This meeting was held electronically
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was
called to order at approximately 5.30 pm. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission
meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For
complete commentary and presentation of the meeting, please
visit https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings.
Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson Amy Barry, Vice-Chairperson
Maurine Bachman, Commissioners Andra Ghent, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Mike Christensen,
Brenda Scheer, Adrienne Bell, and Aimee Burrows.
Planning Staff members present at the meeting were: Nick Norris, Planning Director; Amy
Thompson, Planning Manager; Paul Nielson, Senior City Attorney; Nan Larsen, Senior Planner;
Diana Martinez, Principal Planner; Caitlyn Tubbs, Principal Planner; Meagan Booth, Principal
Planner; Amanda Roman, Principal Planner; Brooke Olson, Associate Planner; David Schupick,
Administrative Secretary.
Chairperson Amy Barry read the virtual meeting determination.
Chairperson Barry reminded the commissioners that they are allowed six absences a year, and
that they have been reset for the start of this new year. She also reminded commissioners to
respond to attendance emails as soon as possible. She stated that some commissioners still
need to submit their conflict-of-interest forms as soon as possible to be filed.
Vice-Chair Bachman stated that she had nothing to report.
Planning Director Nick Norris stated that due to the increase numbers of the covid-19 virus,
meetings will remain virtual. He also stated that the planning division is fully staffed for planning
positions. He stated that they are still working to fill the positions for zoning administrator and
development review planner. Nick mentioned that the planning division has been facing
challenges with employees having to take sick leave due to the covid-19 virus. He mentioned
that they are working on putting together an annual report but that it might not be available until
sometime in February. He stated that 2021 had the most entitled housing units compared with
past years. He stated that they also set an all-time high record for application numbers in 2021,
beating the last highest in 2019 by 5%. Nick then gave his presentation on the consent agenda
item "Planning Commission Delegation of Authority to Recommend Modifications to Specific
Subdivision Design Standard" to give clarification on any misunderstandings.
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1. Chromeworks Planned Development and Design Review 269 West Brooklyn
Avenue - George Hauser with SMH Builders, representing the property owners, has
submitted a letter requesting a one-year extension for the Chromeworks project that was
approved by the Planning Commission on December 9th, 2020. The approval was for a
multi-family development located at approximately 269 West Brooklyn Avenue. The
subject site is zoned CG (General Commercial) and is located within Council District 5,
represented by Darin Mano (Staff contact: Nannette Larsen at 801-535-7645 or
nannette.larsen@slcgov.com). Case numbers PLNPCM2020-00610; PLNPCM2020-
2. Planning Commission Delegation of Authority to Recommend Modifications to
Specific Subdivision Design Standard - The Salt Lake City Planning Director is
requesting that the Planning Commission delegate it's authority to the Planning Director
(or designee) to make recommendations to the Mayor regarding modifications to the
following design standards stated in Chapter 20.12.010(1) of the Salt Lake City
Subdivision Ordinance: a. Blocks shall normally have sufficient width for an ultimate
layout of two (2) tiers of lots of the size required by the provisions of the zoning and
subdivision ordinances of Salt Lake City. b. Blocks shall not exceed the following
perimeter measurements: Two thousand four hundred (2,400) linear feet for zoning
districts with minimum lot sizes that range from no minimum up to and including ten
thousand (10,000) square feet, and; three thousand (3,000) linear feet for zoning districts
with a minimum lot size greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet. The requested
delegation of authority applies to proposed subdivisions located in the Airport, M1, M-2,
and AG zoning districts west of 1-215 and the El Extractive Industries, OS and NOS zoning
districts located citywide. The delegation would authorize the Planning Director to
recommend different lot layouts and larger blocks in the listed zoning districts where
individual lots often exceed the maximum block size listed in the subdivision design
standards. The Mayor is the final decision-making authority regarding modifications to the
subdivision design standards stated in 20.12 of the Subdivision Ordinance and such
modifications are subject to the standards stated in Chapter 20.44 of the Subdivision
Chairperson Amy Barry removed item 2. Planning Commission Delegation of Authority to
Recommend Modifications to Specific Subdivision Design Standard from the consent agenda.
Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman motioned to approve the consent agenda.
Commissioners Andra Ghent seconded the motion. Commissioners Andra Ghent, Andres
Paredes, Jon Lee, Mike Christensen, Maurine Bachman, Brenda Scheer, and Aimee
Burrows all voted "yes". Adrienne Bell abstains. The motion passes.
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Commissioner Brenda Scheer motioned to table Planning Commission Delegation of
Authority to Recommend Modifications to Specific Subdivision Design Standard. The
motion fails.
Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson asked Chairperson Amy Barry as to why she would want a
public hearing on this item since it is not the normal land use application that you would normally
have a public hearing. Chairperson Amy Barry stated that Brenda Scheer is sharing concern for
people who have expressed issues with the item.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked Planning Director Nick Norris for clarification on if
modifying a design standard means to make an exception to the design standard for a particular
project. Nick Norris stated that essentially, yes that would be correct. Within the subdivision
section there are three different factors that need to be considered and the modification must
make a finding on those three factors. Brenda Scheer asked if those three factors include the
particular use is an industrial one. Nick Norris stated that it would not get specific into the uses.
It is specific into whether it fits the standard. There are special circumstances or conditions
affecting the said property, and that it is necessary to preserve substantial property rights and
the granting of the modification will not be detrimental to the public welfare or safety or injurious
to other properties in the vicinity in which the property is situated. Brenda Scheer asked if the
industrial uses then don't qualify to have a modification of the design standard. Nick Norris
clarified that it would qualify if you are able to find the three factors. Brenda Scheer asked why
all the lots west of 215 be unique or be affected by natural conditions. Nick Norris restated the
first two of the three factors which are; if there are special circumstance or conditions affecting
the property, a modification is necessary for the enjoyment of a substantial property right. Brenda
Scheer asked why they wouldn't just lift the subdivision standards for those areas. Nick Norris
stated that ideally, they should lift the subdivision standards. Brenda Scheer asked why they are
not lifting the subdivision standards then. Nick Norris stated that the reason they are not lifting
them is because of the time requirement it would take, and what happens with the subdivisions
that are currently in process now. He also stated that they need to be able to address the
situation now, and if the planning commission decides that these cases should be coming
through them, then they can be added to the agenda for them to review. However, he believes
that this situation don't necessarily require the planning commissions input. Brenda Scheer
asked what kind of standards would planning staff be using to make the decisions. Nick Norris
stated that they would be using the three factors he stated previously, which are the same
standards the planning commission would be using. Brenda Scheer asked if there is a limitation
to how big industrial lot sizes could be. Nick Norris clarified that they would be following the code,
and if the code has no lot size limit then they couldn't apply that. Brenda Scheer asked if town
houses in districts that have not been mentioned by Nick Norris would still come through the
planning commission. Nick Norris clarified that that would be correct. He also stated that they
are trying to fix a conflict they have found in the code, since planning commission used to not be
asked about subdivision standards and making modifications. Brenda Scheer asked if Nick
Norris could think of any reason why planning commission would want to involve themselves in
the process of these subdivisions. Nick Norris stated that the modifications are going to be
presented to the mayor who is going to seek advice from professionals who review subdivisions,
which is somewhat of a technical standard in some zoning districts. He also stated that he
wouldn't support this in zones such as mixed use or commercial, which is why the zoning districts
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have been limited. Brenda Scheer asked then if the planning commission would be seeing more
of these in the future. Nick Norris stated that it is very possible they could expect more in the
future. He stated that this one catches most of the subdivisions compared to other applications
that have come in. He also stated that this standard works great in some areas in the city, but
not for all zoning districts based on the purpose of those districts. Brenda Scheer asked if you
could require it be designed differently. Nick Norris stated that yes, if the modification to the
subdivision is not to standard, then they would have to go redesign the subdivision to comply or
go through a planned development. Brenda Scheer asked if the property is unique being one of
the larger properties, that is following the subdivision standards, would they not be turned down
or have additional information requested. Nick Norris stated that he is not able to speak
theoretically on situations that require a unique lens on it. Brenda Scheer asked Nick Norris if in
the past he has asked applicants to make modifications that are not what the subdivision
standards require. Nick Norris stated that since he has been planning director, he has not been
asked to make a modification to a subdivision standard. He stated that this is the only one that
has created any issues, which tells him most of the other subdivisions are complying with the
subdivision design standards. He also stated that there has been public inquires that have come
through that don't fully understand what is being asked for approval. Brenda Scheer stated her
main objection is that if they abandon their current standards, then they wont have standards to
replace them. Nick Norris stated that they in a way would have replacement standards through
the adopted major street plan. Brenda Scheer asked Nick Norris if his intention is to wave the
design standards in most cases. Nick Norris clarified that unless something says otherwise in
one of the adopted policies, he would most likely.
