2/2/2022 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FROM THE
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
Webex Meeting
Call in Number: 1-408-418-9388
Pin: 24904489431
Salt Lake City, Utah
Board Members Board Members Not Present
Edward Makowski (Chair)
Matt Pauly(Vice-Chair) Jose Organista
Paul Cherecwich Scott Cuthbertson
Marty Biljanie
Shelley Bodily
Staff Present
Tony Milner,Housing Stability
Amanda Best,Housing Stability
Dillon Hase,Housing Stability
Heather Royall,housing Stability
Ethan Sellers,Housing Stability
Members of Public Present
1. 'Welcome
Edward Makowski, board Chair,welcomed the board.
2. Electronic Meeting Statement by Chair
Remote Meeting Statement read by Mr.Makowski:
"I, Edward Makowski, Chair of Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board, hereby determine that with the
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic conditions existing in Salt Lake City that meeting at an anchor location
presents a substantial risk to the health or safety of those who would be present."
3. Approval of January 5,2U22 Meeting Minutes
There were no changes to the minutes.There was not enough HTFAB members to have a quorum to
approve minutes. This item will be moved to the next meeting.
4. Fiscal Year 22-23 Funding Adjustment&Administration Costs
Ms. Best addressed the board and stated that the administration amounts were forgotten in the original
funding recommendation and there is an increase in potential HOPWA funding that needs to be addressed
in the funding recommendations as well.
The board reviewed the HOME funding recommendation to add the HOME administration. The original
motion requested that any additional funding be removed from the HOME Development Fund so Ms.
Best presented the option for the administration to be taken out of the HOME Development Fund.The
board still had no quorum at the time and conducted a straw pole vote to approve the updated motion. Mr.
Pauly motioned in a straw pole that the funding recommendation change to maximize administration,
with$200,000 going to The Road Home, $167,669 going to Utah Community Action(UCA), $138,500
going to South Valley Services,$200,000 going to CDCU,and $going to SI.0 Home Development Fund
and any excess funding go towards the SLC HOME Development Fund,if any reduction of funding that
will come from the HOME Development Fund.Mr.Cherecwich seconded the straw poll. All present
members voted in favor of the straw pole vote.
The HOPWA budget for FY 22-23 increased to$910,126 which is over the total requested amount.
Housing- Stability staff went to the applicants to request if they could increase their ask.A new funding
recon.rnendation is requested by Ms. Best to increase amounts and maximize administration.The board
decided to update the funding requests, after maximizing administration,with$519,185 going to Housing
Conned, $195.7 36 going to Utah Community Action,$70,000 going to Utah AIDS Foundation
Suppo rive Services, $100,000 going to Utah ;SIDS Foundation Mental Health Services,any increase
0011 <I is sr w UCA up to their increased asl: of S235,000 and then to Housing Connect and any decrease
con-ir:D from UCA down to$165,000 and any additional decrease would come from Housing Connect.
The board still had no quorum and completed a straw poll vote with all present members in favor.
S. Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:24 in.
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This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Housing Trust Fund
Advisory Board meeting held February 2,2022.