4/13/2022 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, April 13, 2022 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 pm. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For complete commentary and presentation of the meeting, please visit https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson Amy Barry, Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman, Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, Aimee Burrows, Andra Ghent, Andres Paredes, Rich Tuttle, and Mike Christensen. Planning Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Manager Casey Stewart, Planning Manager Wayne Mills, Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson, Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist, Principal Planner Katia Pace, Senior Planner David Gellner, Administrative Assistant David Schupick, and Administrative Assistant Aubrey Clark. TRAINING — Beginning at 5:00 PM the Planning Commission received training from Michaela Oktay, on the process of petitions being brought to the Planning Commission. REPORT OF THE CHAIR & VICE-CHAIR Chairperson Amy Barry stated that she has nothing to report. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman that she has nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Manager Casey Stewart stated that he had an update on the Block 67 development that came to the Planning Commission back in 2017. He stated that they have revised all their signs to comply with zoning ordinances so they will not be coming back to the Planning Commission for approval of their sign package. He also introduced the newest Planning Commissioner, Rich Tuttle. CONSENT AGENDA Red Rock Brewery Brewhouse Conditional Use and Conditional Building and Site Design Review Time Extension Request at approximately 426 West 400 North - MJSA Architects representing 200 West Holding, LC the property owner, is requesting that the Planning Commission grant a six-month time extension on the Conditional Use and Conditional Building and Site Design (CBSDR) approvals for a brewery at the above listed address. The Commission originally granted Conditional Use and CBSDR approval for this project on April 24, 2019. A one-year extension to the Conditional Use approval was granted on April 22, 2020 and an additional one-year extension was granted for both approvals on April 14, 2021. The project is located in the TSA-UC-T (Transit Station Area Urban Center Transition) zoning district within Council District 3, represented by Chris Warton. (Staff contact: David J. Gellner at (801-535- 6107 or david.gellner(a_)slcgov.com). Case numbers PLNPCM2018-01008 and PLNPCM2019-00255 Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 13, 2022 Page 1 Conditional Use for the Rose Park Buddhist Temple at approximately 1185 W 1000 N - The Rose Park Buddhist Temple is requesting another one-year time extension approval for the Conditional Use approval for a renovated 2-story place of worship located at above-stated address in the R-1/7,000 Single Family zoning district. The applicant has indicated that additional time is needed due to delays related to COVID-19 impacts on staff and fundraising. The Conditional Use was approved by the Planning Commission on April 8, 2020. The property is located within Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro-Eschler. (Staff Contact: Kelsey Lindquist at 385-226-7227 or kelsey.lindguist(a),slcgov.com). Case number PLNPCM2020-00078 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR MARCH 23, 2022 Commissioner Mike Christensen stated that he is in favor of the time extensions but was not in attendance for the previous meeting and doesn't wish to vote to approve the minutes due to his absence. Chairperson Amy Barry stated that if they didn't have a full quorum, she would remove the minutes from the consent agenda but since they do have a full quorum he would have to abstain. Commissioner Brenda Scheer motioned to approve the consent agenda. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Aimee Burrows, Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, Rich Tuttle, and Maurine Bachman all voted "yes". Commissioners Andra Ghent, Andres Paredes, and Mike Christensen all abstained. The motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Sawtooth TAG Master Plan and Zoning Amendment at approximately 16 South 800 West - Salt Lake City has received a request from TAG SLC, owner under contract, requesting a master plan and a zoning map amendment to allow the development of a mixed-use building, the Sawtooth TAG, located at above-stated address. The proposed master plan and zoning amendment are subject to the following applications: a. Zoning Map Amendment—additional height is needed from what is allowed in the current zoning district, Urban Neighborhood Station - Transition (TSA-UN-T), with a maximum height of 50 feet. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning to Urban Neighborhood Station - Core (TSA-UN-C)which would allow a maximum height of 75 feet. Case number PLNPCM2021-01202 b. Master Plan Amendment - the Future Land Use Map of the North Temple Boulevard Plan shows the subject property as Transition. To allow for the zoning map to be changed, the master plan will need to show the parcel to be in the Core area. Case number PLNPCM2021-01242 The project is located within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy (Staff contact: Katia Pace at (801) 535-6354 or katia.pace(aslcgov.com). Principal Planner Katia Pace reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on if there was another way the applicant could get additional height through a way such as a design review or another process to ensure units are larger or parking is provided. Katia Pace stated that the parking is up to the applicant, and they are proposing additional parking then what is required. She also stated that there is a design review that could provide additional height. Planning Manager Wayne Mills clarified that it is a planned development process that could achieve a small amount of more height in some of these districts. Aimee Burrows stated that she read that the applicant wanted to change zoning so they could build a taller building to have three- bedroom units and provide more parking. She asked for clarification if there was a way to achieve these Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 13, 2022 Page 2 goals within the current zoning, since the public comments, with the Community Councils' comments, sounded like that's what they wanted as well for this project. Wayne Mills stated that through the plan development process they could ask for an additional five feet of height, but they will be bound by what the code allows, and within this zone there isn't much flexibility beyond that. Katia Pace