Commissioner Adrienne Bell asked Nick Norris for clarification on if this is simply changing who
is making the recommendation to the mayor, from the planning commission to Nick Norris and
that ultimately the mayor has the final decision. Nick Norris clarified that yes, that is correct.
Adrienne Bell stated that then any issues with the decision could then be presented to the mayor.
Nick Norris stated that that is correct.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked how anyone would know these decisions are being made.
Nick Norris stated that they would be creating a paper trail prior to preliminary plat approval that
would be official record. He also stated that most subdivisions don't require a public hearing.
Unless city council decides they want more public input on subdivisions, then the process is
similar to getting a building permit.
Commissioner Adrienne Bell motioned to the planning commission delegate its authority
to the planning director or designee to make recommendations to the mayor regarding
applications to the design standards stated in chapter 20.12.0101 of the Salt Lake City
subdivision ordinance that are listed in the agenda for tonight's hearing. Commissioners
Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Commissioners Andra Ghent, Jon Lee, Mike
Christensen, Maurine Bachman, Adrienne Bell, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes".
Andres Paredes and Brenda Scheer voted "no". The motion passes.
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1. ADU Conditional Use and Special Exception Inline Addition at approximately 1362 S
600 E - Kyle Muir, the applicant, is requesting:
a. Conditional Use approval to construct a 496 sq. ft. detached accessory dwelling unit in
the rear yard of the property. The subject property is located in the R-1-5000 (Single Family
Residential) Zoning District which requires Conditional Use approval to construct an accessory
dwelling unit. Case number PLNPCM2021-00344
b. Special Exception approval to construct a 600 sq. ft. horizontal inline addition at the
rear of the existing dwelling located on the property. The proposed addition extends the footprint
of the existing dwelling 32 feet towards the western, rear property line and maintains the existing
3-foot 5-inch width of the northern side yard and the existing 3-foot width of the southern side
yard. The R-1-5000 zone requires minimum interior side yards of 4 feet in width on one side of
the dwelling and 10 feet in width on the other side. Special Exception approval is required for
inline additions which expand the footprint of existing dwelling's noncomplying with yard area
regulations. Case number PLNPCM2021-00345
The subject property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff
contact: Brooke Olson at 801-535-7118 or brooke.olson@slcgov.com)
Associate Planner, Brooke Olson, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated
that Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the staff report.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on if there is a difference in stating
recommendation three since it is already the rule. Associate Planner Brooke Olson clarified that
it won't change the process but since there were a few concerns on it they wanted it to be shown
as a condition. Aimee Burrows asked if it was being placed as a recommendation to
communicate it to the applicant or if it makes it easier to enforce, since it is always the rule with
ADUs. Brooke Olson clarified that it was just their way of calling it out to make sure it is enforced.
