1/19/2022 - Meeting Materials ,...... SLC IMIERHAIIUAL Advisory Board Meeting January 19, 2022 Agenda „pi... Sit INTERNATFINAL Advisory Board Meeting January 19, 2022 This meeting will be an electronic meeting pursuant to the attached written statement from Board Chair Steve Price. To access the meeting please visit: https://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4c6bb415d866a165e62a314dba4dbc70 I,J. Steven Price, Chair of The Salt Lake City Airport Advisory Board,hereby determine that conducting public meetings at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the anchor location.The decision to meet electronically without an anchor location follows a local increase in COVID-19 cases in the City and elsewhere and will be re-evaluated before the next Advisory Board meeting.The change in meeting attendance is a precautionary measure for the safety of the public and City employees based on the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control and the Salt Lake County Health Department.The Advisory Board will return with hybrid or in-person meetings when appropriate. Dated this 17 day of January 2022. J. Steven Price Chair, Salt Lake City Airport Advisory Board d0111' SiC IMTERMATII MAL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING AGENDA 19 January 2022 8:00 A.M. CONSENT A. Minutes of the 17 November 2021 Meeting DISCUSSION A. Director's Report — Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, SLCDA B. Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Update — Mike Williams, ARP Director, SLCDA C. Winter Operations — Treber Andersen, Director of Operations and Dusty Bills, Assistant Maintenance Director, SLCDA D. Election of Board Chair and Vice-Chair INFORMATION ITEMS Financial Report — November 2022 Air Traffic Statistics — November 2022 Construction Report — January 2022 MEDIA CLIPPINGS Media Clippings — January 2022 The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. Meetings are usually held in the Board Room unless otherwise posted. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodations no later than 48 hours in advance in order to attend this Airport Advisory Board Meeting. Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids. This is an accessible facility. For questions or additional information, please contact Tina Nee at 801-575-2042. ipb.. Sig INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting January 19, 2022 Minutes SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS MINUTES OF ADVISORY BOARD MEETING November 17, 2021 Members Present: Steve Price, Chair Cyndy Miller* Larry Pinnock* Theresa Foxley* Arlyn Bradshaw* Roger Boyer* Dirk Burton Mayor's Office: Rachel Otto* Department of Airports: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director Tina Nee, Administration Kevin Robins, Director of Engineering* Treber Anderson, Acting Director of Operations Ed Cherry, Director of IT * Ed Clayson, Director of Maintenance Shane Andreasen, Director Admin and Commercial Services Medardo Gomez, ORAT Director Brady Fredrickson, Director of Planning and Environmental Pete Higgins, Chief Operations Officer Mike Williams, ARP Program Director Stefhan Bennett, SLC Police Captain* Rick Stratton, SLCFD Battalion Chief* Nancy Volmer, Communication and Marketing Director Catherine Brabson, City Attorney* Megan DePaulis, City Attorney* Nate Lavin, Communication and Marketing Elenor Gomberg, Communication and Marketing Other: Andrew Scanlon, Kimley-Horn Paul Coates, City of West Jordan Brian Bangerter, HNTB Andy C Shawn Milne, Tooele County David Chipman Jurphy Murphy Jeremy Harris, KUTV Jim Lohse, FFKR Steve Price called the meeting, held in-person at the SLCDA Admin Offices Board Room and via Web-Ex to order at 8:07 a.m. (* indicates the party attended virtually) Airport Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 17 November 2021 AGENDA A. Minutes A motion was made by Mayor Dirk Burton and seconded by Cyndy Miller to approve the minutes of October 20, 2021 as presented. All votes were affirmative; motion passed. B. Director's Report Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, updated the Airport Advisory Board regarding current events. Bill Wyatt provided a brief update on passenger volumes and mobility, financial position, air service development, and construction. Larry Pinnock asked for continued updates to the board regarding customer complaints and other issues. Bill Wyatt indicated if board members receive requests/complaints they can't answer to, to please email for help. A report will be provided at the next meeting. Larry Pinnock asked for an update on the central tunnel and how that is being communicated to passengers. Bill Wyatt explained the newsletter, "Volmer Vision", news reports and advertising processes. Mayor Dirk Burton asked if bike racks were added to the UTA platform. The team indicated that they were and took Mayor Burton to see them after the meeting. Steve Price asked how many employees are at the airport. Bill Wyatt indicated there are about 17,000 badge employees with a projection of 20,000 by 2024. C. Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Update—Mike Williams,ARP Director, SLCDA Mike Williams, Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP)Director, presented an update on the ARP (presentation on file). Main points included were: • Project statistics • Safety and Schedule Stats, and Cost Summary • Project statistics • CGMP #5 —Terminal/South Concourse West/Gateway status • CGMP #6—Roadways/Parking Garage/Central Utility Plant status • CGMP #7—Baggage Handling System status • CGMP #9A— SCW Apron Paving and Hydrant Fueling status 2 Airport Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 17 November 2021 • CGMP #16—NCP Phase 1 • CGMP #17—NCP Baggage Handling System Phases 1 &2 status • CGMP #18—NCP Apron Paving/Hydrant Fueling • Tracking Budget • Job progress photos Mayor Dirk Burton asked for the numbers were for local vs. out of state contractors; merit shops vs. out of state unions. Mike Williams indicated he would send the information to the board after the meeting. D. Preliminary Budget Briefing—Brian Butler, Finance Director Brian Butler, Finance Director,presented a Preliminary Budget Briefing (presentation on file). Main points included were: • FY2023 Budget Goals and Objectives—Budget Drivers • FY2023 Budget Key Dates • What Drives the Budget?—Enplanements, Landed Weights, Airline Use Agreement, and the Plan of Finance Cyndy Miller recommended a Finance Subcommittee Meeting in February. Mayor Dirk Burton asked if landing weight is more of a benefit to the airlines. Brian Butler explained the total cost of airfield expenses, regardless of actual weight. E. Concessions Program Update—Shane Andreasen, Director of Administration and Commercial Services Shane Andreasen, Director of Administration and Commercial Services provided an update to the Concessions Program (presentation on file). Main points included were: • Performance • Open and Operating • Under Construction and Design Review/Permitting • Phase II Request for Proposals There were no questions for Shane Andreasen. Bill Wyatt provided a brief update to the Unruly Passenger situation. Tye Hoffman asked why fines could not be given when they disembark. Bill Wyatt explained how an individual needed to press charges for fines to be incurred. 3 Airport Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 17 November 2021 Therese Foxley added the Wall Street Journal provided an excellent article and felt SLCDA is providing a good stance to the situation. F. Nominations of Board Chair and Vice-Chair Steve Price opened the floor for nominations for Chair. Cyndy Miller nominated Steve Price as Airport Advisory Board Chair for 2022. A motion was made by Larry Pinnock and seconded by Mayor Dirk Burton that nominations for Board Chair be closed. All votes were affirmative; motion passed. Steve Price opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chair. Cyndy Miller nominated Theresa Foxley as Airport Advisory Board Vice-Chair for 2022. A motion was made by Larry Pinnock and seconded by Roger Boyer that nominations or Board Vice-Chair be closed. All votes were affirmative; motion passed. Voting by acclamation will be conducted at the January Advisory Board meeting, scheduled for 19 January 2022. Steve Price adjourned the meeting at 9:33 a.m. Steve Price, Chair Date Erin Mendenhall, Mayor Date 4 SLC INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting January 19, 2022 Discussion Items AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (A) DATE: 19 January 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Executive Director's Report Bill Wyatt will present a monthly informational report to the Board, which may include: 1. ARP progress 2. Ground transportation update 3. Concessions and rental cars 4. Airport safety and security 5. Airport facilities and operations 6. General aviation 7. Passenger and airport users 8. Environmental matters 9. Financial condition 10. Legislative issues 11. Airlines 12. Communications and marketing AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (B) DATE: 19 January 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Airport Redevelopment Program Update Mike Williams, Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Director, will present an update on the SLC Airport Redevelopment Program (presentation on file). y # NW • • • • • • rtr .�.. . 5 t ..-40441„ . 1__....4 .._ ,----,-„ki.,.. *,„, . ---7----- --777r -.-.41(ff.'... ..„.. L i , ........__......____ ...._ , I _______ _. 1 ,_ . , ...,- - r -. . . - __ -,... ,,_. . , . - A . 16" -- 411 .., . .. . 1 . • iv; .,__, si .. I Am. . ..,- ,,. gir W. v , LopmEN • ya --__. 1.. _..z.. .