10/5/2021 - Meeting Materials
Citizens’ Compensation Advisory Committee (CCAC)
Policy Considerations
Components of Board/Commission Policy
Commission Organization (Leadership,
Staff Support)
Chair/Vice Chair selection (or core leadership)
*Chair/Vice Chair duties and responsibilities
Identified Staff Support
Meeting frequency
Training identified
Anchor location
Quorum defined
Membership (How many define this board/commission and what is their term? Is
there a component from the ordinance regarding reappoinments or longer
service on the board/commission? Is there an honorarium?
Conflict of Interest/Business Association disclosure (annual practice)
Attendance guidelines
Electronic/Hybrid Meetings Allows for electronic meetings. The anchor location must be available for
public access, unless there is a written determination from the chair that
have an anchor location open to the public poses a substantial risk to the
health or safety of those who may be present or that the building where
the anchor location is located is closed to the public.
Hybrid meetings may be hosted when anywhere from zero to all of the
committee members are present virtually but must have an anchor
location open an accessible to the public to observe and participate, unless
the aforementioned written determination by the chair has been made.