Aimee Burrows asked if there would need to be a survey before the ADU is constructed to
determine that it is at least four feet from the property line. Brooke Olson stated that the building
services may require a survey as it goes through the permitting process. They also will require
stamped plans from a structural engineer as well as the architect. If there are any discrepancies
in the setbacks in the building permit process, they will be addressed before the building permit
is issued.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked how they can determine wither or not an owner is in
residence. Brooke Olson stated that when she reviews the address given in the application on
the parcel map. Brenda Scheer asked to clarify that the address is listed on the parcel map for
the owner is the address on the application. Brooke Olson clarified that that is correct, and she
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also checked business licenses to see if there is any rental license pulled. Brenda Scheer stated
that one of the letters stated that Kyle Muir was not currently living in the building at least now.
She asked for clarifying if there was a way they could know if he is living there now or at all.
Brooke Olson clarified that deed restrictions would be placed on the property requiring him to
occupy one of the building if approved for the ADU but since his application is still pending, he
is not required to occupy the building.
The applicant Kyle Muir stated that he had no formal presentation. He stated that he had spoken
to the neighbors to the North and that they requested a fence. He also stated that on the South
side there is a pathway that will remain.
Commissioner Andres Paredes asked for clarification that Kyle Muir has spoken to the neighbors
to the North and have figured out a way to get access to the back. Kyle Muir clarified that the
access to the back is already there on the South side. He spoke to the neighbors to the North
about the build and the request for the fence. Andres Paredes asked what their response was
to this conversation. Kyle Muir stated that their response was similar to the recommendations.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked if Kyle Muir has gotten permission from the neighbors to
the North to access the site with construction vehicles to build the ADU. Kyle Muir stated that
yes, he has confirmed permission from them.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked if Kyle Muir has seen the public comment since people
seem to not be happy with the build. Kyle Muir stated that he has not seen the public comment
but that he has talked to all of them and the agreement they came to was that he would be
building a fence in return for allowing the access. He stated that the neighbor is not that happy
with it and has concerns about parking. Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on how he can
access the back on the house. Kyle Muir stated that there is a path between his house and a
Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Mike Christensen asked the applicant if he plans to occupy the unit or turn it into
a part time rental. Applicant stated that he plans on living in the ADU as his main dwelling.
Commissioner Andra Ghent stated that Kyle Muir can state that he plans on living in the ADU
but how will this requirement be upheld. Amy Barry stated that it will come under civil
enforcement and that the public is able to make complaints. She also stated that if in the future
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the requirements of an ADU are not being upheld, the planning department is able to revoke the
conditional use of the ADU.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows stated she does not think there is an adequate way of accessing
the ADU, which is one of the requirements. Amy Barry asked Aimee Burrows if she believes the
condition staff has placed is adequate. Aimee Burrows stated that she would like to see the
access way to the ADU before approving it. Aimee burrows asked Brooke Olson if she is satisfied
with the access way. Brooke Olson stated that the applicant would just need to provide a site
plan showing the access and how they will accommodate that. Aimee Burrows asked if the
current site plan shows that. Brooke Olson clarified that the current site plan does not show that,
and they would need to provide that before applying for building permits.
Commissioner Adrienne Bell ask for clarification that the access way is from the sidewalk to the
back of the property and that there is no widening that needs to be done, just installing the path.
Brooke Olson stated that is correct.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked if there would be enough room to install the access point
with the fence being build. Amy Barry clarified that the access way will be on the South side
where there is already a path and not the North where the fence will be constructed. Brenda
Scheer asked what the distance is from the building to the property line on the South side where
with access point will be installed. Amy Barry stated it is three feet five inches.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on if the cost of constructing the fence
would be split between the landowners or if it could be constructed on the neighbor's property.
Amy Barry stated that the fence would have to be built where it is legally allowed on his property.