-:. 4, . _., „ . ._:_. ..._ ._,__ . ...„...„,„ ..... ___ .... will Rm._ .__;,. _ .. _ . . .. , ,. . ' _'''AIM VEINS I /---.sio..-- ' ��r- _- , i . Q �,�C01 /19/2022 � _ _ „,; I � i • u. C . �' ; - - . . .- " - ^ram --„,-\i,.. . .� . - _ �•• _ - 1 s ♦ I _•.gyp I Ow PI IR • 7.-- 1 A. Ores. _.• . „.. -00.r.-4.0i IP • ...... • tiff•• ♦ ,`�• .� _a- • r • i-. '� / - +,' fir- • l - - •• " • �=' x �s.aii' c: • _Ii.... >'A4:ic 'rnf ,. -d `a. , , Safety and ScheduleSLC k ,Safety Statistics MI IP Numbers for the Current Month }, - OSHA National Ayzage - - - - - Lost Time Rare1 .80 Recordable Rate 3.10 - - in - HDJV Metrics - 9,048,320 Total Trade Hours worked - Lost Time Rate 0.24 Recordable Rate 2.29 w.. Numbers for the Program Overall - - ARP Metrics (HDJV+AOJV) F - 4 . _ _411P iii*--' aI. �.,��A ! J y i.. — 11miN ,209,354 Total Trade ours worked F. , -*. # ; - - '1. it gm 7- , , edule Status - C tical PathIhispipEr: .� 7 - -1r "tIsailliMI -ill AI 11 fl • ntinua ion oncourse ' ' RN i; . . ' • • . { _ ill. — ri-�� -- G "� •�y { F'� ... w . + • �- �: f Continuation of Concourse A' -E ' Ov rhea ill� st ations • , - : Completion of Taxiway ' 01 Concrete Paving ' f- -_ - . - ' . , rokiliAL- `- -- . - Completion of Central Tunnel Waterproofing and Backfil - - Overall Program is on schedule - r Near Term Schedule Milestones SiC Target Date Current Date Description ;MI IP p v' 01/10/22 01/10/22 Concourse B East Start Apron Paving Demo U . 01/10/22 01/10/22 Central Tunnel Place Area G2 Bottom Mat Slab 01/14/22 01/14/22 Concourse A East Area B Dry-in 01/17/22 01/17/22 Concourse A East Baggage Installation Area B _ 01/25/22 01/25/22 Central Tunnel Area G Pour 2,3 Install Steel Columns - - - .r.P. AE., 01/27/22 01/27/22 Concourse A East Install Area A Level 3 Mechanical Room Equipment ! % - � r` 02/28/22 02/28/22 Concourse A East Area C Dry-i I I . . _.. 4 * - LI _ I II -- 03/02/22 03/02/22 Concourse A East Area A Level 2 Start Drywall • f _ 03/14/22 03/14/22 Taxiway G South Punchlist 04/01/22 04/01/22 Concourse A East Start Terrazzo Area A Level 2 Airport Redevelopment Program Overall Budget - _________ __ _ _ - .. Construction Budget Budget Committed Commitments *Pending Revised Earned Estimate at 1... December2021 1/13/22 FOC Nov-21 Dec-21 Commitments Commitments to Date Completion ` ni '11 Closed TRP CGMPs 1,2,2A-20,3,4,9,09A,12 $394,334,804 $400,284,798 $0 ($5,949,994) $394,334,804 $393,627,123 $394,334,804 r Closed NCP CGMPs 13,14„15,16,17,18& 19 $487,882,444 $487,852,444 $0 $0 $487,852,444 :7,852,444 $457,882,444 CGMP 2E,F&H CMA rainfall Conditions/Services $p07.642M° 4 $50,309,279 $50`160,1191 $0 1 $ 10 170 - $107,642,170 J. Iri II II CGMP 05 Terminal/SCW/Gateway $1,042,507,452 $1,C42,70,036 $0 - ($162,584) ,452 $1,42,104,391 $1,042.5070452 CGMP 06 Parking Garage, Roadways, CUP $403,477,666 $405,856, - $O ($2,378,773) $403.477,466 $400,954,395 $403,477,666 CGMP 07 TRP Baggage Handling System $96,289,987 $96,289,987 I $0 1 $0 $96,289,987 $96,289,987 $96,289,987 CGMP 10 South Concourse East/Tunnel Shell $540•188,144 $540,188444 $0 $0 $540,188,144 $233,865,224 $540,188,144 CGMP 11, 11 A & 11 B Apron Paving & Fueling $275,423,126 $203,341,893 $0 $0 $203,341,893 $92,343,390 $275,423,126 iiii ill CGMP 19A Phase 3 NCP/Tunnel Buildout $332,870,248 $58,900,309 $273,959,939 $0 $332,870,248 $1,929,103 $332,870,248 CGMP JD NC!Phase 2 Airfield Paving&Jet Fuel, $77,645,774 $77,545,774 $0 $0 1 $77,545,774 $231,1441 $77,645,774 Total Program Construction $3,758,261,815-4 $3,363,339,103 $324,0 ,830 ($8,491,351) $3,678,918,582 $2,769,983,306 $3,758,261,815 . TRP Owner Pr meet .. $5,4465,472' $5,335,714 -' 4 - $0 $5,335,714 $4,808,421 $5,465,472 ih. - - - I NCP Owner Procurement .,, $2,555,266 $2,655,266 -, _ $0 $0 $2,655,266 $1,860,182 $2,655,266 R I 5 point Equipment -- '� , $12,751,472 $11,751,472 f' / $11,751,472 $7,848,061 $12,751,472 # r - ,7 t ed Security Exit Door Equipmen _ _ !$672,000' $0 $0 --$0 $0 $0 $ I lu $3 $305,375,062 ' + rt 7 ¢j - 1� 722,812 $285,335,921 $379,256,065 _ _ NCP Soft Cos 85 $128,630,172 F = ', $0 ,412 $96,687,038 $185,593,794 et _ _ . . I • ,-f'+ •- Total Program So • Coat " 394,069 -$453,74 86 1,349,9 0 ' $0 r$455,097,676 $396,5391623 $586,394 9 ' J * -•. CGMP 2G CMAR Preconstruction Phase 4 ; I" _ • 14,757 14,757 ■ - $0 $0 $1,414,757 511.0369 $1,414;757 I • lip - • II � NCP Soft Cost Phase 4 ,840,094 $12,385,438 $2,954,6%6 i $0 $15,840,094 $85436 $15,840,094 ; , i'. . Total Phase 4 Planning Cost $17,254,851 $14,300,195 $2,954,656 $0 $17,254,851 $1,014,205 I $17,254,851 TRP Owner Reserve $38,924,662 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,924,662 NCP Owner Reserve $51,137,665 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,137,665 - r Total Program Owner Reserve $90,062,327 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $90,062,327 Total ARP Program Budget $4,451,973,062 $3,831,386,984 $328,375,476 ($8,491,351) $4,151,271,109 $3,167,537,134 $4,451,973,062 *Pending Commitments for Final/Closeout Revisions to CGMPs 5, 6, 09A& 12 will reduce the CGMPs values/commitments to the 09/02/21 Budget 400._,..-- Project Statistics Update SLCTRP/NCP Trade Staffing Trade Workers 510 (01/07/2022) _ 11 ,209,354 Hours Worked as of 12/31/2021 ,v• . 4.-'11TWI - ' f . —iiii— —AMMO IIITMIIIP 11=ME - in n • Contract Local/Non-Local Awarded Statistics Local Trades Dollar Value Trade Count ' Percentage Liii Total Local (Wasatch Front) Contractors $1 ,538,140,821 142 66.49% t; Total Out of State Con ._ , - % - ••-0- 7.5,4 - w� - 36 33.51% �_ - I .J. • _ f Al .... - - Total Contract Awards .t. .. $2,313,274,288 . ,' Jar � 100.00% ill I% „•. .;4:11.4.- • __ ...ilic I - - -SEA--- _ Ale Contract Union/Merit Shop Awarded Statistics ti -- I.' ;4 -4.., L. % - Union Tradesr ,, Dollar Value -Trade Count Percentage :L - 1 igf,, it , — Total Union Contractors $771 ,349,699 43 33.34% .- r Total Merit Shop Contractors $1 ,541 ,924,589 135 66.66% IMIT Total Contract Awards $2,313,274,288 178 100.00% , , ,. Concourse 'A' East/ Central Tunnel/Airfield SLC k .: 1i central Tunnel Concrete Structure • Concrete Mat (Bottom) Slab Concrete Placement Contin . " ` "8" . , • Lid Concrete Placement Continuing _ " ° * • Wall Waterproofing and Protection Board Continuing • Wall Backfill Progressing ligp i_____ course 'A' East � . �- �-�- ,� -� - �; -, - - �• Elevated Concre eSlab � I - - � - ant Compl - - , _ , 71-- 4 ,. ) chanic�il , Electrical and Plumbing Reugh-in Progr '�S,, ink .t,ancet, ' ' ti� = aggage Handling System Cofw - � � i : - � .-. I ration CoIii1ngn '�' " •�` � pray-on Insulation _ i d F. r €roof. n . c� tiiiui1 • .- . - , :j 7.- . . ,, i, Exterior Studs, Sh - ' 1- � "ng and Vapor ' ' ie�� r ; :� -�� - � � ` �-, � 'yf. xterior Curtainwall nstallation Continuing ' y Concourse 'A' East/ Central Tunnel/Airfield sLc _ k ,,,,,.1 _ _____ Airfield , • Site Utilities Progressing ' . . f • Utility Tie-in at Conco-urse 'A' East Ccrainifing •- in III II • Hydrant Fuel System Pipe and Fuel Vault Installation Progressing Li •, Airfield Trench, 1 , ._,. ,..' . _____ . ,__ at East Side of Concourse 'A' East Cont. ri .. `R �� . - 4 .A101. F. 16. — JIB F I i e -'. ilir ff.* # - w , I- ii 1 1: 11 li , WI. • 1.1.0 tiii.0.14-106.40 . . -d a JI , - P I lolf . -Jf {"' - 'I f. .� , L i 1, '� +w E'I - • , 0 " • .' ' IIMIN.4.4 11% .- • . ' • - .:.. - CI - I .,.. ItIOONAPILI -- - — — — — - -_ �— — ■ — ..___ _, , Concourse ` B ' East ( Phase 3 ) SLC k .: 1,, Phase 3 (Concourse 'B' East 8 Gate) Procurement N MI IP } • CGMP 20 for Apron Paving encFApproved - CGM • 1 -- n n value is $4 million under the Estimate and the $4 million ha been returned to Owner Reserve 111 Li. CGMP 19A for Building Trades Approved 12/16/2021 - CGMP 1. NTE value is $ 14.5 million under the Estimate and the $ 1 ! _ _ Tb-t.**7millikan..has been - to ned to Ownrve, , PPO7191111_r=d7T7 , ,stiiiWU _ ;4:10t/ifigiiiiiiforvi rillti,--,- F -. _ Ale - -1-4111111111.11.11-7 _, IP .4- - alhis- 1 , .7rd . --_ :pit ,i1 - ase Con .• -__. . � - ' ��� ast) , g on - 4,,_ 2 i . 1 - I 1 , ;91,. Sta d i • . . z t -- f- - . = t Demo 10/20 --7 - - -: 1* .-' , . . __ _ i....-,r, , Phase 4 ( Concourse ` B ' East 16 Gate) Design SLC - k ,,,,,, atirmli. Concirse 'B' East 16 Gate Design ,li. % -rt VW.* f • Schematic Design Completed and Issued 12/20/2021 5 • Schematic Design Estimate underway - Issue 2/16/2022 Design Develo • ment underway - Target Completion June 202 4 & g. i A! yam I Li ill y - _ - r 3 I , p-' ilir Or - 4 _ �r - 0:-Er %Amin] ...1 lfrli .44 w_._ . , I ��, • #rat# J' # lllir. - y` ' f 1 f , �, .' - f .. -t el ,-,ir4. ri i . . _rr.0 2: � 1f. . i t .r. S u 1 ---' ? ‘. 11,r - .I mi.--1- 1111r 11- 1 1 i91,. - -_ �- - .....000. __,..........3/4„ Overall Phase 2 and Phase 3 Phased DeliveryI . __ _ . 111•2 D.� WV ..e1 Yet _ pv. Baggage Make-up BUS PICK UP FOR f HARDSTANDS (B21) Operational May 2024 Ft ?3 35 B7 B9 611 B13 815 B11 819 823 825 127 829 __ II • II �t -- '" --- —= 46 CURRENT GATES OPEN 8 ( -'1 I _ I, r 1 I -I i1 11 it r �J 1- 1'I- � � +- • � . f • e /AIT111110v‘. 111 � - � � �\ \ A vi ) ) `' N �'�11 T 1 i.i ) iIL_ GATES OPEN SPRING, C_>F 202.j —_) ,, \ ‘ a CONCOUR ONCOUt B EASJ 1s GATES OPEN FALL OF 2023 L m l i ' _ $ • GATES OPEN FALL OF 2024 I .•, I , :, '{ '- ) �, ' I 'ill 1 _ ' —J L-I - 7.�,�,l. —a —u_ - l l i`' •'I - r ,st. 4. --+ ;. �� - J - __..? -' � GATES c_>PEN FALL OF 2025 - - B2 B4 BB N 1 B10 812 B14 B16 1 B18 B20 B2 B24 I B26 B28 830 B32 1 High Speed BHS Conveyor TAXILANE TO OPEN * # , , CENTRAL TUNNEL -*nip-- , • Operational May 2024 OPENING OCT 2024 DEC 2022 k i 1 111 _ , _ _�1 fel. i viii . , A19 A21A Al A3 AS Al A9 All , A13 A15 All A19 A21 A23 A25 11j A27 A29 A31 A33 A35 A37 A39 M1 A43 A45 A47 } f k( cv ' I � :n II I � .i1-I: Iry : le - I d 1— 1. 