This meeting will be an electronic meeting and will not have a physical location. All attendees will
connect remotely. Members of the public are encouraged to participate in meetings.
Formal Meeting
Thursday,October 7,2021
5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m.
WebEx Virtual Meeting Link:
https://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/j.php?MTID=mfc17709ad4face12e2f42ecda24d01 c1
Meeting Number(access code):2492 252 1480
Meeting Password:4MsdSevje43
Join by Phone:408-418-9388
Minutes (Pending Approval)
1. Convenin' the Meetin
a. Anchor Location Statement
I, Samantha Finch, Chair of the Parks,Natural Lands,Urban Forest and Trails Advisory
Board hereby determine that conducting public meetings at an anchor location presents a
substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the anchor location.
Due to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) social distancing requirements,
I find that conducting a meeting at the anchor location constitutes a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present at the location.
b. Call to Order
a. Samantha Finch
b. Polly Hart
c. Melanie Pehrson
d. Phil Carroll
e. Brianna Binnebose
f. CJ Whittaker
g. Ginger Cannon
h. Jenny Hewson
c. Chair Comments
E. Approval of Minutes 5:03 PMVil
a. Approve September 5, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Ginger Cannon motioned to approve the September 5,2021 meeting minutes and Polly Hart seconded the
motion. The minutes were approved by a majority vote from the PNUT board.
a. Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 12 minutes total.Written
comments are welcome.
Eric Edelman
Eric Edelman,a resident of District 7,expressed his appreciation regarding Public Lands pausing the
Foothills Trails Masterplan and studying existing trails.He requests that Public Lands should plan to
improve existing trails,existing parking lots and trail safety. Mr. Edelman also stated that there has been
an increase of incidents regarding electric vehicles on the trails.
Dan Schelling
Dan Schelling thanked the PNUT board and Public Lands for paying attention to resident's requests and
pausing the Foothills Trails Masterplan for evaluation. Mr. Schelling also stated that the Foothills
comprises of 20%of Salt Lake City,making it worth everyone's time to make sure the Foothills Trail
Masterplan is done right.
a. Foothills Trails Discussion-Letter of support/recommendation
—Board Discussion 10 Min.
Samantha Finch asked the PNUT Board for a motion to approve a subcommittee to write a formal letter to
Mayor Mendenhall regarding the Foothills Trails Masterplan.
Polly Hart motioned to form a subcommittee and Bri Binnebose seconded the motion. The PNUT board
voted to approve the formation of a subcommittee.
Ms. Cannon asked if the board could provide background information regarding what will be included in
the letter.
CJ Whittaker responded that the letter would serve to provide formal comments to Mayor Mendenhall
regarding the Foothills Trails Masterplan and how the board would like to see the city proceed with the
Ms. Hart responded that the letter will be an opportunity for the board to express their approval of the
Foothills Trails Masterplan pause and give the Mayor comments regarding the content and direction of
the plan.
Ms. Cannon motioned that a letter of support for the direction of the Foothills Trails Masterplan is
reviewed by the board before being sent.All board members unanimously voted to pass this motion.
The subcommittee will consist of Ms. Hart and Mr. Whittaker. The letter will be provided to the PNUT
board for review prior to next month's meeting.
b. Proposed Formation of Trail Alignment Subcommittee(Action Item)
—Samantha Finch 5 Min.
Ms. Finch opened the topic of formation of a trail alignment subcommittee for discussion.
Mr. Whittaker explained that citizens have expressed dissatisfaction regarding the trail alignment of the
Foothills Trails Masterplan. The subcommittee will serve to advise the City in what they believe is best
for trail alignment in a formal letter.
Ms. Hart expressed that she would like to see the PNUT Board work alongside the consulting group in
their evaluation process.
Ms. Cannon expressed that she disagrees with the PNUT board advising Public Lands staff and the
consultant group in the planning process as the narrow scope of this advising interferes with the powers
and duties the board possesses.
Ms. Cannon proposed a motion for the PNUT board to form a subcommittee to monitor the
implementation of the next phase of the Foothills Masterplan. Ms. Binnebose seconded the motion. The
motion passed by the majority of the PNUT board. The scope and operations of this subcommittee will be
determined at the PNUT Board Retreat taking place on October 26,2021.
c. Proposed PNUT CIP Prioritization Process—Lewis Kogan 50 Min.
Lewis Kogan,Public Lands Deputy Director—Planning&Ecological Services,reviewed the Capital
Improvement Program for fiscal year 2023 with the PNUT Board.
The Capital Improvement Program is a multi-year planning program for capital expenditures needed to
replace or expand the city's public infrastructure. It is the primary funding vehicle for things that are not
part of the regular annual budget of Public Lands.
Capital Improvement Projects involve the construction,purchase or renovation of buildings,parks, streets
or other physical structures.
CIP Project Categories
Capital Improvement Program Projects fall under the following two categories:
Construction Projects
- New Asset Construction
- Capital Renewal Projects
Other Types of Projects
- Design/Public Engagement—New Assets
- Planning/Public Engagement(Non-Capital)
- Land Acquisitions/Easements
New Capital Asset Project Timeline
New capital assets have a five-year project timeline consisting of application submission, fund awarding,
design and public engagement period, construction application submission, second fund awarding,
construction and project completion.
Public Lands CIP Project Sources
Public Lands CIP projects are sourced from the following:
- Masterplans,management plans and other planning documents
- Mayoral and Public Lands department priorities
- Requests, suggestions and collaboration with partner agencies, stakeholder organizations and
- Land and easement acquisition opportunities
- City Council priorities and directives(generally added by council)
Projects are scored on a CIP Project Criteria where projects are analyzed in how they relate to the Public
Lands Masterplan,Mayor's priorities(Annual SLC Plan) and the City Council Resolution 29 of 2017.
