3/3/2022 - Meeting Agenda PARKS,NATURAL LANDS, URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,March 3,2022 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Join Via Webex(Encouraged): https://sa ltl a kecity.webex.com/saltl akecity/j.php?MTID=macff7eeaebd063 c896883d73a7da cacl Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room-MASKS REQUIRED Join by phone 1-408-418-9388 Access code:24813481765 AGENDA 1—Convening the Meeting 5:00PM Call to Order Chair Comments 2—Approval of Minutes 5:03PM Approve February 3,2022 Meeting Minutes 3—Public Comment Period 5:05PM Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. 4—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:20PM Park Ranger Program Update—Carmen Bailey 15 mins Miller Park Update—Tyler Murdock 10 mins KABOOM! Donation Proposal—Kat Maus(Action Item) 5 mins 5—Board Discussion and Action Items 5:50PM Board Discussion about Engaging with Constituents 10 mins Board Review and Discuss Draft Letter Regarding Reimagine Nature Master Plan 10 mins (Action Item) Continued Board Discussion on Public Lands FY2023 Budget Initiatives&Ranking Letter 30 mins (Action Item) 6—Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments&Future Agenda Items 6:40PM Board Subcommittee updates as needed • Trails Subcommittee • Bylaws Subcommittee • Communication Subcommittee Board Comment and Question Period Next Meeting:April 7, 2022 Request for Future Agenda Item Upcoming Involvement Opportunities 7—Adjourn 7:00PM