4/4/2022 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
Monday, April 4, 2022
1. Board Members Board Members Not Present
Brooke Young, Chair Elke Opsahl
Heidi Steed, Co-Chair
Jake Skog
Loree Hagen
Jenny Bonk
Jason Motley
Rich Nazzaro
Alyson Genovese
Staff Present
Kalli Ruiz, CAN Staff
Rachel Molinari, CAN Staff
Tammy Hunsaker, CAN Staff
Ben Luedtke, Council Staff
JP Goates, Public Services
2. Approval of the Minutes
Ms. Steed made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 14, 2022 meeting. Ms.
Hagen seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Ms. Genovese made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 21, 2022 meeting.
Ms. Bonk seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
3. Business
A. Welcome & Introductions
Ms. Young welcomed the CDCIP members and City staff and opened the meeting on April 4,
2022, at 5:31 pm. Individual introductions were offered by the Board and staff.
B. Discussion & Final Funding Recommendations
Mr. Luedtke provided an overview of the various CIP funding sources (General Fund"GF",
Class C, Streets Impact Fees, Parks Impact Fees, Funding Our Future "FOF" Street, FOF Other,
FOF Transit, Quarter Cent Gas Tax) to the Board.
Ms. Ruiz suggested that the Board begin its recommendations with the most restrictive funding
sources and work towards the most flexible sources. She said the available funding amounts have
not yet been finalized by the Finance Department but that the estimated amounts are similar to
the funding available last year.
Ms. Ruiz explained that the spreadsheet was sorted by the cumulative score given by the Board.
She said that staff was available to answer any questions the Board may have regarding the
spreadsheet. Ms. Ruiz also stated that she and Ms. Hunsaker could provide information on
whether an application referenced the ability to receive partial funding.
Parks Impact Fees:
After discussion on the Parks Impact Fee eligible projects, Ms. Genovese made the motion to
approve full funding for all projects with the exception of the Mountain Dell Disc Gold Course.
Mr. Nazzaro seconded the motion. All Board members were in favor and the motion passed.
Streets Impact Fees:
A discussion on the requests for Streets Impact Fees was completed. Ms. Young made a motion
to approve all requested Street Impact Fee projects in proportion to the total funding
recommended to a maximum of the requested amount. Ms. Genovese seconded the motion. All
Board members were in favor and the motion passed.
FOF Transit:
The Board members discussed the project requesting FOF Transit funding. Ms. Hagen made a
motion to approve full funding for the Transit Capital for Frequent Transit Routes/Operational
Investments project. Mr. Skog seconded the motion. All Board members were in favor and the
motion passed.
Class C Funds:
The Board identified the only project requesting Class C funding was Engineering's Street
Improvements 2022/2023 project. Ms. Genovese made a motion to fund the project for the full
requested amount up to the maximum available dollar. Ms. Hagen seconded the motion. All
Board members were in favor and the motion passed.
FOF Streets
Ms. Ruiz stated that there was $2.9M in requested FOF Streets funding of the $2.2M estimated
available funding and that the majority of the renewal projects were eligible for partial funding.
After discussing the projects eligible for FOF Streets funding and an equitable divisional split,
Ms. Hagen made a motion to fully fund Facilities' Steam Bay project, to recommend the full
$850,000 to Engineering's 700 South (Phase 7, 4600 West to 5000 West), and to recommend the
remaining three Engineering projects (Public Way Concrete 2022/2023, Alleyway Improvements
2022/2023, and Bridge Preservation 2022/2023)be funded in proportion to the final available
amounts. No funding for Transportation's Multimodal Capital Maintenance project was
recommended. Mr. Skog seconded the motion. Mr. Nazzaro opposed the motion stating that
funding the 700 South Phase 7 project would not make an immediate impact on the population
because the area is more industrialized, and funding other projects could benefit more people.
The majority of Board members were in favor and the motion passed.
'/4 Cent Gas Tax:
Ms. Ruiz stated that there was a total ask of roughly $12M and available funding was likely to be
closer to $5M.
Ms. Genovese expressed concern for safety if the bridge projects were left unfunded. Mr. Skog
asked if the bridge would be unusable if left to deteriorate further and Ms. Ruiz stated that the
City engineer had stated that the bridge would limit the specific vehicles such as buses that could
cross based on the bridge's rating.
