9/13/2021 - Meeting Minutes
Jennifer Hale, Chairperson Jim Cleland, SLC Facilities
Mark Thimm, Vice Chairperson Jaysen Oldroyd, SLC Attorney’s Office
Rob Pett, Committee Member Joan Swain, SLC Facilities
Barbara Murphy, Committee Member Sean Fyfe, SLC Engineering
Steve Cornell, Committee Member Sara Javoronok, SLC Planning
Anne Oliver, Committee Member November 8, 2021
Chad Korb, SLC IMS Department
Lindsay Ross, SLC Attorney’s Office
John Kemp, Committee Member
Jennifer Hale, Chairperson, welcomed everyone to the Monday September 13, 2021 meeting. Members
in attendance: Jennifer Hale, Chairperson; Mark Thimm, Vice Chairperson; Rob Pett, Committee Member;
Barbara Murphy, Committee Member; Anne Oliver, Committee Member; Steve Cornell, Committee
Member; Jim Cleland, SLC Facilities; Jaysen Oldroyd, SLC Attorney’s Office; Joan Swain, SLC Facilities; Sean
Fyfe, SLC Engineering; Sara Javoronok, SLC Planning; Chad Korb, SLC IMS Department; Lindsay Ross, SLC
Attorney’s Office
Agenda Item 1: Reading of the Electronic Meeting Letter – Jennifer Hale
I, Jennifer Hale Chair of the Salt Lake City and County Building Conservancy and Use committee hereby
determined that conducting public meetings at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present at the anchor location. Due to the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention social distancing requirements, I find that conducting a meeting at the anchor
location constitutes a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the
location. In accordance with this amendment meetings will be held on an MS Teams video meeting on
September 13, 2021 at 4:00 pm. For future meetings, notifications will be sent out with the minutes of
the meeting and will be as determined by the level of risk at the time. Thank you for your cooperation
and willingness to serve.
Agenda Item 2: Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes for June 14, 2021; July 12, 2021 and August
9, 2021
Jennifer Hale stated that there had not been a quorum for three months so there were three months of
minutes to approve. She gave committee members several minutes to read through minutes from June
14, 2021; July 12, 2021; and August 9, 202. Mark Thimm made a motion to approve the minutes for
August 9, 2021. He stated that he was not present at the June or July meetings and asked if one of the
committee members who was present would like to make a motion for those. Barbara Murphy
seconded the motion for approval for the August minutes. Jennifer Hale asked for all those in favor of
the August minutes and the motion carried, all members voted aye.
Robert Pett made a motion to approve the June 14, 2021 minutes and Barbara Murphy seconded the
motion. Jenny Hale called a vote on the June minutes and the motion carried; all members voted aye.
Robert Pett made a motion to approve the July 12, 2021 minutes and Barbara Murphy seconded the
motion. Jenny Hale called a vote on the June minutes and the motion carried; all members voted aye.
Agenda Item 3: Audio/Visual Electric Signage – Chad Korb
Chad Korb, Director of Technology Services for SLC IMS, was brought into the meeting to discuss a
project to install a screen outside the Cutler room in the Attorney Suite that displays the calendar with
the room’s availability. The project also involves installing two other screens in the attorney suite but
the screen for the Cutler Suite is the one at issue because it is outward facing in a public area.
00:12:15.660 --> 00:12:45.640 Lindsay Ross from the SLC Attorney office said we reserve both the law
library and the Cutler room to other people in the building and we want to have a screen that is
connected to our outlook calendar, so people can see if somebody is in there or is going to be in there. If
one of our attorneys needed to pop in for like a quick 15- or 20-minute meeting they would be able to
do that.
00:14:28.110 --> 00:14:50.410 Chad Korb said I know facilities has been mounting similar types of things
over the city and County building for years and they have good ways of mounting these without causing
much damage to the walls.
00:14:59.500 --> 00:15:21.960 Jim Cleland from facilities said we don't really do anything on the
wainscoting in the building or in any of the wood millwork and it all must go into the plaster walls. As of
today, we don't allow much of that anywhere except inside the rooms where they're not public facing.
00:17:13.850 --> 00:17:29.340 Committee Member Barbara Murphy asked if anybody had reviewed the
design and use study that committee member Anne Oliver was involved in creating to know how these
spaces and finishes are rated and how the proposed sign fits in with the recommendations for signage.
00:17:30.250 --> 00:19:43.020 Jim Cleland said that due to the changing needs of buildings currently in
use, it was not clear how the study should be applied relative to current circumstances. He stated that
he preferred the digital signage over the current sign pollution caused by using multiple paper signs at
building entrances. He asked the committee members for their opinion on where they thought the
digital signs were appropriate.
00:20:04.720 --> 00:20:56.270 Committee member, Anne Oliver, said that having signs inside a space is
likely in compliance with plan guidelines however having a sign on the exterior would not be in the spirit
of the guidelines. She said that digital signs are more appropriate in less sensitive and lower priority
areas but would be problematic in more sensitive areas like public hallways.
00:25:45.420 --> 00:26:48.190 Committee Chairperson, Jennifer Hale, asked for a better understanding
of how the room is used, how urgent the need for a sign is and if there were other possible solutions for
the issue.
00:26:50.920 --> 00:28:45.900 Lindsay Ross from the SLC Attorney’s Office said that the widow to the
Cutler Room is frosted so when individuals wanted to use the room they cannot see if it is already in use
and paper signs are not an efficient alternative. She said that a screen inside the attorney’s suite would
not be sufficient because some attorney’s offices are on the other side of the building and they don’t
use the same entrance to access the room.
