1/5/2022 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FROM THE
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
Webex Meeting
Call in Number: 1-408-418-9388
Pin: 24982385108
Salt Lake City, Utah
Board Members Board Members Not Present
Matt Pauly (Chair)
Robert Rendon(Vice-Chair)
Paul Cherecwich Scott Cuthbertson
Edward Makowski Jose Organista
Amy Rowland
Marty Biljanic
Shelley Bodily
Staff Present
Tony Miller,Housing Stability
Amanda Best,Housing Stability
Dillon Hase,Housing Stability
Heather Royall, Housing Stability
Lauren Parisi, RDA
Members of Public Present
1. Welcome
Matthew Pauly,board Chair,welcomed the board.
2. Electronic Meeting Statement by Chair
Remote Meeting Statement read by Mr. Pauly:
"I,Matthew Pauly,Chair of Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board, hereby determine that with the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic conditions existing in Salt Lake City that meeting at an anchor location presents a
substantial risk to the health or safety of those who would be present."
3. Approval of November 13 2021 Meetin Minutes
There were no changes to the minutes. Ms. Rowland motioned to approve the minutes and Mr.
Cherecwich seconded,the motion passed unanimously.
4. Approval of December 1,2021 Meeting Minutes
The board reviewed the minutes. Mr.Cherecwich stated the ending time needed to be changed to 1:01pm.
Mr. Makowski motioned to approve the minutes with that change and Ms. Rowland seconded,the motion
passed unanimously.
5. Discussion and Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair for 2022
Mr. Cherecwich nominated that Mr.Pauly continue as Chair into 2022. Matt asked if that is something he
can do,Ms.Best stated that Chair and Vice-Chair cannot serve consecutive terms. Mr. Biljanic asked if
they can switch roles,technically they can do that. Mr. Makowski motioned that the current Chair and
Vice-Chair switch roles,Mr. Cherecwich seconded. Since Mr. Rendon has completed his second
consecutive term on the HTFAB his term as a member is complete and cannot be in the role of Chair.
Ms. Best said that she was going to announce this at the end of the meeting with other business but will
let everyone know that Mr. Rendon and Ms. Rowland have completed their terms on the HTFAB and will
be leaving the board. Both have served for two consecutive terms which is the maximum a member can
serve on the board.Ms. Best said that the City and the board has appreciated having both of them
participate over the years.
Ms.Rowland nominated Mr. Makowski as Chair and Mr. Pauly as Vice-Chair. Both members accepted
the nomination.There were no other nominations. All members in attendance voted to approve Mr.
Makowski as Chair and Mr. Pauly as Vice-Chair.
6. ](-lousing Development Trust Fund RDA Updates
Ms. Parisi from the RDA gave an update on the current Housing Development Trust Fund (HDTF).The
RDA adopted a policy that replaces the past NOFA. Since the HDTF is transferred to the RDA it will
follow the current RDA NOFA policy.Ms. Parisi can send out the current policy for the board to see. The
RDA board will set housing finding priorities every year and those are the priorities that will be
incorporated in the NOFAs. It can be done competitively or open ended, typically it is done
competitively. There are also other sources of finding going into the NOFA.The review committee will
now be comprised of affordable housing professionals,finance professionals,and City staff members.
Review committee members will be asked on an annual basis.
Mr. Cherecwich asked if this change impacts the HOME& HOPWA programs. Ms. Parisi said it does
not. The current board will still do what it has in the past with awarding[-TOME&HOPWA funding. Mr.
Milner said that the RDA is administering new loans and there are existing loans that are still
administered by Ms. Best.Any changes to the past portfolio would go in front of the HTFAB but not the
new loans.
Mr. Cherecwich said it should be expected that we only have meetings the rest of the year when
something comes up,not consistent monthly meetings, and then HOME&HOPWA awards at the end of
the year. Ms. Best confirmed that and said that the meeting schedule will be like 2021. Meetings will be
held if something changes with the current portfolio and for the HOME&HOPWA awards starting in
October.Mr. Milner added that it is up to the board's discretion if there is any information the board
would like to be brought forward and if meetings will be held.
Ms. Rowland asked Ms. Parisi if there will be members of the HTFAB on the RDA review committee,
like there has been in the last two years. Ms. Parisi said that they may stick with that practice, but the
policy doesn't say HTFAB members specifically.
Mr. Makowski said that last summer there was no meeting for about four or five months straight and
would like to meet in between those times, without going that long. Mr. Pauly said that he would be
interested in seeing the RDA policy and Ms. Parisi said she will send it to Ms. Best to send out to
Mr. ich asked if the board can get an update on the HOME&HOPWA after the City Council has
approa_d die final awards.Mr.Makowski asked when those \\ill be finalized. Mr. Milner said it is
schecii�led for April and finalized in May.The City will make pure the board knows about the public
comment period during the City Council process and when they are finalized.
7. G�her Business
Mr.Pauly asked if the City had any other business besides Ms. Rowland and Mr. Rendon leaving the
board.Ms.Best said she did want to remind the board to complete the Open and Public Meeting training
online and send the certificate to her. She also said that if the current board knows anyone who would like
to be on the HTFAB to reach out to her or have them apply. Mr. Milder also had other business and
wanted to thank Ms.Parisi for coming to the meeting. He also said that there was an article in Building
Salt Lake on the new RDA awards and Mr. Pauly put a link to the article in the chat.Ms.Parisi will also
send over the summary of what was funded.
Mr.Makowski asked if there are any new members in the pipeline. Ms. Best said there are no applications
in for the HTFAB.Mr.Pauly asked how that would impact a quorum. Ms. Best said that a quorum can
happen with one current member missing. Mr. Cherecwich said that Jose has only been to one meeting
and asked if anyone has followed up with him. Ms. Best said she has followed up with him and will again
after this meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:24pm.
T d it
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Housing Trust Fund
Advisory Board meeting held January 5,2022.