Commissioner Andra Ghent asked for clarification that even if the property is currently being
listed as a short-term rental and the applicant is not complying with Salt Lake City ordinances, it
can't bear on their decision to approve the ADU. Amy Barry stated that they are not allowed to
speculate legally. Nick Norris clarified that he believes they can since an illegal act occurring on
the property. Aimee Burrows state you are required to have a business license to do any rentals
and that owner occupied is one of the requirements of the ADU request. Nick Norris stated that
approval of the conditional use requires compliance with applicable codes. He also stated that if
there is an illegal use on the property, then you can require that use be terminated as part of the
approval or deny it. Amy Barry asked for clarification on that their role in a conditional use is to
mitigate detrimental impacts. She also asked if they wouldn't have to deny it but could approve
it with additional conditions. Nick Norris stated that with conditional use there is a set of approval
standards and then there is a list of detrimental impacts. The approval standards must be
complied with and one of the standards is that the use complies with the applicable provisions
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of the title. The use cannot comply if there is also an illegal use occurring on the property. The
illegal use on the property would have to cease to before approval of the conditional use.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked if there was a parking standard that would have to be
waived to approve the use. Nick Norris clarified that no it would not because the parking standard
requirement for ADU allows for on street parking in front of the house and doesn't require the
exciting home to come into appliance with the parking standards. Brenda Scheer asked if adding
an addition changes things. Nick Norris clarified that it wouldn't because it is based on the use
not the size of the home.
Commissioner Andres Paredes asked for clarification that if the ADU is denied, would the
applicant still be able to build the ADU just smaller in size. Nick Norris clarified that if the ADU is
denied he would not be able to establish a detached ADU on the property as proposed. Attached
ADUs are permitted within state code for all residential zoning districts.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on if this decision would become
permanent or if the applicant could submit another drawing and reapply. Nick Norris clarified that
the applicant would not be able to make a similar proposal for the time of one year. He also
stated that it might be beneficial to have a conversation with the applicant on his intent to
terminate the short-term rental.
Chairperson Amy Barry asked the applicant what his feelings are for terminating his short-term
rental. Kyle Muir stated that he just learned of his property being rented illegally and that he is
not familiar with all the requirements to legally rent it. He is willing to take the right steps to make
it a legal rental and that he does understand he must live on site to rent a ADU.
Commissioner Andra Ghent stated concerns that the applicant is not fully aware that short term
rentals are not permitted. Amy Barry stated that short term rentals are permitted longer than a
month and that the applicant will learn what the ordinance states with time.
Commissioner Andres Paredes stated that the applicant had mentioned he planned on living on
property. Aimee Burrows stated that living on the property is one issue and short-term rentals is
Chairperson Amy Barry explained the different ways they could present a motion.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked for clarification on if the applicant would need to come to
the planning commission to build his inline addition. Brooke Olson clarified that the special
exception is not required to be reviewed by the planning commission, but since the size of the
ADU is dependent on the inline addition being approved, they are being reviewed together.
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Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Adrienne Bell stated, Based on the information listed in the staff report,
the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that
the Commission approve the Conditional Use and Special Exception requests as
presented in petitions PLNPCM2021-00344 and PLNPCM2021-00345 with the conditions
listed in the staff report and the follow additional conditions that the applicant complies
with all city ordinances concerning the rental of the existing property.
Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Commissioners Jon Lee, Andres
Paredes, Maurine Bachman, Mike Christensen, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes".
Commissioners Andra Ghent, Adrienne Bell, and Brenda Scheer voted "no". The motion
The Commission took a five-minute break and reconvened at 7:35pm
2. ADU Conditional Use at approximately 1167 Sherman Avenue -The property owner, Jean
Arment is requesting conditional use approval for a 15-foot tall, 420-square-foot detached
accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that will be located in the northeast area of the rear yard at the
above stated address. The subject property located in the R-1/5,000 zoning district which
requires Conditional Use approval to construct and accessory dwelling unit. The subject property
is within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Diana Martinez at 801-
535-7215 or diana.martinez@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-00899
Principal Planner, Diana Martinez, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated
that Staff recommends approval of the application request.
The applicants Jean Arment and Fred Alldredge stated that they had no formal presentation.
