Formal Meeting
Thursday,February 3,2022
5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
Join Via Webex(Encouraged):
Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104
Upstairs Parks Training Room-MASKS REQUIRED
Join by phone
Access code:24949192821
February 3, 2022 Minutes (approved)
1-Convening the Meeting 5:00PM
• Call to Order
• Polly Hart
• Brianna Binnebose
• Samantha Finch
• Jenny Hewson
• Phil Carroll
• CJ Whittaker
• Ginger Cannon
• Clayton Scrivner
• Chair Comments
Polly Hart announced that Tyler Murdock will be Public Land's new Deputy Director.
2—Approval of Minutes 5:03PM
• Approve January6, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Ms. Hart solicited the board for a motion to approve the January2022 PNUT Board
Meeting minutes. Bri Binnebose motioned to approve the minutes. Phil Carroll
seconded the motion.
The PNUT Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes.
3—Public Comment Period 5:05PM
• Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total.
Written comments are welcome.
Anne Cannon
Ms.Cannon stated that at the last community council meeting, many people
expressed concerns regarding the overuse of Wasatch Hollow's off-leash dog area. Ms.
Cannon encouraged Public Lands to implement the Park Ranger program in other
Jan Hemming
Ms. Hemming provided the PNUT Board with an update on the Miller Bird Refuge and
Nature Park,a critical issue that has been going on for the past eight years.On
February 2, 2022,community members met with city officials to discuss specific issues
in the park. Community members have also met with twelve conservationist groups
who are anxious to work with the City.The community is hoping to bring together a
coalition to stop bad practices in the park and begin a revitalization process. The
community's residents also passed in a vote support for a moratorium period for
vegetation plantings, soil erosion restoration and other improvements to the park.
4—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:20PM
• Road Map of Public Lands Projects in 2022—Kristin Riker 15 mins
Public Lands Director Kristin Riker shared a road map of the department's projects by
division for 2022.
Legislative Intent
- Public Lands has been asked by City Council to provide an estimate of the
funding that would be needed to adequately maintain all the city's Public
Lands.This estimate should include the number of employees, supplies,
equipment and appropriate signage needed.This is a large project that Public
Lands hopes to complete by April 2022. The legislative intent addresses 6
goals:recruitment, matching the growth of SLC with the growth of Public
Lands,addressing aging infrastructure, improving stewards hip capacity,
funding currently unfunded responsibilities and reducing crime and anti-social
behavior in Public Lands.
Planning and Ecological Services
Major Projects
Planning and Ecological Services will be completing the following major projects. Each
of these projects contains elements of Public Engagement involving Planning and
Communications staff.
- Allen Park, Glendale Water Park, Pioneer Park, Emerald Ribbon Master Plan,
Downtown Green Loop Design, Foothills Trailhead Development, Liberty Park
Cultural Landscape Report and Masterplan,Seven Canyons Fountain and
Fisher Mansion Carriage House.
Medium Projects
- 9Line Urban Orchard,Wasatch Hollow Access, Hidden Hollow Irrigation,
Community Parks Wayfinding and Signage, Miller Bird Refuge, Poplar Grove
Tennis Renovation,Three Creeks West Vision, Liberty Park Basketball Court
Resurfacing,Jordan Park Pedestrian Pathways and Event Grounds, Harrison
Community Garden and the RAC Playground.
Communications will be completing a variety of projects throughout the year.These
projects include implementing community engagement and equity analytics to analyze
communications engagement data and understand how Public Lands can
communicate with all, updating web pages, planning grand openings and celebrations,
implementing the Love your Block grant initiative and implementing the second year of
the Trail Ambassadors program.
Urban Forestry
Urban Forestry will be focusing on maximizing the quality of production capability and
currently allocated resources as well as advocating for additional resources that are
The Division will also be engaging in education and outreach to SLC residents to
encourage tree health and watering schedules.
Operations is working on implementing Cartegraph,a work order software with
capabilities for tracking asset conditions,warehouse materials and work tasks,
throughout Public Lands.
• Discussion about Backlog of Public Lands Construction Projects—Tyler 15 mins
Tyler Murdock presented background information on the Planning and Projects team,
the challenges currently being faced by the team and the solutions the team is working
on. Mr. Murdock also provided the board with a written update regarding 5 projects.
The growth of Salt Lake City is creating a demand for expansion of the Public Lands
network.Along with this growth comes is an increased impact fee collection,which
allows for the growth of Public Lands Planning Team.
Currently, Public Lands has a total of 58 capital projects.
- 15 recently funded and not yet started projects
- 27 projects in concept/construction design phase
- 7 projects in bid/construction phase
- 9 closeout projects
Public Lands is facing the following challenges:
- Staffing Capacity—currently, Public Lands has 3 project planning staff
members.The City's Engineering division and outside consultant groups are
alsofacing similar staffing issues.
- Project Management Issues—Many key issues that delay projects are related
to permitting and needs for approval from numerous jurisdiction partners.
- Budget Overruns/Inflation—Historically, Public Lands has funded projects
concept design and construction at the same time.This funding process is
currently being altered because this process results in projects securing
funding years before the funding is spent,which does not account for rise in
cost of materials and inflation.
