February 9, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
(The order of the items may change at the Commission's discretion)
ATTENTION: This meeting will not have an anchor location at the City & County Building based on the
following determination by the Planning Commission Chair:
I, Amy Barry, Chair of the Planning Commission, hereby determine that with the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic conditions existing in Salt Lake City including, but not limited to, the elevated number of cases,
that meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who would
be present.
Commission Members will connect remotely. We want to make sure everyone interested in the Planning
Commission meetings can still access the meetings how they feel most comfortable. If you are interested
in watching the Planning Commission meetings, they are available on the following platforms:
• YouTube: www.Voutube.com/slclivemeetings
• SLCty Channel 17 Live: www.slctv.com/livestream/SLCty-Live/2
If you are interested in participating during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting or provide general
comments, email; planning.comments@slcgov.com or connect with us on Webex at:
• https://bit.IV/slc-pc-02092022
Instructions for using WebEx are provided on our website at.SLC.GOV/Planning
1. Potential Action Item — Planning Commission will discuss initiating a petition to remove the
conditional use process for detached ADU's in single family zoning districts.
1. Time Extension Request - Planned Development at 1159 E 1300 S - Anthony Reilly, property
owner, has submitted a letter requesting a one-year extension for a Planned Development approval
that was granted by the Planning Commission on February 24, 2021. The approval was for a two-
lot subdivision at 1159 E 1300 S. Development plans were not submitted with the proposal, but a
conditional of approval stated that, "The structure on Lot 2 shall have quality primary exterior
building materials such as brick and stone and accent materials such as hardie board siding and
stucco." Staff will review building plans for compliance. The subject property is zoned R-1/5,000
and is located in Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Amanda Roman at
801-535-7660 or amanda.roman(a),slcgov.com) PLNPCM2020-00681
1. Special Exception Request for Additional Building &Wall Height at 321 E Stanton Avenue
- The applicants, Michael and Kevin Fairbanks, have requested Special Exception approval for
additional building and wall height at 321 E Stanton Avenue. The proposal is to build four single-
family attached units measuring approximately 33 feet, with a wall height of approximately 28 feet.
The property is in the SR-3 Special Development Pattern Residential zoning district, which
permits buildings with a pitched roof to have an overall height of 28 feet or the average height of
other principal buildings on the block face. The maximum wall height in the zone is 20 feet.
Additional building and wall height may be granted through the special exception process if the
proposal meets the general special exception standards and if the proposed building height is in
keeping with the development pattern of the block face. The property is within Council District 4,
represented by Ana Valdemoros. (Staff contact: Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or
amanda.roman@slcgov.com) Case number: PLNPCM2021-00976
2. The Harvey at approximately 501, 511, and 515 East 2700 South —Alina Kowalczyk of
Babcock Design, representing the property owners, is requesting Planned Development and
Design Review approval for a mixed-use building with one commercial unit and 14 residential
units. Currently the land has a commercial building and one single-family residence. The
property is zoned CN (Neighborhood Commercial). The proposed project is subject to the
following petitions:
a. Planned Development— Planned Development approval is required for the driveway,
dumpster enclosure, and utility transformer in the rear yard and 7' landscape buffer on the
north property line, additional building height up to 5' to accommodate the sunken garden
level patios and stairs, and an increase in the lot size maximum from 16,500 sq. ft. to
approximately 18,000 sq. ft in the CN zoning district. Case Number: PLNPCM2021-01092.
b. Design Review— Design Review approval is required for modification to the required front
and corner side yard setbacks from 15' to 10' for the sunken garden level patios and
associated stairs and 2' encroachment of the steel canopies in the front and corner side
yards. Case Number: PLNPCM2021-01254.
The subject property is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff
contact: Sara Javoronok at 801-535-7625 or sara.lavoronok@slcgov.com) Case numbers:
PLNPCM2021-01092 and PLNPCM2021-01254
3. Dowland Townhomes General Plan and Zoning Map Amendments at 1902 S 400 East- Paul
Dowland, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting an amendment of the General Plan and
Zoning Map for a property located at approximately 1902 South 400 East. The Applicant is
requesting to change the General Plan Land Use Map from Low Density Residential to Medium
Density Residential and to change the Zoning Map from R-1-5,000 (Single Family Residential
District) to RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential District). The purpose of the
request is to facilitate future development of 4 townhome unites. The subject property is located
within Council District 5 represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Caitlyn Tubbs at (801)-535-
7706 or caitlyn.tubbs@slcgov.com) Case numbers: PLNPCM2021-00717 and PLNPCM2021-
00718 (This item was tabled at the November 10, 2021 Planning Commission meeting).
1. Appeals and Variances — Planning Commission training
For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division's website at slc.gov/planninp/public-
meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified,
which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.