Jean stated that their goal is similar to the neighborhoods initiative by staying in her home as
she ages and giving her son a place to stay when he is home for part of the year. Fred stated
that he tried to keep the design to fit the neighborhood. Jean addressed issues brought up from
neighbors about parking by stating that the parking will be the same as it is currently. Fred
Alldredge stated that there is no reason for Jean Arment to rent the ADU since her son will be in
and out of living there throughout the year.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated that there are public concerns for the ADU being close to
the property line. She asked the applicant why they didn't decide to move the whole ADU. Jean
Arment stated that she enjoys the view from out her back window and didn't want that to be
Salt Lake City Planning Commission January 12, 2022 Page 9
obstructed from the ADU. She also stated to her it seemed easier to just build off the wall that is
already standing.
Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing.
Levi Jackson stated that he is concerned with privacy issues since the door of the ADU is facing
his bedroom window.
Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing.
Fred Alldredge stated that the height of the ADU would be the same height as the garage is now.
He also stated that the door facing Levi's property would be the storage door and that the main
door would be facing West. The only window that faces the East is the bathroom window above
the sink.
Jean Arment stated that her son wouldn't be out of the ADU for six whole months in row, but
rather in and out of living in the property so that there wouldn't be any opportunity to rent out the
Commissioner Mike Christensen stated, Based on the information in the staff report, the
information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the
Commission approve the Arment Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)- Conditional Use
application PLNPCM2021-00899.
Commissioner Andra Ghent seconded the motion. Commissioners Brenda Scheer, Andra
Ghent, Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Maurine Bachman, Mike Christensen,
and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously.
3. ADU Conditional Use at approximately 529 East Sherman Avenue - Angela Wright, the
property owner, is requesting conditional use approval to establish an ADU above a detached
garage in the rear yard of her property located at approximately 529 East Sherman Avenue. The
subject property is zoned R-1-5,000 which requires Conditional Use approval to construct an
accessory dwelling unit. The property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin
Mano. (Staff contact: Caitlyn Tubbs at 801-535-7706 or caitlyn.tubbs@slcgov.com) Case
number PLNPCM2021-00969
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Principal Planner, Caitlyn Tubbs, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated
that Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the staff report.
The applicant Angela Wright stated that she had no formal presentation. She stated that she
intends on it being a long-term rental.
Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing.
Brita Manzo stated that she is in full support for the ADU.
Joseph Schmidtke stated his full support for the ADU.
Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing.
Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman stated, Based on the analysis and findings listed in
the staff report, information presented, and the input received during the public hearing,
I move that the Planning Commission approve the conditional use request to establish a
detached accessory dwelling unit located at approximately 529 East Sherman Avenue
(petition #PLNPCM2021-00969).
Commissioner Brenda Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Brenda Scheer,
Andra Ghent, Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Maurine Bachman, Mike
Christensen, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously.
4. Durango Bar Conditional Use at 919-923 South State Street- Pablo Hinojosa, the property
owner of Durango Bar, is requesting conditional use approval for a bar establishment located at
919-923 S. State Street. The property is zoned CC (Corridor Commercial), which requires a
conditional use application for a bar. The business was originally licensed as a tavern. The
subject property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact:
Meagan Booth at 801-535-7213 or meagan.booth@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-
Principal Planner, Meagan Booth, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated
that Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the staff report.
The applicant Pablo Hinojosa stated that he had no formal presentation. Pablo stated his goal
is to get approved for a liquor license.
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Chairperson Amy Barry asked for clarification on that Pablo Hinojosa's main goal is to change
the use for his business license. Meagan Booth clarified that it is correct, a conditional use is
required to switch the license from a tavern to a bar.
Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak she
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Andres Paredes asked if there was a parking requirement and where the parking
is currently located on the property. Meagan Booth stated that there is not a formal parking, that
it relies on street parking and shared parking with the neighbors. She also stated that the
applicant has had verbal conversations with Autozone and The Ocean Market. Parking has not
been an issue in the past as a tavern. The parking to the East belongs to the auto businesses
and is not used by the tavern.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification if they currently have a conditional use
permit to operate as a tavern and now are just looking to switch it to a bar. Meagan Booth stated
that they currently have a business license as a tavern, and they are applying with the DABC for
business license for a bar. Aimee Burrows asked if they are currently open and serving alcohol.