- Lack of a Project Management System—Public Lands and Engineering do not
have a shared project management system.This presents a challenge for
timely review, leading to delays.
- Land Use—Land use problems,zoning process, right of way vacation and lot
consolidation all go through a formal process of 6-9 months which adds to
complications and delays.
- Rise in Constituent Applications —A rise in these applications has resulted in
reduced capacityfor the planning team.
- Project Prioritization—The planning team is in need of a new project
prioritization structure.
The following solutions are being implemented to address current challenges:
- Staff Capacity—Staff is currently working on the legislative intent to address
staffing capacity issues. Engineering is also working on revising staff
classifications to implement and hire more staff. Public Lands has also
increased its number of on call consultants to5.
- Project Management—The Engineering division recently implemented a joint
project management system. Public Lands planning staff is also implementing
a shared project implementation software with the community engagement
team to ensure timely updates on project's status.
- Project Charters—Project charters will be implemented to improve the
decision-making process surrounding larger projects.
- Planning Timelines—Public Lands will create a 5-year strategic plan as outlined
in the Reimagine Nature Masterplan.
- Asset Management—An asset management plan will be developed.
- Communication—Public Lands will be creating a website with information
about all projects and updates.This site will be going live in the next couple of
Mr. Murdock would like to provide the PNUT Board with a write up of the timeline and
implementation plan of solutions next month.
Ginger Cannon asked what ideas does Mr. Murdock have to tie back projects to the
five goals of sustain,connect,welcome, protect and grow that are outlined in the
masterplan and what timelines have been submitted to the City Council in regards to
the masterplan?
Mr. Murdock responded that the masterplan recommends a strategic 5-year plan is
outlined for Cl P projects.This timeline will help Public Lands understand the priorities
of the community and what projects the department should be applying for. In these
CIP projects, Public Lands would like to see every project tie back to the five strategic
goals outlined in the masterplan.
As for the Reimagine Nature Master Plan,the plan has been transmitted to the Mayor
and forwarded to the Council. Public Lands is still working with Council and the plan's
consulting group to identify a date for a presentation in March.After the presentation,
there will be two more Council sessions featuring a public hearing and adoption of the
plan. Public Lands is hoping to have the plan adopted in April 2022.
During the public hearing process there will be opportunity for members of the public
to comment on the masterplan draft.The draft is available at
https://www.reimaginenatureslc.com/for public viewing.
• Miller Park Update—Kat Maus 10 mins
Public Lands Planner Kat Maus provided the PNUT Board with an update on the Miller
Park CIP application.The update provided was just on the CIP application titled Miller
Park Trail ADA Access Improvements and Historic Structure Preservation.While
management concerns are related to the future of this project, this project is running
parallel to discussions recurring in the city regarding management of the park.
The original CIP project was funded in 2018 for$425,000.The City has used a total of
$57,165 of these funds.
$37,000 of the spent funds was used for hiring consult team Alta Planning, public
engagement, hiring geotechnical structure engineers,summary board creations and
producing boards and information materials that will be used in future presentations
to the Yalecrest Community Council and PNUT Board. $16,500 of these funds have
gone towards engineering fees in Salt Lake City's Engineering division. $3,700 of these
funds is still left in the consultant's contract, leaving a remaining balance of$367,835.
The remaining balance will be utilized once Public Lands has direction on the scope of
design and construction costs for implementing this project.
Ms. Maus provided the PNUT Board with a timeline of items that have occurred since
the CIP project was funded. The Miller Park CI P Project was applied for in 2017 and
approved by City Council. In September of 2018, Public Lands engaged a consultant to
perform an evaluation of historic walls and park accessibility.The most significant
delays of the Miller Park CIP project resulted from months of no contact from this
initial consultant. In early 2019 Public Lands canceled their request for contract from
this consultant and went out to bid for a new consultant between February 2019 to
May 2019. Public Lands then brought on Alta Consulting to perform an evaluation of
the walls and ADA access.
The second setbackthat Public Lands encountered was the COVID-19 Pandemic,which
lead to many projects being put on hold between March 2020 and February 2021.
In Earlyspring 2021, Public Engagement surrounding this project took place.Also in
spring 2021, Public Land's project manager moved to the engineering division, causing
the project to go without a manager for a period of time.
In July 2021, Ms. Maus was assigned tothis project and has been in conversations with
the constituent who submitted the project on how to proceed.
In October 2021, Public Lands met on site with community members,Councilman
Dugan and Mayor's office representatives to share the project.
In December 2021, Public Lands intended togotothe YalecrestCommunityCouncil to
present a change in scope of the project. As a number of concerns have risen,this
agenda item has been moved.
Public Lands proposed to present to the Yalecrest Community Council in February 2021
but had the agenda item moved due to COVI D-19 concerns.
Public Lands is proposing to redefine the scope of the CI P project. The original CIP
application listed two major goals of preserving the historic walls and providing ADA
access tothe park.