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M -, II 0. •' • I ir °•'.::Sit'ii. : ).: ---_, At% \L-- if- - 1 f'' - • 1!� 4_ T r — AX BD/ 4Y ® l►\r i f 834 I 636 1B38 1 �2 B73-10MAX B73 7-,o0 I 6131.1 8737.10MAX B737.10 8737-1)MAX 8737.10MAX 6137-10MAX A321NE0 1 � � • A321N 0 A321NE0 A321NE01 A32/NE0 A321NE0 A321NE0 A321NE0 ` . _ 1 • I co I — •• 1 • i i • onB34A I !B40A A350-900 A350-900 ADC-V TAXILANE ....._ ...... , , Phase 2 Phase 3 and Phase 4 Gate DeliverysLc _ kmail . .._ • _ _.... .... NORTH CENTRAL TUNNEL 92 ACTIVE GATES JAN 2027 STARTS CONSTRUCTION Am GATES B21 & B23 CLOSE ~ LI FOR CONST C)F THE TUNNEL _ I. 39 '' _ , B15 317 B19 825 B27 B29 B31 B33 835 B37 B39 -1341 B43 845 °�B CL--11-'--L' ...', - -,. 'A' -- - 'I I. - - k ,-/: . ..- - 111=111= , ,. - 4(.4 ip...S .%4 6 ." 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U _ Aa A26 A28 A30 A32 A34 A36 A38 MO A42 A44 ji - TERMINAL „------/------- i r-- East Apron Paving SLC • �- i - __! mom''``' _ 6. . .i..-+-1 . .�a -_ _. `- .4 -� — -__ _ __ _ • - _-aa�.�.c _ ._ - - - �� - �s {,r . - _ .. _--- - '-m.- - — ` -- 1.___sue i*a�P.�t YFiV,•=- -- . •a Ram --*mar }�-� --5 7is' .•.�{--�'4'" ..,�'w t - ` _ i 9 map ,..g.14.kaii-,s:�►. _ ,_mom` w "- _ - — "`------.4er." ,-; -' - - - - ---•=4.1,„- - -41P--: . it 1 \ . • — 4..k.- `,,.. ,_ 1;ik 'r.-=-,:rfr• Ali � 'F _ - iZ=� a4 :ice • .,., w �. ,III y_ cep- k T l` t >'J r' I/ I-..oi l:-IL:..;.,.. iaLsij p 1 te ., . ., ,.... 1, . - Allr iii Id" POilifi .-; ' 1:"..144,_./1, ' . 4: ,_ ,\\, 1 \ ,) .. ... • _ , _, \ ... 14$644 / \ y ll,. r` y .ems / a� �� . \\\\\ isiiii,),---- tle, -- .il..„,„, , - ..41- =--X.0"--lir - • � ' - T7 * ' i.-� �. . .h 1 fS 1111" AP j �t , — �r .�`.. .Y Y 13 F l T . 1 2E Looking West _ SLC .... . ... ,... •• _ .."- - _ _ _ .,- ,_, - - - ...,....7...... ._, • •• . --•• --,..--'""it/ •.. . - ''''''' - _ ......-....•i„ -. - - .. 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'I' . ... 1 . .- A... ... ... ---- -' 7 % ' ..... _ . 411.11411, . .,-N...1_. \,.., _//. \ - _ . . _ . . leirer'"` - '11P . , -4° .- ''dr- --- .a. -...IM , A ,...... - t -...... .... 4"44 .... 't \ .... .4,7 jt• __ - %.,, ......itrox.._7:,v.„, At' ' .• • - \ -..z ..... : • . , ' '‘.4"-• . ..'' 11/4%r• ..-..3,,...- .... il '. '....7, - _-e.lit • '1 ' N- ' '' '77 1 ... .-___ .,. _ . ., 0 . - - le / • ., //Cr , „ 'J..... ' ./ ._ . . , . _ . _ 2 11414116'`11111111, "7. - '- , .v-17jrie. \ , 5, I / • ., _........ a _ -,-....-. - , -. , MLISINE• ' `...i ,, Concourse `A' East SLC .. ... . __________ ,\_-___. - 1... ,. - - - 41P. % '.1 .11C- . -... 7...0-- -. . - - - -E 1 1 ''') r ) - b..ii- . i ,,,; __ ___,T , , .. ,. .... .... .. . . ..! . . „___ .....„ '6 .,,,.. . IF - ! . . • .�• ..r • . . \ �\ \..\ \..\ \.�\ . •\.•\�• •11\♦,� \.'\. �. %. \ • •ti ..I. \ j* ` .. iii-rj.---4e ii. . ..0 i . ,..„,,,..\\,,, .%v., , . . .. • , . _ .,N.‘,...„, . . ■r`N I ... =r } .� I - P - �� '0k 3 1 1 1 7 0 y , ,\\\ 4• F 1 4 1 R..•. 7 . I. v r �� i _ • J�. l - a ; - t .- -. - -- -. _ rid. - " i L. .. • - -- • Area B Glazing north Area B Glazing north 1w w.. - ,1•.„:--.,„...1,„....:„:.:,- :,,:.-‘•\:... :,.. =t k _ ..,,4 ham. } ' �_ ��,s .\ \\ \ ~\\\\•:..,.„..„,„,-,.1. •-1 \ 7,..s. — * ! : 1 — Area A Metal Panels South Area C Exterior Sheathing 15 .. ....-- Concourse `A' East SLC /0 `a . ''. '"--.. t#,4 .. ' . - ' -i-e,::..•'-./_/1A.c_,AI,I 4'E.'-..-1i, • I. _ 11. JI- ll 1 N - ;Pio r tc►. ill -Mail is 111 ��+ •NN...NNNNNNN... 1 i I - 01111(11.-- . • ` - `. - �.,: 1 _ �- w, 1 Ck - ¢. Wil Illir.- gill-i li ' .- --."*tti• Area C Level 1 Interior Stud Framing Area D Level 1 Spray Insulation 11. , ,., \,\ . . i I I. I : ' '' ' -------- ire. _N._l - MIIIMumw_t - - ,, LI .: , _____________L___________4_ _ '4 - ..°1111111111. I 't..: :77Ectivt : - ` N �{I.i � f J T�f' �FI __ I i �� art i 4 4 0. f: .: ar_ I ; 1 1 , f7 . __ ,- te- ` Area E Level 1 Baggage Conveyor Area F (End of Building) Egress Stair 16 Central Tunnel SLC .--............., ___,_, l _ --¢_rn- - : =CGY _=.!,-__._Z_,= — 1=*�� t 'h' ''cif ` 1 i Yl..._ irk!_ - r+ser�.+sa _" w? - 2 J + 3;4 �'h � ,. _1=. c�� - f L T-c /� - ../ ,-H/1.l 11Nw _ . „— _ _= _ !p $t_it _ \ .- Ail. c"ce . tee�� -- �'� a- J4L — --+._ = � � _ 71:73:cceci -LI:-7---' - s:7-1L..-- ••-.• ,•-• - • Z"..Z.Iii 7111V- -. 7 iii.- 7.. ' .' i#14 NILi - ` - ,� wow Lid Rebar and Formwork Lid Waterproofing 4. .\.is 4.1ir‘- .7 • .,. i-:i;1: 1. .--7-- .i.i.k.- - ' \, * . a • . Yi 1 ..,-1_-__.;--i-1'-:- 1: 7-: .::1:0; ,... tt i.-- • r _ `��i{�r .Y. 1 i�k��:, ,�!�1f�1 ii,;�l �� Ili 1; 1\- ulhto :: ,_ '.._ ___ _ , sk.' IPt ,_ /��� I I r.� •. t)- tom t �._ Yifr i:-...-.-_-7-.- v-----4, ;'.,i i ins'1 Ai • ----------________44x., 17 Wall Formwork APM Cell Looking North AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (C) DATE: 19 January 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Winter Operations Presentation Treber Andersen, Airport Director of Operations and Dusty Bills, Assistant Maintenance Director will present on Winter Operations (presentation on file.) y # NW • • • • r _r.- - - — — -• - .--T4.._�-=-..�.....-:mow..._ _ . _.-. 2-11.• ••••••...y SI. . _._ . .., .. . ... .. ______ . ..._... . _ • ,... .. _ ,, , •.__ _ _ _ 5 t ___ 2 --":*91 _- ,... ......./-4:-^ -. 116.clillk I .1 1 , _ _--, ..I. a- , Mr _ ___ _ ___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,.........._ _ 1�' rNr r -.. -‘ 1.,.... - L. .. ,.............. _ i„,w, ....,. ____ . ...... k.,- - r -. . . - _. __ • ,._. - . , , . __,_,. . . . . . — ir \ 7r.." ,, ER 0... _ E RAT ' • 1 _ .........-. - - , „____...,.. _.;..... .:. .... .. . . ...._ ..... ......_ ., ..... _.__ .... .. ...- -._-___ . .. . _. ._ . - . .... _ .. _ . . .. / _ .‘ ...... 'OP' , ram` ir+ 7` .1 L ` 13t � rlir �c I lgu i ..q. 1 MP' \ . r Jill ~I ^�- 4 - -__ .-� 1uut , -am , �, i � ;ter. • _ • -00.r.-40, IP -- . , .r ' / - +,' fir' • l - • " • •��' x �s.aii' c: • _fir.... ‘'A4..k.t 'r 4 ,. -d .. `a. , Average Snowfall. . in Inches - Select airports 1991 to 2020 SLC _ k --e, , .... ... ANC '\,_, 7\ pip- • 41-,41riki ii- h ,ff 7, — -) / in II . ,-% --- 5----------- Eft (-,,,---\J6.3 ,, — —11111117r- 410) 1 , Li si 1 1 BO I ii_ 51 17 _ ------ _ __ II_ 1 .2 1 1 , , BUF JF_!<-,. • _I) DTW411,95.4 1111 -_ ___ ., • _ * .., . .• ( 5 1 •9 I DEN , , wAggliall.. 9 CI IP 9P.-........ , 49.0 18.2 _,, 13.7 i .9kr_r_1:,..70,7-a.i -r4itk- 4 jeL•',s.._:.:-l_________.__—::,\ i I 1 1 11 fel. • ("kid , I ' -- i L i - - - • A 1 . , . 1 \\ATL 7 • . _ fc. .1 1 - 1 i . 2.2 • , L C.-.,.DFW _. .• _, , 1 .7 .,- _ —.._= -- — _ — NJ I- Annual Snowfall Salt Lake City III ..__ , 80 Snowfall (Inches) 70 68.4 69.9 60 50.3 50 46.3 # - 42. 1 43.9 1 Id i n• iii _ 29 30 I". ii I ff-1 40 ii wag - a I,1-a _ — RN le gra ?NM :_[..7777 "t'illrilMI -._ 7 -- — ----...• -AT rl,--- - . P.M.6- 4 NM . i-a, il. a a -- 1.° PC I - . Pr: -I 71 dil - 1 1 i91,. II- .„), i 7 ii r;i. ' ii i i'. 1, _,_ . .„ 2 '`' 1 I — 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012- 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 YTD • Average Season Snowfall 51 .9" ........ Snow n lControl Plan - Required by FAAa d ce Must include procedures for : • Prompt Removal of Snow, Ice, and Slush • Application of Chemicals for Snow and Ice Control , ._ ,::_ - t pp :, :_ • Positioning of Snowbanks or Drifts Away from ` �� - �-� _ � - - Aircraft Movement Areas • Prompt Notification to Airport Users on Pavement Conditions _ - . illirr _ r 381331 , i 4" 4 4:3T 4 -A ,,,... , ___:j 6 c---‘ I \ r ..__- ,orr, AirportRemovalAreas SLC , . .. . 1 ,. ( ,_______ oc , , __, ,___ .., (---- —\ � � 58 , 951 , 551 ,_, /lid ), G , -... 1 or _........4 a /I II r 1 ■ 353 /\crs �� is ' Nol - - - - � � o E ofPaviunt_ � - = - - ill - - -I. L _ __ , / I L__:)_4:Lt-' __—,--r- , V.1 ql -) (- b1( ) 1M , -H , 1 ISIII LEGEND AREA ACRE it, . APRON 18,380,713.95 421 ,96 / .1 \ / Ili 41140(11, 1 DEI I NG PAD 4,334,43 _81 . . IML ROAD/PAR I 1 15,544,675_81 5 ,8 — • RUNWAY6,774, 49.66 13 _6{ 1 "In imirici � , lit lti �1= Q TA X MAY ■ ..... SnowRemovalTeam k , JI.M FullyStd Team of Equipment Operators „,,. 1.1 1 _ _ ..0, _ _ Per 12 Hour Shift : . _~ _ ,,-.'4 -. io.n dfro r- I, 1l° / ;• N r7.-‘,- ,:::1:9•-' ''''''':',7 ,';‘.il\'''"\l': ' - .:;,,,, 1 :9 I: ..--F ' .. . - -11,:,. - , e _ 11111.1 - -41111111r— .-.'r.:. .14 Add itionSu port Staffing Incde , * �� • ,, :4 Fleet MechanicsA "."...1.100°1 t ir-Adikr- cvirr:t CrrrárTs11P- (Shit H a uTi rig _a I .• 0 �' I. peratio f Personnel , p ' 1 � . �� ,• : T�1 -`- - ', rye'f .,y y j -sr -- Airfie i -- lectricians - ,-.� _ . t +r{. T��• = .Y �r 1 - i.w — s- — ~ f - . .- .rh tits _ ice` i t1\ • .._ . •..�1 iik ' 4 t 't ,i, ,POPI .. „ __• „...0„.. ___ _ . . . ._ _ _ ._ ___,..____, .._, ._....,,_,„_;,....,._._ ._•_,. ____ . „....______ _ : . �- - - " '` _ ___ , ___,_,..,,......___ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ . . - Airfieldnw n Ice RemovalEquipment o a SLC Runway/TaxiwayEquipment iw • Runway Plows and Brooms -� • Snow Blowers K 1 _ - ' 5 �• Liquid/Solid Deice Dispensers - � = . s; 1s3; ' _� • Sand Dispensers ! .6; . - • ` ,. 3251,14prsepower Plow RampEquipment with i • - Blade and 22' Wide _ • Front End Loaders • - �� r - ll ! A 'Fa II - . tit c,0 i-_______ ,, 4 lopiew i 4 - 375 Horsepower Front End Loader -,------------ --- - 350 Horsepower Snow Blower with 30' Plow - 6,500 Tons an Hour „me; , AirfieldIce RemovalEquipment 111 . -2,-t Potassium Acetate ( E36) — ,1 k, ifl ' - - _ .., . • Liquid Anti - icer and Deicer : - , . �� _ ,.. .. _._ ,, f� ® .. Ill no .. • Prevents Adhesion of Ice and Snow to the Pavement K • Effective to -25° F , , ihmr — ' - 4,000 Gallon Liquid Deice Truck = with 75' Wide Spray Boom s . ■ y plow7-•••• ....... , .. _ ”! • ' 4-Potassium Acetate Usage - R # ; 450,000i i 1 ~_ -ifr1 I = - - • • • 80 i _ • f52670 70 •,.. !. IMIi i o 400,000 - iiriifii..:,. i# ` , l .337676 -' - 350,000 �.