00:28:39.150 --> 00:44:59.080 The committee discussed alternative options to the digital sign including
a manual sliding sign indicating whether the room is occupied or not, interior locks on the doors, and
retraining staff on use of the room.
00:45:02.070 --> 00:45:08.230 Committee Member Barbara Murphy stated that the committee was not
comfortable with the electronic sign outside of the Cutler Room and Committee Chairperson Jennifer
Hale agreed.
00:47:16.190 --> 00:45:22.800 Jennifer Hale asked Lindsay Ross to discuss options with her group and
find an alternative solution.
Agenda Item 4: Project Update – Sean Fyfe
00:48:13.760 --> 00:50:31.820
Fyfe, Sean suggested there are 2 main components of the project. The current exterior stair repair for
which the focus has been on the East stair. The mayor is anxious to try to get that stair open and ready
for public use. That part of the project is nearly complete. There's just a little bit of caulking and washing
and little bit of waterproofing left to do there. Except there still needs to be focus on the expansion
joints to the North and South and that's where the large plate issue came up. Our architect is looking at
options that we have yet to see but we are expecting those very soon. The plan is to open that stair and
at least allow it to be used even if the plat issue is yet not resolved the joint areas can barricaded off, if
The contractor is also working on the west stair. They have started to remove some of the stone, clean
some of the stone, and get ready to make those repairs. This is still ongoing and will probably take a
similar duration as the east stair, which was 6 to 8 weeks. It seems like it would be a simple project, but
issues come up that are surprising, for instance, on that west stair there was some internal damage was
found related to the conduits that are running to the lights on the cheek walls which has resulted in a
few change orders and some challenging conditions that need to be resolved. So that's an example of a
delay that could happen on the west stair.
Once the west stair is complete, the contractor will work on the north stair. I'm not exactly sure if it's the
north, but I believe it is. Then they would go to the south stair. So that's the stair piece. It's making
progress. I'm not sure, Jim, if you're planning on opening the east stair. We may not do that, even
though it's ready to be used. Is that true?
00:50:31.570 --> 00:50:58.850
Cleland, Jim
That's correct. While we are dealing with COVID we would really like to keep people coming in from one
entrance. So as much as we would like to just throw open the doors and everything again and go back to
normal life. We can't really control public entry if we don't do it this way.
00:50:59.660 --> 00:51:06.010
Fyfe, Sean
So I think the plan is to use the ADA entry as the main building entrance for the time being.
00:51:06.220 --> 00:51:07.560
Cleland, Jim
That is correct.
00:51:09.000 --> 00:53:36.060
Fyfe, Sean
Speaking of the ADA entrance, there is a minor repair that's going to occur there. If you remember, we
had installed that ADA ramp that was this kind of ridge over the moat. There's just a little bit of concrete
damage. There was some chipping that is also going to be repaired as part of the stair project. I'm not
sure if that's happened yet.
The other item is the interior project, the larger $3,000,000.00+ interior project. Last meeting. We
mentioned we were advertising for consultants. I don't know if we had selected a consultant yet.
But we have since selected a consultant and we are in contract negotiations with these consultants.
They had a meeting today to discuss their scope and fee and a little bit more, and we expect to see what
I would call the final proposal next Monday from them. So, I'm hopeful, by the time we all meet again,
we are going to have that consultant contract and I'll be able to let you know who that is.
The immediate tasks for them, we call it due diligence. They are going to review the building in more
detail than we have already. Then they will catalog all the brickwork related damage. That will include
the exterior stone because to date, we really have not reviewed the exterior stone other than kind of
just the initial walk around the building shortly after the earthquake. So, they will be taking a lot closer
look at the stone, the tower, and all the facades from top to bottom essentially to see if there's evidence
of earthquake related damage there. This is one of the major tasks to be done early on as well as
documenting all that interior damage.
This is kind of where the 2 projects are. I think we're looking at about 24 weeks from start to finish
roughly. In that general time frame. So, if we were to start in October we would probably be advertising
in late spring for the repairs.
00:54:06.050 --> 00:54:12.480
Robert Pett
Has the city is arranged for the tour of the grounds by chance?
00:54:18.530 --> 00:54:34.650
Swain, Joan
We had arranged for the walkthrough to be in this month's meeting. Since we had this presentation
there was no way to meet online and then drive over there. We are hoping for October. We've got both
Troy Baker from parks and then Tony from the urban forestry on standby, but we're just waiting to see
how things are going with the building and with Covid. Jim do you have any more comments on that.
00:54:55.080 --> 00:54:57.940
Cleland, Jim
By the time that we send out the agenda for next month we will have that all hammered down. What
we might have to do is just schedule to all meet outside at the grounds and do the walkthrough at a
separate time or just prior to the meeting or after the meeting or some other time when it's convenient
for everyone.
00:55:22.720 --> 00:55:44.460
Swain, Joan
And if we don't get any major agenda items and our only agenda item is approving the previous meeting
minutes, this is something I can record with the hand-held recorder. We're just trying to plan it, so we
don’t have to try to hold an electronic meeting and then ask everyone to run down there to walk the
Committee Member Anne Oliver made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Committee Member Mark
Thimm seconded the motion. Jenny Hale called a vote on adjourning the meeting and the motion
carried, all members voted aye.