This meeting will be an electronic meeting and will not have a physical location. All attendees will
connect remotely. Members of the public are encouraged to participate in meetings.
Formal Meeting
Thursday,November 4,2021
5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
WebEx Virtual Meeting Link:
Meeting Number(access code): 2499 753 3595
Meeting Password: YUph9P8tky5
Join by Phone: 408-418-9388
1. Convening the Meeting
a. Anchor Location Statement
I, Samantha Finch, Chair of the Parks,Natural Lands,Urban Forest and Trails Advisory
Board hereby determine that conducting public meetings at an anchor location presents a
substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the anchor location.
Due to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) social distancing requirements,
I find that conducting a meeting at the anchor location constitutes a substantial risk to the
health and safety of those who may be present at the location.
b. Call to Order
c. Chair Comments
2. Approval of Minute
a. Approve October 7,2021 Meeting Minutes
LPublic Comment Perio
a. Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total.Written
comments are welcome.
4. Staff Discussion Items and Action Items
a. Continued Discussion about Proposed
PNUT CIP Prioritization Process and Projects—Lewis Kogan 55 Min.
b. Donation Proposals(Action Item)—Kezia Lopez 5 Min.
5. Board Discussion Items and Action It 6:10111
a. Letter of Support for Continued Pause of
Foothill Trails Construction(Action Item)—CJ Whittaker 10 Min.
b. Proposed Communications Subcommittee(Action Item)—Brianna Binnebose
i. Discuss Purpose, Scope,Timeline, and Reporting of Subcommittee 10 Min.
c. Proposed Bylaws Subcommittee(Action Item)—Ginger Cannon
i. Discuss Purpose, Scope,Timeline, and Reporting of Subcommittee 10 Min.
d. Discuss Purpose, Scope,Timeline, and Reporting of Previously Approved
Subcommittee to Monitor Next Phase of the Foothills System Plan—Polly Hart 10 Min.
6. Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments & Future Agenda Items 6:50 PM
a. December 2,2021
b. Board Comment Period
a. Request for Future Agenda Item
b. PNUT Board Field Trip
c. Upcoming Involvement Opportunities
7. Adjourn 7:00 PM