- T �' - _ — r - 60 - c� 300,000 , t l�l Iw - 50 - ' 117- ' p 250,000 � c ; 241 QZ_. s.T.,.. - - t ': 200,000 ` ,. U i f ' ' 145,000 - - - �� , 4 720 30 - ' ii 0 150,000 , . - . ,t , — .� �, 20 , 100,000 53,476 5' . ' s 1 50,000 10 0 0 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 YTD - Potassium Acetate (Gallons) —Snowfall (Inches) Airfield S and Ice Removal Equipment 1 FAA Approved Solid Deice Chemicals a . • NAAC NAAF Ice Care . -_ f �f : • • '-Effective to 0° F - - . -.,...,. .�..,. ~ ' ..'a^-_-tic d. S FAA Approve AIrfleld Sji _ 12 Yard Sand and Solid Deice Truck _ = with 50' Spreader i rt ior _4., _ea_Altili _ z-----.:,,,:-.----:-.7,--:--7-L.----771 ----------—-7 ----- ------_---------47 1 . o: 1 7 j.4.-....- IMEgall �. - - - I .•IISLC Solid Chemical and S r- isa �► - _ ` 14 111: 1200 it +� !� 70 11111111:131111111M311M*:47- AW:77 60 • - - 1000 . ___--b._ :g....: maii .1 .... ..., ..n. __Tirrl.-___f,--, - A ..- } i i - 50 to to 800 O1- 600 .�- Off _ A22 2 c\I __—Arirmapv r 71Ir40 U f�, r II r '= ?-ire if t.......... ri • . 400 coo COcfl . r co coo O 20 1 CO CO 0) l .2 200 * ti ono � � 'r ., NH O CO N CO O O O CO p-) N I� _ I. 0 _ �-� - _---.__ = 1 0/1 1 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 YTD ■Solid Chemical (Tons) Sand (Tons) —Snowfall (Inches) , , Landside Snow and Ice Removal SIC k ..4 .., . Joint Ert Between Airport _ _ f — iiiiii ....... 7-4.. r,.....ik ,NIA Maintenance & Contracted Teams -Xi_ _ ,r ...;.-:: -.6044,-4c- - - _ . • 55 Miles of Public Roadways . -�- ' ` • a - , Parking• Lots and Sidewcs F \ .4.— :------ - • • •• _ . 1Illin . ___ Id ' `- a SL Road Salt & Ice Melt Usage -� -- ` ` 4000 = L=4ffiwwwwwwwillill'll'PrIglillik. 80 # .ice ! i i 1 lir 1 .���, J,iiii#ill ii��. ��� . III �i� j,F.,Nr17.- �� � - 2 3000 -. .- �, •- - - .__`` 60 'Aff 1111.11. - r1,--- _ 1, ..IA MI 1 r- . _ - 40 N '� ' 0)1500 c� iC 1 c� c .1.1 r N 30LC) C r s, w s ,. _ ,• 20 - •1 , m 1000 ( —.: N f� 500 = c NO rnco o J tN ` 10 0 CO O .— ■ r CO .- . O •a O ti �_ r 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 ■Salt (Tons) Ice-Melt (Bags) —Snowfall (Inches) Snow Operationsns — Behind tScenes ,,,,,,,, - ...,. - ___ ." * daho Falls ' - L, ,Oacksen Dab � ® }, ter# y osh< �r i } -rt#1r, i ■*" r Pre-storm Planning -_ IYFon rl R It. ;rat sPd"gs rlPk, 'IL\ .= p..7 • Pre-storm Phone Briefings with Weather �"'' �IP' �� '.. +Pre .n' 1 Forecasters, Airport Maintenance, Airport , . it -;'. . ., ,1F.. +m9ao - -_- Operations, Airlines, Deice Providers , and Other `=• �• den -- Stakeholders _ 7 .1"rmwstt_ - - ,„ 5II • I t 1. y 40. Mk ea f - 'ram 3 . _ Review Pavement Foreca } � �a9�I 14' ' - . Duch 30 111 25 IL • Determine Labor Require . - • • � , N..._ 4 - - .. ;o Illill Identify and Initiate Chemical Pretreatment oLi--..- „ i • II �, _ ___ F4tn ate II 2 ■ �� , • A s and Taxiwa s When I• • r• • i . .,- I t _..■��.: Warnin s: Tornado e���re Thunderstorm Flash Flood ecr.. aarine Y 9 � P �i I 1 1111 la • Vigitlifiginigillitiii II - r I I I. 10 f • ! + 5 _ '"'"71.`: -. _ • ;'. - -11 , -1111 ik.,,,,„,.. , _ i . , J • .. . • • .; • -• • r+.•�•.....� .`� .....•�-,•.-tea.- • -.�f=+ _ • ` = r — — _ — _ . • • • • • -----•S�.•- . :.��._ - _ _ ._ _ __ .. er;_ j � — _� — - — _r •• _ ,.....,, t Snow Operations — Behind the Scenes SLC , ..±. Establish Storm Action Plan with Snow �� .11/4 i Management Team.. - . �� iry • Begin Snow Removal trations at set of �� � � ;' ' Accumulation �_ � � • Analyze Current andoing Conditions F . • Review Incoming/Outgbin Flights _ � ., -ds."1" - • Focus on Priority 1 Surfaces - - -_ mi4_ Examine Type and Pimount of Gé+nilsto be Applied. v .. pcjil fp/ 1 _ ,, . Ii 1 it �• m , *��;i,,�,;,��,;;,;,'u; �with ATC _• s , Slteqhol� r �ke �, . � ,, , , Priority 1 Surfaces -Li 1 - i e . ��i�.` •eriodically Re-exarrli Funways and High-speed Turn-offs : .� - . -:4 i:g-4.-' - �-, --� .� axiwa s Connecting to Ramp Parking =y+•���- {c u ri ng the Snow Even ana ' i is ' r, :`-+---- � „i `-."-1- ' - Air Carrier Ramps Adjustments ARFF Ramp Areas ___�„ Mutual Aid Access Points Y Snow — Behind .... _. .... _ .1,,,. ____ Activnow Removal Operations . .:_:_ ,, ,„ , _ , • Coordinate with FAA Air Traffic Control � : ,: • MovingSnow Removal Crews Around the Airfield �� • r ' "`` -� • Opening and Closing Surfaces for Snow Removal 1 :41' :71 :::: `.. �_ �'�• Receive Brakin Action Re orts from Fli ht Crews -®- -'• � r: ` �'' � � �:1�� r �� ,1 � • Monitor Airfield Condition • ,. . .f .� • ,ile:bit,' ' ,ramow :; Ili ' .. ' IIIL • Clean Airfield Signs - _ " • • • ratThtep ^,� 1 " • 1 ." i •S ' -. aft nwr • Snow Depths - Runways Close w ei - s s • ;P`- I #— _ - I p Y N — rr —..- _t. 11. 2' snow is present • i-r I f I -- - _ Snow Drifts - Runways, Tax.ways, • -t. la s ira' L : -_____,_,_________-- _ , , Tenantnow Removal Activities , ' I . 51f ' • * t � Fr- —'~ V._ :,•:gip.._ - {-�_ _ Aircraft Deicing Operations -1 f _ „ { �.I _ .1-. .. i t*, r; _ _. -.. ti I�Ik111C� ,..� - _ �1 1 I w 1 d › ` _ +� 1 le • _' � - r -T t � `�• T l _ �}v~� - _ -^--- ['4� .V'� ��- r - - � 'may - - _ ;��c„ „ ,- may.; r Snow Operations — Behind tScenes ___, ..±,. Assessment Criteria SnowDesk Runway Condition Description Cod • Communicating and Coordinating the Snow * cry e I • Frost Removal Plan - * Wet {Includes Damp and 1. inch depth or less of water} • Maintain Records (Sn o 1/8 inch a mmJ depthor loss of: 5 ▪ Slush • Plan Execution - • Cliry Snow • filet Snow • Runway Closure/Opening Times 8°F(.15°C) arid Colder outside air Iemperatur#. • Areas Plowed and Chemicals ApplIL ies -- - • Information Dissemination 4 - F. - ii ` , * lipperyl henl et {wet`' S # • €Coped d Snow = •. - • Dry Snow or Wet Snow(Any depth) over Compacted now maid • Coordinating the Plan and Providing Updates I : , F. h I R 1. Issuing — v71i/Taxies C ditio eLi : ° �, ` ' . i , blematic Areas W�, ; i[r,,#flasoidi lii r , f �r rT�P115° -� ° i�fSr{ ��� 7C1F7fJd� l t I _� ! • I ! # 'f` . ■ Compacted noYr 1 -JPr -- _ after than lie (3 and rrioh dcp!h of: 11 ' ir _ 7 • Water 2 , ' - _ • Slush NOTAM ExampIe - - ;- -Plii _ _, '- * Ice # _ !SLC 01 /235 SLC RWY 34L FICON 4/4/4 30 PCT • Wet Ice 2 COMPACTED SN DEICED LIQUID 100FT WID * Slush ovirIce • Water over Compacted Snore? OBS AT 2201071819 . 2201071819-2201081819 � Wet snow� � ,.....-- Behind After the torm - Post Event Debrief• Involve All StakeholdersA _ • Brief on Storm Totals and Snow Removal IkDE\.1k ' Activities - - - • What Went Well? .�. t _ -- • What Didn 't Go Well? :_µ• _ _ _ _ _._—. - ra\ .. _._o••0'.--f-'-fNllkr' iiit. ,0„..,_, _ f -,. . .„.1 . _.... ..,------ Questions AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (D) DATE: 19 January 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Election of Board Chair and Vice-Chair The Board will be asked to elect the Chair and Vice-Chair for 2022. At the last meeting, the Board nominated Steve Price as Chair and Theresa Foxley as Vice-Chair. Airport Advisory Board Nominations and Elections Protocol Nominations for Officers Nominations are made during the last scheduled Board meeting of that calendar year, typically in November or December. First, the Board Chair opens the floor to nominations for Chair: "Nominations are now open for Board Chair for Calendar Year I, After nominations are complete or appear to be complete, a Board Member should make this motion: "I move that nominations for Board Chair be closed." The Board Chair then asks for consent: "A motion has been made to close the floor to nominations for Chair. All in favor say 'aye.' Opposed? The motion carries." Next, the Board Chair opens the floor to nominations for Vice-Chair: "Nominations are now open for Board Vice-Chair for Calendar Year I, After nominations are complete or appear to be complete, a Board Member should make this motion: "I move that nominations for Board Vice-Chair be closed." The Board Chair then asks for consent: "A motion has been made to close the floor to nominations for Vice-Chair. All in favor say 'aye.' Opposed? The motion carries." The Board Chair should then state that elections will be held at the regularly scheduled January Board meeting. Elections At the January meeting, the Board Chair calls for a vote, reminding members of who was nominated. If only one person was nominated for Chair and one for Vice-Chair, the Board Chair only needs to ask for a "Vote by Acclamation." If more than one person was nominated for either office, the Board Chair calls for a vote. The new Chair and Vice-Chair take office at the February meeting. RBP 10/2014 "Board Elections" ipb.. Sig INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting January 19, 2022 Information SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Fnterprise Fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) Statements of Net Position (Unaudite d) (Amounts in Thousands) As ofNovember 30, 2021 2020 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 193,789 $ 23,188 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 615,732 35,485 Restricted investments 31,516 19,008 Airline and rental fees receivable 17,080 22,080 Loans receivable 7,347 - Other as sets 6,613 (1,631) Total current assets 872,077 98,130 Noncurrent Assets Restricted cash and cash equivalents 185,730 110,701 Restricted investments 129,037 65,061 Investments 921 122,793 Loans receivable 31,895 23,193 Other assets 2,909 6,492 Total noncurrent assets and investments 350,492 328,240 Capital assets Land 111,696 111,696 Building and improvements 3,445,889 1,419,993 Equipment 341,458 169,490 Construction in progress 493,856 2,622,281 Total capital assets-at cost 4,392,899 4,323,460 