Public Lands CIP Draft Application
The Public Lands CIP Draft Application consists of
- 11 New Asset Constructions
- 5 Capital Renewal Projects
- 14 Design/Public Engagement—New Assets
- 5 Planning/Public Engagement(Non-capital)
- 1 Land Acquisitions/Easements
Additionally, Salt Lake City has additional CIP constituent project requests that will be reviewed by the
PNUT Board in the coming weeks.
At the November PNUT Board meeting,the board will review and discuss Public Land's proposed 2022-
2023 applications and discuss the ranking and prioritization process.
After the November PNUT Board meeting, the PNUT Board will rank and prioritize applications and
provide documentation of ranking to Public Lands Staff. Then staff will work to develop full CIP
applications for a final list and submit the PNUT boards ranking to the CDCIP Board with the submission
of applications.
d. Donation Proposals(Action Item)—Kezia Lopez 5 Min.
Kezia Lopez outlined four Public Lands donation proposals.
- Kimball Young, on behalf of the Foothill Sunnyside Community Council,
offered a donation of$1,500 to paint pickleball lines on the tennis courts located
at Sunnyside Park.
- A resident offered a donation of two trees to be planted at Westminster Park.
- A resident offered a donation of one tree to be planted on the 800 E Islands.
- A resident offered a donation of two trees to be planted in City Creek near the
Freedom Trail trailhead.
Before accepting the donation of$1,500 to paint pickleball lines at Sunnyside Park, a public
engagement campaign will be conducted by Public Lands to gain feedback from the community
regarding the donation.
Before accepting tree donations, Urban Forestry evaluates the appropriateness of the planting
site. Urban Forestry also works to properly plant the donated trees.
Ms. Hart made a motion to approve the proposed donations pending vetting where appropriate.
Mr. Carroll seconded the motion. The PNUT board voted unanimously to pass the motion.
P5. Board Comments & Future Agenda Items (Time Permitting)
a. Board Comment Period
a. Request for Future Agenda Item
b. PNUT Board Field Trip
c. Upcoming Involvement Opportunities
6. Confirmation of Next Meeting
a. November 4,2021
The November 4,2021 PNUT Board Meeting was confirmed by the PNUT board.
Additionally,the PNUT board will be conducting a retreat style meeting on October 26,2021 at Tracy
Aviary from 5:00 PM—8:00 PM.
17. Adjourn 6:30 PM
Mr. Carroll motioned to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Hewson seconded the motion. The board
unanimously agreed to adjourn.
8. WebEx Chat
from Hilary Jacobs to everyone: 4:56 PM
Good to see you guys.
from Melanie Pehrson to everyone: 5:19 PM
I may have missed it but the subcommittee will be comprised of CJ and Polly,correct?
from Samantha Finch to everyone: 5:20 PM
Yes,Melanie,that is correct.
from Jenny Hewson to everyone: 5:20 PM
My understanding is the subcommittee right now is just drafting a letter that will then be presented to the
rest of the PNUT prior to the next PNUT meeting for discussion
from Samantha Finch to everyone: 5:21 PM
Yes,Jenny that is my understanding, a draft.
from Jenny Hewson to everyone: 5:37 PM
Please can someone let me know when the document was sent(I only have the excel and october packet)?
from Riker,Kristin to everyone: 5:38 PM
This is in the last few pages of the October packet.
from Samantha Finch to everyone: 5:38 PM
Jenny,the only documents are from the October packet which includes the excel.
from Samantha Finch to everyone: 5:42 PM
Here is a link to the packet: https://www.slc.gov/boards/pnut-agendas-minutes/
from Bri Binnebose to everyone: 6:02 PM
Lewis -what is the maximum score a project could have received?Are we able to see the breakdown of
how that score was calculated?
from Kat Maus to everyone: 6:06 PM
Hello Bri, I just ran through the scoring and the max score is 84 if it scores the maximum for all criteria
from Bri Binnebose to everyone: 6:08 PM
Thanks Kat,good to know! It would be helpful to see the breakdown and weighting for each project to
see how they stack up.
from Kat Maus to everyone: 6:10 PM
I can share that with you. At the risk of being very confusing,a high level of the weighting is all Tier 1
scores were multiplied by 3, Tier 2 scores were multiplied by 2 and Tier 1 scores were multiplied by 1
(not weighted) --Happy to clarify further if needed!
from Jenny Hewson to everyone: 6:20 PM
Lewis,please can you share your presentation.Very useful...lots of information to take in
from Lewis Kogan to everyone: 6:20 PM
Yes,no problem.
from polly hart to everyone: 6:21 PM
Yes please and thank you Lewis!
from Jenny Hewson to everyone: 6:23 PM
Kat, on the scoring...can you explain how the original number was calculated prior to the weighting?
from Kat Maus to everyone: 6:25 PM
Jenny, definitely. Each prioritization criteria has distinct ways in which they are scored, so I'll write up a
quick synopsis of this process and send it along to the Board.
from polly hart to everyone: 6:26 PM
I agree with Ginger that renewal/repair is way under-rated!
from Bri Binnebose to everyone: 6:29 PM
Kat-in additon to the synopsis,which will be helpful,could we also see the individual scoring sheets?
from Kat Maus to everyone: 6:30 PM
Sure, I can send those along
from Bri Binnebose to everyone: 6:30 PM
That's great,thank you!
from Lewis Kogan to everyone: 6:30 PM
Thanks everyone for your attention and great questions!
from Jenny Hewson to everyone: 6:30 PM
Thanks so much,Kat
from Kat Maus to everyone: 6:30 PM
Thank you all!