10/13/2021 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
Wednesday, October 13th, 2021
8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m.
To access and participate in the meeting please visit
http s://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/j.php?MTID=me3 e863 d l bfb7cb01 fc6a90d 14
Meeting Password: uhTcxy3CV66
I, Darin Piccoli, Chair of the Business Advisory Board(BAB), hereby determine that conducting
the Business Advisory Board meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present, and that the City and County building has been
ordered closed to the public for health and safety reasons.
1. Roll call
The following members of the Business Advisory Board were present:
Darin Piccoli, Chair Sue Rice
Jeff Carleton Abudujannah Soud
Angela Brown
Scott Lyttle
The following members of the Business Advisory Board were absent:
Kestrel Liedtke, Vice-Chair Alberto Brito
Karen Gunn
Also Present:
Veronica Cavanagh, Department of Economic Development; Lorena Riffo Jenson, Department
of Economic Development; Will Wright, Department of Economic Development; Cathie Rigby,
Department of Economic Development; Peter Makowski, Department of Economic
Development; Andrew Wittenberg, Department of Economic Development; Lindsey Day,
Department of Economic Development; Samantha Smith, Department of Economic
Development; Jolynn Walz, Department of Economic Development; Sara Montoya, City
Attorney; Eric Daems, Planning Department; Allison Rowland, Salt Lake City Council Office;
Kristen Lavelett, Local First Utah; Edward Bennett, Suazo Business Center,Jessica Thesing, The
Downtown Alliance.
2. Briefings by the Staff
No briefings.
3. Approval of the minutes of September 8th, 2021 meeting
Mr. Carlton made a motion to approve the minutes from September 8th, 2021 meeting. Ms.
Brown seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed unanimously.
1. Business Item
A. Open Meetings Act Training
Ms. Sara Montoya from the Salt Lake City Attorney's Office provided a training regarding the
Utah Open and Public Meetings Act(OPMA). She explained that the Business Advisory Board
(BAB) is a public body, and this training needs to happen annually.
B. Off Street Parking Update
Deputy Director Riffo-Jenson introduced Eric Daems from Salt Lake City's Planning Division.
Mr. Daems shared a presentation on potential changes to the City's on Off Street Parking
Ordinance. He explained that these changes do not affect any on-street parking regulations,but
to add more flexibility to the businesses,particularly restaurants where minimum parking is
being reduced and maximums will be increased. The goal of ordinance change is to provide more
flexibility overall and allow for businesses to be able to provide parking based on its need.
Mr. Lyttle asked if bike parking offsets some of the restaurant parking spots. Mr. Daems said no.
C. Construction Mitigation
Ms. Rigby provided a presentation and overview of the Department of Economic Development's
Construction Mitigation Grant program. She explained that the City Council allocated$100,000
to help support businesses who may be impacted by major City construction projects. The
application process began at the end of September 2021 and the program will continue until the
funds run out. Ms. Rigby stated that so far seven applications had been received and five of those
have completed the process and been approved.
For more information regarding the Construction Mitigation Grant program and where to find
the application visit: https://www.slc.gov/ed/constructiongrant/.
Ms. Rice asked if there were any obstacles that the applicants were running into with the
application process. Ms. Rigby answered that showing the difference in revenue during the
construction with a profit and loss sheet has been hard to come up with for some businesses.
Deputy Director Riffo-Jenson added the Business Development team have been canvasing areas
that have been affected and mailers will be sent out to the businesses regarding the Construction
Mitigation Grant.
D. BAB Meetings Quorum
Deputy Director Riffo-Jenson provided an overview of the structure of BAB, vacancies and its
quorum rules. She highlighted that ex-officio members are non-voting members and are not
counted as part of the quorum. She also clarified that there are currently two open Board
positions, District 2 and District 5, and BAB members can recruit for those positions. They
can apply at: https://www.slc.gov/boards/boards-commissions/business-advisory-board/.
Chairperson Piccoli called for a motion. Ms. Rice made a motion that ex-officio members are
non-voting and not part of a quorum. Mr. Soud seconded. Upon roll call,the motion passed
2. City Council Announcements
No Announcements.
3. BAB Member Announcements
A. Subcommittees
Chairperson Piccoli stated that in past BAB meetings discussions took place concerning the BAB
subcommittees, their roles and potential members for each. Chairperson Piccoli reviewed the
Council Meeting Subcommittee (with Assistance from the City Council Representative)
Edward Bennett
Small Business Development
Sue Rice
Karen Gunn
BAB Bylaws Subcommittee
Kestrel Liedtke
Chairperson Piccoli confirmed the members listed and asked for additional volunteers.
Mr. Carlton said he would like to participate on the Council Meeting Subcommittee and Mr.
Lyttle volunteered for the BAB Bylaws subcommittee.
Ms. Rice stated yes, she was still interested in participating in the Small Business Development
Subcommittee and she will reach out to Ms. Gunn to create an outline for Chairperson Piccoli to
review and ensure they are on the same page on what he would like this group to do.
Chairperson Piccoli said he would email a copy of a letter that he had sent in the past regarding
the bylaws to the BAB members and he will also include a recap on who is involved in what
group and what their responsibilities are.
4. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
darin picco (Dec 1,202110:37 MST)
Darin Piccoli, Chairperson
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Economic Development
Business Advisory Board meeting held October 13th, 2021.
BAB Minutes 10. 13.21
Final Audit Report 2021-12-01
Created: 2021-11-18
By: Veronica Cavanagh(veronica.cavanagh@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAEYHSYf4PeK67UDd60NsJmAv6jnnZHis5
"BAB Minutes 10. 13.21 " History
Document created by Veronica Cavanagh (veronica.cavanagh@slcgov.com)
2021-11-18-8:37:14 PM GMT
Document emailed to darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com) for signature
2021-11-18-8:37:57 PM GMT
Email viewed by darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com)
2021-11-18-9:41:47 PM GMT
Email viewed by darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com)
2021-11-30-5:41:15 PM GMT
;., Document e-signed by darin piccoli (d@thestateroomslc.com)
Signature Date:2021-12-01 -5:37:11 PM GMT-Time Source:server
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2021-12-01 -5:37:11 PM GMT
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