Less accumulated depreciation 896,024 1,104,628 Net capital assets 3,496,875 3,218,832 Total noncurrent as sets 3,847,367 3,547,072 Total Assets 4,719,444 3,645,202 Deferred Outflows of Resources 4,413 4,521 Total Ass ets and Deferred Ouflows of Resources $ 4,723,857 $ 3,649,723 SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Fnterprise Fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) Statements of Net Position(Unaudite d) (Amounts in Thousands) As ofNovember 30, 2021 2020 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable $ 40,070 $ 38,729 Accrued compensation 1,699 1,275 Interest payable 52,664 38,657 Other accrued liabilities 19,389 46,855 Current bonds payable 20,345 - Total current liabilities 134,167 125,516 Noncurrent liabilities Revenue bonds payable 3,150,548 2,037,127 Noncurrent compensation liability 4,360 3,801 Net pension liability 1,152 8,431 Other accrued liabilities 24,560 50,849 Total noncurrent liabilities 3,180,620 2,100,208 Total Liabilities 3,314,787 2,225,724 Deferred Inflows of Resources Deferred inflows-revenue collected in advance 7,238 5,469 Deferred inflows -pension 8,944 4,993 Total Deferred Inflows of Resources 16,182 10,462 NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets 1,225,685 1,358,040 Restricted for Capital projects 62,316 53,909 Debt service 323,446 175,966 Unrestricted (218,559) (174,378) Net Position 1,392,888 1,413,537 Total Liabilities,Deferred Inflows of Resources,and Net Position $ 4,723,857 $ 3,649,723 SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Enterprise fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) Statements ofRevenues,Expenses,and Changes in Fund Net Position(Unaudited) (Amounts in Thousands) for the Five month period ended November, 2021 2020 Operating Revenues Airline revenue $ 68,568 $ 45,537 Terminal concessions 9,438 3,022 Landside concessions 36,243 14,035 Lease revenue 3,828 2,493 General aviation 1,379 1,243 State aviation tax 1,289 524 Other revenue 1,992 3,434 Operating revenues 122,737 70,288 Less airline revenue sharing (5,632) (2,391) Total operating revenues 117,105 67,897 Operating Expenses Salaries and benefits 22,835 21,456 Materials and supplies 4,229 3,173 Maintenance contracts 8,056 3,937 Charges and services 10,999 8,372 Utilities 2,219 1,723 Inter-governmental 6,878 6,200 Other expenses 3,350 2,861 Total operating expenses before depreciation 58,566 47,722 Operating Income Before Depreciation 58,539 20,175 Depreciation Expense 82,029 23,874 Operating Loss (23,490) (3,699) Non-Operating Revenues(Expenses) Passenger facility charges 20,485 9,158 Customer facility charges 5,021 2,443 Interest income 977 440 Interest expense (50,553) (41,634) Bond issuance costs (4,150) - Contribution of capital assets 239 - Other revenue(expenses),net 3,888 (36) Net non-operating loss (24,093) (29,629) Capital Contributions Contributions and grants 24,249 16,293 Total capital contributions 24,249 16,293 Net Position Decrease in net position (23,334) (17,035) Net Position,beginning of period 1,416,222 1,430,572 Net Position,end of period $ 1,392,888 $ 1,413,537 SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Enterprise fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES TO BUDGET(Unaudited) (Amounts in Thousands) Jul 2021-Nov 2021 Jul 2021-Nov 2021 SURPLUS/ PERCENT ACTUALS BUDGET DEFICIT CHANGE Revenues Landing Fees $ 26,997 $ 23,794 $ 3,203 13.5% Fuel Farm 878 750 128 17.1% Aircraft Remain Overnight Fees 225 190 35 18.3% Cargo Bldg.&Ramp Use Fee 709 730 (21) -2.8% Security Charges to TSA 107 141 (34) -24.0% Extraordinary Service Charges 20 20 (0) -2.3% Passenger Boarding Bridges 618 727 (109) -15.0% Tenant Telephone Fees 25 26 (1) -5.2% Terminal Rents 38,575 39,501 (926) -2.3% General Aviation Hangars 479 505 (26) -5.1% FBO Hangars/Fuel Oil Royalty 280 226 54 24.0% Flight Kitchens 878 558 320 57.4% Other Buildings&Office Space 2,428 2,466 (38) -1.6% Food Service&Vending 5,604 4,001 1,603 40.1% News/Gift Shop 3,565 2,022 1,543 76.3% Car Rental 14,633 11,439 3,194 27.9% Leased Site Areas 1,865 1,610 255 15.8% Auto Parking/Ground Transportation 21,593 13,362 8,231 61.6% Advertising 268 104 164 157.4% State Aviation Fuel Tax 1,289 830 459 55.3% Military 78 78 - 0.0% Glycol Recycling Sales 128 100 28 27.9% Auxiliary Airport Fuel Sales 620 579 41 7.2% Other 875 1,067 (192) -18.0% Less:Airline Revenue Sharing (5,632) (991) (4,641) 468.54% Total Operating Revenues 117,105 103,835 13,270 12.8% Expenses Salary&Wages 16,034 17,133 1,099 6.4% Employee Benefits 7,299 7,650 351 4.6% Maintenance Supplies 2,418 3,761 1,343 35.7% Automotive Supplies 1,320 1,669 349 20.9% Other Supplies 491 1,096 605 55.2% Insurance Premiums 2,539 1,722 (817) -47.4% Janitorial Service 5,938 5,911 (27) -0.5% Maintenance Contracts 2,118 3,078 960 31.2% Other Contractual Services 4,876 6,735 1,859 27.6% Professional&Tech Services 6,123 9,793 3,670 37.5% Utilities 2,219 3,142 923 29.4% Administrative Service Fee 883 766 (117) -15.3% Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting 2,433 2,434 1 0.0% Police Services 3,562 3,562 0 0.0% Other Expenses 811 1,008 197 19.6% Contingency Reserve - 417 417 100.0% Operating Expenses Before Capitalized Salaries 59,064 69,877 10,813 15.5% Capitalized Salaries 498 498 - 0.0% Total Operating Expenses 58,566 69,379 10,813 15.6% Operating Income $ 58,539 $ 34,456 $ 24,083 69.9% SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Enterprise fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES TO PRIOR YEAR(Unaudited) (Amounts in Thousands) DOLLAR PERCENT Jul 2021-Nov 2021 Jul 2020-Nov 2020 CHANGE CHANGE Revenues Landing Fees $ 26,997 $ 19,509 $ 7,488 38.4% Fuel Farm 878 225 653 290.9% Aircraft Remain Overnight Fees 225 183 42 23.0% Cargo Bldg.&Ramp Use Fee 709 715 (6) -0.8% Security Charges to TSA 107 285 (178) -62.4% Extraordinary Service Charges 20 64 (44) -69.7% Passenger Boarding Bridges 618 587 31 5.3% Tenant Telephone Fees 25 74 (49) -66.8% Terminal Rents 38,575 22,709 15,866 69.9% General Aviation Hangars 479 529 (50) -9.4% FBO Hangars/Fuel Oil Royalty 280 201 79 39.3% Flight Kitchens 878 370 508 137.3% Other Buildings&Office Space 2,428 2,479 (51) -2.1% Food Service&Vending 5,604 1,948 3,656 187.7% News/Gift Shops 3,565 980 2,585 263.8% Car Rental 14,633 7,323 7,310 99.8% Leased Site Areas 1,865 1,303 562 43.1% Auto Parking/Ground Transportation 21,593 6,707 14,886 222.0% Advertising 268 94 174 185.8% State Aviation Fuel Tax 1,289 524 765 146.0% Military 78 78 0 0.0% Glycol Recycling Sales 128 84 44 52.3% Auxiliary Airport Fuel Sales 620 513 107 20.8% Other 875 2,804 (1,929) -68.8% Less:Airline Revenue Sharing (5,632) (2,391) (3,241) 135.5% Operating Revenues 117,105 67,897 49,208 72.5% Expenses Salary&Wages $ 16,034 $ 15,172 $ 862 5.7% Employee Benefits 7,299 6,796 503 7.4% Maintenance Supplies 2,418 1,829 589 32.2% Automotive Supplies 1,320 947 373 39.4% Other Supplies 491 397 94 23.8% Insurance Premiums 2,539 2,520 19 0.7% Janitorial Service 5,938 3,271 2,667 81.5% Maintenance Contracts 2,118 666 1,452 217.9% Other Contractual Services 4,876 3,500 1,376 39.3% Professional&Tech Service 6,123 4,871 1,252 25.7% Utilities 2,219 1,723 496 28.8% Administrative Service Fee 883 549 334 60.7% Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting 2,433 2,192 241 11.0% Police Services 3,562 3,458 104 3.0% Other Expenses 811 341 470 137.9% Operating Expenses Before Capitalized Salaries 59,064 48,232 10,832 22.5% Capitalized Salaries 498 510 (12) -2.4% Total Operating Expenses 58,566 47,722 10,844 22.7% Operating Income $ 58,539 $ 20,175 $ 38,364 190.2% SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Enterprise fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) Statements of Cash Flows (Amounts in Thousands) For the month ended September 30, 2021 2020 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash received fromproviding services $ 69,020 $ 38,908 Cash paid for services for intra-governmental charges (1,834) (1,315) Cash paid to suppliers (23,527) (19,412) Cash paid to employees (12,061) (11,172) Net cash from operating activities 31,598 7,009 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash paid for investments (106,468) (163,587) Cash proceeds from investments 4,450 178,937 Interest received on investments and concession loans 10 442 Payments for concession loans (593) (15,181) Payments received on concession loans 1,952 Net cash from investing activities (100,649) 610 Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities Purchase of capital equipment (1,557) (3,636) Payments for acquisition and construction of capital assets (138,802) (200,836) Proceeds from issuance of revenue bonds payable 1,139,949 - Payment for capital assets contributed to TSA (239) - Payment on line of credit (267,600) - Interest paid on bonds and line of credit (46,389) (46,389) Bond issuance costs (1,418)Passenger facility charges 12,800 3,325 Customer facility charges 4,116 2,026 Proceeds from sale of capital assets and equipment 52 - Contributions and grants 27,554 6,082 Net cash used for capital and related financing activities 728,465 (239,428) Net(Decrease)in Cash and Cash Equivalents 659,414 (231,809) Cash and Cash Equivalents-Beginning of Year 292,793 455,477 Cash and Cash Equivalents-End of Year $ 952,207 $ 223,669 SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (An Fnterprise fund of Salt Lake City Corporation) Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudite d) (Amounts in Thousands) for the Three month period ended September, 2021 2020 Reconciliation of Operating Income to Net Cash from Operating Activities Operating loss $ (9,607) $ (2,701) Adjustments to reconcile operating loss to net cash from operating activities Depreciation 