In the initial round of public engagement that began in spring 2021 as well as in
findings from geotechnical structural reports,several projects have been identified
that will fulfill the goals of the original application to a greater extent than the
individual projects that were originally proposed in the application. The City feels it's
important to share this new information and propose a change of scope amendment.
After getting feedback and recommendations, Public Lands staff will submit a budget
amendment request to City Council who will make the final decision.
The timeline for this project moving forward is as follows.
Public Lands will appear on the Yalecrest Community Council agenda in March 2022.
Then, Public Lands will return to the PNUT board in April 2022 for a recommendation.
Once City Council makes their determination, Public Lands will work with the
consultant to implement the project.
Public Lands will also askfor Yalecrest Community council to provide written feedback
for the PNUT Board presentation that will be included in the board packet.
If any board members have questions regarding the project, please contact Ms. Maus
directly at katherine.maus@slcgov.com
5—Board Discussion and Action Items 6:00PM
• Board Discussion on Public Lands FY2023 Budget Initiatives& 30 mins
Ms.Cannon asked Ms. Riker how do the budget initiatives presented tie into the
budget process? Ms. Riker responded that each year Public Lands starts with their
budget from last year.The initiatives proposed are added funds to the existing budget.
The budget initiatives are comprised of new things Public Lands needs to support
properties coming online, currently unfunded tasks and initiatives that support the
Mayor's 2022 objectives or the masterplan vision.
Ms. Hart asked whether the golf course fund takes care of the trees located on golf
courses?Ms. Riker responded that Urban Forestry is not responsible for taking care of
golf course trees.Currently,the Golf division lacks capacityto maintain the trees in the
manner that Urban Forestry could. Public Lands also recognizes that the trees on golf
courses greatly benefit the community, leading the department to propose the
planting of more trees in these areas since they will be watered and cared for.
The PNUT Board decided that Ms. Binnebose will create a Google Form that board
members will use to rank and provide feedback on the FY2023 budget initiatives.After
the form is created,the board will have 10 days to make their recommendations.Then
Ms. Hart and Ms. Binnebose will take a week to go through everyone's responses and
clarify the list.
6—Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments&Future Agenda Items 6:30PM
• Board Subcommittee updates as needed
Trails Subcommittee Update
Mr.Whittaker, Mr.Carroll and Ms. Hart met with Mr. Murdock before the PNUT Board
meeting to get the subcommittee moving forward.
Communications Subcommittee
Ms. Binnebose stated that the communications subcommittee can serve as a sounding
board to Public Lands for any projects that could use input or a review.The
subcommittee would love to utilize their experience to aid Public Lands
communications team however they can.
Bylaws Subcommittee
Ms.Cannon stated that the subcommittee has a copy of some draft bylaw changes
specifically about the number of voting procedures, board responsibilities,officer
responsibilities and public responsibilities.The subcommittee is looking to review
these with Ms. Riker and the city attorney and report back to the board after for a final
review and vote. Mr. Allen will assist the subcommittee in facilitating a meeting with
Ms. Riker and the city attorney.
• Board Comment and Question Period
Ms.Cannon commented that she is concerned that new board member Nathan
Manuel has not been present at any meetings. Mr.Allen has contacted him numerous
times before meetings but has been unable to get a response. Ms. Hart will attempt to
contact Mr. Manuel and if there is no response the board will look at next steps.
Mr.Carroll asked if Public Lands could provide the board with an org chart. Mr.Allen
will send a copy of the chart to the board members.
• Next Meeting: March 3, 2022
• Request for Future Agenda Item
In September 2021,the board was supposed to write a letter of support for the
Reimagine Nature Master Plan. Ms.Cannon and Ms. Binnebose received support from
the board to coordinate and write a letter of support. If completed,the letter will be a
future agenda item for March 2022.
• Upcoming Involvement Opportunities
7—Adjourn 6:40PM
Ms. Binnebose motioned to end the February meeting. Ms. Hewson seconded the motion. All board
members voted in favor of ending the meeting.
WebEx Meeting Chat
Hi everyone, I just got an email that City internet might go down for about 15 minutes momentarily. I
made Tyler Murdock the host of the meeting in case I disappear for a few minutes.
from Allen, Luke to everyone: 5:44 PM
from Bri Binnebose to everyone: 5:45 PM
Would it be possible to get calendar invites once those dates are set?
from Allen, Luke to everyone: 5:45 PM
Yes,good idea Bri. I will keep an eye out for those dates.
from Bri Binnebose to everyone: 5:45 PM
Thanks Luke, appreciate that!
from Riker, Kristin to everyone: 6:01 PM
from Riker, Kristin to everyone: 6:06 PM
Thank you PNUT Board.Time to sign off. Thank you for your continued support! Tyler,Carmen,division
directors, Luke,etc.can respond to your questions.
from Carmen Bailey, Public Lands SLC to everyone: 6:08 PM
Luke and I will double check that March 3rd due date for the letter
from Mika la J to everyone: 6:11 PM
Hi all, I'm signing off but I wanted to saythat this is the first PNUT meeting I've attended, and I
appreciate all your time and work! Thanks!