smith asked if the Planning Division has any information regarding if these buildings are
being developed with retail spaces and if the retail spaces are being reserved for local businesses.
He also asked if there is an ordinance that might protect these retail spaces to keep the flavor of
local small businesses in Salt Lake City. Director Kolendar responded that when the Department
sees any opportunities through the RDA the Economic Development department tries to promote
those but in terms of private commercial spaces the commercial developers have the say in
choosing who can have those spaces.
Mr. Carleton said that Building Salt Lake has a website that has all the new projects coming on
board. Director Kolendar asked BAB members if they do see any opportunities to please forward
them to Economic Development so they can put them out on their feeds as well. Mr. Wittenberg
said that this is one the biggest challenges in the private development community. Large
corporate expansions often times don't need to go through the City, and he doesn't know about
them until it is too late.
B. Significant Water Consumption Zoning Amendment
Mr. Makowski said there are new water regulations that are being proposed by the City in the
form of a zoning change. Considering the current water situation and an influx in projects which
will have high water use, the Administration is looking at making changes in zoning that would
restrict the amount of water that could be used by new tenants.
Mr. Makowski introduced Daniel Echeverria from Planning, and Laura Briefer from Public
Utilities. Mr. Echeverria shared a presentation called"Significant Water Consuming Land Uses"
and gave a brief overview of a zoning regulation change. The zoning proposal that would limit
new,very large water users such as soda bottling, canning,plastic bottling, but exempts alcohol
distilleries and breweries as they are smaller, do not use a lot of water and are distributed more
locally than regionally.
Mr. Echeverria stated that the zoning amendment will go to the Planning Commission and then
to City Council for another public hearing and decision.
Mr. Echeverria said BAB members can go to Planning's website slcgov.com/planning for the
Planning Commission agenda and also reach out to him for they would like more information.
2. City Council Announcements
3. BAB Member Announcements
Ms. Rice congratulated Mr. Carleton and Mountain West Ciders for the honors they won at the
Great American International Cider Competition.
Mr. Smith mentioned that his second term with the BAB is ending at the end of September. He
thanked the BAB and wished everyone the best. Director Kolendar thanked Mr. Smith with his
insight and comments that have been so helpful in guiding some of what Economic Development
has been doing and the wider initiatives the City has been working on.
A. Grand America/Downtown Safety Meeting
Chairperson Piccoli provided a briefing concerning the Grand America/Downtown Safety
Meeting. He explained that the group is going after a homeless mitigation fund which is
approximately $5 million, 60% is allocated to other cities and 40% for the cities who request
funds to help with homeless and encampments. The initial ask is for the Salt Lake City Police
Department to bring on more officers and continue their program that they have been doing for
the last 6 months in reacting to business owners, identifying encampments, and getting people
into resource centers. The second action item will be getting additional funding for the
Downtown Alliance Ambassador Program. The third action item is related to Salt Lake County
in which to expand the funding of the receiving center that they are building and to make it
larger. The long-term action item is permanent affordable housing which $100 million is needed.
It is anticipated that these discussions will be take place during the January legislation.
4. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
(Oct darin picco (Oct 15,202114:48 MDT)
Darin Piccoli, Chairperson
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Economic Development
Business Advisory Board meeting held September 8th, 2021.
Final Audit Report 2021-10-15
Created: 2021-10-15
By: Veronica Cavanagh(veronica.cavanagh@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAtJagtVo29F6D1vs7YxPgNRVatcPSHK5E
"BAB MINUTES 9.08.21 " History
Document created by Veronica Cavanagh (veronica.cavanagh@slcgov.com)
2021-10-15-8:34:04 PM GMT
Document emailed to darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com)for signature
2021-10-15-8:41:23 PM GMT
Email viewed by darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com)
2021-10-15-8:47:52 PM GMT
Document e-signed by darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com)
Signature Date:2021-10-15-8:48:16 PM GMT-Time Source:server
Agreement completed.
2021-10-15-8:48:16 PM GMT
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