49,217 14,324 Changes in assets and liabilities Airline and rental fee receivable 2,265 4,374 Other assets 960 (5,256) Deferred outflows - - Accounts payable (11,776) (5,487) Accrued compensation - - Other accrued liabilities 334 1,024 Deferred inflows 136 738 Deposits and advance rentals 69 (7) Net cash from operating activities 31,598 7,010 Schedule of Non-cash Transactions Affecting Net Position Contributions and grants (30,304) (13,355) Passenger facility charges(includes interest) (3,844) - Customer facility charges(includes interest) (2,460) (1,788) Bond issuance costs (1,592) - Contributions of capital as sets (239) - Total Noncash Transactions Affecting Net Position $ (38,439) $ (15,143) �J /1 Salt Lake City Department of Airports SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AIR TRAFFIC STATISTICS AND ACTIVITY REPORT ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 2021 November YTD 12 MO ROLLING 2021 CHANGE 2021 CHANGE Ending 11/2021 CHANGE PASSENGERS DOMESTIC Enplaned-Local 601,421 105.84% 6,379,373 74.42% 6,736,155 57.12% Enplaned-Connections 399,073 97.57% 3,796,681 81.85% 3,980,070 55.71% Less International -30,909 -257,381 -275,185 Enplaned 969,585 101.94% 9,918,673 77.02% 10,441,040 56.71% Deplaned-Local 599,827 113.88% 6,368,420 75.42% 6,740,455 56.99% Deplaned-Connection 399,073 97.57% 3,796,681 81.85% 3,980,070 55.71% Less International -30,903 -261,017 -276,856 Deplaned 967,997 105.87% 9,904,084 78.05% 10,443,669 56.89% TOTAL DOMESTIC 1,937,582 103.89% 19,822,757 77.53% 20,884,709 56.80% INTERNATIONAL Enplaned 30,909 120.23% 257,381 81.03% 275,185 52.30% Deplaned 30,903 152.02% 261,017 67.76% 276,856 43.35% TOTAL INTERNATIONAL 61,812 135.05% 518,398 74.10% 552,041 47.67% TOTAL PASSENGERS 1,999,394 104.72% 20,341,155 77.44% 21,436,750 56.55% LANDED WEIGHT Air Carriers 1,173,559,449 18.24% 13,454,351,529 40.09% 14,497,299,083 33.87% Cargo Carriers 112,030,662 4.24% 1,159,160,393 0.01% 1,336,249,253 1.93% TOTAL LANDED WEIGHT(LBS) 1,285,590,111 16.87% 14,613,511,922 35.77% 15,833,548,336 30.42% MAIL Enplaned 2,686,359 -6.85% 31,591,489 -1.67% 33,010,612 -1.98% Deplaned 1,362,832 -31.75% 15,381,267 -19.93% 16,421,498 -19.34% TOTAL MAIL(LBS) 4,049,191 -17.04% 46,972,756 -8.50% 49,432,110 -8.52% CARGO Enplaned 16,621,470 -2.94% 186,616,793 -0.20% 210,374,280 1.26% Deplaned 17,585,406 3.32% 182,654,559 -2.55% 204,514,894 -1.65% TOTAL CARGO(LBS) 34,206,876 0.18% 369,271,352 -1.38% 414,889,174 -0.20% MAIL&CARGO Enplaned 8,311 -2.94% 93,308 -0.20% 105,187 1.26% Deplaned 8,793 3.31% 91,327 -2.55% 102,257 -1.65% TOTAL MAIL&CARGO(TONS) 17,104 0.18% 184,635 -1.38% 207,444 -0.20% AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Passenger Aircraft 19,534 12.51% 229,488 35.43% 247,938 29.77% All-Cargo Aircraft 1,712 2.03% 18,534 0.83% 20,858 1.86% General Aviation 5,618 21.68% 63,803 6.92% 69,262 7.07% Military 222 24.72% 2,661 -3.76% 2,880 -0.83% TOTAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 27,086 13.64% 314,486 25.65% 340,938 22.14% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PASSENGER TRAFFIC REPORT ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 2021 November November % YTD YTD % 12 MO ROLLING % 2020 2021 CHANGE 2020 2021 CHANGE Ending 11/2021 CHANGE ENPLANED PASSENGERS AEROMEXICO - 2,816 100.0% 11,436 2,816 -75.4% 2,816 -81.7% ALASKA 1,601 9,712 506.6% 47,072 101,893 116.5% 103,030 84.7% Horizon Air/Alaska 1,740 1,459 -16.1% 9,958 24,619 147.2% 26,527 140.9% Skywest/Alaska 4,308 10,167 136.0% 71,616 130,739 82.6% 138,447 59.9% AMERICAN 20,042 39,317 96.2% 311,361 517,153 66.1% 548,134 49.7% Compass - - 0.0% 6,563 - -100.0% - -100.0% Envoy Air - 1,530 100.0% 733 23,810 3148.3% 23,810 3148.3% American/Mesa Air 818 77 -90.6% 818 10,683 1206.0% 10,786 1218.6% Republic - - 0.0% 816 5,201 537.4% 5,201 537.4% SkyWest(American) 7,969 10,585 32.8% 55,334 86,621 56.5% 93,314 51.9% DELTA 276,123 595,030 115.5% 3,098,016 5,633,657 81.8% 5,918,272 60.1% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 100,239 163,598 63.2% 1,040,356 1,767,650 69.9% 1,870,001 50.4% Compass(Delta Connection) - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -100.0% FRONTIER 14,088 14,103 0.1% 128,175 214,748 67.5% 231,611 54.5% JETBLUE 4,247 15,250 259.1% 109,592 177,719 62.2% 184,724 30.7% SOUTHWEST 39,204 98,938 152.4% 575,868 1,017,913 76.8% 1,071,350 59.5% UNITED 8,450 10,111 19.7% 124,239 174,956 40.8% 184,582 30.8% GoJet Airlines - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -100.0% Express Jet - - 0.0% 600 - -100.0% - -100.0% Mesa Airlines(United Express) - - 0.0% 5,650 9,163 62.2% 9,260 2.2% Republic Airways(United) - 575 100.0% 1,953 3,759 92.5% 4,348 14.2% SkyWest(United Express) 15.346 27,225 77.4% 144,870 272,727 88.3% 289,785 65.0% Charters - 1 100.0% 255 227 -11.0% 227 -41.2% West Coast Charters 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% TOTAL ENPLANED PASSENGERS 494,175 1,000,494 102.5% 5,745,281 10,176,054 77.1% 10,716,225 56.6% AeroMexico - 3,200 100.0% 11,393 3,200 -71.9% 3,200 -79.4% ALASKAAIR 1,566 10,094 544.6% 45,595 104,243 128.6% 105,222 92.9% Horizon Air/Alaska 1,626 1,549 -4.7% 10,074 24,739 145.6% 26,680 139.0% Skywest/Alaska 3,934 9,378 138.4% 74,765 128,500 71.9% 136,444 51.3% AMERICAN 18,671 38,524 106.3% 302,971 519,770 71.6% 551,792 53.6% Compass - - 0.0% 6,494 - -100.0% - -100.0% Envoy Air(American) - 1,512 100.0% 722 23,321 3130.1% 23,321 3130.1% Mesa Air 877 69 -92.1% 877 10,382 1083.8% 10,502 1097.5% Republic - - 0.0% 766 4,901 539.8% 4,901 539.8% SkyWest(American) 7,155 10,376 45.0% 55,475 86,727 56.3% 94,154 50.9% DELTA 269,460 596,692 121.4% 3,096,937 5,621,255 81.5% 5,913,826 59.0% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 100,302 162,122 61.6% 1,035,477 1,767,033 70.6% 1,869,772 50.8% Compass(Delta Connection) - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -100.0% FRONTIER 14,007 13,756 -1.8% 129,793 216,112 66.5% 233,217 53.7% JETBLUE 4,596 15,073 228.0% 111,298 173,685 56.1% 181,361 25.2% SOUTHWEST 37,337 98,309 163.3% 564,926 1,008,661 78.5% 1,063,117 60.5% UNITED 7,893 10,012 26.8% 119,085 177,721 49.2% 189,803 39.4% GoJet Airlines - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -100.0% Express Jet - - 0.0% 582 - -100.0% - -100.0% Mesa Airlines/United Express - - 0.0% 5,597 10,596 89.3% 10,709 17.3% Republic Airways(United) - 525 100.0% 2,037 3,636 78.5% 4,401 6.0% SkyWest(United Express) 15,026 27,709 84.4% 143,095 280,267 95.9% 297,751 69.7% Charters - - 0.0% 191 352 84.3% 352 8.3% West Coast Charters 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL DEPLANED PASSENGERS 482,450 998,900 107.0% 5,718,150 10,165,101 77.8% 10,720,525 56.5% TOTAL PASSENGERS' 976,625 1,999,394 104.7% 11,463,431 20,341,155 77.4% 21,436,750 56.6% INTERNATIONAL-ENPLANED AEROMEXICO - 2,816 100.0% 11,436 2,816 -75.4% 2,816 -81.7% DELTA 14,035 26,706 90.3% 124,924 252,117 101.8% 269,921 75.1% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 1,387 100.0% 5,736 2,446 -57.4% 2,446 -77.1% Compass - 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Charters 0.0% 82 -100.0% - -100.0% TOTAL ENPLANED INTERNATIONAL 14,035 30,909 120.2% 142,178 257,379 81.0% 275,183 52.3% AEROMEXICO - 3,200 100.0% 11,393 3,200 -71.9% 3,200 -79.4% DELTA 12,262 26,270 114.2% 134,906 255,140 89.1% 270,979 66.2% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 1,433 100.0% 9,289 2,675 -71.2% 2,675 -80.8% Compass - 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Charters - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% TOTAL DEPLANED INTERNATIONAL 12,262 30,903 152.0% 155,588 261,015 67.8% 276,854 43.3% TOTAL INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER: 26,297 61,812 135.1% 297,766 518,394 74.1% 552,037 47.7% 'Includes International SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 2021 Based on Total Enplanements MARKET SHARE November MARKET November MARKET YTD MARKET YTD MARKET 12 MO ROLLING 12 MO ROLLING MARKET 2020 SHARE 2021 SHARE 2020 SHARE 2021 SHARE Ending 11/2020 Ending 11/2021 SHARE AEROMEXICO - 0.00% 2,816 0.28% 11,436 0.20% 2,816 0.03% 15,352 2,816 0.03% ALASKA 7,649 1.55% 21,338 2.13% 128,646 2.24% 257,251 2.53% 153,407 268,004 2.50% AMERICAN 28,829 5.83% 51,509 5.15% 375,625 6.54% 643,468 6.32% 439,479 681,245 6.36% DELTA 376,362 76.16% 758,628 75.83% 4,138,372 72.03% 7,401,307 72.73% 4,941,020 7,788,273 72.68% FRONTIER 14,088 2.85% 14,103 1.41% 128,175 2.23% 214,748 2.11% 149,885 231,611 2.16% JETBLUE 4,247 0.86% 15,250 1.52% 109,592 1.91% 177,719 1.75% 141,359 184,724 1.72% SOUTHWEST 39,204 7.93% 98,938 9.89% 575,868 10.02% 1,017,913 10.00% 671,817 1,071,350 10.00% UNITED 23,796 4.82% 37,911 3.79% 277,312 4.83% 460,605 4.53% 330,608 487,975 4.55% Charters - 0.00% 1 0.00% 255 0.00% 227 0.00% 386 227 0.00% TOTAL ENPLANEMENTS 494,175 100% 1,000,494 100% 5,745,281 100% 10,176,054 100% 6,843,313 10,716,225 100% PERCENT CHANGE YOY November November PERCENT YTD YTD PERCENT 12 MO ROLLING 12 MO ROLLING PERCENT 2020 2021 CHANGE 2020 2021 CHANGE Ending 11/2020 Ending 11/2021 CHANGE AEROMEXICO - 2,816 100.00% 11,436 2,816 100.00% 15,352 2,816 -81.66% ALASKA 7,649 21,338 178.96% 128,646 257,251 99.97% 153,407 268,004 74.70% AMERICAN 28,829 51,509 78.67% 375,625 643,468 71.31% 439,479 681,245 55.01% DELTA 376,362 758,628 101.57% 4,138,372 7,401,307 78.85% 4,941,020 7,788,273 57.62% FRONTIER 14,088 14,103 0.11% 128,175 214,748 67.54% 149,885 231,611 54.53% JETBLUE 4,247 15,250 259.08% 109,592 177,719 62.16% 141,359 184,724 30.68% SOUTHWEST 39,204 98,938 152.37% 575,868 1,017,913 76.76% 671,817 1,071,350 59.47% UNITED 23,796 37,911 59.32% 277,312 460,605 66.10% 330,608 487,975 47.60% Charters - 1 #DIV/0! 