11/22/2021 - Meeting Agenda ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor ` ,, , and NEIGHBORHOODS ,.;5 t•t Ly L.; 9 Blake Thomas ' a�� �_ Director SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT HOUSING STABILITY DIVISION CDCIP Advisory Board Meeting PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Community Development and Capital Improvement Program Advisory Board of Salt Lake City, Utah will hold a public meeting on Monday November 22nd, at 5:30 p.m.to 7:30 pm via Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/I/meetup- join/19%3ameeting N2ZhZDMwMDMtYzhmZi00ZjA3LTkxOTctMTNiNGRjZGU2NzA0%40thread.v2/0?con text=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229fa2c952-dd50-4b06-ba6a- 4b9bd7adda03%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22232dbfe5-d887-4f82-9ca7-4e2e23dd8a53%22%7d Or call in at: (audio only) Or call in (audio only) +1 385-355-0286,52065031# United States, Salt Lake City Phone Conference ID: 520 650 31# AGENDA ➢ Welcome Chair/Vice Chair ➢ Approve Minutes Group ➢ Staff Updates Housing Stability Staff ➢ Application Overviews Group ➢ Discuss CDBG and ESG applications Group ➢ Other Business Group ➢ Next meeting, December 6th, 2021, CDBG& ESG Grant Application Reviews ➢ Adjourn The board may hold an electronic meeting in accordance with the Open and Public Meetings Act, Code 52- 4-207 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM Salt Lake City Corporation is committed to ensuring we are accessible to all members of the public to review and provide comments to publicly noticed information.This includes, but is not limited to, individuals with disabilities,all racial and ethnic populations,and non-English speaking individuals.To request Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations,contact Sarah Benj by email at sarah.beni@slcgov.com or by phone at 801.535.7697.Over the phone TTY relay services are available by dialing 7-1-1. For non-English speaking individuals,contact Kaletta Lynch by email at kaletta.lynch@slcgov.com,or by phone at 801.535.6006.