Meagan Booth clarified that yes, they are but limited to what the tavern allows which doesn't
allow liquor. The bar license would allow the selling of liquor. Aimee Burrows asked Amy Barry
if there is something they should be looking for with this process. Amy Barry stated that it is just
an administrative requirement when changing their business license. It becomes a conditional
use and must come before the planning commission. Aimee Burrows asked if staff had any
insight. Nick Norris stated that similar changes in business licenses have come before the
planning commission before and were approved.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked for clarification that no aspect of the building will be altered
or changed. Meagan Booth clarified that that is correct, no renovations are going to be made.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated, Based on the information listed in the staff report,
the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that
the Planning Commission approve the conditional use for the bar establishment with the
following conditions:
1. The applicant shall record a copy of the approved security and operations plan
with the Salt Lake City Recorder's office as required for alcohol-related uses.
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Commissioner Aimee Burrows seconded the motion. Commissioners Brenda Scheer,
Andra Ghent, Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Maurine Bachman, Mike
Christensen, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously.
5. Brix Design Review at approximately 241 West 400 South - A request by Maximilian
Coreth, representing High Boy Ventures, for Design Review approval for a multi-family building
located at the above stated address. The proposed 11-story building is 115 feet in height and
includes 144 units and 126 parking stalls. The applicant is requesting an additional 50 feet of
building height through the Design Review process. The project site is in the D-2 (Downtown
Support) zoning district, where 65 feet is the maximum building height permitted without Design
Review approval. The proposed project incorporates a public mid-block pedestrian walkway that
runs north-south along the western property line. The property is located within Council District
4, represented by Ana Valdemoros. (Staff contact: Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or
amanda.roman@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-00199
Principal Planner, Amanda Roman, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She
stated that Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the staff report.
Justin Heppler stated that he was the architect for the project. He shared a formal presentation
on the midblock walkway.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked where the vehicle access is to the building. Justin Heppler
stated that it is located on the South side of 400 South. Brenda Scheer asked if there is going to
be a curb cut on 400 South. Justin Heppler stated that there is currently a curb cut there that
they will be utilizing.
Commissioner Andres Paredes asked the applicant how many stalls will be in the parking
garage. Justin Heppler stated that they will have 126 which is over the requirement of 72.
Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing.
George Lyhnakis stated he has the property to the west of the building and is concerned with
the shared drive. He also stated concern of the shade the building will cast on his property.
Kara Cope stated that she has concern for the luxury apartment not offering condos or affordable
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Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing.
Justin Heppler stated that the building being on the East would cast shadows on George
Lyhnakis property in the morning.
Ian Percy stated that it is a shared easement currently and would be allowed to be used.
Chairperson Amy Barry asked for clarification that easement issues are a civil issue that would
have to be resolved through the property owners. Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson clarified that
that is correct.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows stated that this building would be taller than the new building
being built near it. Commissioner Adrienne Bell stated that this is an area of town in which they
encourage density and increased height makes sense.
Commissioner Andra Ghent moved to make an amendment to the motion to change clause three
of the recommendations to state "A public easement between Salt Lake City and the property
owner will be recorded on the property for the mid-block walkway.". Commissioner Mike
Christensen accepted the amendment.
Commissioner Mike Christensen stated, Based on the findings listed in the staff report,
the information presented, and input received during the public hearing, I move that the
Planning Commission approve the Design Review request (PLNPCM2021-00199) for the
project located at approximately 241 W 400 S, subject to complying with the conditions
listed in the staff report.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Brenda Scheer,
Andra Ghent, Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Maurine Bachman, Mike
Christensen, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously.