255 227 -10.98% 386 227 -41.19% TOTAL ENPLANEMENTS 494,175 1,000,494 102.5% 5,745,281 10,176,054 77.1% 6,843,313 10,716,225 56.6% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LANDING ACTIVITY ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 2021 November November YTD YTD 12 MO ROLLING % 2020 2021 CHANGE 2020 2021 CHANGE Ending 11/2021 CHANGE TOTAL NUMBER OF LANDINGS SCHEDULED CARRIERS AEROMEXICO - 30 100.0% 109 30 -72.5% 30 -78.6% ALASKA 21 97 361.9% 443 852 92.3% 873 72.9% Horizon Air/Alaska 40 24 -40.0% 209 456 118.2% 503 124.6% Skywest/Alaska 126 169 34.1% 1,660 2,352 41.7% 2,553 35.2% AMERICAN 164 262 59.8% 2,488 3,677 47.8% 3,900 35.8% Compass(American) - - 0.0% 102 - -100.0% - -100.0% Mesa Air(American) 14 1 -92.9% 14 165 1078.6% 167 1092.9% Envoy Air(American) - 22 100.0% 14 349 2392.9% 349 2226.7% Republic/(American - - 0.0% 12 37 208.3% 37 208.3% SkyWest(American) 162 186 14.8% 1,124 1,654 47.2% 1,799 45.8% DELTA 3,703 4,312 16.4% 34,531 46,274 34.0% 50,072 29.3% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 3,236 2,859 -11.7% 29,300 37,645 28.5% 41,044 24.7% Compass(Delta Connection) - - 0.0% 1 - -100.0% - -100.0% FRONTIER 118 98 -16.9% 980 1,537 56.8% 1,664 48.8% JETBLUE 60 121 101.7% 1,144 1,559 36.3% 1,644 18.3% SOUTHWEST 516 850 64.7% 6,530 8,687 33.0% 9,151 25.8% UNITED 84 82 -2.4% 1,065 1,499 40.8% 1,617 35.3% GoJet - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -100.0% Express Jet - - 0.0% 10 - -100.0% - -100.0% Mesa/United Express - - 0.0% 98 280 185.7% 282 93.2% Republic Airways Holdings - 8 100.0% 32 57 78.1% 69 11.3% SkyWest(United Express) 311 472 51.8% 2,873 4,899 70.5% 5,251 55.4% Trans States - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SUBTOTAL SCHEDULED CARRIERS: 8,555 9,593 12.1% 82,739 112,009 35.4% 121,005 29.7% CHARTER CARRIERS ALLEGIANTAIR - - 0.0% - 0.0% -100.0% BOMBARDIER BUSINESS JETS 21 31 47.6% 450 603 34.0% 665 32.2% BOUTIQUE AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% DELTA PRIVATE JETS - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% EXECUTIVE JET MANAGEMENT - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% FLIGHT OPTIONS - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% KALITTA CHARTERS 5 4 -20.0% 59 80 35.6% 80 21.2% KEYLIME AIR - - 0.0% 2 4 100.0% 4 100.0% NETJETS 88 130 47.7% 1,318 1,962 48.9% 2,129 43.5% SUNSET AVIATION - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SWIFT AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% VIRGIN AMERICA - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% XOJET 17 12 -29.4% 213 157 -26.3% 157 -32.0% OTHER CHARTER - 0.0% 5 3 -40.0% 10 42.9% SUBTOTAL CHARTER CARRIERS: 131 177 35.1% 2,047 2,809 37.2% 3,045 32.9% CARGO CARRIERS AERO CHARTER&TRANSPORT - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% AIRNET 11 LLC - 6 100.0% - 53 100.0% 53 100.0% ALPINE AVIATION 154 226 46.8% 1,905 2,062 8.2% 2,213 5.9% AMERIFLIGHT 113 22 -80.5% 1,310 969 -26.0% 1,147 -23.4% AMERIJET INTERTIONAL 12 100.0% 0.0% 12 100.0% CORPORATE AIR(BILLINGS) 120 132 10.0% 1,272 1,511 18.8% 1,667 18.0% EMPIRE 15 16 6.7% 170 196 15.3% 216 16.8% FEDERAL EXPRESS 152 142 -6.6% 1,687 1,621 -3.9% 1,852 -1.3% GEM AIR 73 82 12.3% 599 632 5.5% 747 9.4% NORTHERN AIR CARGO - 22 100.0% - 144 100.0% 144 100.0% SOUTHERN AIR - - 0.0% 137 - -100.0% - -100.0% UPS 166 147 -11.4% 1,774 1,692 -4.6% 1,966 -1.4% WESTERN AIR EXPRESS 39 45 15.4% 259 291 12.4% 319 21.8% OTHER CARGO 2 1 -50.0% 20 22 10.0% 12 -40.0% SUBTOTAL CARGO CARRIERS: 834 853 2.3% 9,133 9,193 0.7% 10,348 1.7% TOTAL LANDINGS 9,520 10,623 11.6% 93,919 124,011 32.0% 134,398 27.1% TOTAL LANDED WEIGHT SCHEDULED CARRIERS AEROMEXICO - 2,843,940 100.0% 10,355,000 2,843,940 -72.5% 2,843,940 -78.6% ALASKA 3,239,900 14,710,324 354.0% 67,273,524 129,501,494 92.5% 132,618,094 73.0% Horizon Air/Alaska 2,998,280 1,798,968 -40.0% 15,666,013 34,180,392 118.2% 37,703,371 124.6% Skywest/Alaska 9,444,582 12,667,733 34.1% 124,428,620 176,298,864 41.7% 191,365,221 35.2% AMERICAN 24,627,176 41,508,536 68.5% 369,042,258 596,371,546 61.6% 631,695,590 48.4% Compass - - 0.0% 7,644,900 - -100.0% - -100.0% EnvoyAir(American) - 1,646,260 100.0% 1,049,300 26,152,270 2392.4% 26,152,270 2226.2% American/Mesa Air 1,043,400 73,500 -93.0% 1,043,400 12,209,100 1070.1% 12,359,300 1084.5% Republic(American) - - 0.0% 899,400 2,773,150 208.3% 2,773,150 208.3% SkyWest(American) 10,854,000 12,879,250 18.7% 75,308,000 112,023,500 48.8% 121,738,500 47.2% DELTA 590,724,252 696,722,615 17.9% 5,374,634,121 7,572,472,333 40.9% 8,183,138,560 35.4% SkyWest(DeltaConnection) 221,084,270 192,487,142 -12.9% 1,972,541,793 2,497,333,639 26.6% 2,723,936,353 23.3% Compass(Delta Connection) - - 0.0% 75,177 - -100.0% - -100.0% FRONTIER 16,779,364 15,548,004 -7.3% 138,940,330 228,133,592 64.2% 246,485,938 54.6% JETBLUE 8,532,000 17,206,200 101.7% 162,676,800 221,689,800 36.3% 233,776,800 18.3% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LANDING ACTIVITY ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 2021 November November YTD YTD 12 MO ROLLING % 2020 2021 CHANGE 2020 2021 CHANGE Ending 11/2021 CHANGE SOUTHWEST 67,360,000 114,874,400 70.5% 860,304,000 1,173,827,200 36.4% 1,234,291,200 28.8% UNITED 11,907,260 11,301,960 -5.1% 151,392,580 211,797,240 39.9% 228,615,620 34.6% GoJet - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - -100.0% Express Jet - - 0.0% 750,000 - -100.0% - -100.0% Mesa/United Express - - 0.0% 7,350,000 21,000,000 185.7% 21,150,000 93.2% Republic Airways Holdings - 600,000 100.0% 2,318,986 4,223,361 82.1% 5,101,761 13.1% SkyWest(United Express) 20,346,034 31,105,723 52.9% 197,391,666 343,708,309 74.1% 366,691,881 58.1% Trans States - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SUBTOTAL SCHEDULED CARRIERS: 988,940,518 1,167,974,555 18.1% 9,541,085,868 13,366,539,730 40.1% 14,402,437,549 33.9% CHARTER CARRIERS ALLEGIANT AIR - 0.0% - 0.0% -100.0% BOMBARDIER 591,259 1,022,153 72.9% 14,967,321 20,108,021 34.3% 22,144,105 31.5% BOUTIQUE AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% DELTA PRIVATE JETS - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% EXECUTIVE JET MANAGEMENT - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% FLIGHT OPTIONS - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% KALITTA CHARTERS 77,900 168,300 116.0% 1,190,240 2,098,120 76.3% 2,594,420 71.3% KEYLIME AIR - - 0.0% 63,448 131,526 107.3% 131,526 107.3% MIAMI AIR - - 0.0% 438,900 - -100.0% - -100.0% NETJETS 2,439,332 4,060,141 66.4% 39,588,589 60,969,002 54.0% 65,982,653 47.7% SIERRA PACIFIC - - 0.0% 220,000 330,000 50.0% 330,000 50.0% SUN COUNTRY - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% SWIFT AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% VIRGIN AMERICA - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% XOJET 561,300 487,300 -13.2% 7,855,200 6,180,750 -21.3% 6,180,750 -27.6% OTHER CHARTER 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% SUBTOTAL CHARTER CARRIERS: 3,669,791 5,737,894 56.4% 64,323,698 89,817,419 39.6% 97,363,454 34.4% CARGO CARRIERS ABX AIR INC - - 0.0% - 1,371,000 1,371,000 100.0% AIRNET 11 - 91,800 100.0% - 821,400 100.0% 821,400 100.0% ALPINE AVIATION 2,177,800 3,149,800 44.6% 26,650,900 28,658,600 7.5% 30,964,900 5.8% AMERIFLIGHT 1,476,500 359,094 -75.7% 18,848,550 13,050,376 -30.8% 15,285,776 -29.1% AMERIJET INTERNATIONAL - 3,264,000 100.0% 3,264,000 100.0% 3,264,000 100.0% AMERISTAR - - 0.0% 299,700 54,600 -81.8% 54,600 -81.8% ATLAS AIR 544,000 326,000 -40.1% 4,437,000 870,000 -80.4% 1,414,000 -68.1% CORPORATE AIR(BILLINGS) 1,020,000 1,122,000 10.0% 10,812,000 12,843,500 18.8% 14,169,500 18.0% EMPIRE 695,107 753,088 8.3% 6,342,784 8,465,757 33.5% 9,407,117 33.7% FEDEX EXPRESS 50,556,600 48,845,700 -3.4% 562,084,100 555,303,800 -1.2% 632,479,800 1.0% GEM AIR 605,500 682,000 12.6% 5,037,500 5,333,000 5.9% 6,282,000 9.6% NORTHERN AIR CARGO - 2,662,000 100.0% - 17,424,000 100.0% 17,424,000 100.0% SOUTHERN AIR INC - - 0.0% 16,634,980 - -100.0% - -100.0% UPS 49,807,620 50,024,180 0.4% 503,339,740 505,841,240 0.5% 596,598,540 2.8% WESTERN AIR EXPRESS 512,000 598,000 16.8% 3,379,000 3,853,500 14.0% 4,210,700 23.2% OTHER CARGO - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SUBTOTAL CARGO CARRIERS: 107,395,127 111,877,662 4.2% 1,157,866,254 1,157,154,773 -0.1% 1,333,747,333 1.9% TOTAL LANDED WEIGHT 1,100,005,436 1,285,590,111 16.9% 10,763,275,820 14,613,511,922 35.8% 15,833,548,336 30.4% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CARGO ACTIVITY REPORT ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 2021 November November YTD YTD 12 MO ROLLING % 2020 2021 CHANGE 2020 2021 CHANGE Ending 11/2021 CHANGE ENPLANED CARGO PASSENGER CARRIERS ALASKA 6,000 6,461 7.68% 104,764 93,234 -11.01% 101,722 -18.50% Horizon Air/Alaska 1,427 - -100.00% 17,108 10,492 -38.67% 11,540 -33.16% Skywest/Alaska 5,455 939 -82.79% 117,921 28,262 -76.03% 36,550 -69.38% AMERICAN 2,966 6,908 132.91% 99,541 54,469 -45.28% 58,865 -50.41% American Eagle/Republic - - 0.00% - 140 100.00% 140 100.00% Compass - - 0.00% 120 - -100.00% - -100.00% Envoy Air(American) - - 0.00% - 464 100.00% 464 100.00% Mesa - - 0.00% - 293 100.00% 293 100.00% SkyWest(American) 1,898 1,621 -14.59% 407,069 12,697 -96.88% 14,624 -96.42% DELTA 310,578 571,374 83.97% 4,053,132 6,470,062 59.63% 6,873,321 42.36% SOUTHWEST 260,288 380,522 46.19% 2,121,379 3,390,482 59.82% 3,557,189 51.14% UNITED 6,298 12,147 92.87% 55,285 87,852 58.91% 96,864 35.13% Others - 9,257 100.00% 44,293 119,699 170.24% 132,252 58.32% CARGO CARRIERS FEDEX EXPRESS* 9,716,496 8,914,790 -8.25% 107,496,592 104,874,995 -2.44% 117,507,718 -0.57% GEM AIR 80,944 76,432 -5.57% 854,779 706,574 -17.34% 825,357 -13.31% SOUTHERN AIR - - 0.00% 251,000 - -100.00% - -100.00% UPS 5,794,625 5,476,444 -5.49% 60,664,287 58,764,785 -3.13% 68,000,665 -0.72% MISC CARGO 938,593 1,164,575 24.08% 10,704,329 12,002,293 12.13% 13,156,716 11.92% ABX AIR - - 0.00% - 81,293 100.00% 81,293 100.00% TOTAL ENPLANED CARGO 17,125,568 16,621,470 -2.94% 186,991,599 186,616,793 -0.20% 210,374,280 1.26% DEPLANED CARGO PASSENGER CARRIERS ALASKA 5,161 10,656 106.47% 62,210 153,227 146.31% 155,254 112.27% Horizon Air/Alaska 2,394 1,525 -36.30% 24,769 17,434 -29.61% 18,960 -23.73% Skywest/Alaska 2,865 3,039 6.07% 88,178 76,032 -13.77% 82,740 -15.26% AMERICAN 39,416 32,994 -16.29% 257,781 328,966 27.61% 350,997 26.08% American Eagle/Republic - - 0.00% - 7 100.00% 7 100.00% Compass - - 0.00% 187 - -100.00% - -100.00% Envoy - 350 100.00% 1,994 100.00% 1,994 100.00% Mesa(American) - - 0.00% - 378 100.00% 378 100.00% SkyWest(American) 1,532 1,360 -11.23% 10,595 11,174 5.46% 13,634 22.27% DELTA 417,895 861,050 106.04% 5,530,466 9,530,468 72.33% 10,047,856 55.37% SOUTHWEST 311,454 430,568 38.24% 3,015,048 4,416,478 46.48% 4,786,563 40.55% UNITED 15,796 47,310 199.51% 130,628 311,071 138.14% 330,738 86.37% Others 7,919 24,457 208.84% 149,231 228,517 53.13% 322,106 48.92% CARGO CARRIERS FEDEX EXPRESS* 8,604,178 8,650,512 0.54% 92,813,001 95,109,728 2.47% 105,841,058 3.88% GEM AIR 19,305 17,206 -10.87% 239,848 237,442 -1.00% 258,724 2.38% SOUTHERN AIR - - 0.00% 1,688,688 - -100.00% - -100.00% UPS 7,080,724 6,420,315 -9.33% 78,883,707 65,914,956 -16.44% 75,311,535 -14.67% MISC CARGO 512,442 1,084,064 111.55% 4,534,093 6,316,687 39.32% 6,992,350 42.44% ABX AIR - - 0.00% - 316,366 100.00% 316,366 100.00% TOTAL DEPLANED CARGO 17,021,081 17,585,406 3.32% 187,428,430 182,654,559 -2.55% 204,514,894 -1.65% TOTAL CARGO 34,146,649 34,206,876 0.18% 374,420,029 369,271,352 -1.38% 414,889,174 -0.20% *FEDEX EXPRESS includes mail 401„,_-.../ Salt Lake City Department of Airports COMPARISON OF ON TIME OPERATIONS October 2021 ARRIVALS DEPARTURES OnAirport Flights °Time Rank Airport Flights On Rank MSP MINNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL INTL 11,038 88.0 1 HNL HONOLULU 4,375 91.3 1 ATL HARTSFIELD-JACKSON ATLANTA INTL 27,978 87.8 2 MSP MINNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL INTL 11,032 88.4 2 LGA NEW YORK LAGUARDIA 9,481 87.8 3 LGA NEW YORK LAGUARDIA 9,476 87.6 3 CLT CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS 20,411 87.3 4 JFK NEW YORK JFK INTL 7,838 86.9 4 HNL HONOLULU 4,374 86.7 5 DCA RONALD REAGAN NATIONAL 8,345 86.0 5 DTW DETROIT METRO WAYNE CNTY 11,683 85.2 6 BOS BOSTON LOGAN INTERNATIONAL 9,789 85.9 6 DCA RONALD REAGAN NATIONAL 8,538 85.0 7 PDX PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL 5,082 85.7 7 JFK NEW YORK JFK INTL 7,830 85.0 8 PHL PHILADELPHIA INTL 8,474 85.5 8 SEA SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL 15,072 84.8 9 DTW DETROIT METRO WAYNE CNTY 11,491 85.3 9 BOS BOSTON LOGAN INTL 9,888 83.9 10 ATL HARTSFIELD-JACKSON ATLANTA INTL 27,970 84.7 10 PHL PHILADELPHIA INTL 10,283 83.6 11 CLT CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS 18,457 84.7 11 SLC SALT LAKE CITY INTL 10,578 82.8 12 SEA SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL 15,068 84.2 12 PDX PORTLAND INTL 5,081 81.3 13 IAD WASHINGTON DULLES 5,601 83.6 13 IAH HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH 14,818 80.8 14 SLC SALT LAKE CITY INTL 10,581 83.1 14 DEN DENVER INTL 24,194 80.7 15 TPA TAMPA INTERNATIONAL 5,659 81.5 15 MIA MIAMI INTL 8,289 80.2 16 SFO SAN FRANCISCO INTL 10,324 80.8 16 EWR NEWARK LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL 10,624 79.6 17 IAH HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH 12,658 79.0 17 IAD WASHINGTON DULLES 8,244 79.3 18 EWR NEWARK LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL 9,006 78.8 18 SFO SAN FRANCISCO INTL 10,322 78.9 19 SAN SAN DIEGO LINDBERGH FIELD 6,393 78.4 19 TPA TAMPA INTL 5,662 78.9 20 MIA MIAMI INTL 8,285 77.6 20 MCO ORLANDO INTL 11,691 78.8 21 ORD CHICAGO O HARE 25,293 77.6 21 FLL FT.LAUDERDALE 7,174 78.4 22 LAX LOS ANGELES INTL 17,041 76.9 22 ORD CHICAGO O HARE 29,759 78.1 23 MCO ORLANDO INTL 11,690 76.6 23 DFW DALLAS-FT.WORTH REGIONAL 24,972 77.9 24 FLL FT.LAUDERDALE 7,167 76.3 24 LAX LOS ANGELES INTL 17,026 77.8 25 DFW DALLAS-FT.WORTH REGIONAL 24,963 74.8 25 SAN SAN DIEGO LINDBERGH FIELD 6,397 77.3 26 DEN DENVER INTERNATIONAL 23,502 73.3 26 BWI BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL 7,088 76.4 27 PHX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL 14,748 70.3 27 PHX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL 14,746 76.2 28 LAS LAS VEGAS MCCARRAN INTL 14,208 68.2 28 LAS LAS VEGAS MCCARRAN INTL 14,213 73.9 29 BWI BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL 7,090 62.0 29 MDW CHICAGO MIDWAY 6,119 73.4 30 MDW CHICAGO MIDWAY 6,121 60.1 30 AVERAGES 12,452 81.2 AVERAGES 11,924 79.8 ON TIME ARRIVAL PERFORMANCE AT SLC By Carrier Air Carrier Flights %On Time DL DELTA 7,731 86.8% F9 FRONTIER 113 85.8% UA UNITED 662 81.3% B6 JETBLUE 153 78.4% AS ALASKA 315 77.5% AA AMERICAN 646 69.0% WN SOUTHWEST 958 62.4% 9,416 91.9% Source:DOT Air Travel Consumer Report DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Area Map of Project Locations II. Project Schedule III. Construction Analysis IV. Design and Construction Report SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS January 11, 2022 / ge _--c ,-a 411 iiii06,--.400.' dr— Salt Lake City C� I International Airport a c ..„,,..„.......x7c.„..) (.....Th\---,,, ::::::,\--76:51, I `� ���� , r3I 0 / �j -` 2021 - 2 Project Leqend � i , 2d ll - 7441 /I [11,1.4. '4: 7 0 t = er 1. T/W G Centerline PCC Panel Replacement � t("L.� II -_� �� 2. North Cargo Apron Site Development ari�1 I Landside '/ .i i/, ' A 7 O \, . v©�_©G`j,, ®�-` _ kJ_ r \t , 3. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 1 / 4.Economy Parking Lot Bus Route � f tT' '' i ® 1 I Reconfiguration 1' / i - S i , 5.GA Zone 3 Corporate Hangar Site // ir r, Development / . -4 ❑ = ER Q • ` J • � _ —1 6.Landside Lighting Wire Replacement 1 - OC .� " � ��I ) ' ri i f ___\ \ ...___.,r-- 1 �_ _ 11 c _ lira �o tL l Q:Z .... U .. I. 51 _ i ice. nj ___,ft: _._, _ 1 �, L.• o, __,.. . ,_. asio ]ice,.. v, - — �: Page 1 01,11 2022 SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2021/2022 Construction Schedule ID Task Name I Start I Finish Sep'21 I Oct'21 I Nov'21 Dec'21 I Jan'22 I Feb'22 I Mar'22 Apr'22 I N 1 Project Title Sun 6/16/19 Fri 9/16/22 2 (1)T/W G Centerline PCC Panel Replacement Mon 5/24/21 Mon 11/22/21 3 (2)North Cargo Apron Site Development Mon 8/23/21 Fri 9/16/22 4 (3)Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Sun 6/16/19 Wed 11/10/21 5 (4)Economy Parking Lot Bus Route Mon 5/17/21 Mon 11/29/21 Reconfiguraion 6 (5)GA Zone 3 Corportate Hangar Site Sat 1/8/22 Mon 6/6/22 Development 7 (6)Landside Lighting Wire Replacement Mon 4/11/22 Wed 9/7/22 DESIGN mommi Inactive Milestone Manual Summary CONSTRUCTION Inactive Summary 7 Start-only c Project: Microsoft Project(latest) Date:Tue 1/11/22 SCOPING Manual Task Finish-only SUMMARY Duration-only Deadline Inactive Task Manual Summary Rollup Page II SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT STATUS 2021 -2022 APPROVED CHANGE %OF COST # PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S BID ORDERS TO INCREASE TO ESTIMATE AMOUNT DATE DATE STATUS CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION 1 Taxiway G Centerline PCC Panel Replacement $ 2,235,325 $ 2,347,930 $ 40,218 1.71% complete Ames Construction 2 North Cargo Apron Site Development $ 25,763,000 $ 22,141,148 $ (15,000) _ _ -0.07% on schedule Ames Construction 3 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations $ 291,764 $ 360,000 $ 4,275 1.19% complete Saunders Construction 4 Economy Parking Lot Bus Route Reconfiguration $ 1,824,590 $ 1,775,112 $ (250,764) -14.13%_complete Cal Wadsworth Construction 5 GA Zone 3 Corporate Hangar Site Development $ 1,213,237 $ 1,169,378 on schedule Ames Construction 6 Landside Lighting Wire Replacement $ 1,353,672 $ 815,689 - - _award process Prime Power& Electric, Inc. Total _ $ 32,681,588 $ 28,609,257 $ (221,271) -0.77% Budget amount, Engineer's estimate, and Bid amount is based on construction cost only. Page III 1/11/2022 CONSTRUCTION REPORT CONSTRUCTION (1) Taxiway G Centerline PCC Panel Replacement- The Contractor was issued substantial completion on November 22, 2021. Punch list work is weather and temperature dependent and will require being completed in the spring. (2) North Cargo Apron Site Development-The Contractor has placed engineered fill in the future apron area. Work will continue as acceptable weather allows. Most of the sanitary sewer utility work has been installed and work has begun on the storm water drainage system. Work will continue through the winter months as weather allows. (3) Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - The Contractor was issued substantial completion on November 10, 2021. All punch list items have been completed. (4) Economy Parking Lot Bus Route Reconfiguration -The Contractor was issued substantial completion on November 29, 2021. Punch list items are nearing completion. (5) GA Zone 3 Corporate Hangar Site Development- The Contractor, Ames Construction was issued a notice to proceed on January 8, 2022. A pre-construction meeting is scheduled to take place on January 12, 2022. (6) Landside Lighting Wire Replacement- The bid opening for this project was held on December 16, 2021. The apparent low bidder is Prime Power and Electric Inc. Contract documents are currently being prepared. Page IV 01`,..- mi.,,..'..lb Sig INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting January 19, 2022 Media Clippings https://slcairport.com/assets/pdfDocuments/AABoard/JanuaryClippingPacket2022.pdf Compiled by the Communication & Marketing Dept.