The Board discussed if any of the projects requesting '/4 Cent Gas Tax funding were eligible for
partial funding. Mr. Nazzaro stated that 650 North was a major roadway and that it would be
very impactful if the bridge's rating were to drop.
Ms. Genovese asked if there was a chance the available funding would come in lower than what
was currently estimated. Ms. Ruiz said the chances of that happening were low. Mr. Luedtke
stated that the sales tax figures for the City are coming in above budget.
Ms. Genovese requested that constituents and internal divisions collaborate more in the future to
propose fully fledged proposals. Ms. Hunsaker stated that the department is working on policy
and procedures updates to make the CIP process less challenging.
Ms. Bonk made a motion to fund Engineering's Bridge Replacement (650 North over the Jordan
River) for the full requested amount and that the remaining funding go towards the 200 South
Reconstruction/Transit Corridor Supplement project to the full amount the budget allows. Mr.
Nazzaro seconded the motion. All Board members were in favor and the motion passed.
FOF Other
Ms. Ruiz stated there was approximately $5.6M in available funding with FOF Other and
General Fund combined. She noted that there was only one project requesting funding
specifically from the FOF Other source.
The Board discussed what projects could and could not be partially funded. Ms. Steed said that
many of the top ranked projects were disproportionally on the City's Westside and that the Board
might want to consider shifting funding for an equitable split.
Ms. Young stated that no Fire Department proposals had been considered for recommendation.
Ms. Genovese explained that she recalled in previous discussions that the Fire Department had
stated it would look into other funding sources outside of CIP for future years because other
municipalities use the Salt Lake City Fire facilities.
General Fund
Ms. Hagen stated the need to make equitable funding recommendations across all divisions. The
Board discussed what proposals could receive partial funding.
Ms. Ruiz provided the Board with the breakdown of the General Fund recommended percentages
by division as it currently stood.
Ms. Hunsaker explained the Facilities Asset Renewal Plan included a document ranking critical
need projects by priority and provided the necessary funding amount to complete each aspect in
its proposal. The Board discussed how it would like to recommend the remaining General Fund
Ms. Genovese noted that she recognized the Board is continually challenged by the Cemetery
Infrastructure Repairs project year after year.
Mr. Nazzaro stated a preference to recommend funding for the Tree Succession Design for
Liberty Park or Jordan River Tree Planting and Irrigation projects but that he sided with the
Board's preference on the Cemetery proposal.
General Fund &FOF Other:
Ms. Genovese made a motion recommending allocation of the General Fund and FOF Other
funding sources to fund the following projects:
• Constituent- 400 S Safety Improvements
• Transportation- 200 South Reconstruction/Transit Corridor Supplement
• Constituent- Three Creeks West - Roadways
• Transportation- 300 N Complete Street Reconstruction Supplement
• Parks &Public Lands-Asset Management Plan
• Parks & Public Lands-Urban Farm Development at 2200 West and Cannon Greens
Ms. Genovese continued that the remaining funding should be allocated to Facilities' Asset
Renewal Plan FY23 and that should there be additional funding over the amount of these
recommendations that those funds should be allocated to the Parks and Public Lands Cemetery
Master Plan Project Implementation proposal. Mr.Nazzaro seconded the motion. All Board
members were in favor and the motion passed.
C. Next Steps
Ms. Ruiz stated after the CIP team receives the final funding amounts and the recommendations
are adjusted accordingly, the team would provide the Board an updated spreadsheet with all final
recommended funding amounts. She added that a follow-up summary of the Council's final
approvals would be provided once those decisions were made.
Ms. Ruiz thanked the Board for their participation and applauded their efforts in making their
Ms. Young expressed her gratitude to the staff and Board.
4. Adiournment
There being no further business. Mr. Skog made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Hagen
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.
Heidi Steed(Mar 2,2023 21:07 MST)
CDCIP Board Chair
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the
CDCIP Board meeting held April 4, 2022.
Minutes 04.04.2022
Final Audit Report 2023-03-03
Created: 2023-02-28
By: Rachel Molinari(rachel.molinari@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAgk1yTZlnhg8DbwDHXdLhiAHY2_NpCSor
"Minutes 04.04.2022" History
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2023-02-28-4:38:11 PM GMT
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6o Document e-signed by Heidi Steed (heidisteed@gmail.com)
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