stated that the City Council could ask for a development agreement so that the items the applicant is proposing are implemented. However, at the Planning Commission level they can only use the standards for the zoning ordinance. Commissioner Andra Ghent stated that it seems like the application fits within the goals of the master plan and is increasing density particularly around this expensive piece of infrastructure that is already in place. She asked for clarification on the economics behind why staff is recommending denial. Katia Pace stated that the recommendation was based on what the master plan proposes and the boundary in the master plan was agreed by the City Council in 2010. She also stated that the recommendation does not take economic situation much in consideration. Casey Stewart stated that when the core, stable, and transition areas are established within the master plan, it was anticipated that the core area would contain extra density while the transition area would serve as a buffer. He stated that this application is within the transition area of the master plan, and that the buffer is crucial in allowing the transition from the core area down to the stable neighborhoods. He stated that allowing extra density in the transition area would go against the intent which is why the recommendation is to hold what was adopted in 2010 for that area. Jordan Atkin and Jake Billitteri provided a formal presentation on how this development fits within the area while not displacing any business or person. Commissioner Brenda Scheer asked for clarification on if they were willing to do a development agreement, what their unit blend would be. Jake Billitteri stated about a quarter of their units would be three-bedroom. Brenda Scheer asked for the size of the site. Jordan Atkin stated it is about 36,000 square-feet. Brenda Scheer stated that she visited the site, and it feels much bigger than that. Jake Billitteri stated that it kind of runs together with the trail in a way that makes it feel bigger. Brenda Scheer stated that the trail itself is not very wide but there is a very wide right-of-way for the trail. She asked for clarification on if the applicants property comes right up next to the right-of-way. Jordan Atkin stated that that is correct, and they understand that to be a 90-foot public easement. He also stated that the second level of parking gets the first level of residential units above the rail, which would give the residents of the first residential level a view that is not obstructed by trains. Brenda Scheer asked if the applicant is anticipating retail on the ground floor. Jordan Atkin stated that they are actively working with community members to try to secure retail tenants for it. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Amy Barry opened the public hearing. Nigel Swaby, Chair of the Fairpark Community Council but speaking independently, stated he is in favor of the project. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, Chairperson Amy Barry closed the public hearing. Commissioner Andra Ghent stated that she likes the idea of adding density to an area that doesn't have neighborhood opposition. She asked planning staff for clarification on what a stable neighborhood is. Casey Stewart stated that a stable neighborhood is one that there is not anticipation to be much change, typically residential areas. He stated that on page 52 of the North Temple Boulevard master plan, it talks about the 800 West stable area zoning regulations should be aimed at maintaining the existing development characteristics while allowing appropriately scaled residential infill development minor changes happen within the existing development pattern and are consistent with the overall scale of the Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 13, 2022 Page 3 surrounding structures. Amy Barry stated that it could be beneficial to look at the existing light manufacturing and if now, 12 years later, it is something we still want to see as stable there or if we feel like the vision is different than light manufacturing. Aimee Burrows asked for clarification on what the current zoning is and what is South from 100 South. She also asked if there are residences on the South end of the block the property is located as well as residences to the South of 1 st South. Katia Pace stated that that is correct, there are residences located in both those locations and the farther South you get it's more a single-family residential area. She also stated that it is zoned TSA-UN-T which has the possibility of going to 50 feet high. Commissioner Jon Lee stated most of the area is grassy fields and old industrial areas that have things just stacked around. He stated this is an opportunity to make the trail a safer place to navigate. He also stated it allows two means of transportation with bicycling or walking to a transit stop. He mentioned that this project would help with adding density and stated that Salt Lake City is in a huge transition period that doesn't seem to fit with a master plan that is 12 years old. Brenda Scheer asked for clarification on where the property line is of the property. Jordan Atkin stated that he could not definitively answer that question. Brenda Scheer stated if there is a setback, she would like to see it retained. Jordan Atkin stated he would send Brenda Scheer the survey since he is not sure off the top of his head. Andres Paredes asked if staff heard back from neighbors in the area or the local Community Council. Katia Pace stated that the Poplar Grove Community Council and Fairpark Community Council had issues with parking and unit blend but no objections to the project. Jon Lee stated that he is concerned that the trail could become more of an alley to the building. He also stated that a development agreement might make the most sense for such a unique site. MOTION Commissioner Jon Lee stated, Based on the information in the staff report, the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission forward a positive recommendation to the City Council to approve PLNPCM2021-01242 and PLNPCM2021-01202 with the recommendation of a development agreement stipulating what conditions happen around the perimeter of the site concerning the trail, the adjacent roads, the railway, and that the unit configurations are at least twenty-five percent two to three bedroom units. There was discussion to amend the motion regarding parking, however no amendments were made into the final motion. Commissioner Mike Christensen seconded the motion. Commissioners Adrienne Bell, Aimee Burrows, Mike Christensen, Andra Ghent, Jon Lee, Andres Paredes, Brenda Scheer, Rich Tuttle, and Maurine Bachman voted "yes". The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 13, 2022 Page 4