4/7/2022 - Meeting Minutes (2) PARKS,NATURAL LANDS, URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,April 7,2022 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Join Via Webex: https://sa ltla kecity.webex.com/saltl akecity/j.php?MTID=m8b71228a7 cf5 c94 e88 e2 7d8975 a11cd5 Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room Join by phone 1-408-418-9388 Access code:2486 5551907 Minutes (Approved) 1-Convening the Meeting 5:00PM Call to Order - Polly Hart - Brianna Binnebose - Samantha Finch - Jenny Hewson - Melanie Pehrson - Phil Carroll - Ginger Cannon - Clayton Scrivner Chair Comments Polly Hart solicited questions from the board regarding the April board packet. Ginger Cannon asked about the quote for sod at the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Ms. Cannon stated that the quote seemed to be abnormally high and asked if there was a way for Public Lands to decrease the cost. Lee Bollwinkel responded that included in the cost for sod is the cost for needed soil and labor,which results in the higher number listed in the packet. Ms. Hart asked a question relating to the results of Salt Lake City's 2021 Resident Survey. Ms. Hart asked if the data reporting 54%of respondents strongly agreeing with the statement"my neighborhood has access to parks and public lands" had been broken down by the respondent's location. Having access to information about the respondent's location can identify access inequities in the City. Kristin Riker responded that she would inquire if this information were available. Ms. Hart also asked if the department's Yappy Hour event would be happening this summer?Luke Allen responded that Yappy Hour will be happening. Ms.Cannon commented that she appreciated that Public Lands new hires were highlighted in the board packet. Jenny Hewson informed the board that one of the constituents providing a public comment at the March meeting also spoke at the Greater Avenues Community Council meeting and reiterated their concerns about the Foothills and I-Street Bike Park.The constituent has brought their concerns to a range of different entities and is feeling frustrated. Phil Carroll also informed the board that he has talked with this constituent and has reassured him that Public Lands is working on solving his concerns. Ms. Riker mentioned that she had met with LDS church representatives to discuss parking options at the I-Street Bike Park. Tyler Fona row shared that he and the constituent have been talking a couple days a week and have a meeting scheduled at I-Street with some veteran builders. Mr. Fona row and the constituent have also discussed traffic,speeding,trails population and bike park issues.The constituent understands the challenges presented but feels responsibility to keep voicing their opinion until Public Lands can make progress.The constituent is supportive of the actions Public Lands is currently to king and understands the department is doing its best to solve the issues at hand. 2—Approval of Minutes 5:03PM Approve March 3, 2022 Meeting Minutes Samantha Finch motioned to approve the March meeting minutes. Ms. Hewson seconded the motion. the minutes were unanimously approved by the PNUT Board. 3—Public Comment Period 5:05PM Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes;15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. Dru Whitlock Dru Whitlock, head coach of the West High School mountain bike team,shared that his team will be frequently practicing in the Foothills through the spring,summer and fall. As a requirement from the National Interscholastic Cycling Association and the Utah league, mountain bike teams are required to complete trail maintenance.The West High School mountain bike team would love to help Public Lands staff with trail maintenance and provide support to the department. Mr.Whitlock and his team are very happy with the phase 1 development of the Foothills trails.They are strongly advocating for further development of trails to a more highly managed system so their team can safely ride in the Foothills area. Jeff Rocco Jeff Rocco,a ride leader and coach for the West High mountain bike team, shared that the phase 1 of the Foothills trails has been a huge improvement for all user groups.As the City continues to grow,the use of trails will increase. Mr. Rocco appreciates all efforts to improve access totrails and distribute a large amount of people over a greater area to mitigate conflict between user groups like hikers and bikers. West High has over 50 riders on their team and is looking to fulfill a minimum of 150 — 200 volunteer hours. Mountain biking is the largest high school sport in the state and has a focus on stewardship and riding in a safe and beneficial manner. Mr. Fonarow will coordinate with Mr.Whitlock and Mr. Rocco.Volunteer opportunities in the Foothills are contingent on a meeting with City Council on April 19th. 4—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:20PM Tree Donation (Action Item) 5 mins Public Lands received a potential tree donation from Deb Sawyer.The donation is comprised of two Bristle Cone Pine 2" caliper trees.The trees will be planted on the west side of City Creek just above Memory Grove near the Freedom Trail. Urban Forestry has approved the location of these trees and Luke Allen will provide the board with a map indicating the planting location.The total value of the donation is estimated between$500-$700. This is the third year that Deb Sawyer has contributed a similar donation. Ms.Sawyer is also committed to taking care of the watering of these trees.After review, Public Lands sees no reason to decline this donation. Ms.Cannon asked if the constituent receives any acknowledgement from the City for this