3/23/2022 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, March 23, 2022 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 pm. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For complete commentary and presentation of the meeting, please visit https://www.Voutube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson Amy Barry, Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman, Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, and Aimee Burrows. Commissioners Andra Ghent, Andres Paredes, and Mike Christensen were excused. Planning Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Director Nick Norris, Planning Manager John Anderson, Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson, Principal Planner Diana Martinez, Urban Designer Laura Bandara, Senior Planner Daniel Echeverria, Associate Planner Brooke Olson, Planning Manager Wayne Mills, Administrative Assistant David Schupick, and Administrative Assistant Aubrey Clark. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR MARCH 9, 2022 Commissioner Maurine Bachman motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Aimee Burrows seconded the motion. Commissioners Aimee Burrows, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, and Maurine Bachman voted "yes". Commissioner Adrienne Bell abstained. The motion passed. REPORT OF THE CHAIR & VICE-CHAIR Chairperson Amy Barry stated that she has nothing to report. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman that she has nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Director Nick Norris gave a reminder to turn off and on the microphones for the in-person meeting. He also stated that the City Council did adopt an ordinance that removes, at least for the time being, homeless resource centers from the land use tables while working on updating the regulations and processes. He stated that City Council also adopted as part of the ordinance, a provision that reinstates the rules if the city doesn't have something in place by a deadline within the next calendar year. Nick stated that the planning division has been working to understand the impacts that the homeless resource centers have on city resources to help update regulations. The City Council also had a briefing on two zoning changes. One was to increase height for stealth towers in the public land zoning district. They also had a briefing on the proposed rezone for the western garden site just West of Trolley Square on 600 East. He also stated on April 511 the city council will be having a briefing from the Community and Neighborhoods Department with various proposals that are in front of the council regarding housing and will provide an update after that. Also, he stated that he hopes within the coming months an update with the commission and to review the policies and procedures to help address any potential future hybrid or virtual meetings. PUBLIC HEARINGS Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 1 ADU Conditional Use at approximately 991 South 1000 East - Margy Maher of Brach Design, representing the property owners, is requesting Conditional Use approval for a 22'4.5"-foot tall, 450- square-foot detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) that will be located in the rear yard of the property at the above-stated address. The subject property is approximately 0.12 acres (5,227 square feet) in size and is in the R-1-5,000 Single Family Zoning District. The property is located within District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Diana Martinez at 801-535-7215 or diana.martinez@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-01285 Principal Planner Diana Martinez reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that a new home and new garage with an ADU will be constructed in place of the existing structure. She stated that the new garage will have an ADU on top of it. She stated that Staff recommends approval of the application request. Commissioner Scheer asked what would happen to the ADU if the existing home was not torn down and wondered if a condition needed to be added that the main dwelling is rebuilt. Planner Diana Martinez clarified that even if the existing home remained, the ADU would still meet the setback requirements, but the height requirement would be an issue. She stated that she didn't know the height of the existing structure but guessed it was 25 to 26 feet. Commissioner Scheer wondered if the Commission should add a condition that the primary dwelling be rebuilt at a higher height. Director Nick Norris stated that he would do some research and answer any questions after the public hearing. The Applicants Margy Maher and Dave Brock shared a presentation of the proposed project. Margy Maher reviewed the proposal. Margy Maher stated that they aimed to keep the ADU as small as possible, keeping it shorter than the new house that would be designed next to it. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. • Neil Ellis —He is concerned with the height of the project and wondered how the proposed 26ft height is in unison with the rest of the neighborhood. He is also concerned who will be living in on site in the main house and ADU. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing. Chairperson Barry reviewed the City's code, clarifying that the property owner is required to live on site when an ADU is built. She also stated that the ordinance does not regulate who the who they may rent to but clarified that it does restrict Airbnb type rentals. Planning Director Nick Norris reviewed the height regulations stating that the principal structure in this zone can be up to 28 feet with a pitched roof measured at its highest point, or 23 feet for a flat roof structure. He clarified that an ADU is not allowed to be taller than the principal structure and if the minimum setbacks are met the height of the ADU can be 17 feet with an increase in height of up to 23 feet with every increased foot of setbacks from the property line. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 2 Commissioner Burrows clarified that when there is a restriction on an Airbnb type rental it means that the ADU or principal structure cannot be rented for less than 30 days. She also clarified that the requirement for the ADU or primary structure has to be occupied by the owner is part of the title and transfers with ownership should the property sell. She then asked if the proposed garage would have the same setback as the current garage. Planner Diana Martinez stated that it would be in about the same. Chair Barry asked Director Nick Norris if he found an answer to Commissioner Scheer's earlier question as to whether a condition should be imposed. Direct Nick Norris replied that a condition is probably warranted because an approval for the proposed height of the ADU cannot be made based on the height of the existing structure. He said that the Commission can, and probably should, add a condition that says the building permit for the ADU as proposed cannot be issued unless it is issued with an associated building permit to increase the height of the principal building. MOTION Commissioner Brenda Scheer Stated, Based on the information in the staff report,the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Commission approve the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Conditional Use application PLNPCM2021-01285. With the addition of the following condition. 1. That the ADU cannot be permitted without an associated permit for the primary dwelling unit that is at least as tall or taller than the ADU proposed. Commissioner Adrienne Bell seconded the motion. Commissioners Jon Lee, Maurine Bachman, Adrienne Bell, Aimee Burrows, and Brenda Scheer voted "yes'. The motion passed unanimously. Pacific Yard Design Review& Planned Development- KTGY Architects, representing Urban Alfandre, are requesting a Planned Development and Design Review approval for a mixed-use multifamily building at approximately 443 W 700 South, 720 S 400 West, and 704 S 400 West. The proposed 7-story building is 88-feet in height and includes 292 units and 202 parking stalls. It has 12,000 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor. The applicant is requesting relief from required setbacks and landscaping through the Planned Development process and requesting an additional 28 feet of building height through Design Review. The project site is in the General Commercial (CG) zoning district. In the CG zone, new buildings taller than sixty feet (60') but less than ninety feet (90') may be authorized through Design Review. The proposed project incorporates a public mid-block pedestrian walkway along the western property line. a. Planned Development— Planned Development request to waive setback and landscaping requirements in the CG zone. Case number PLNPCM2021-00822 b. Design Review — Design Review request for 28 feet of additional height. Case number PLNPCM2021-00835 Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 3 The Planning Commission reviewed this item at the February 23rd public hearing and the item was tabled to allow for revisions to the proposal. The property is located within Council District 4, represented by Ana Valdemoros. (Staff Contact: Laura Bandara at 801-535-6188 or laura.bandara@slcgov.com) Urban Designer Laura Bandara reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that Staff recommends approval of the application request. James Alfandre gave a formal presentation. He described how they found creative ways to implement more vegetation. He also stated that they are adding more public space than required. Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on whether the project had gone back to the Community Councils or if there were any new public input. James Alfandre stated that they were not required to go back to the Community Councils, they were only given the task of finding more ways to provide vegetation coverage. Laura Bandara stated that there were two new public comments from people who live in Sugar House. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, Chair Barry closed the public hearing. Commissioner Aimee Burrows stated that she has read two public comments that they both are not satisfied with the updates. MOTION Commissioner Adrienne Bell stated, Based on the analysis and findings in the staff report that the standards for Planned Development have been substantially met, testimony and the proposal presented, I move that the Planning Commission approve the request for Planned Development for new mixed-use construction in the CG zoning district at approximately 43W 700 South, 720 S 400 West, and 704 S 400 West with the following conditions: 1. Final approval of the details for public art, development, and site lighting (including the mid- block walkway), street lighting, streetscape details, street furniture, midblock walkway paving, sidewalk paving and landscaping to be delegated to Planning Staff to ensure compliance with the standards for Design Review as well as the Downtown Community Plan. 2. Applicant to mitigate the building mass and improve the relationship of building height to human scale through provision of an awning of 4' in depth, subject to an encroachment agreement approved by all required City divisions and departments. 3. Final approval a tree form with a spreading canopy in the park strip, that will also meet the needs of the Urban Forestry Division and relevant utility companies to be delegated to Planning Staff. 4. A public easement will be recorded on the property for the midblock walkway. A sign will be posted on the midblock walkway stating it is open to the public. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 4 5. A complete lot consolidation application for the three existing parcels shall be submitted and approved. Commissioner Jon Lee seconded the motion. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman, Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, Adrienne Bell, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passes unanimously. Commissioner Adrienne Bell stated, Based on the analysis and findings in the staff report that the standards for Design Review have been substantially met, testimony and the proposal presented, I move that the Planning Commission approve their quest for Design Review for additional height for new mixed-use construction in the CG zoning district atapproximately43 W 700 South,720 S 400 West, and 704 S 400 West with the following conditions: 1.Final approval of the details for public art, development, and site lighting (including the mid- block walkway), street lighting, streetscape details, street furniture, midblock walkway paving, sidewalk paving and landscaping to be delegated to Planning Staff to ensure compliance with the standards for Design Review as well as the Downtown Community Plan. 2.Applicant to mitigate the building mass and improve the relationship of building height to human scale through provision of an awning of 4' in depth, subject to an encroachment agreement approved by all required City divisions and departments. 3.Final approval a tree form with a spreading canopy in the park strip,that will also meet the needs of the Urban Forestry Division and relevant utility companies to be delegated to Planning Staff. 4.A public easement will be recorded on the property for the midblock walkway. A sign will be posted on the midblock walkway stating it is open to the public. 5.A complete lot consolidation application for the three existing parcels shall be submitted and approved. Commissioner Jon Lee seconded the motion. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman, Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, Adrienne Bell, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passes unanimously. Swaner Preliminary Subdivision at approximately at 2691 North 2200 West - Colby Anderson, representing the developer Scannell Properties, is requesting preliminary subdivision approval for property at the above-stated address. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 20 lots. The subdivision would also include new right-of-way and associated infrastructure improvements through the property to provide access to the lots, including a north-south running roadway at approximately 2900 West and an east-west right of way at 2950 North. Additional right-of-way along 2200 West and 3200 West would be dedicated. The applicant is also requesting that the Planning Commission make a recommendation on the modification of a block size regulation. Subdividing property requires this preliminary subdivision plat process. The property is currently zoned Business Park (BP), which allows for a variety of light industrial and commercial uses. The property is approximately 430 acres and primarily vacant. The property is located in Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro-Eschler. (Staff contact: Daniel Echeverria at 801-535-7165 or daniel.echeverria@slcgov.com) Case number PLNSUB2021- 00740 Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 5 Chair Barry reviewed the Planning Commissions role in the Swaner proposal. Senior Planner Daniel Echeverria reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report. He stated that Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Subdivision request with the conditions listed in the staff report and that they recommend sending a positive recommendation for the block size modification to the Mayor. Chairperson Barry asked about the Master Plan update for the subject property and whether the future development would be subject to that. Staff clarified that the development would be subject to any zoning changes brought about by the Master Plan redesign. Commissioner Scheer asked where the traffic would be directed. Staff clarified that it would go up 2200 West. Commissioner Burrows asked whether there is any precedent for the Mayor making block size changes. Staff clarified that the Mayor has not yet approved modifications in the BP zone but has approved some in other areas recently. Dan Harrington, the Development Manager, stated that the Staff Report was well done and that they feel there is not a lot left to say. He introduced Colby Anderson as the civil engineer on the project. He shared a slide that shows the site between 2200 West and 3200 West. He stated that while all traffic will initially come from 2200 West, they want to get the bypass road done as quickly as possible so that the site will have another point of entry. He stated that it would be a multi-year build out, taking 7-10 years to complete. Chairperson Barry asked when the bypass road would be completed. The applicant stated he would like to see it done as close to the first two buildings as possible dependent on the process with the City. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. • Dan Thompson — resident at 2200 W 2600 N — Concerned about the traffic that will be imposed upon their property. He is also concerned about the size of the road only being 25-30 feet and construction traffic that will affect them. • Dave Tolman — Comment read into the record in support of the project. • Peter Anjuarrerden — neighboring property owner— Concerned about the wetlands and wildlife in the area and also concerned about whether biking in the neighborhood will be safe. Concerned about the lack of remaining open space. • Jack Ray — On behalf of Rudy Reclamation and North Point Reclamation — Concerned that development so close to the wetlands will negatively affect the area. Supports the developer's request for block size modification. • Denise Payne—resident at 2840 N 2200 W—Concerned that construction will destroy 2200 West. Feels the road is already dangerous and doesn't want to see added development. • Allison Musser— property owner on 2200 W—Supports the letter from the West Side Community Council. Concerned about additional traffic on 2200 W and would like to see the bypass road completed prior to the development of the subdivision. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 6 • Chris Souther — resident near the proposed development — concerned about 2200 West and construction traffic. Feels it is a liability and that the bypass road should be completed prior to development. • Nichole Solt — 2610 N 2200 W — in opposition to the petition. Concerned about the effect on wildlife and feels 2200 West is too small • Terry Marasco —worried about the intent of the developer versus what will actually happen. • Ella Mendoza — resident in the area — concerned about the speed and adding traffic on 2200 West. • Joel McAllister — owner at 2596 N 2200 W — says that they have looked at improving the street but that it takes money. • Email from Cindy Cromer— Concerned about the wildlife in the area • Email from Steven Keyser - in favor of the petition Seeing that no one else wished to speak, Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing. Applicant Patrick Marcotte stated that they do not have any reason to improve 3200 W. Responding to concerns about 2200 West he stated they are aware of the challenges, and they are proposing and funding a bypass road that will tie into 2100 North. He said it will take some time, so while there will be added traffic on 2200 W it will only be for a short time. Commissioner Burrows stated the at the block size modification will allow traffic to be limited on 2200 West. She also stated that the Commission cannot require the property owner to do something on land that they do not own, that they are not able to make a condition to build a road for the block size modification since they do not own that property. Commissioner Bell asked for a description of the improvements that will be made on 2200 West that are listed in the staff report. Staff clarified that 36 feet of additional asphalt will be added to the west side of the road. Commissioner Bell asked whether sidewalks would be added. Staff clarified that it would be on the west side. Commissioner Bell asked if the developer would be required to fix any damaged area of the roads. Staff stated that would be a requirement for them to complete repairs. Chairperson Barry asked if the Commission had any legal purview to address the timing. Staff clarified that there was no legal purview for the Commission to do that. She also wanted to know if the City required construction flagging since the road is quite narrow. Staff clarified that the Engineering Department has requirements for what that access point has to be, and flagging could be required. Commissioner Scheer stated that she does not have a problem with the block size modification. She stated that she did drive to the site and down 2200 West. She stated that she believed that North Point Community Council may be working on a Plan for that area but that they as a Commission are not able to hold up this proposal while the North Point Plan is being completed. She encouraged the public to participate in the plan to the extent possible. Commissioner Burrows asked who would be responsible for closing 3200 West. Planning Director Nick Norris clarified that the City could potentially close the street or vacate it but that it is ultimately a City Council's decision. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 7 Commissioner Scheer asked for clarification on whether the open space required for each lot could be consolidated and what kind of process would need to be gone through to accomplish that. Director Nick Norris clarified that a Planned Development could be done or that state code authorizes administrative development agreements if the proposal meets code. He stated that a change to code would be required for the BP zone in the future to allow for consolidation of open space without another process. Commissioner Scheer asked how much BP zone is left in the City. Director Nick Norris stated that he believed that there were 800 to 900 acres total in the City. Commissioner Scheer then asked whose decision it is to make changes to the canal in the open space. Staff clarified that it would be up to City through public utilities. He stated that they have had canals that have been diverted before. MOTION Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated, based on the analysis and findings listed in the staff report, information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission send a positive recommendation to the Mayor for the block size modification as requested as part of Preliminary Subdivision request PLNSUB2021-00740. Commissioner Adrienne Bell seconded the motion. Commissioners Aimee Burrows, Brenda Scheer, Maurine Bachman, Jon Lee, and Adrienne Bell all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Maurine Bachman stated, based on the analysis and findings listed in the staff report, information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission approve the Preliminary Subdivision request (PLNSUB2021-00740) for the Swaner Subdivision located at approximately 2691 N 2200 West, with the conditions listed in the staff report. Commissioner Brenda Scheer seconded the motion. Jon Lee, Aimee Burrows, Adrienne Bell, Brenda Scheer, and Maurine Bachman all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously. A five-minute break was taken. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 PM. Zoning Map Amendment at approximately 805 South 800 West - Jake Billitteri, representing the property owner, is requesting an amendment to the zoning map for the property at the above-stated address. The proposal would rezone the property from M-1 Light Manufacturing to R-MU-45 Residential Mixed Use Zoning District. The subject parcel is approximately .11 acres or 4,792 square feet. Future development plans were not submitted with this application. The property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff contact: Brooke Olson at 801-535-7118 or brooke.olson@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-01077 Associate Planner Brooke Olson reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that Staff recommends a positive recommendation to City Council. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 8 Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked for clarification on how many units would be allowed under zoning for R-MU-45. Brooke Olson clarified that R-MU-45 doesn't require a minimum for square footage and that it really depends on how the applicant lays out the parcel. Brenda Scheer asked for clarification on if each unit requires 2,500 square feet. Planning Manager John Anderson clarified that if it is rear loaded unit, it doesn't require lot size requirements. Brenda Scheer asked for clarification on a rear loading unit. John Anderson clarified that if you have a unit where the parking is located in the back of the property instead of on the street. Brenda Scheer asked why they chose R-MU-45 and not R-MU-35. Brooke Olson stated it was because the applicant requested R-MU-45. Jordan Atkin stated that after discussion with staff they believed R-MU-45 was more compatible. He stated that they decided on R-MU-45 over R-MU-35 because it helps to create a hierarchy as you get closer to the development potential that is likely to occur as you come off the freeway. He did state that they are open to switching to R-MU-35 instead of R-MU-45. Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated that she needs clarification regarding the setbacks and the development requirements of the R-MU-45 zone. Nick Norris stated that for R-MU-45 there is no minimum unit requirement for lot area and no minimum for existing lots. He stated that there is no minimum lot size for multi-family if it's an existing lot. He also stated that they rely on the bulk requirements of the zone and if someone is able to design something that fits and meets all the standards. Chairperson Amy Barry stated that she is concerned how this block ultimately redevelops, in that height seems more appropriate closer to the freeway in relationship to the R-MU zone that is on the corner of 9t" West. She also stated that she believes R-MU-45 is not the right zone for the portion of the block. Jordan Atkin stated that they would be willing to change to the R-MU-35 instead of the R-MU-45. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing. Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated that she would be more comfortable recommending a R-MU-35. Chairperson Amy Barry asked for clarification if they would be able to create a motion with the new zone of R-MU-35 since the applicant has already agreed to allowing R-MU-35. Planning Director Nick Norris stated that he would recommend the applicant provide a clear response to the Comm ission'sR-MU-35 rezone recommendation. Brenda Scheer asked if they should table the motion to allow the applicant to bring back a revised proposal. Nick Norris clarified that to table the motion would not be necessary but to clarify that the applicant is accepting of a motion of a different zone. Amy Barry asked the applicant if he is clear on what a development for a R-MU-35 zone would entail for this lot. Jordan Atkin stated that they are fully on board with R-MU-35 zoning. MOTION Commissioner Brenda Scheer stated, Based on the information in the staff report,the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 9 forward a positive recommendation to the City Council for a R-MU-35 zoning change that was on the parcel part of PLNPCM2021-01077. Commissioner Adrienne Bell seconded the motion. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman, Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, Adrienne Bell, and Aimee Burrows all voted "yes". The motion passes unanimously. R-2 Lot Coverage Zoning Text Amendment - Jim Bradley, the property owner at approximately 927 East 700 South, has submitted a petition to amend a section of the Zoning Ordinance related to building coverage limitations in the R2 Single and Two-Family Residential District. The subject regulation is found in Section 21A.24.11OF. The Zoning Ordinance currently limits the building coverage for single-family homes to 40% of the lot and the building coverage for duplexes to 45% of the lot. The proposed amendment would increase the allowable building coverage to 45% for single-family homes in the R2 district. (Staff Contact: Meagan Booth at 801-535-7213 or meagan.booth@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-01228 Planning Manager Wayne Mills, filling in for Principal Planner Meagan Booth, reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that Staff analyzed the applicant's proposal and took it a step further and analyzed allowing 45 percent building coverage for all single-family homes in the R-2 zoning district. He added that the proposal does not affect or impact the other zoning requirements. He stated that Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the request. Commissioner Scheer asked if the public input was sought on the second part of the proposal. Staff clarified that it had not been part of the initial notification. Chairperson Barry addressed that the Commission did receive one emailed public comment that mentioned the second part of the proposal. The applicant Jim Bradley stated that his home needs to be kept as it is but the limitations under the current zoning don't allow it to be. He stated that Wayne Mills did a good job and feels that expanding the request to all of the R-2 zones is very appropriate. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing. Chairperson Barry stated that the staff report was very direct and helpful and is in favor of the petition. Planning Manager Wayne Mills further explained the public notification process in regard to this specific petition saying that the notice language was kept open. He stated that the language for the notice advertised it as expanding the building coverage in the R-2 district so that people wouldn't assume that it only applied to 5,000 square foot lots. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 10 Chairperson Barry reminded the audience that the Commission is making a recommendation to City Council and there would be additional opportunity for public participation. Director Nick Norris opened up the open house language and read the proposal to the Commission, sharing that it does not differentiate the lot size. Commissioner Scheer stated that her concern was that it was properly noticed. MOTION Commissioner Adrienne Bell stated, Based on the staff report, the information presented, and input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission transmit a favorable recommendation to the City Council regarding petition PLNPCM2021-01228, an amendment to Section 21A.24.110F of the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance. The specific change to the text of the Zoning Ordinance is found on page 2 of the Planning Commission Staff Report. Commissioner Maurine Bachman, Aimee Burrows, Jon Lee, Adrienne Bell, Brenda Scheer all voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM. Salt Lake City Planning Commission March 23, 2022 Page 11