4/13/2022 - Meeting Agenda SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING DIVISION PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDED MEETING AGENDA April 13, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (The order of the items may change at the Commission's discretion) This meeting will be held in person at the City & County Building. If you are interested in watching the Planning Commission meeting, it will be available on the following platforms: • YouTube: www.Voutube.com/slclivemeetings • SLCty Channel 17 Live: www.slctv.com/livestream/SLCty-Live/2 If you are unable to attend in person but would like to submit comments regarding an item on the agenda, please email your comments to the staff contact listed for each item or provide general comments to planning.comments@slcgov.com. DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 p.m. in Room 326 of the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission. 1. TRAINING - The Commission will receive training on city planning related topics. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:30 PM IN ROOM 326 REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR - Discussion of the Block 67 Sign Package CONSENT AGENDA 1. Red Rock Brewery Brewhouse Conditional Use and Conditional Building and Site Design Review Time Extension Request at approximately 426 West 400 North - MJSA Architects representing 200 West Holding, LC the property owner, is requesting that the Planning Commission grant a six-month time extension on the Conditional Use and Conditional Building and Site Design (CBSDR) approvals for a brewery at the above listed address. The Commission originally granted Conditional Use and CBSDR approval for this project on April 24, 2019. A one-year extension to the Conditional Use approval was granted on April 22, 2020 and an additional one-year extension was granted for both approvals on April 14, 2021. The project is located in the TSA-UC-T (Transit Station Area Urban Center Transition) zoning district within Council District 3, represented by Chris Warton. (Staff contact: David J. Gellner at (801-535-6107 or david.gellner(0-).slcgov.com). Case numbers PLNPCM2018-01008 and PLNPCM2019-00255 2. Conditional Use for the Rose Park Buddhist Temple at approximately 1185 W 1000 N - The Rose Park Buddhist Temple is requesting another one-year time extension approval for the Conditional Use approval for a renovated 2-story place of worship located at above-stated address in the R-1/7,000 Single Family zoning district. The applicant has indicated that additional time is needed due to delays related to COVID-19 impacts on staff and fundraising. The Conditional Use was approved by the Planning Commission on April 8, 2020. The property is located within Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro-Eschler. (Staff Contact: Kelsey Lindquist at 385-226-7227 or kelsey.lindguist(a-)_slcgov.com). Case number PLNPCM2020-00078 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR MARCH 23, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Sawtooth TAG Master Plan and Zoning Amendment at approximately 16 South 800 West - Salt Lake City has received a request from TAG SLC, owner under contract, requesting a master plan and a zoning map amendment to allow the development of a mixed-use building, the Sawtooth TAG, located at above-stated address. The proposed master plan and zoning amendment are subject to the following applications: a. Zoning Map Amendment—additional height is needed from what is allowed in the current zoning district, Urban Neighborhood Station - Transition (TSA-UN-T), with a maximum height of 50 feet. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning to Urban Neighborhood Station - Core (TSA-UN-C) which would allow a maximum height of 75 feet. Case number PLNPCM2021-01202 b. Master Plan Amendment -the Future Land Use Map of the North Temple Boulevard Plan shows the subject property as Transition. To allow for the zoning map to be changed, the master plan will need to show the parcel to be in the Core area. Case number PLNPCM2021-01242 The project is located within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy (Staff contact: Katia Pace at (801) 535-6354 or katia.pace(D_slcgov.com). For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division's website at slc.goy/planning1public- meeting s. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.