donation. Mr.Allen responded that they receive a written donation agreement document which is a legal document between the City and the donor that can be used for tax purposes. Ms. Hart and Ms. Riker stated that they can draft a thank you letter to the donor. Ms. Riker also stated that the Utah Recreational Parks Association has opportunities to recognize volunteers that could be utilized. Ms. Finch asked if the donated trees are in memory of people or if they are just being donated to enhance the space?Mr.Allen responded that these trees are being donated to enhance the space are not in memory of anyone. Ms.Cannon asked if every donation Public Lands receives must be advised by the PNUT Board or is there a monetary threshold that requires the board's input? Ms. Riker responded that it is up to the board. If the board would like to set a monetary threshold they may. Setting a monetarythreshold would also allow Public Lands to expedite the donation process. Ms. Hart commented that we could add a monetary threshold for donation advising to the board's bylaws. Mr.Carroll motioned to approve the donation. Ms. Binnebose seconded the motion. The PNUT board voted unanimously to approve the donation. 5—Board Discussion and Action Items 5:25PM Board Discussion and Potential Approval of Recommended Bylaws Updates(Action 60 mins Item) The bylaws subcommittee has worked to update the board's bylaws.After working with Public Lands staffand the City attorneys to develop a revised set of bylaws,the subcommittee shared the revised set with the Board for feedback and approval. Agendas The Agenda section notes that each meeting's agenda will be prepared by the Board Chair and Public Lands board liaison.The agenda will be given out 7 days prior to the board meeting to abide by the Public Meetings Act. The board will be amending the section of the bylaws regarding public comment to illustrate that one's public comment may be discussed at the end of the meeting if time allows or if there is board interest in discussion. Minutes The Minutes section memorializes the way meeting minutes have been conducted currently with the current process and timeline highlighted. Board Member Responsibilities The Board Member Responsibilities section notes the expectation that the Board will review agendas and board packets before meetings and be respectful of constituents, staffand fellow board members.The Board serves in an advisory capacity,where their purpose is to advise the Public Lands department, not make decisions. The Board Chair will be held accountable in ensuring balanced representation and allowing all board members to contribute. When speaking with the media, Board members have the right to speak with the media and express their opinions but must state that they are expressing their personal views and do not speakfor the majority of the PNUT Board. In cases where the views of the PNUT Board are being expressed to media,the Chair will represent the board. Board members are required to give notice of absences to the Board Chair prior to meetings that they are not attending.Two unexcused absences will result in removal from the PNUT Board. The PNUT Board will require that all board members join a subcommittee. Public Involvement The Public Involvement section states that the Chair has the power to remove persons from the meeting who are disruptive or engaging in disorderly conduct. The PNUT Board discussed announcing a code of conduct statement at the start of meetings.The board also discussed creating a log of public comments and responses that can be listed on the Public Lands website. Mr.Allen will provide binders to board members who have yet to receive one. The board motioned to approve the bylaws with an amendment to the section outlining public comment and the addition of a code of conduct. Ms. Hewson motioned to approve the bylaws with the implementation of the two amendments. Ms. Finch seconded the motion. The PNUT Board passed the motion approving the bylaws. 6—Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments&Future Agenda Items 6:25PM Board Subcommittee updates as needed • Trails Subcommittee A recurring trails subcommittee meeting will take place every third Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm. Ms. Hewson will be joining the trails subcommittee. • Communication Subcommittee Ms. Binnebose has sent out a meeting request and agenda to the members of the communication subcommittee. Board Comment and Question Period Ms. Riker announced that Public Lands has three recommendations for new PNUT Board members.All three of the recommended board members live in west side neighborhoods and are from the BIPOC community. Public Lands is excited the have more diverse and more west side representation on the PNUT Board. Public Lands is also excited to employ DEI training and two speaker events for staff members. Ms. Riker invited the PNUT board to join in on the DEI trainings. Next Meeting: May 5, 2022 Request for Future Agenda Item Ms.Cannon recommended that the Board places an updates section in the agenda where staff and board members can give quick updates such as introductions. The following future agenda item requests were put forth by the board. - Discussion of a foundations subcommittee - Removal of the bylaws committee - Introduction of new board members - New signage at Poplar Grove Park and 9 other selected parks - Update on the Glendale Water Park - Trailheads and associated issues - Park Ranger Program update - Budget Initiative updates Upcoming Involvement Opportunities 7—Adjourn 6:40PM Ms. Finch motioned to adjourn the April PNUT Board meeting. Ms.Cannon seconded the motion. The board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.