4/6/2022 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FROM THE MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 6, 2022 4:00 p.m. 1. Roll Call The following members were present: Brian Doughty, Chairperson Mojdeh Sakaki, Vice-Chairperson Nic Peterson, Member Rosa Bandeirinha, Member Mark Isaac, Member The following members were absent: Claudia O'Grady, Member Also Present: Cara Lindsley, Deputy Director Tracy Tran, Project Manager Lauren Parisi, Project Manager Kart Utley, Senior Project Manager Amanda Greenland, Communications and Outreach Manager Kathryn Hackman, Communications and Outreach Assistant Feline Lazalde, Office Facilitator Allison Parks, Senior City Attorney Kate Werrett, Project Manager Austin Taylor, Project Manager Robyn Stine, Office Manager 2. Briefing by the Staff Amanda Greenland gave RAC an update on the 650 South Main Trax Station and a general update that there are across the board cost increases for all RDA projects. She also introduced new RDA Project Managers, Kate Werrett and Austin Taylor, and announced the promotion of Cara Lindsley to Deputy Director. 3. Approval of the minutes of the January 5, 2022 and February 2, 2022 meetings Mr. Isaac made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 5, 2022 and February 2, 2022 meetings. Ms. Sakaki seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed unanimously. 4. Business A. Housing Development Loan Program— Emergency Gap Financing Criteria—Tracy Tran and Lauren Parisi, RDA Project Managers Ms. Tran said at the February RAC meeting, RAC recommended the Board adopt the HDLP—Emergency Gap Financing Criteria with the following considerations: 1) Re-evaluate criteria such that the 6-month window is shortened to a much shorter timeframe that represents a truly ready-to-close timeframe (90 days at most) 2) Re-evaluate approval process to allow for very quick action, very quick approval process, maybe contingent approval first and then finance committee approval (remove Board approval?) 3) Consider a matching fund component from developer to the emergency fund Ms. Tran said that based on the discussion and desire for the Board to provide final approval, RDA staff recommended to not amend the HDLP to include emergency standards, but only amend the language that would direct application reviews to the RDA Finance Committee. To avoid non-emergency requests, staff also suggested adding the requirement that projects must close within 90 days as a condition of approval. This can be done administratively and does not require amending the HDLP standards. Discussion: None B. Housing Strategies—Lauren Parisi and Tracy Tran, RDA Project Managers Lauren Parisi provided RAC with an update to the fiscal year 22/23 Annual Housing Development Funding Strategy. Ms. Parisi said the RDA FY 2022-23 Proposed Funding Priorities include the following: Affordable Homeownership Family Housing Deeply Affordable Housing Missing Middle Housing Ms. Parisi said RDA staff proposed allocating funding to the following programs and tactics as part of the RDA's FY 2022-23 budget. Housing Priority Housing Activities 1) Affordable Homeownership • Shared Equity Model • Land Acquisition 2) Family Housing • Shared Equity Model • Land Acquisition • Housing Development Loan Program 3) Deeply Affordable Housing • Housing Development Loan Program 4) Missing Middle Housing • Land Acquisition Discussion: • Mr. Peterson asked about inventory versus demand. • Mr. Doughty asked if RDA has inventory for land acquisition. Staff sent Property Report to RAC post meeting. • Mr. Doughty asked if funds for ADU's for FY 21/22 used. Ms. Parisi said no, but staff is currently working to create an ADU program to that this funding will go towards. • Ms. Sakaki asked about sustainability with affordability and Ms. Parisi stated that sustainability is included in almost all RDA projects per the recently adopted sustainable development policy • Ms. Sakaki asked about the possibility of funding for tiny homes. Ms. Parisi said staff would investigate this option. Ms. Parisi requested a recommendation of the Housing Priorities for FY 2022-23 from the Committee to the Board. Mr. Isaac made a motion to recommend the Board adopt the RDA Housing Priorities for FY 2022-23. Mr. Peterson seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed unanimously. 5. Adjournment There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Brian Doughty, Chairperson This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Redevelopment Advisory Committee held April 6, 2022.