1/5/2022 - Meeting Minutes (2) MINUTES
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
4:00 p.m.
This meeting was an electronic meeting pursuant to Salt Lake City Emergency Proclamation No. 2 of 2020
Chairperson Doughty read the following statement:
I, Brian Doughty, Chair of the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, hereby determine that due to the
increase in COVID-19 cases and mask and social distancing requirements, conducting the Redevelopment
Advisory Committee meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of
those who may be present.
1. Roll Call
The following members were present:
Brian Doughty, Chairperson
Nic Peterson, Member
Rosa Bandeirinha, Member
Jason Head, Member
Mark Isaac, Member
Claudia O'Grady, Member
The following members were absent:
Mojdeh Sakaki, Vice-Chairperson
Also Present:
Danny Walz, Director
Kort Utley, Senior Project Manager
Lauren Parisi, Project Manager
Kathryn Hackman, Communications and Outreach Assistant
Felina Lazalde, Office Facilitator
Allison Parks, Senior City Attorney
Ashley Ogden, Project Manager
Tracy Tran, Project Manager
Robyn Stine, Office Manager
2. Briefing by the Staff
Director Walz introduced new employees Kathryn Hackman, Communications and Outreach Assistant and Eric
Holmes, Data Manager.
3. Approval of the minutes of the November 5, 2021 meeting
Ms. O'Grady made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 5, 2021 meeting. Ms. Bandeirinha seconded
the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed unanimously.
4. Business
A. Proposed Revisions to the Agency's Housing Allocation Funds Policy—Danny Walz, RDA Director
Director Walz explained to RAC the proposed revisions to the Agency's Housing Allocation Funds Policy, including
the renaming of the Northwest Quadrant Housing Fund to Westside Community Initiative Fund. He said this will
earmark the Inland Port Housing funds and any revenue from projects to the City's westside.
There were no questions.
Mr. Peterson made a motion to recommend the RDA Board adopt the proposed revisions to the Agency's Housing
Allocation Funds Policy. Mr. Isaac seconded the motion. Upon roll call,the motion passed unanimously.
B. Discussion whether future meetings should be held electronically, in-person or a hybrid option
A discussion was held with RAC members,and it was decided that for the next several meetings they would be held
electronically and thereafter the Chair would consider the current public health situation and make a determination
prior to each meeting.
A. Adjournment
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Brian Doughty, Chairpers n---L
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Redevelopment Advisory
Committee held January 5, 2022