6. Homeless Resource Centers and Homeless Shelters Text Amendment - A proposal from
Mayor Erin Mendenhall to remove Homeless Resource Centers and Homeless Shelters from
the land use tables in the CG, D2, and D3 zoning districts. The purpose of this proposal is to
change the process for approving permanent homeless resource centers and homeless shelters
from the conditional use process to a zoning map process by establishing an overlay district for
the use. The Planning Commission will consider a proposed overlay district and standards for
homeless resource centers and homeless shelters at a later date. (Staff Contact: Nick Norris,
Planning Director at 801-535-6173 or nick.norris@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-
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Planning Director, Nick Norris, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that
Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward a positive recommendation to City Council.
Commissioner Andra Ghent asked for clarification on what will happen to existing homeless
service providers if this were to pass. Nick Norris clarified that existing homeless service
providers would not be affect by this and can still operate and in some cases expand. He also
stated that some homeless services are provided by religious institutions which have some
federal protections. Andra Ghent stated that public comments are very concerned by this and is
asking Nick Norris for clarification on if they are not understanding this. Nick Norris clarified that
he believes the public does understand what they are doing and their concerns for the approach
is reasonable.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on if they are just forwarding a positive
recommendation to city council. Nick Norris confirmed that that is correct. Aimee Burrows ask
for clarification if they are moving forward with all three steps. Nick Norris clarified that they are
only making a recommendation on step one. Aimee Burrows asked if there is a reinstatement
date for the homeless services if this were to move forward. Nick Norris clarified that there is no
reinstatement date and that is one of the risks. Aimee Burrows stated concerns for the chance
of extreme weather if this were to pass. Nick Norris stated that in those situations, City Council
can revoke those temporarily land use regulations. Aimee Burrows ask for clarification that this
is basically just removing the pressure of time. Nick Norris clarified that that is correct.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked Nick Norris if this would affect a permanent shelter, such
as Other Side Village. Nick Norris said it wouldn't affect them because they are part of a different
land use. Brenda Scheer asked if the YWCA could expand even though they are a shelter. Nick
Norris clarified that they are not classified as a shelter. Brenda Scheer stated that this isn't a
broad affect on the homeless. Nick Norris stated that there are a range of different types of uses
that provide housing. Brenda Scheer asked if Volunteers of America youth centers would qualify
as a homeless resource center. Nick Norris clarified that a homeless resource center is
essentially an emergence nightly shelter. It is a place where people can go on a nightly bases
to have a place to be. It is different then a detox center where you could be for weeks, months,
or longer.
Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing.
Amy Hawkins, chair of the Ballpark Community Council stated her strong support for the
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Chris Croswhite senior pastor and executive director of the Rescue Mission Salt Lake stated his
disapproval of the proposal.
Cindy Cromer stated her approval of the proposal.
Ilana Raskind stated her disapproval of the proposal.
Kara Cope stated her disapproval of the proposal.
Levy Woodruff stated her disapproval for the proposal.
Nigel Swaby stated his approval for the proposal.
Soren Simonsen stated his approval for the proposal.
Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing.
Chairperson Amy Barry stated that they are making a recommendation to City Council and that
there will be more opportunities to comment and participate on this issue when it is brought to
City Council.
Commissioner Andra Ghent stated that she doesn't believe she understands best practices
when it comes to homelessness. She stated she is uncomfortable without having a path forward.
She also stated concern for other cities not stepping forward. Jon Lee stated that he also
believes that there need to be a time constraint to move it forward. Aimee Burrows stated that
she believes they should be able to solve this issue within the original 180-day timer and is
concerned with not having a deadline. Adrienne Bell asked Nick Norris if there was ever a
thought to apply this to the CG zone. Nick Norris stated that the petition was initiated as it was
written. Andres Paredes stated there are not any other solid plans.
Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated different options for motions.
Commissioner Aimee Burrows stated, In regards to PLNPCM2021-01033 based on the
information presented and the public input received I move that the Planning Commission
forward a negative recommendation to the City Council to remove the uses of the land
use tables for homeless shelters and homeless resource centers.
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Commissioner Jon Lee seconded the motion. Commissioners Brenda Scheer, Andra
Ghent, Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Maurine Bachman, Mike Christensen,
and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". Andres Paredes voted "no". The motion passes.
The meeting adjourned at 10:02 PM.
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