2/3/2022 - Meeting Minutes (2) „so. \\ L y,
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Salt Lake City Art Design Board Meeting
February 3,2022
5:00—7:00 pm
Webex Online
PRESENT: Tiffini Porter Meggie Troili Alejandro Moya
Angela Dean Michael Mejia Colour Maisch
Staff Members
Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez,Public Art Program Manager
Felicia Baca,Arts Council Director
Taylor Knuth,Arts Council Assistant Director
Call to Order/Welcome
Ms.Meggie Troili called the meeting to order.
II. Approval of Minutes
Mr.Michael Mejia motioned to approve minutes,Mr.Alejandro Moya seconded,and all board members
voted in favor.
III. Fire House Fire deaccession report and recommendation
Mr.Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez recapped the ongoing discussion regarding the repairs needed for Fire
House Fire. The available amount in the public art maintenance fund is$149,419. The estimated cost for
refabrication and installation of this work is$36,228 and this bid is valid for the next 30 days.Fire House
Fire will use approximately 24%of the current maintenance fund.
Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez discussed an overview of the maintenance assessment report that was completed on
our public art collection. The assessment identified the items in need of repair and prioritized them from
level one through four.We were able to get a bid from Metal Art Foundry,located in Lehi,UT,for a
significant number of the items on the report.Mr.Olmedo-Gonzalez presented a spreadsheet showing
which artworks are tentatively being recommended for maintenance over the next year.The final report
will be presented to City Council in March.The eighteen items recommended for repair,including Fire
House Fire and a reserved contingency of$15,000,will total$148,053. This will leave$1,366 in the
maintenance fund,which receives funds yearly following the CIP process as approved by City Council.
These repairs will address all the items in priority one.When this report is presented to City Council the
case will be made that the Arts Council needs more funds for ongoing repairs.
There are a few items on the maintenance report that instead of a recommendation to repair,they are
recommended for deaccession.Ms.Troili suggested in an Executive Committee Meeting that the
Community Councils in those areas should be consulted as the works are discussed for deaccession.
Ms.Felicia Baca elaborated on the fact that this initial funding for maintenance was a huge win,but also
not a recurring funding source for repairs. She mentioned that repairs have a huge range of cost,from
$1,800 to$36,000. This will continue to be the case.Mr.Olmedo-Gonzalez emphasized that because this
money is a one-time funding opportunity,we may not have the funds in the future to repair Fire House
Fire because it is so costly.We do reserve between 10%-20%of the annual Capital Improvement Project
(CIP)funds for maintenance,but in the case of this past year,2022,it was only slightly above$20,000.
This document constitutes the official minutes from the Salt Lake Art Design Board's February 3,2022 convening.
There is a one-year warranty on the refabricated Fire House Fire,this could be extended for an additional
cost.The ongoing maintenance after refabrication is minimal as it is extremely durable and should
withstand exposure to natural elements,however,it is not unbreakable.The only maintenance will be if a
piece goes out and needs to be replaced.The lifetime of the piece is estimated at 8-10 years,but that could
be longer based on conditions.
Ms.Angela Dean asked how long the original piece functioned.It was installed in 1990,it stopped
working in the mid-2000s according to our records and it was replaced at that time.After that repair we do
not have notes on how long it worked.According to a constituent Ms.Baca spoke with recently,they
believe it has only been about 5 years that the artwork has not been working.
Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez highlighted that the list of maintenance that he presented earlier includes all of the
highest priority repairs to be done in the coming year.There are a few items listed in priority one that are
recommended for deaccession and those will be discussed at a future meeting.
Mr.Michael Mejia made a motion to not deaccession Fire House Fire and have YESCO refabricate it at
the cost of$36,288 plus the cost of an additional warranty for a total of a two-year warranty.Ms. Colour
Maisch seconded,and all members were in favor.
IV. Gateway District Zoning Ordinance
a. Greenprint Gateway Apartments—artwork submittal for review and feedback
The ordinance for building in the Gateway District has a clause that states any artwork that will be
publicly visible should be submitted to the Art Design Board for feedback. The feedback is in the context
of the Board's expertise;the Board should provide information regarding if the artwork is safe,what are
any concerns the Board has regarding the work,wind motion,etc.
This is private property and a private developer and so they have decided to include artwork in the
development. The Art Design Board's roll is not for approval on the artwork,but to provide expertise
related to public art and advise on concerns related to the work.
The Board discussed the designs submitted and the concerns they noted were following:
• That trash or debris may get stuck on the artwork because of the texture
• How secure the leaves will be and whether they can be ripped off
• Depending on the depth of the work there is the possibility of birds nesting or critters using it.
• The durability of the sculpture as it is at sidewalk level and a high touch point
• Making sure the metal is not sharp.
V. Public Comment
No public was present.
VI. Other Business/Adjourn
Ms.Baca updated the Board about two issues that are being presented to City Council.The first is the
public benefit study being presented to City Council regarding the usage of the Art Barn by the Arts
Council. The Salt Lake City Arts Council has a nonprofit arm and thus required benefits of the Council's
use of the publicly owned building. This is a formal process to allow the Arts Council to continue to lease
the Art Barn annually from the city.
The second item is a budget amendment to City Council requesting additional employees for the Arts
Council. The potential new employees would impact the public art area.
Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez reported that the vacancy on the Art Design Board is still open,but he is hoping to
close the applications on February 11,2022.
The Emerging Leader Fellow applications close on February 4,2022.The desire is to have the fellow
present at the next board meeting.
Life on State call for artists public art opportunity was released and the application will close on March 11,
2022.The video information session will be posted to the website along with questions and answers.
a. Next meeting:March 3,2022 at 5:00 pm
Ms.Maisch motioned to close the meeting.Ms.Angela Dean seconded,and all members voted in favor.